---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CSN 2004 - Deadline Reminder
Date: Thursday 29 April 2004 02:08
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)iasted.org>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
IASTED International Newsletter on Telecommunication
April 28, 2004
The IASTED International Conference on
Communication Systems and Networks - CSN 2004
September 1-3, 2004, Marbella, Spain
Prof. C.E. Palau Salvador - Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
"Error Correction Coding for Optical Fiber Communications"
organized by Dr. Mohammad M. Banat - Jordan University of Science and
Technology, Jordan
Important Deadlines:
***Submissions due: May 15, 2004***
Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2004
Registration and full payment: July 15, 2004
For more information visit
2nd IASTED International Conference on Communications and Computer Networks -
CCN 2004 MIT Cambridge, USA
November 8 - 11, 2004
Important Deadlines:
Submissions due: June 15, 2004
Notification of acceptance: Aug 01, 2004
Registration and full payment: Sept 15, 2004
For more information visit
Forward this information to your University library in order to stay up to
date! Past conference proceedings in the area of telecommunication are
available for purchase from ACTA Press -
For more information or to join one of the following mail groups: Power,
Control, Modelling and Simulation, Bio-Medicine, Signal and Image
Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Business, Software Engineering,
Education, Databases and Knowledge Engineering, Internet and Applications,
Parallel and Distributed Computing, please contact: IASTED
#80, 4500 - 16th Avenue N.W.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T3B 0M6
Tel: 403-288-1195
Fax: 403-247-6851
E-mail: calgary(a)iasted.org
Web site: http://www.iasted.org
To unsubscribe from the email list, please visit the following link and click
on the Unsubscribe button:
Or email to unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account
(gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at) and copy and paste the following lines into
the body of the email:
Telecommunication Newsletter
Unsubscribe gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
Hidden message
by 200203120906.g2C96rc13932@mohegan.wu-wien.ac.at
28 Apr '04
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: AISC 2004 - electronic submission open
Date: Wednesday 21 April 2004 11:09
From: AISC 2004 <aisc2004(a)risc.uni-linz.ac.at>
To: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
[we apologize for multiple copies]
7th International Conference on
September 22-24, 2004,
RISC (Research Institute for Symbolic Computation),
Castle of Hagenberg, Austria
Conference Chairman: Bruno Buchberger
Program Committee Chairman: John Campbell
The electronic paper submission site is now open. Please note the
extension of the submission deadline.
Important dates:
May 8 : Submission of papers
Jun 20 : Notification of acceptance/rejection
Jul 31 : Submission of final camera-ready version
for all details see:
Best regards,
Bruno Buchberger.
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IASTED Newsletter on Software Engineering - Jan. 2004
Date: Wednesday 28 January 2004 02:00
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)iasted.org>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
IASTED International Newsletter on Software Engineering
January 27, 2004
The 8th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and
Applications - SEA 2004 November 8-11, 2004
MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
Important Deadlines
Submissions Due: June 15, 2004
Notification of Acceptance: August 1, 2004
Registration Deadline: September 15, 2004
To submit a paper, tutorial or special session visit our website at
To view the call for papers, scope of this conference and the International
Program Committee visit our website at
The IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering - SE 2004 as part
of the 22nd IASTED International Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics
will be held February 17-19, 2004 in Innsbruck, Austria. While the deadline
for submission of papers has passed, attendees are welcome to register.
Past conference proceedings in the area of Software Engineering are available
for purchase from ACTA Press -
International Journal of Computers and Applications -
First published in 1979, this journal covers all aspects of contemporary
computers and their applications including technology, hardware and software
systems, networking and communications, multimedia systems and the Internet
as well as microcomputer applications such as engineering, science,
business, management, robotics, medicine, manufacturing and the humanities.
It also includes book reviews, conference notices, call for papers and new
publications. Indexed by Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Compendex
(Engineering Information), Emerald Abstracts and INSPEC.
Co-Editor-in-Chiefs: Dr. L. Monticone and Dr. J. Wu
Frequency: 4 issues per year
2004 Rate: US$310.00
Postage & Handling: US$25.00
ISSN: 1206-212X (202)
Being a member pays! Some of the benefits of membership include reduced
rates for IASTED conferences and a complimentary subscription to an ACTA
Press journal. Join or renew your membership today!
