### to whom it may concern, //fw.
==============================Call for Papers=========================
7th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (IEEE CEC'05)
July 19-22, 2005, TU München, Munich, Germany
Sponsored by the
IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on E-Commerce (TCEC)
Supported by
- IBM Deutschland GmbH
- Computerzeitung, IDS Scheer AG, o2 Germany,
Roland Berger Strategy Consultants
- Association for Information Systems (AIS)
- Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) TF 5.5 on E-Commerce
IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC'05) is the 7th annual
event (formerly WECWIS) and the flagship annual conference of the IEEE
Computer Society Technical Committee on E-Commerce. CEC is a primary
forum for the exchange of information regarding advancements in the
state of the art of theory and practice in E-Commerce and Web-based
Information Systems, as well as to identify emerging research topics and
define the future of E-Commerce technology, applications and
service-oriented computing. The conference focuses on IT infrastructures
and new technologies to facilitate dynamic e-business and Web-based
information systems.
It is our pleasure to announce invited talks by
=> Stuart Feldman, Ph.D. (IBM Research)
=> Dr. Lutz Heuser (SAP AG)
=> Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. August-Wilhelm Scheer (DFKI)
Submissions of high quality papers describing mature results or on-going
work are invited. The main conference theme for 2005 will be
"Service-oriented E-Commerce"
Topics for submission include but are not limited to:
=> E-Commerce Infrastructure
- E-Commerce architectures and enabling technologies
- Intellectual property and digital rights management
- Mobile commerce
- QoS support, workload monitoring and benchmarking
- Real-time Internet delivery technologies
- Business applications of Grid technology
- Security, privacy and trust issues
=> Business Process Integration and Management
- Electronic data interchange
- Web service computing and composition
- Transaction and workflow management
- Supply chain management and planning
- IT service management
=> Intelligent E-Commerce Applications
- Auction and negotiation technology
- Automated shopping, trading, and contracting
- Decision support and recommender systems
- Marketing and advertising technology
The conference is soliciting research papers, short papers, and tutorial
proposals. Submitted papers will be evaluated on significance,
originality, technical quality, and exposition. They should clearly
establish the research contribution, its relevance to electronic
commerce, and its relation to prior research.
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that
are not being considered in another forum. Detailed submission
instructions can be found at http://cec05.in.tum.de.
· Submissions deadline: January 20, 2005
· Notification of authors: March 25, 2005
· Camera-ready papers: April 26, 2005
· Conference start: July 19, 2005
All papers selected for this conference are peer-reviewed and will be
published in the regular conference proceedings by the IEEE Computer
Society Press. The best papers presented in the conference will be
selected for journals such as the Journal on Information Systems and
E-Business (ISeB), or the Electronic Commerce Research Journal (ECRJ).
* General Chairs:
Martin Bichler, Technische Universität München, Germany Jen-Yao Chung,
IBM Research, USA
* Program Chairs:
Günter Müller, University of Freiburg, Germany Kwei-Jay Lin, UC Irvine, USA
* Industrial Chair:
Markus Stolze, IBM Research, Switzerland
* Publication Chair:
Sang Hyuk Son, Univ of Virginia
* Publicity Chairs:
Patrick Hung, Univ. of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada Haifei
Li, Union University, USA
* Workshop Chairs:
Ramayya Krishnan, CMU, USA
Andreas Wombacher, Fraunhofer Institute, Germany
* Tutorial Chair:
Christof Weinhardt, Univ of Karlsruhe, Germany
* International Liaison:
John Riedl, Univ. of Minnesota, USA (ACM SIG EC) Matthias Jarke, RWTH
Aachen and Mareike Schoop, Univ. of Hohenheim (GI / GI FB 5.5) Mike
Shaw, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, AIS SIGeBIZ
* Web Chair:
Moritz Strasser, University of Freiburg, Germany
IEEE CEC Workshops
On the day before the conference there will be a day of workshops on
specialized subjects such as
- Business Transformation
- Electronic Contracting
- Mobile Commerce and Services
- Service oriented Solutions for Cooperative Organizations
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: AAIM 2005 Call for Papers
Date: Wednesday 24 November 2004 04:48
From: Binhai Zhu <bhz(a)esus.cs.montana.edu>
To: Computational Science Mailing List <computational.science(a)optimanumerics.com>
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this file.
AAIM'05 Call for Papers
The 1st Annual International Conference on Algorithmic Applications in
Management (AAIM'05) will be held during June 22--24, 2005, in Xi'an,
Shaanxi, China. Original research papers in the areas of algorithmic and
mathematical aspects of management are solicited. In addition to theoretical
results, we are particularly interested in submissions that report on
experimental and applied research of general algorithmic interest. Special
consideration will be given to research that is motivated by real-world
problems. Experimental and applied papers are expected to show convincingly
the usefulness and efficiency of the algorithms discussed in a practical
setting. Typical, but not exclusive, topics of interest include:
Computational Financing,
Computational Game Theory,
Computational Logistics,
Discrete Optimization,
Facility Location,
Manufacturing Process,
Operation Research,
Reliability and Replacement,
Social Network Optimization,
Scheduling and
Transportation Science
AAIM'05 will only accept electronic (PS, PDF) submissions.
The detailed instructions can be found in the conference web page,
please check http://www.cs.montana.edu/aaim05. A submission should start with
the title of the paper, the author's name, affiliation, and e-mail address,
and a short abstract summarizing the main results of the paper. This should
be followed by a scholarly exposition of the ideas, techniques, and a full
description of the results achieved. A clear indication of the motivation
and comparison with prior or related work should be presented. The paper
should not exceed 10 pages using 11 point or larger font. Submissions that
deviate significantly from these guidelines and electronic submissions
that are unprintable or formatted for paper size other than 8.5 by 11
inch paper risk rejection without consideration of their merits.
The proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer-Verlag in the
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (www.springeronline.com/lncs) series and
will be available for distribution at the conference. Final versions of
accepted papers must be prepared using Latex and must follow the standard
guidelines of LNCS. Arrangement has been made to publish a special issue
devoted to AAIM'05 in Theoretical Computer Science.
Invited Speakers:
Ellis Johnson (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) and
Yinyu Ye (Stanford University, USA)
Program Committee:
Franz Aurenhammer (TU Graz, Austria),
Jian Chen (Tsinghua University, China),
Zhixiang Chen (University of Texas-Pan American, USA),
Edith Cohen (AT\&T Research, USA),
Xiaotie Deng (City University of Hong Kong, China),
Michael Goldwasser (Saint Louis University, USA),
Jason Hartline (Microsoft Research, USA),
Wen-Lian Hsu (Academia Sinica, Taiwan),
Haijun Huang (NSF China, China),
Minghui Jiang (Montana State University, USA),
Ellis Johnson (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA),
Naoki Katoh (Kyoto University, Japan),
Masakazu Kojima (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan),
Mohammad Mahdian (Microsoft Research, USA),
Nimrod Megiddo (IBM Almaden Research Center, USA, co-Chair),
Panos M. Pardalos (University of Florida, USA),
Zhongping Qin (HUST, China),
Bruce Reed (McGill University, Canada),
Shouyang Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China),
Peter Widmayer (ETH Zurich, Switzerland),
Yinfeng Xu (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China, co-Chair),
Frances Yao (City University of Hong Kong),
Yinyu Ye (Stanford University, USA) and
Binhai Zhu (Montana State University, USA, co-Chair)
Local Organizers:
Wentian Cui (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China),
Nimrod Megiddo (IBM Almaden Research Center, USA),
Qingchuan Xu (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China),
Yinfeng Xu (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China),
Binhai Zhu (Montana State University, USA)
Important Dates:
Submission of Papers: January 28, 2005
Notification of Acceptance: March 4, 2005
Final Version: March 31, 2005
The conference Web site (http://www.cs.montana.edu/aaim05)
provides more information about the conference.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: computational.science-unsubscribe(a)optimanumerics.com
For additional commands, e-mail:
Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Neue Medien
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP International Workshop on Ubiquitous Web Systems and Intelligence (UWSI 2005) - Invitation
Date: Friday 19 November 2004 04:47
From: "UWSI'05" <uwsi2005(a)cs.latrobe.edu.au>
To: "David Taniar" <David.Taniar(a)infotech.monash.edu.au>
Cc: "Eric Pardede" <E.Pardede(a)latrobe.edu.au>
Dear Colleagues:
You are invited to submit your papers to the International Workshop on
Ubiquitous Web Systems and Intelligence (UWSI 2005) to be held on May 9-12,
2005 in Singapore, in conjunction with ICCSA 2005. Attached is the call for
papers. For more detailed information, please visit the workshop website
The accepted papers will be published by Springer in the LNCS series.
Selected papers will be further considered for publication in special issues
of seven (7) international journals.
Eric Pardede
on behalf of
David Taniar and Wenny Rahayu (UWSI 2005 PC-Chairs)
--------- We apologize for multiple reception of this message ----------
Ubiquitous Web Systems and Intelligence (UWSI'2005) Workshop
in conjunction with
International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications
Singapore, 9-12 May 2005
Deadline for Online Paper Submission: 10 December 2004
Notification of Acceptance: 10 January 2005
Camera Ready Papers and Pre-registration: 10 February 2005
Ubiquitous Web Systems and Intelligence represents a vision of
the future whereby information access and discovery is available
everywhere. It integrates concepts of ubiquitous and pervasive
computing, web computing, and intelligent systems, whereby people
are able to access information from various sources using
ubiquitous devices. These information may also be in a form of
knowledge discovered by the system. All of these are realized
through the use of ambient intelligence in which humans are
surrounded by an environment which is sensitive and responsive
to them.
[1] Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing
- Mobile Information Systems
- Ubiquitous Web Access
- Location Aware and Location Dependent
- Web-Based Cooperative Work
- Wireless Web Intelligence
- Mobile User-Interface Design
- Languages and Tools for Mobile Applications
- Emerging Technology (Grid, P2P, Pervasive, Embedded Computing)
[2] Web Information Systems Management, Access and Discovery
- Web Databases, Web Warehousing, and Web OLAP
- Heterogenous Databases
- Data Models for the Web
- Web Software Lify Cycle
- Personalized Information Management
- Metadata
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- Web Mining and Farming
- Mobile Data Mining
- Multimodal Information Retrieval
- Ontology-Based Information Retrieval
[3] Web Knowledge and Intelligence
- Ontology Engineering
- Semantic Web
- Visualization of Information and Knowledge
- Web-Based Decision Support
- Web Intelligence
- Web Agents
- Ambient Intelligence
- Information Filtering and Recommender Systems
- Navigation Guides
- Web Intelligence Development Tools
[4] Web Business
- Business Intelligence
- E-Commerce and E-Business
- M-Commerce
- Web Services and Grid Services
- Web Marketing and Merchandising
- Web Auctions
[5] Human-Web Interaction
- Adaptive Web Interfaces
- Multimedia Data Processing and Representation
- Mobile Multimedia
- Mobile Web Design
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that
have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a
journal or a conference with proceedings. Papers submitted to this
workshop will undergo a peer-review process.
Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings to be
published by Springer-Verlag as part of their Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) series. For initial submissions, authors
are strongly encouraged to use Springer's manuscript submission
guidelines at http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html.
We invite you to submit a draft of the paper of up to 10 pages
in an LNCS format. Submission is done through the following website:
Selected papers will be invited to be extended for a publication
in a UWSI'2005 special issue of the following journals:
[1] Mobile Information Systems, IOS Press
[2] Journal of Mobile Multimedia, Rinton Press
[3] Intl. Journal of Web Information Systems, Troubador Publisher
[4] Intl. Journal of Web and Grid Services, Inderscience Publisher
[5] Intl. Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, Idea Group
[6] Intl. Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, Inderscience
[7] Journal of Web Engineering, Rinton Press
[1] David Taniar, Monash University, Australia
Email: David.Taniar(a)infotech.monash.edu.au
[2] Wenny Rahayu, La Trobe University, Australia
Email: wenny(a)cs.latrobe.edu.au
Eric Pardede, La Trobe University, Australia
Email: ekpardede(a)cs.latrobe.edu.au
Alexander Schatten, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Andreas Meissner, Fraunhofer IPSI, Germany
Aoying Zhou, Fudan University, China
Barbara Catania, University of Genova, Italy
Bernady Apduhan, Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan
Bharat K. Bhargava, Purdue University, USA
Carlos A. Heuser, UFRGS/Informática, Brazil
Dan J Kim, Michigan State University, USA
Dimka Karastoyanova, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Ee-Peng Lim, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Elisabeth Metais, CEDRIC/CNAM of Paris, France
Eng Wah Lee, SIMTech, Singapore
Ernesto Damiani, Universita' di Milano, Italy
Eugen Borcoci, University "Politehnica"of Bucharest, Romania
Gillian Dobbie, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Guenther Pernul, University of Regensburg, Germany
Gustavo Rossi, LIFIA-UNLP, Argentina
Hiroshi Tsuji, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
Jairo Gutierrez, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Jari Veijalainen, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
Jidong Wang, Royal Melbourne Institute of Tech., Australia
Julius Stuller, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Rep., Czech Rep.
Key Pousttchi, University of Augsburg, Germany
Klaus Turowski, University of Augsburg, Austria
Lajos Hanzo, University of Southampton, UK
Lea Kutvonen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Leon Sterling, University of Melbourne, Australia
Leonid A. Kalinichenko, Russian Academy of Science, Russia
Maria Indrawan, Monash University, Australia
Marios C. Angelides, Brunel University, UK
Martin Gaedke, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Martin Sperka, Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia
Massimo Marchiori, W3C, Italy
Max Mühlhäuser, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
Mehdi Dastani, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Pedro Isaias, Universidade Aberta, Portugal
Qusay H. Mahmoud, University of Guelph, Canada
Roland Kaschek, Massey University, New Zealand
Simon So, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong
Stephane Bressan, NUS, Singapore
Tei-Wei Kuo, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Thomas Lee, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Timothy K. Shih, Tamkang University, Taiwan
Tran Khanh Dang, Middlesex University, UK
Valeria De Antonellis, University of Brescia, Italy
Veruska Aragao, The University of Manchester, UK
Viacheslav Wolfengagen, Institute JurInfoR-MSU, Russia
Vladimir Oleshchuk, Agder University College, Norway
Werner Winiwarter, University of Vienna, Austria
Xuemin Lin, University of New South Wales, Australia
Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, UAE
Zdenek Hanzalek, Czech Technical University, Czech Rep.
Zheng Da Wu, Bond University, Australia
Zoe Lacroix, Arizona State University, USA
Zohra Bellahsene, Université Montpellier II, France
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Neue Medien
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IASTED Newsletter on Education
Date: Thursday 18 November 2004 04:10
From: <info(a)iasted.com>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
IASTED Newsletter on Education
The IASTED International Conference on
~ ICET 2005 ~
July 4-6, 2005
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The International Association of Science and Technology for Development
<http://www.iasted.com/images/blackdot.gif> Technical Committee on
Advanced Technology in Education
Submissions due March 1, 2005
Notification of Acceptance April 1, 2005
Camera-ready manuscripts due May 1, 2005
Registration Deadline May 1, 2005
To submit a paper or for more information visit our website at
The Eighth IASTED International Conference on
~ CATE 2005 ~
August 29-31, 2005
Oranjestad, Aruba
Dr. Vladimir Uskov - Bradley University, USA
Submissions due March 1, 2005
Notification of Acceptance April 1, 2005
Camera-ready manuscripts due May 1, 2005
Registration Deadline May 15, 2005
To submit a paper or for more information visit our website at
Advanced Technology for Learning (208)
Journal Price: US $420.00 (4 issues/year)
Shipping and Handling: US $25.00
Sample ATL Online Journals can be viewed at:
Advanced Technology for Learning is a comprehensive and exclusive
journal featuring topics such as web-based learning, virtual
universities and laboratories, multimedia teaching tools, and
intelligent tutoring systems. In addition, the journal includes book
reviews, conference notices, call for papers and project proposals, as
well as a listing of new publications in related areas and fields.
Past conference proceedings in the area of education are available for
purchase from ACTA Press -
For more information or to join one of the following mail groups: Power,
Telecommunication, Control, Modelling and Simulation, Bio-Medicine,
Signal and Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Business, Software
Engineering, Databases and Knowledge Engineering, Internet and
Applications, Parallel and Distributed Computing, please contact:
#80 4500 - 16th Avenue N.W.
Calgary Alberta
Canada T3B 0M6
Tel: 403-288-1195
Fax: 403-247-6851
E-mail: calgary(a)iasted.org
Web site: http://www.iasted.org
To unsubscribe from the email list please visit the following link and
click on the Unsubscribe button:
Or email to unsubscribe(a)iasted.org from your email account
(gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at) and copy and paste the following lines
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Education Newsletter
Unsubscribe gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Please click here <http://www.iasted.com/newsletter/2004/ICET.htm> if
this e-mail does not display properly.
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Neue Medien
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [Announcement|CFP]: Optimization: Theories and Applications (ICCSA 2005)
Date: Wednesday 17 November 2004 10:18
From: Deok-Soo Kim <dskim(a)hanyang.ac.kr>
To: Computational Science Mailing List <computational.science(a)optimanumerics.com>
2005 International Conference on Computational Science and its
Applications Singapore, May 09-12, 2005
Optimization: Theories and Applications (OTA) 2005
We are pleased to announce OTA workshop to be held as a part of The
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications
(ICCSA) 2005. ICCSA2005 will be held in Suntec City, Singarpore, May 9-12,
While the past ICCSA conferences have been quite successful, Optimization,
which is one of the most important fields of research in the computational
sciences, has been missing from the conference. After a number of
discussions, we have now come up with a technical workshop on Optimization:
Theory and Applications (OTA). The workshop OTA will represent a high level
forum for exchanging information and ideas about optimization in both
theories and applications using modern computing resources.
You are cordially invited to submit a paper (from 6 to 10 pages) for oral
presentations. The paper should contain new unpublished results.
The topics to be presented in OTA sessions include, but not limited to
Mathematical Programming
Large Scale Optimization
Network Optimization
Combinatorial and Discrete Optimization
Stochastic Optimization
Global Optimization
Optimizations in Biosystems
Optimizations in Telecommunications
Data Mining
Financial Optimization
Supply Chain Management
Production Planning and Control
Quality Control
Manufacturing Systems
Inventory Control and Material Flow
Other Industrial Applications of Operations Research
All accepted papers will be published in an issue of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science(LNCS) by Springer-Verlag that will be delivered at the
conference. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the
authors to register and present the paper once it is accepted. In addition,
selected papers may be also published in a special issue of appropriate
journals. Note that LNCS is one of the journals that are listed in SCI-E
index with relatively high impact factor (http://www.isinet.com/isi/).
December 10, 2004: Draft papers due
January 10, 2005: Notification of Acceptance
February 10, 2005: Camera Ready Papers and Pre-registration
May 09-12, 2005: ICCSA 2005 Conference in Suntec City, Singapore
All submissions must be written in English (6 to 10 pages in length) and
should be submitted as an email attatchment to
Papers should comply the LNCS guidelines and this point will be checked very
carefully. The style files for the LNCS can be found at the following URL:
Acceptable formats for initial draft for peer reviews are pdf. Please, check
that you have included all the fonts required when generating the .pdf
files, so that your paper can be read properly on any platform. Please keep
in mind that the final version of your paper should be, in general, written
in LaTeX 2e according to the rules of LNCS. (Hence, we recommend the authors
to write papers in LaTex2e from the very beginning.)
We would also greatly appreciate if you could forward the information about
the conference to those of your colleagues who may be interested in
participation. For further details, please contact
ota05(a)voronoi.hanyang.ac.kr or one of the workshop organizers as follows.
Prof. In-Jae Jeong (ijeong(a)hanyang.ac.kr)
Prof. Dong-Ho Lee(leman(a)hanyang.ac.kr)
Prof. Deok-Soo Kim(dskim(a)hanyang.ac.kr)
Department of Industrial Engineering
Hanyang University
#17 Haengdang-Dong, Sungdong-Ku
Seoul, 133-791
To unsubscribe, e-mail: computational.science-unsubscribe(a)optimanumerics.com
For additional commands, e-mail:
Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Neue Medien
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
### fyi: studentische nachwuchsfoerderung mit den
### GI Informatiktagen in Schloss Birlinghofen. //fw.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
ich freue mich sehr, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass unsere
GI-Nachwuchstagung - die Informatiktage - wieder stattfinden werden.
Die Informatiktage 2005 präsentieren sich mit neuer Konzeption an einem
anderen Ort. Bisher waren die Informatiktage mit dem Kloster in Bad
Schussenried verbunden. Dieser Tagungsort steht nicht mehr zur Verfügung.
Mit dem Schloss Birlinghoven in St. Augustin bei Bonn haben wir jedoch
einen Ort gefunden, der dem Charakter des Klosters sehr nahe kommt.
Die Informatiktage 2005 werden vom 8. bis 9. April 2005 dort durchgeführt.
Die konzeptionellen Veränderungen wurden auf breiter Basis diskutiert,
so dass wir davon ausgehen, dass wir ein auch in Zukunft ein tragfähiges
Konzept vorweisen können. Dennoch wird die Veranstaltung in Bonn einen
gewissen Pilotcharakter haben, und ich möchte Sie herzlich bitten, uns
nach Kräften zu unterstützen. Die Einzelheiten zum Konzept finden Sie im
Sobald die neue Webseite online gestellt ist, werde ich Sie informieren.
Unter <www.informatiktage.de> erhalten Sie dann die aktuellsten
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Ludger Porada
Gesellschaft fuer Informatik e.V. (GI)
Ahrstrasse 45
D-53175 Bonn
Tel.: +49(0)228/302-146 / Fax: +49(0)228/302-167
e-mail: porada(a)gi-ev.de / WWW: <http://www.gi-ev.de/>
Tel.: +49(0)228/302-145 / Fax: -167 / e-mail: gs(a)gi-ev.de
Die GI auf der SYSTEMS 2004. Besuchen Sie uns am Stand in Halle 2: Nr.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: ISDA'05 - First Call for Papers
Date: Tuesday 16 November 2004 03:37
From: Ajith Abraham <abraham.ajith(a)gmail.com>
To: Computational Science Mailing List <computational.science(a)optimanumerics.com>
** ISDA'05 -- First Call for Papers **
* Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message *
ISDA'05: Fifth International Conference on Intelligent System Design
and Applications
September 08-10, 2005, Wroclaw, Poland
Conference web site: http://www.isda2005.pwr.wroc.pl or
European Neural Network Society (ENNS)
European Society of Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT)
World Federation of Soft Computing (WFSC)
IEEE - Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society (IEEE-SMC) (pending
Warsaw School of Social Psychology (WSSP)
Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2005) is the fifth
International conference that brings together international soft
computing, artificial intelligence, computational intelligence
researchers, developers, practitioners and users. The aim of ISDA 2005
is to serve as a forum to present current and future work as well as
to exchange research ideas in this field.
We invite you to submit:
* full paper of 6 pages (Letter or A4 format) for oral presentation,
* proposal to organize a technical session and/or workshop.
ISDA'05 invites authors to submit their original and unpublished work
that demonstrate current research in all areas of intelligent systems
and their applications in science, technology, business and
Submitted papers have to be original, containing new and interesting
results. The proceedings of the Conference will be published by IEEE
Computer Society Press. Please follow the authors guidelines given in
the conference web page. Check the conference page in a few days.
Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to
register and present the paper. All full papers are to be submitted in
PDF electronically via the web site. All papers will be peer reviewed
by at least three independent referees of the international program
committee of ISDA'05.
The proceedings of the Conference will be published by IEEE Computer
Society Press. The best papers will be invited for a fast track review
in Journals (e.g. Elsevier Science Applied Soft Computing Journal).
ISDA'05 will focus on the following themes:
* Applications in Bioinformatics
* Architectures of Intelligent Systems
* Image, Speech and Signal Processing
* Internet Modeling
* Data Mining
* Fuzzy Modeling and Control
* Business and Management Applications
* Control and Automation
* Software Agents
* Knowledge Management
* Special Topics
Deadline for Workshop/Tutorial Proposals : March 30, 2005
Deadline for Paper Submission (full paper): March 30, 2005
Notification of Acceptance: May 16, 2005
Deadline for Camera Ready Papers/registration: June 01, 2005
Honorary Chair
* Zdzislaw Pawlak, Warsaw School of Information Technology, Poland
General Chairs
* Halina Kwasnicka, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
* Ajith Abraham, Chung-Ang University, Korea
* Marcin Paprzycki, Oklahoma State University, USA
Local Organizing Committee
* Bogumila Hnatkowska (Chair), Wroclaw University of Technology,
* Daniel Brylak, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
* Wojciech Falowski, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
* Maciej Huk, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
* Mariusz Paradowski, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
* Elzbieta Bak, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Steering Committee
* Ajith Abraham, Chung-Ang University, Korea
* Marcin Paprzycki, Oklahoma State University, USA
* Janos Abonyi, University of Veszprém, Hungary
* Halina Kwasnicka, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
* Sang Yong Han, Chung-Ang University, Korea
* Antony Satyadas, IBM Corporation, Cambridge, USA
* Etienne Kerre, Ghent University, Belgium
* Janusz Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
* Lakhmi Jain, University of South Australia, Australia
* P. Saratchandran, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Program Committee
* Robert Babuska, TU Delft, The Netherlands
* Sung Bae Cho, Yonsei University, Korea
* Costa Branco P J, Instituto Superior Technico, Portugal
* Tibor Chovan, University of Veszprém, Hungary
* Carlos Coello, Laboratorio Nacional de Informática Avanzada, Mexico
* Raj Dasgupta, University of Nebraska, USA
* Liya Ding, Inter-University Institute of Macau, Macau
* Yasuhiko Dote, Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan
* Wilfried Elmenreich, TU Vienna, Austria
* Balazs Feil, University of Veszprem, Hungary
* Katrin Franke, Fraunhofer IPK-Berlin, Germany
* Violetta Galant, Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland
* Roman Galar, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
* Matjaz Gams, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
* Jerzy Grzymala-Busse, Kansas University, USA
* Suliman Hawamdeh, University of Oklahoma, USA
* Francisco Herrera, University of Granada, Spain
* Zdzislaw Hippe, University of Information Technology and Management,
* Frank Hoffmann, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
* Zbigniew Huzar, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
* Peter Jeng-Shyang Pan, Nat. Kaohsiung Uni. of App.Sciences, Taiwan
* Yaochu Jin, Honda Research Institute Europe, Germany
* Janusz Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
* Etienne Kerre, Ghent University, Belgium
* Frank Klawonn, University of Applied Sciences Braunschweig, Germany
* Amit Konar, Jadavpur University, India
* Mario Koppen, Fraunhofer IPK-Berlin, Germany
* Jerzy Korczak, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France
* Gabriella Kun, University of Veszprem, Hungary
* T.Y. Lin, San Jose State University, USA
* Jiming Liu. Hongkong Baptist University, Hongkong, China
* Magdalena Luis, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
* Bohdan Macukow, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
* Janos Madar, University of Veszprem, Hungary
* Urszula Markowska-Kaczmar, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
* Lajos Nagy, University of Veszprém, Hungary
* Nadia Nedjah, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
* Sandor Nemeth, University of Veszprém, Hungary
* Andreas Nurnberger, University of Magdeburg, Germany
* Nikhil Pal, Indian Statistical Institute, India
* Vasile Palade, Oxford University, UK
* Gabriella Pasi, ITIM - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
* Witold Pedrycz, University of Alberta, Canada
* Irina Perfilieva, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
* Emma Regentova, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
* Andri Riid, Tallinn Technical University, Estonia
* Hans Roubos, DSM Food Specialities/R&D
* Javier Ruiz-del-Solar, Universidad de Chile, Chile
* Danuta Rutkowska, Technical University of Czestochowa, Poland
* M. Sambandham, Morehouse College, USA
* P. Saratchandran, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
* Antony Satyadas, IBM Corporation, Cambridge, USA
* Alexander Smirnov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
* Dipti Srinivasan, National University of Singapore, Singapore
* Ferenc Szeifert, University of Veszprém, Hungary
* Piotr Szczepaniak, Technical University of Lodz, Poland
* Jerzy Swiatek, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
* József K. Tar, Budapest Polytechnic, Hungary
* Domonkos Tikk, BUTE, Hungary
* Olgierd Unold, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
* Marley Vellasco, University College London, UK
* Ronald Yager, Iona College, USA
For further information please contact:
Halina Kwasnicka,
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
E-mail: halina.kwasnicka(a)pwr.wroc.pl
Conference e-mail: isda2005(a)pwr.wroc.pl
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Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Neue Medien
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
### to whom it may concern, //fw.
BTW-Workshop "WebDB Meets IR"
am 1. März 2005 im Rahmen der BTW 2005 in Karlsruhe
Das Web in all seinen Facetten hat heute eine enorme Bedeutung im
täglichen Leben erlangt und spielt damit fast zwangsläufig auch in der
Forschung eine wichtige Rolle. Während sich die Datenbankgemeinde
ursprünglich vor allem auf Systemaspekte des Bereitstellens von
Information im Web konzentriert hat, steht das Finden von Information im
Vordergrund der Forschung im Information Retrieval. Die Grenzen zwischen
Datenbank- und IR-Forschung verwischen heute jedoch zusehends. Dieser
Workshop, der gemeinsam vom GI-Arbeitskreises "Web und Datenbanken" und
der GI-Fachgruppe "Information Retrieval" getragen wird, möchte
Akademiker und Praktiker aus beiden Gebieten zusammenbringen, um
aktuelle Forschungsthemen in beiden Gebieten zu diskutieren, zukünftige
Herausforderungen zu identifizieren und Synergien zu finden.
Der Workshop findet im Vorprogramm der 11. GI-Fachtagung für
Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web an der Universität
Karlsruhe statt.
Der Workshop beschäftigt sich mit Themen an der Schnittstelle von
Datenbanken und Information Retrieval, unter anderem folgende:
* Ranking-Verfahren
* Finden, Organisieren, Klassifizieren und Analysieren von Webdaten
* Web Mining
* Neuartige Retrieval-Modelle
* Semantic Web
* IR auf semistrukturierten Daten und XML
* Verteiltes IR und Peer-to-Peer-basierte Verfahren
* Indexieren und effiziente Query-Ausführung
* Transaktionen und Retrieval-Effizienz
* Benchmarks
* Ontologien
* Query-Sprachen und Ergebnisvisualisierung
* Anwendungen
Informationen für Autoren
Wir bitten um Beiträge in deutscher oder englischer Sprache von max. 10
Seiten Länge. Einreichungen können als PDF-Dokument bis zum 12. Dezember
2004 per Mail an schenkel(a)mpi-sb-mpg.de geschickt werden. Die Beiträge
sollen gemäß den Autorenrichtlinien der GI-Reihe "Lecture Notes in
Informatics" (LNI) formatiert sein. Alle Einreichungen werden von
mindestens zwei Mitgliedern des Programmkommittees hinsichtlich Qualität
und Relevanz begutachtet.
Eine Zusammenstellung der Beiträge wird beim Workshop an die Teilnehmer
verteilt und auf der Website des Workshops veröffentlicht. Wir prüfen
weitere Möglichkeiten zur Veröffentlichung von Post-Proceedings.
Einreichung: 12. Dezember 2004, 23:59 Uhr
Benachrichtigung: 17. Januar 2005
Endfassung: 30. Januar 2005
Workshop: 1. März 2005
Wolfgang Müller, Universität Bamberg
Ralf Schenkel, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken
Klemens Böhm, Universität Karlsruhe
Norbert Fuhr, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Torsten Grabs, Microsoft
Torsten Grust, Universität Konstanz
Andreas Henrich, Universität Bamberg
Wolfgang Müller, Universität Bamberg
Erhard Rahm, Universität Leipzig
Günter Robbert, Universität Bamberg
Ralf Schenkel, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken
Ingo Schmitt, Universität Magdeburg
Steffen Staab, Universität Konstanz
Gerhard Weikum, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken
Weitere Informationen:
Wolfgang Müller, Universität Bamberg, Tel. 0951/863-2857, E-Mail
Ralf Schenkel, MPI Informatik, Tel. 0681/9325-504, E-Mail
Prof. Dr. Norbert Fuhr Street Address:
Information Systems Lotharstr. 65
Institute of Informatics 47057 Duisburg
and Interactive Systems fon: +49 203 379-2524, -3556
University of Duisburg-Essen fax: +49 203 379-2549
47048 Duisburg mail: fuhr(a)uni-duisburg.de
Germany Web: www.is.informatik.uni-duisburg.de
IEEE Communications Magazine
Optical Communications Supplement - August 2005
Feature Topic:
Optical Networking Testbeds: Experiences, Challenges, and Future Directions
Given the continuing maturation and declining costs of optical technologies, many paradigms are taking shape within the optical networking arena. In many cases, these advances are being targeted for more entrenched metro and access domains. In particular wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) is advancing to Metro networks for various reasons compared to core networks, since transparent solutions are even more important in these network segments. Besides the re-emergence of "data-aware opto-electronic" grooming technologies, various testbeds aiming to a dynamically reconfigurable optical layer have been implemented. Overall, these developments represent crucial steps for the future of the optical networking market, particularly as carriers and vendors search for new directions in the "post-bubble" environment. As the above evolutions take shape, numerous additional optical testbed activities are currently being conducted across the world. Specifically, on the industry side, many carriers are actively deploying metro WDM and "next-generation" SONET/SDH technologies and looking to develop novel interoperability with legacy TDM technologies. Meanwhile, several large "telco" carriers have recently concluded extensive PON trials and are seriously contemplating further service offerings. Apart from the optical circuit switching networks and PON, in recent years there is much interest in optical networking community on various new emerging and rapidly advancing concepts such as optical burst switching, optical packet switching, and IP/MPLS-over-WDM. Many leading agencies and the governments have also funded renewed testbed initiatives and numerous projects are currently being carried out around the world. Clearly, these newer testbed initiatives will play a crucial "prove-in" role for emergent optical technologies, and their importance cannot be understated. This special issue will focus on optical networking testbeds and will serve to share the collective experiences of researchers, industry professionals, practicing engineers, network operators, and equipment vendors across many emergent areas in the optical space.
Scope of Contributions:
This Feature Topic aims to consolidate and disseminate the recent developments and advances in the area of optical testbeds. Papers are solicited that present research, development and deployment issues and challenges, experimental results and applications related to optical networking testbeds. The topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Optical access network architectures/technologies and deployment trials (PON, BPON, GPON, EPON, DWDM/CWDM PON, etc)
* Metro/regional DWDM testbeds and experimental results (transport, rings, legacy inter-networking)
* Next-generation SONET/SDH and multi-service provisioning platforms (MSPP) trails and deployments, broader integration with legacy and DWDM transport infrastructures
* IEEE 802.17 RPR implementations and deployments. Applications and inter-networking with optical transport infrastructures
* Optical burst and packet-switching testbeds and trails including control plane design, identifying the optimum balance between optical and electronic technologies, propagation effects/compensation
* Free-space optics and air fiber (propagation/dispersion studies, wire line inter-networking issues, deployments and applications)
* Experimental evaluation of optical switch and router architectures and low cost components for mass deployment
* Multi-layer internetworking testbeds and practical networks (provisioning, resource management, fault-tolerance, protection/restoration, operations)
* Implementation of GMPLS over DWDM optical networks, field trials, and experimental results
* Customer controlled networks and implementation/deployment issues
* Applications, service provisioning models, revenue analysis, traffic analysis on testbed. Examples include grid computing, scientific computing, storage extension, etc.
* Innovative insights and expert opinions on future testbed activities and requirements
Schedule for Submissions
Manuscript Submission Deadline December 15, 2004
Acceptance Notification April 15, 2005
Final manuscript Due May 15, 2005
Publication Date August 2005
Authors must follow the IEEE Communications Magazine guidelines regarding the manuscript and its format. For details, please refer to the "Information for Authors" at the IEEE Communications Magazine Web site at http://www.comsoc.org/pubs/commag/sub_guidelines.html
Feature Topic Editors
For additional information about this Feature Topic, please contact the Guest Editors listed below:
Mohan Gurusamy
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Email: elegm at nus.edu.sg
Nasir Ghani
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Tennessee Tech University, USA
Email: nghani at tntech.edu
Chava Vijaya Saradhi
Department of Context-Aware Systems
Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Email : saradhi at i2r.a-star.edu.sg
Alexandros Stavdas
Department of Telecommunications
University of Peleponnese, Greece
Email: astavdas at uop.gr
Best Regards,
Dr. Michael Alexander
WU Wien Dept. of Information Systems
malexand(a)wu-wien.ac.at / +43.1.31336.4467
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: ICITA2005(IEEE) Call For Papers---ONE MONTH REMINDER (fwd)
Date: Monday 15 November 2004 06:49
From: "Minyi Guo" <minyi(a)u-aizu.ac.jp>
To: Computational Science Mailing List <computational.science(a)optimanumerics.com>
We apologize if you received multiple copies of this Call for Papers.
Please feel free to distribute it to those who might be interested.
Dear Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to submit a paper to the IEEE supported 3rd
International Conference on Information Technology and Applications
(ICITA'2005) which will be held in the central area of Olympic City -
Sydney, Australia from 4-7 July 2005.
ICITA'2005 provides a platform for academics and engineers in all IT
areas to meet, exchange ideas, and establish professional networks.
It is a forum to focus on specific disciplinary research, as well as
on multi-disciplinary studies. The uniqueness of ICITA is that it
crosses narrowly defined subject areas and gathers researchers from
not only technical areas, but also from the social science areas.
Topics of Interests
Some suggested topics for ICITA'2005 include, but are not limited to:
* IT in National Security
* IT for Anti-Terrorist Technology Innovations (ATTI)
* Security
* Telecommunication and Networking
* Mobile Communications
* Artificial Intelligence
* Computer Vision and Image Processing
* Multimedia
* Agents, Datamining and Ontologies
* System Management
* Distributed and Parallel Computing
* IT in Education and Health
* Computer Graphics and Visualization
* Bioinformatics
* Computer and Communication Systems
* Signal Processing
* Advanced Robotics
* Cognitive Technologies
* Software Engineering
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit an electronic soft-copy of their draft paper
(up to about 6 pages), in Adobe PDF format. Please see
http://www.computer.org/cspress/instruct.htm for detailed paper format
On-line draft paper submission is available on
The first page should include the title, the name of author(s),
affiliation, mailing address, fax number, e-mail address.
Submitted papers will be fully refereed by at least two reviewers. Accepted
will be published by IEEE Computer Society in proceedings of ICITA2005. The
papers may be selected for journal publication.
Conference Sessions and Tutorials Proposals
The conference is calling for people to create and organize conference
sessions and tutorials.
Important Dates
Full papers due : 13 December, 2004
Proposals for tutorials and sessions due: 13 December, 2004
Notification of acceptance: 14 March 2005
Camera-ready papers due: 11 April 2005
ICITA'2005: 4-7 July 2005
Dr Sean He
email: sean(a)it.uts.edu.au
It would be appreciated if you could circulate this email to your
Thank you very much and look forward to seeing you in Sydney.
ICITA2005 Committee
* My apology if multiple copies of this message reach you.
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Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Neue Medien
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien