---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IASTED Conference on CNIS 2003 - Call For Paper
Date: Thursday 11 September 2003 18:19
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)iasted.org>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
IASTED International Conference on
Communication, Network, and Information Security
(CNIS 2003)
December 10-12, 2003
New York City, USA
Submissions due October 10, 2003
Notification of acceptance October 24, 2003
Final manuscripts due November 14, 2003
Registration and full payment due November 14, 2003
International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED)
· Technical Committee on Networks
· Technical Committee on Information Systems
Recent technology development in the areas of communication and the Internet
has increased the speed and ease of information access and exchange, and
eliminated many communication boundaries. However, there is a threat to
information security and user privacy that comes with this new ease of
information access. The IASTED conference on Communication, Network, and
Information Security aims to bring together users and researchers from
different disciplines and industries that are concerned about issues in
communication, network, and information security.
CNIS 2003 will be held in conjunction with the IASTED International
Conference, PowerCon 2003, with its special theme on blackouts.
New York, the city that never sleeps, is a city immortalized in stories,
songs, and movies. The Dutch originally founded the city in 1662 calling it
New Amsterdam until the British captured it in 1664 and renamed it New York.
From its humble beginnings, New York has grown into a bustling center of
business and multicultural activity. Among its diverse and exciting
attractions are museums including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the
renowned Rockefeller Center, the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State
Building, and the picturesque Brooklyn Bridge. Whether you are shopping on
Madison Avenue, dining at one of New York's exceptional bistros, or enjoying
a Broadway production, you are sure to fondly remember your time in the
legendary "Big Apple".
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Authentication and Digital Signatures
Access Control
Applied Cryptography
Biometrics in Security
Cryptographic Protocols
Content Management and Security
Digital Rights Management
Disaster Recovery
Firewalls and VPNs
Formal Aspects of Security
Global Security Architectures and Infrastructures
Hacking and Intrusion Detection
Information Hiding and Watermarking
Information Warfare
Legal and Regulatory Issues
Mobile Code and Agent Security
Network Security
Wireless Security
Web Security
Privacy and Confidentiality
Security Analysis Methodologies
Security for Operating Systems
Security Certification
Security Policy and Standards
Software Security
Trust Management
Viruses and Worms
To be announced
Initial submissions should be in abstract format. Submit your abstract
(maximum 1 page) via our web site at:
All submissions should be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Postscript (.ps), or MS
Word (.doc) format. The formatting instructions for initial manuscripts can
be found at http://www.iasted.org/formatting.htm. The IASTED Secretariat
must receive your abstract by October 10, 2003. Do not send hard copies of
your abstract. Receipt of submissions will be confirmed by e-mail. Please
provide four key words to indicate the subject area of your paper. One of
the key words must be taken from the list of topics provided under Scope.
Include a statement in your cover letter confirming that if the paper is
accepted, one of the authors will attend the conference to present it.
Please designate a principal author, and provide the full names,
affiliations, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses of
all authors.
Notification of acceptance will be sent via e-mail by October 24, 2003.
Final manuscripts, registration and full payment are due by November 14,
2003. Late registration fees or paper submissions will result in the papers
being excluded from the conference proceedings. Please send final
manuscripts via e-mail to: calgary(a)iasted.com. The subject line for the
final manuscript submission must include the six-digit paper number. The
formatting instructions for final manuscripts can be found on the web and
must be strictly followed. Formatting instructions are available at:
http://www.iasted.org/formatting.htm. The page limit for final papers is
six pages (single-spaced, double-column, 10 point Times New Roman font).
Only one paper of up to six pages is included in the regular registration
fee. The additional page and paper charge is USD $75.00 per page.
Proposals for half-day tutorials (three hours) should be submitted online by
October 10, 2003 via the following website address:
A tutorial proposal should clearly indicate the topic, background knowledge
expected of the participants, objectives, time allocations for the major
course topics, and the qualifications of the instructor(s).
Persons wishing to organize a special session should submit a proposal to:
calgary(a)iasted.com by October 10, 2003. Proposals should include a minimum
of five papers, a session title, a list of the topics covered,
qualifications and a brief biography of the session organizer(s). The name
of the session organizer will appear in the program and proceedings provided
five or more papers are presented. More information on special sessions is
available online at the following hyperlink address:
For more information or to be placed on our mailing list, please contact:
IASTED Secretariat - PowerCon 2003
#80, 4500 - 16th Avenue N.W.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T3B 0M6
Tel: 403-288-1195
Fax: 403-247-6851
E-mail: calgary(a)iasted.com
Web site: http://www.iasted.org
If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please visit the following
link and click on the Unsubscribe button:
Or email to unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IASTED Conference on PDCN 2004 - Paper Submission Deadline 3-Week Reminder
Date: Wednesday 10 September 2003 23:30
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)iasted.org>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
Please note that the deadline for submitting papers to the IASTED
International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks
(PDCN 2004) is October 1, 2003.
Please submit your paper at:
All information regarding this conference can be found on our websites at
Please refer to these websites for formatting and submission requirements.
If you have any questions about the conference, please feel free to contact
us at calgary(a)iasted.com.
IASTED Secretariat
#80 4500 16th Ave NW
Calgary, AB T3B 0M6
If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please visit the following
link and click on the Unsubscribe button:
Or email to unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: cfp: JoDI Special Issue on New Applications of Knowledge Organization Systems
Date: Monday 08 September 2003 22:02
From: Dan Brickley <danbri(a)w3.org>
To: www-rdf-interest(a)w3.org, public-esw(a)w3.org
----- Forwarded message from Douglas Tudhope <dstudhope(a)GLAM.AC.UK> -----
From: Douglas Tudhope <dstudhope(a)GLAM.AC.UK>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 17:41:03 +0100
To: NKOS(a)dli2.nsf.gov
Subject: cfp: JoDI Special Issue on New Applications of Knowledge
Organization Systems
Message-ID: <01f401c37627$fe9e5fa0$421a4f51(a)unet.com>
Reply-To: Douglas Tudhope <dstudhope(a)GLAM.AC.UK>
Call for Papers
Journal of Digital Information announces a Special Issue on
New Applications of Knowledge Organization Systems
Special issue Editors: Traugott Koch and Doug Tudhope
Lund University and University of Glamorgan
Submission deadline: 7 October 2003
Publication: January 2004
Submissions are sought for a special edition of JoDI on new applications
and contexts for Knowledge Organisation Systems (KOS). This includes but is
not restricted to novel applications and representations of KOS in advanced
digital library (DL) and semantic Web environments.
This call builds on two recent NKOS workshops at JCDL 2003 in Houston, and
ECDL 2003 in Trondheim. A number of submissions have already been committed
based on presentations given at the workshops.
More generally, we welcome submissions that fit the scope of the call from
all interested parties and communities. Articles from a previous NKOS issue
(April 2001) rank among the most popular JoDI publications based on access
KOS services, such as classifications, gazetteers, lexical databases,
ontologies, taxonomies and thesauri model the underlying semantic structure
of a domain. Embodied as (Web) services, they can facilitate resource
discovery and retrieval. They act as semantic road maps and make possible a
common orientation by indexers and future users (whether human or machine).
However, using them to their full potential in advanced DL and semantic Web
applications poses various new challenges.
For more details, indicative topics and the submission procedure, see the
full call
All submissions will be subject to peer review.
The Journal of Digital Information is an electronic journal published only
via the Web. JoDI is currently free to all users thanks to support from the
British Computer Society and Oxford University Press.
Some Indicative Topics (not intended to be exhaustive)
Digital library requirements for integration of KOS into DL services
Standards for constructing, representing and applying KOS in digital
Namespaces and registries for KOS and KOS relationships
Maintenance and update of KOS
Distributed access to KOS, Web service applications
Interoperability, cross-browsing and cross-searching
Knowledge organisation as support for Web-based information retrieval
Knowledge organisation for filtering, information extraction, summary
Knowledge organisation for indexing and annotation
Knowledge organisation support for multilingual systems, natural language
Application of language engineering/terminology/corpus analysis with KOS
Semantic Web applications of KOS
Ontology description languages, standards and applications
XML/RDF representations for KOS content
User interfaces, KOS visualisation
Evaluation and studies of use, end-user interactions with KOS
----- End forwarded message -----
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Web Services WSI2004-CFP Call for Papers
Date: Wednesday 03 September 2003 15:18
From: Savitri Bevinakoppa <savitri(a)cs.rmit.edu.au>
To: www-rdf-interest(a)w3.org
Dear Colleague
Please find attached the First Call for Papers (following text) for
International Workshop on Web Services: Modeling, Architecture and
Infrastructure (WSI2004), In conjunction with the Sixth International
Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS 2004 to be held at
Universidade Portucalense, Porto – Portugal, 14-17, April 2004. Dr Jiankun
Hu and Dr Savitri Bevinakoppa ( Chairs ) and the organising committee
invite you to submit a paper (or papers) for review and to attend in April.
Further details are given in the Call for Papers. Please circulate this.
Yours sincerely
Dr Savitri Bevinakoppa
Co-Chair, WSI2004-CFP Workshop
International Workshop on
Web Services:
Modeling, Architecture and Infrastructure
14-17, April 2004
Porto - Portugal
First Announcement and Call for Papers
In conjunction with the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise
Information Systems - ICEIS 2004 (http://www.iceis.org/ )
PDF Version
Jiankun Hu
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Savitri Bevinakoppa
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Workshop Background and Goals
"A Web service is a software application identified by a URI, whose
interfaces and bindings are capable of being defined, described, and
discovered as XML artifacts. A Web service supports direct interactions with
other software agents using XML based messages exchanged via internet-based
protocols" [W3C].
Technologies such as eXtensible Markup Language (XML), Simple Object
Access Protocol (SOAP), Web Services Description Language (WSDL) and
Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) support Web
Services. XML is utilized to normalize the exchange of business data among
trading partners by providing an excellent means for encoding and
formatting. SOAP defines a simple way to package information and send it
across system boundaries. WSDL is an XML language for describing Web
Services, enabling one to separate the description of the abstract
functionality offered by a service from concrete details of a service
description. UDDI enables businesses to quickly, easily, and dynamically
find and transact with one another. Major industries such as IBM, Microsoft,
BEA, Sun, Oracle etc use these standards. Development of real-life
applications relies heavily on the system model and architectures through
which this set of technologies are efficiently implemented. The goal of this
workshop is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners
interested in Web Services to discuss how to develop real-life applications
on the Web.
This workshop covers the areas of modeling, architectures and
infrastructures for Web Services.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
- Web Services Modeling
- The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and Web Services
- Web Services and Semantic Description
- Ontologies for Web Services
- Web Services Architecture
- Frameworks for Building Web Service Applications
- Composite Web Service Creation and Enabling Infrastructures
- Web Service Discovery
- Solution and Resource Management for Web Services
- Dynamic Invocation Mechanisms for Web Services
- Quality of Service for Web Services
- SOAP and UDDI Enhancements
- Case Studies for Web Services
- E-Commerce Applications Using Web Services
- Workflow and Web Services
- Transaction and Web Services
- Web Services Interoperability
Format of the Workshop
The workshop will consist of oral presentations. The proceedings of the
workshop will be published in the form of a book by ICEIS.
Submission of Papers
Perspective authors are invited to submit papers in any of the areas
listed above. All papers must be written in English, and the length of the
paper should not exceed 4000 words or 8 pages. Instructions for preparing
the manuscript (in Word or Latex) are available at the ICEIS web site.
Postscript/RTF versions of the manuscript should be submitted thru ICEIS
web-based paper submission procedure.
Important Dates
Full Paper Submission: 15th October 2003
Author Notification: 15th December 2003
Workshops Submission: 15th December 2003
Final Camera-Ready Submission and Registration: 15th January 2004
Workshop Program Committee:
Albert Y. Zomaya, CISCO, USYD (Australia)
Alex Delis, Polytec University (USA)
Boualem Benatallah, University of New South Wales (Australia)
Jean-Jacques Moreau, Canon (France)
Jen-Yao Chung, IBM (USA)
Jorge Cardoso, University of Georgia (USA)
Steve Vinoski, IONA (USA)
Sumi Helal, University of Florida (USA)
Yetongnon Kokou, Université de Bourgogne (France)
Jin Song DONG, NUS (Singapore)
Conference Location
The workshop will be held at the Universidade Portucalense, Porto –
Portugal, 14-17, April 2004.
Registration Information
To attend the workshop you need to register at http://www.iceis.org/
ICEIS-2003 Secretariat - The Second International Workshop on Web
Services: Modeling, Architecture and Infrastructure ESEO - École Supérieure
d' Électronique de l' Ouest
4, rue Merlet de la Boulaye - BP926 - 49009
Fax: +33 2 41 87 99 27
Tel: +33 2 41 86 67 19
E-mail: w5-secretariat(a)iceis.org
Web site: http://www.iceis.org
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IASTED Conference on DBA 2004 - Paper Submission Deadline 1 Month Reminder
Date: Wednesday 03 September 2003 02:57
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)iasted.org>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
Please note that the deadline for submitting papers to the IASTED
International Conference on Databases and Applications (DBA 2004) is October
1, 2003
Please submit your paper at:
All information regarding this conference can be found on our websites at
Please refer to these websites for formatting and submission requirements.
If you have any questions about the conference, please feel free to contact
us at calgary(a)iasted.com.
IASTED Secretariat
#80 4500 16th Ave NW
Calgary, AB T3B 0M6
If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please visit the following
link and click on the Unsubscribe button:
Or email to unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
>Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 10:22:32 +0200
>Reply-To: Juergen Nuetzel <juergen.nuetzel(a)TU-ILMENAU.DE>
>From: Juergen Nuetzel <juergen.nuetzel(a)TU-ILMENAU.DE>
>Subject: Conference in Leeds
>X-WU-uvscan-status: clean v4.2.40/v4292 popstar
>Wedelmusic conference 2003 in Leeds takes place from September 15th to 17th.
>I will present a paper (co-auther Ruediger Grimm) with the title:
>"Potato System and Signed Media Format - an Alternative Approach to Online
>Music Business"
>This is the programm web-site:
>Afer the conference I will present a preprint here:
>An abstract is already there.
>In October we will present the new CFP for Virtual Goods 2004:
>Best regards
susanne guth
abteilung für wirtschaftsinformatik
augasse 2-6, 1090 wien
tel. +43 1 31336 4427 fax. +43 1 31336 746
Dieses E-Mail (und ihre Anhänge) ist ausschließlich für die/den darin
genannte/n Empfängerin/er bestimmt. Sie enthält rechtlich geschützte und
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dieser E-Mail, ihrer Anhänge oder irgendwelcher Teile davon kann Rechte von
Betroffenen verletzen und ist deshalb strikt untersagt. Wenn Sie diese
Nachricht irrtümlich erhalten oder aus anderen Gründen nicht die/der
bestimmungsgemäße Empfängerin/er sind, informieren Sie uns bitte sofort
unter der oben genannten Adresse und vernichten Sie diese Nachricht
(einschließlich ihrer Anhänge) und allfällige Vervielfältigungen davon
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unvollständige, verspätete oder verfälschte Nachrichten, sofern diesem kein
vorsätzliches Verhalten vorgeworfen werden kann.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jan M. Pawlowski [mailto:jan.pawlowski@wi-inf.uni-essen.de]
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 5:50 PM
To: Pawlowski Jan (E-Mail)
Subject: Call for Papers: Multiconference Business Computing - Track on
Dear collegues, please see the attached call for papers for the next
multi-conference on Business Computing. The conference will be held in
Essen, March 9th - 11th. Parts of the conference, especially the track
on E-Learning (see pages 56/57) will be held in English. You will also
find recent infomation on the conference web-site http://www.mkwi04.de .
Please feel free to distribute this call to your colleagues or
publications. If you have questions concerning the program, please
contact me.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Essen, Germany.
Kind regards
Dr. Jan M. Pawlowski
Universität Essen, Wirtschaftsinformatik der Produktionsunternehmen
Universitätsstr. 9, 45141 Essen
Tel: ++49-(0)201-183 4061 Fax: ++49-(0)201-183 4067
WWW: <http://elm.wi-inf.uni-essen.de/> http://elm.wi-inf.uni-essen.de/
European Quality Observatory: http://www.eqo.info
New: Handbook on Information Technologies for Education and Training
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Educational Technology & E-Learning
> [mailto:EDUCTECH@LISTSERV.UH.EDU] On Behalf Of AACE Announcements
> Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2003 9:20 PM
> Subject: ED-MEDIA 2004 Call (Lugano, Switzerland)
> >> Call for Participation Deadline: December 19th <<
> http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/call.htm
> _______________________________________________________________
> ED-MEDIA 2004
> World Conference on Educational Multimedia,
> Hypermedia & Telecommunications
> June 21-26, 2004 * Lugano, Switzerland
> ** Submissions Due: Dec. 19, 2002 **
> Hosted by Univ. of Lugano & City of Lugano
> Organized by
> Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
> http://www.aace.org
> ______________________________________________________________
> ** What are your colleagues saying about ED-MEDIA conferences? **
> http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/testimonials.htm
> Available to Print & Distribute (PDF to print; 200kb)
> http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/edmed04poster.pdf
> >> CONTENTS & LINKS (details below) <<
> 1. Call for Papers and Submission & Presenter Guidelines, Deadline
> 19th:
> http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/call.htm
> http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/submitguide.htm
> http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/PresenterLounge
> 2. NEW: Student Panels:
> 3. Major Topics: www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/topics.htm
> 4. Presentation Categories:
> http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/categories.htm
> 5. Corporate Showcases & Demonstrations:
> http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/corporate.htm
> 6. Proceedings & Paper Awards: http://www.aace.org/pubs
> 7. For Budgeting Purposes: http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/rates.htm
> 8. Lugano, Switzerland: http://www.aace.org/conf/Cities/Lugano
> 9. Deadlines: http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/deadlines.htm
> ED-MEDIA 2004--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia
> Telecommunications is an international conference, sponsored by the
> Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). This
> annual conference serves as a multi-disciplinary forum for the
> and exchange of information on the research, development, and
> on all topics related to multimedia, hypermedia and
> telecommunications/distance education.
> ED-MEDIA, the premiere international conference in the field, spans
> disciplines and levels of education and attracts more than 1,500
> from over 60 countries. We invite you to attend ED-MEDIA and submit
> proposals for presentations.
> All presentation proposals are peer reviewed and selected by three
> reviewers on the
> respected international Program Committee for inclusion in the
> conference program, proceedings book, and CD-ROM proceedings.
> For Call for Presentations, connect to:
> http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/call.htm
> All authors MUST follow the submission guidelines and complete the Web
> form at:
> http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/submitguide.htm
> For Presentation and AV Guidelines, see:
> http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/PresenterLounge
> * Keynote Speakers
> * Invited Panels/Speakers
> * Papers
> * Panels
> * Video Festival
> * Student Panels (NEW)
> * Demonstrations/Posters
> * Corporate Showcases & Demonstrations
> * Tutorials/Workshops
> * Roundtables
> * SIGs (Special Interest Discussions)
> The objective of the Student Panel series is to provide a forum for
> interchange of avant-garde visions of enhancing education through
> technology. These 1 hour discussion sessions, consisting of two 15
> student presentations each, will emphasize exploring novel theoretical
> frameworks, rather than current best practices.
> Submission information:
> Description of panels and topics:
> http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/studentpanels.htm
> http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/topics.htm
> The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to, the
> major topics as they relate to the educational and developmental
> of
> multimedia/hypermedia and telecommunications:
> 1. Infrastructure: (in the large)
> - Architectures for Educational Technology Systems
> - Design of Distance Learning Systems
> - Distributed Learning Environments
> - Methodologies for system design
> - Multimedia/Hypermedia Systems
> - WWW-based course-support systems
> 2. Tools & Content-oriented Applications:
> - Agents
> - Authoring tools
> - Evaluation of impact
> - Interactive Learning Environments
> - Groupware tools
> - Multimedia/Hypermedia Applications
> - Research perspectives
> - Virtual Reality
> - WWW-based course sites
> - WWW-based learning resources
> - WWW-based tools
> 3. New Roles of the Instructor & Learner:
> - Constructivist perspectives
> - Cooperative/collaborative learning
> - Implementation experiences
> - Improving Classroom Teaching
> - Instructor networking
> - Instructor training and support
> - Pedagogical Issues
> - Teaching/Learning Strategies
> 4. Human-computer Interaction (HCI/CHI):
> - Computer-Mediated Communication
> - Design principles
> - Usability/user studies
> - User interface design
> 5. Cases & Projects:
> - Country-Specific Developments
> - Exemplary projects
> - Institution-specific cases
> - Virtual universities
> 6. Special Strand: ** Universal Web Accessibility **
> - Emerging Technologies & Accessibility
> - Infrastructure, Technology & Techniques
> - International Challenges
> - New Roles for Teachers/Learners
> - Other: Research, Library Issues, etc.
> - Policy and Law
> - Site Management Considerations
> http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/categories.htm
> The Technical Program includes a wide range of interesting and useful
> activities
> designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information.
> http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/corporate.htm
> Companies have the opportunity to demonstrate and discuss their
> educational
> technology products and services in through Corporate Showcases and
> Demonstations/Literature.
> http://www.aace.org/pubs
> Accepted papers will be published by AACE in the Proceedings Book and
> Proceedings in this series serve as major resources in the multimedia/
> hypermedia/telecommunications community, reflecting the current state
> the art in the discipline. In addition, the Proceedings also are
> internationally distributed through and archived in the AACE Digital
> Library, http://www.aace.org/DL
> Selected papers may be invited for publication in may be invited for
> publication in AACE's respected journals especially in the
> - Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH),
> - International Journal on E-Learning (IJEJ), or
> - Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR).
> All presented papers will be considered for Best Paper Awards within
> several categories.
> Award winning papers may be invited for publication in the AACE
> http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/rates.htm
> The conference registration fee for all presenters and participants
> be
> approximately $395 U.S. (AACE members), $450 U.S. (non-members).
> Registration includes proceedings on CD, receptions, and all sessions
> except tutorials. The conference dinner will be an extra fee.
> All conference sessions will be held at the University of Lugano and
> nearby Lugano Convention Center. Several hotels are located either in
> walking distance or via a short bus ride from the conference. Hotel
> airline information soon will be announced in the next email to this
> Eductech list.
> http://www.aace.org/conf/Cities/Lugano
> The Italian flair of Switzerland. The Mediterranean region seems to
> on the southern side of the Alps. There is a feel of Italy, with palm
> trees
> at clean beaches and lanes and alleyways leading to piazzas and
> But the Alps are always close by. Mountain tours that start in snow,
> and rock, end in balmy chestnut forests. Gentian blooming on Alpine
> pastures and wooded hills rising to high peaks on the shores of
> lakes contrast with rich camellia on lakeshore promenades. If you want
> dolce vita, search no more - it is waiting for you in the numerous
> sub-tropical parks and gardens. If you crave excitement, take a
> ride. And if you prefer cultural pursuits, they're available at every
> turn;
> romantic landscapes have always attracted poets and artists and
> architects to dream up daring constructions - often based on ancient
> architectural tradition. A rich blend of past and future, north and
> mountains and plains, nature and culture, city and country - that's
> in a nutshell.
> In the past decades, the City of Lugano has become a renowned holiday
> resort that attracts tourists each year from all over the world. Its
> climate together with the beauty of its natural assets make the City
> ideal place where you can spend a delightful holiday. The City also
> a wide range of leisure activities, such as water sports, golf, free
> climbing, tennis, cultural events, such as music festivals,
> and shops of all kinds. Here the visitor can explore Lugano's history
> tradition. Numerous classical and modern jazz concerts are held every
> and have become extraordinarily popular. The world-renowned
> Thyssen-Bornemisza art collection can be viewed at the Villa Favorita,
> directly on the lake. Also the church of Santa Maria degli Angioli and
> cathedral San Lorenzo are well worth a visit. Add to your list visits
> the Villa Heleneum museum, which exhibits the impressive Sergio
> collection, the renovation of Ciani Villa and, last but not least, the
> Historical museum in Saroli Villa. The exhibitions of visual arts at
> Malpensata Villa, home to the Museum of Modern Art, represent a
> significant
> feature of the City's cultural scene.
> A must for all tourists, the beautiful Lugano Lake is extremely
> and the best way to see its many characteristics is from a boat. For
> superb views of its magnificent scenery take a rack-railway or
> to
> Monte Generoso, Monte Bré or Monte San Salvatore. Ciani Park is
> by
> the lake and near the busy centre of Lugano. It is believed to be one
> the most beautiful parks in Switzerland and subsequently attracts many
> tourists. Enormous trees,charming winding pathways and a stunning
array of
> flowers characterize the park. Nestled between San Salvatore and Monte
> Bré,
> the town is often referred to as "the pearl on Lake Lugano." Reaching
> the hillside on a bed of terraces, the old town has many historical
> buildings. For those who prefer a little more action and excitement,
> place to go is Palazzo di Riforma. Vibrant and very lively, this is
> pulsating heart of the town.
> There are many shops and boutiques. Here elegant, there quaint, and
> friendly and within easy access along the Via Nasa and its side
> Everything has been provided to ensure the expectant tourist's immense
> satisfaction. Shopping should be high on the agenda of any visit to
> Switzerland, and there are some things that you just can't go past.
> as
> the melt-in-your-mouth delight of Swiss chocolate. It's no accident
> the Swiss have the highest rate of chocolate consumption in the world
> with such a vast array of exquisite temptations available, how could
> possibly resist? And it's also something more than a coincidence that
> quality watches and pocket knives are often preceded with the word
> "Swiss."
> Neatly situated between France and Italy, Switzerland is right in the
> heart
> of the worldwide hub of high fashion. Exclusive boutiques abound with
> latest creations of leading designers from Paris and Milan - the
> unparalleled style capitals. Some of Switzerland's most notable
> can be found on Zurich's infamous Bahnhofstrasse. Another popular
> precinct is in the medieval arcades of Berne, where old cellar vaults
> house
> specialty antique stores, traditional cake cafes and nostalgic
> curios. The arcades also provide a good selection of designer fashion,
> watches, jewelry and modern luxuries. A special Swiss shopping
> is a visit to one of the colorful and eclectic street markets, with
> offerings of local produce and handcrafted treasures.
> Visit one of the small secluded fishing villages scattered along the
> such as Gandria or Morcate; all quaintly picturesque. Take a seat at
> of
> the friendly local restaurants. Under a vine-covered garden terrace,
> is an idyllic setting to sip a cool glass of wine while enjoying the
> fish specialities, the glorious scenery and the exquisite ambience.
> of
> Ticino's restaurants are in the tradition of the great Italian cuisine
> are often featured in restaurants' guides for recognition of
> Restaurants in Ticino are not strictly elitist gastronomy. "Grotti"
> restaurants offer fantastic regional dishes as well as regional
> wines.Lugano also offers a wide range of international cuisine.
> A town with a Latin temperament. The perfect venue for sitting beneath
> swaying palms and whispering cypress trees. Lugano is an ideal
> for
> http://www.lugano.ch
> http://www.lugano-tourism.com
> http://www.switzerlandtourism.ch
> http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/deadlines.htm
> Submissions Due: December 19, 2003
> Authors Notified: February 24, 2004
> Proceedings File Due: May 3, 2004
> Early Registration: May 63, 2004
> Conference: June 21-26, 2004
> --
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