For more information or to join one of the following mail groups: Power,
Telecommunication, Control, Modelling and Simulation, Bio-Medicine, Signal
and Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Business, Education,
Databases and Knowledge Engineering, Internet and Applications, Parallel and
Distributed Computing, please contact: IASTED
#80, 4500 - 16th Avenue N.W.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T3B 0M6
Tel: 403-288-1195
Fax: 403-247-6851
E-mail: calgary(a)iasted.org
Web site: http://www.iasted.org
To unsubscribe from the email list, please visit the following link and click
on the Unsubscribe button:
Or email to unsubscribe(a)iasted.org, from your email account
(gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at) and copy and paste the following lines into
the body of the email:
Software Engineering Newsletter
Unsubscribe gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS --- Net.ObjectDays 2004 - September 27-30, 2004 - Erfurt
Date: Tuesday 13 April 2004 18:10
From: "Net.ObjectDays 2004" <kongress(a)netobjectdays.org>
To: v-cfp-em(a)transit-online.de
Second Call for Papers
Net.ObjectDays 2004
5th Annual International Conference on Object-Oriented and Internet-
based Technologies, Concepts, and Applications for a Networked World
Erfurt, Germany, September 27-30, 2004
Conference Web Site: www.netobjectdays.org
Online Paper submission now open, direct link:
Important Dates
Submission of Papers: April 23, 2004
Notification: May 28, 2004
Final Version Due: June 25, 2004
Conference: September 27-30, 2004
Net.ObjectDays is one of the major international conferences on
object-oriented and internet-based technologies, concepts, and
applications. Based on a strong research and innovation focus,
Net.ObjectDays has a tradition in bringing together leading
researchers from academia and industry on the one hand and
system architects, developers, and users from industry and
administration on the other hand.
Constantly evolving and increasingly powerful information and
communication technologies have substantially changed the nature of
global relationships, sources of competitive advantage, and
opportunities for economic and social development. The Internet, and
associated communication technologies have turned the globe into an
interconnected network of individuals, firms, organizations, and
governments, communicating and interacting with each other through a
variety of channels.
These developments pose increasingly complex challenges to the
computer science community in general and the software community in
particular. One of the most important aspects is characterized by
buzzwords like on-demand computing or adaptable computing. The basic
idea is to assemble, configure and compose software at runtime to
provide individual solutions to solve one-of-a-kind issues in an
adequate, reliable and cost-effective way.
Given this background, the focus of Net.ObjectDays 2004 is on methods,
concepts, languages, and tools for efficient, reliable and adaptive
composition of software artefacts to provide value-added services,
i.e., to provide the scientific and technological basis for making
on-demand computing a reality.
Recent developments in different areas contribute to this
technological basis, for instance web services, service composition
and grid computing, but also in software generation, domain engineering
and related approaches. Along this line, the topics of the conference
include but are not limited to:
- Software Methodologies for service composition
- Semantic Web Services
- Ontological Engineering
- Grid Services infrastructure
- Functional and non-functional properties
- Service Registry design
- Standardization issues
- Framework technologies and platform developments
- Software Reusability
- Domain Engineering and Software Product Lines
- Object-oriented technologies and concepts
- Architecture-centric development
- Component-based approaches
- Agile Processes and Agile Modeling
- Generic Programming
- Model Driven Architecture
- Software Patterns and Frameworks
- Software Quality and Testing
- Aspect-Oriented Software Development
- Generative Programming
- Component Market Places
- Middleware, especially EJB, CORBA, Web Services, .NET, Jini
We invite submissions in the following categories:
- Research papers
- Case studies from industry
Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged; please upload a
self-contained PostScript file or PDF file via the Netobjectdays web
site (www.netobjectdays.org, follow the Authors link); you may also
use the direct link
Papers must be original contributions that have not been published
previously, nor already submitted to other conferences in parallel
with this conference. The length of the paper cannot exceed 16 pages,
and the paper should be in such a form that it can be immediately
included in the proceedings without major revision. The layout has to
match the formatting instructions of Springer LNCS that can be found at
www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. Papers that do not match these
formatting instructions will not be considered. Papers must be in
English. Submissions received too late and submissions sent by fax
will not be considered. We plan to publish the conference proceedings
in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
The title page must contain a short abstract and a classification of
the topics covered, preferably based on the topics above. Please
also specify the paper category. The paper must clearly state the
problem being addressed, the goal of the work, the results achieved,
and the relation to other work. It must be self contained.
Program Committee
Witold Abramowicz, PUE, Poland
Budak Arpinar, U Georgia at Athens, USA
Mehmet Aksit, U Twente, The Netherlands
Colin Atkinson, U Mannheim, Germany
Ken Barker, U Calgary, Canada
Boualem Benatallah, UNSW, Australia
Lodewijk Bergmans, U Twente, The Netherlands
Frank Bomarius, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
Alejandro Buchmann, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Fabio Casati, HP Labs, USA
Pat Croke, HP, Ireland
Jos de Bruijn, U Innsbruck, Austria
Andreas Dengel, DFKI, Germany
Schahram Dustar, TU Wien, Austria
Bernd Freisleben, U Marburg, Germany
Kurt Geihs, TU Berlin, Germany
Reinhard Gotzhein, U Kaiserslautern, Germany
Volker Gruhn, U Leipzig, Germany
Heinrich Hußmann, TU München, Germany
Mario Jeckle, FH Furtwangen, Germany
Gerti Kappel, TU Wien, Austria
Stefan Kirn, U Hohenheim, Geramy
Ryszard Kowalczyk, SWIN, Australia
Falk Langhammer, Living Pages Research, Germany
Peter Liggesmeyer, HPI U Potsdam, Germany
David Lorenz, Northeastern University, USA
Frank Maurer, U Calgary, Canada
Mira Mezini, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Gero Muehl, TU Berlin, Germany
Jörg Müller, Siemens AG, Germany
Dirk Mutig, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
Josef Noll, Telenor, Norway
Roy Oberhauser, Siemens AG, Germany
Andreas Polze, HPI U Potsdam, Germany
Michael Rosemann, Queensland UT, Australia
Günter Ruhe, U Calgary, Canada
Roland Seiffert, IBM Deutschland, Germany
Andreas Speck, U Jena, Germany
Michael Stal, Siemens AG, Germany
Mihaela Ulieru, U Calgary, Canada
Laurentiu Vasiliu, DERI, Ireland
Jari Veijalainen, U Jyväskylä, Finnland
Gottfried Vossen, U Münster, Germany
Guido Wirtz, U Bamberg, Germany
Leon Zhao, U Arizona, USA
Program Committee Co-Chairs
Prof. Dr. Mathias Weske
HPI at University of Potsdam
Prof. Dr.-Helmert-Straße 2-3
14482 Potsdam, Germany
E-mail: mathias.weske(a)hpi.uni-potsdam.de
Prof. Dr. Peter Liggesmeyer
HPI at University of Potsdam
Prof. Dr.-Helmert-Straße 2-3
14482 Potsdam, Germany
E-mail: peter.liggesmeyer(a)hpi.uni-potsdam.de
Unsubscribe if you don't want further mailings:
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
>Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2004 12:36:10 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Zongmin Ma <edited_book(a)yahoo.com>
>Subject: You are invited to propose papers for a BOOK
>To: bernd.simon(a)wu-wien.ac.at
>X-WU-uvscan-status: clean v4.3.20/v4348 hiphop
>Dear Prof. Simon,
>I am sorry to take your time. I think it would be interesting for you to
>know that a new book entitled "Web-Based Intelligent e-Learning Systems:
>Technologies and Applications" will be published by Idea Group Inc. in
>2005. You are the expert in this field. So I send you the invitation for
>contribution and the respective Call for Book Chapters. Could you please
>respond to this e-mail if you'd like to plan to contribute? In case that
>the deadlines are tight and you need more time, please let me know about a
>suitable time and I will inform you if it is feasible.
>By the way, could you please distribute this Call for Book Chapters to any
>of your colleagues who might be interested? Thanks a lot.
>Looking forward to receiving your contributions!
>Sincerely yours,
>Zongmin Ma
>Do you Yahoo!?
>Small Business $15K Web Design Giveaway - Enter today
>User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; de-AT; rv:1.5)
> Gecko/20031007
>X-Accept-Language: de-at, de, en-us, en
>Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 18:27:25 +0200
>Reply-To: Juergen Nuetzel <Juergen.Nuetzel(a)TU-ILMENAU.DE>
>From: Juergen Nuetzel <Juergen.Nuetzel(a)TU-ILMENAU.DE>
>Organization: TU-Ilmenau
>Subject: Review process is finished for Virtual Goods 2004
>X-WU-uvscan-status: clean v4.3.20/v4350 charon
>Dear Virtual Goods enthusiasts,
>the review process is finshed. Now we are preparing the final workshop
>program. In the next days the program will be published.
>Authors please register until 20th April. Other participants may return
>the form until May 1st.
>Best regards
>Juergen, Ruediger and Thomas
>Dr. Ing. Juergen Nuetzel Technische Universitaet Ilmenau
>Virtual Goods:
>phone: ++49-3677-691433 fax: ++49-3677-691614
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: ERCIM News 58 - SPECIAL THEME: Automated Software Engineering - Call for contributions
Date: Tuesday 13 April 2004 14:11
From: "Paul Gruenbacher" <pg(a)sea.uni-linz.ac.at>
To: "Paul Gruenbacher" <pg(a)sea.uni-linz.ac.at>, "Yves Ledru" <Yves.Ledru(a)imag.fr>
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Kunz [mailto:peter.kunz@ercim.org]
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 11:58 AM
Subject: ERCIM News 58 - Call for contributions
Call for contributions to ERCIM News No. 58 (July 2004)
Guidelines for articles below
Articles have to be sent to the local editor of your country or to
The sections of EN58 are:
* Joint ERCIM Actions
* The European Scene
SPECIAL THEME: Automated Software Engineering
Coordinated by:
Paul Grünbacher, pg(a)sea.uni-linz.ac.at - Johannes Kepler University Linz,
Yves Ledru, Yves.Ledru(a)imag.fr - Laboratoire Logiciels, Systèmes et Réseaux -
IMAG, France
Automated software engineering is concerned with how to apply computation to
automate or partially automate analysis, design, implementation, testing,
and maintenance of large software systems in order to achieve significant
improvements in quality and productivity.
This includes the study of techniques for constructing, understanding,
adapting, and modelling software artifacts and processes. Both automatic
systems and collaborative systems are of interest, as are computational
models of human software engineering activities. Knowledge representations
and artificial intelligence techniques applicable to automated software
engineering are of interest, as are formal techniques that support or
provide theoretical foundations.
Papers should describe research in automating software development activities
or providing automated support to users engaged in such activities. We are
especially interested in experience papers that report on industrial
applications of automated software engineering and in areas, such as
automotive systems and medical systems, where automated techniques could
potentially have a large impact in practice.
We thus invite contributions in the form of short papers to the special theme
on Automated Software Engineering that address theoretical foundations,
practical techniques, software tools, applications and/or experience reports
in automated software engineering.
Topics include:
- Automated reasoning techniques
- Category & Graph-theoretic approaches to software engineering
- Component-based systems
- Computer-supported cooperative work
- Configuration management
- Domain modeling and meta-modeling
- Human computer interaction
- Knowledge acquisition
- Maintenance and evolution
- Modeling language semantics
- Ontologies and methodologies
- Open systems development - Program understanding
- Re-engineering
- Reflection- and Metadata approaches
- Requirements engineering
- Reuse
- Specification languages
- Software architecture
- Software design and synthesis
- Software visualization
- Testing
- Tutoring, help, documentation systems
- Verification and validation
Reviewing: Articles submitted to the special theme are subject to a review
* R &D and Technology Transfer
* Events
* In Brief
Guidelines for ERCIM News articles
Style: ERCIM News is read by a large variety of people. Keeping this in mind
the article should be descriptive (emphasize more the 'what' than the 'how')
without too much technical detail together with an illustration, if
Length : Try to keep the article short, i.e. 700-800 words.
Format : Submissions preferably in ASCII text or MS Word
Structure of the article:
The emphasis in ERCIM News is on 'NEWS'. This should be reflected in both
Title and Lead ('teaser').
* a teaser:
a few words about the project/topic. Printed in bold face, this part is
intended to raise interest. (keep it short)
* details describing:
what the project/product is
who is involved
where it takes place
why the research is being done
when it was started/completed the aim of the project
the techniques employed
the orientation of the project
future activities
other institutes involved in this project
co-operation with other ERCIM members in this field
* useful Link(s)
* a contact address with:
- full name of the author
- phone number
- e-mail address
Additional items:
* an illustration (photos, graphics), for example of the product,
applications mentioned in the article, people working on the project, etc.
(avoid as much as possible flow charts and screen dumps). Illustrations must
be accompanied by a caption.
About ERCIM News:
ERCIM News is published in printed form and
electronically on the web. The printed edition has a
circulation of over 9500 copies, distributed in more than 100 countries
The ERCIM News online edition is available at
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien