>X-Sender: ariadne(a)leaohp1.epfl.ch (Unverified)
>Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 16:49:07 +0200
>To: ariadne(a)ariadne-eu.org
>From: ARIADNE Foundation <ariadne(a)ariadne-eu.org>
>Subject: ARIADNE Annual Conference - Call for Parers
>X-WU-uvscan-status: clean v4.2.40/v4281 charon
>Dear Colleagues,
>Now that ARIADNE is entering its 9th year of research, development, and
>practical work on "share and reuse" of learning objects, we are proud to
>announce the
>3rd Annual Ariadne Conference
>20-21 November 2003
>Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
>Topics relevant to this conference include:
> * Analysis of empirical usage of learning technologies
> * Design, implementation and rollout of novel learning tools
> * Novel pedagogical approaches facilitated by learning technologies
> * Learning Object Metadata
> * Social recommending for learning
> * Information Visualization for learning
> * Design for reuse
> * Aggregation and decomposition of learning objects
> * Interoperability of learning infrastructures
> * Sustainable organization of learning support
>Submissions should be between 5 and 7 pages long. Accepted formats include
>Adobe PDF, HTML and Microsoft Word. Submissions should be sent to
><mailto:ariadne@cs.kuleuven.ac.be>ariadne(a)cs.kuleuven.ac.be, preferrably
>with [ARIADNE-CONFERENCE] in the subject field. All submissions will be
>reviewed by 3 reviewers. Accepted contributions will be published in the
>official proceedings and will be made publicly available on the web.
>Just like last year, "This call for contribution is open to any teacher,
>researcher or professional, whether or not member of the Ariadne
>Foundation, whether or not a user of the Ariadne platform".
>Submissions are accepted in French or English.
>Important dates:
> * Submissions due: 8 September 2003
> * Notification: 1 October 2003
> * final paper: 1 November 2003
> * conference: 20-21 November 2003
>Erik Duval
> -----Original Message-----
> From: simos retalis [mailto:retal@unipi.gr]
> Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 4:13 PM
> To: Bernd Simon
> Cc: Erik.Duval(a)cs.kuleuven.ac.be
> Subject: Fw: (DBWORLD) CFP: Journal of Digital Libraries:Special Issue
> Semantic Web and Science Data Interoperation
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Naveen Ashish" <ashish(a)email.arc.nasa.gov>
> To: <undisclosed-recipients:>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 3:56 AM
> Subject: (DBWORLD) CFP: Journal of Digital Libraries:Special Issue on
> Semantic Web and Science Data Interoperation
> > Journal of Digital Libraries: Special Issue on Semantic Web and
> Data Interoperation
> > In most scientific disciplines today, such as earth sciences,
> bioinformatics, environmental science, physical sciences, medical
> informatics and others, scientists access a number of online sources
> provide information and services in that domain. Currently available
> methods
> and capabilities for searching, locating, retrieving, querying, and
> integrating scientific data from multiple online sources are
> for
> scientists who still use collections of stand-alone sources. There are
> several efforts in progress on applying semantic web technology for
> retrieval and task integration in scientific domains such as
> Geospatial data, integrating Bioinformatics sources and services,
> integration of GeoSciences data, Earth Science information sources and
> also
> Medical Informatics data sources, which are all based on tailoring
> upcoming
> Semantic Web technologies to science data search and retrieval, and
> providing interoperability between data sources, services and p!
> for
> distributed scientific tasks. Such efforts on providing intelligent
> to large, distributed and heterogeneous collections of science data
> services are a very important step in realizing the revolutionary
> of
> enabling collaborative science activity, such as that envisioned by
> e-science and the semantic grid (use and exploitation of semantic web
> technologies in grid computing environments) initiatives. Recognizing
> importance of the research in this exciting new area, The
> Journal of Digital Libraries is organizing a special issue on Semantic
> and Science Data Interoperation . The primary focus of this special
> will be on high-quality original unpublished research, case studies,
> well
> as implementation experiences in the area pertaining to semantic
> integration
> of scientific data sources and services. We would like to especially
> encourage submission of description of such efforts that have been
> underta!
> ken in collaboration with domain experts in the particular scientific
> disciplines.
> > Topic of Interest
> > Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
> >
> > a.. Search and Retrieval Requests Typical to Science Data Users
> >
> > a.. Ontologies and Science Data Access and Integration
> >
> > a.. Integrated Access to Multiple Science Data Sources and Services
> >
> > a.. Agents and Softbots for Science Data Access
> >
> > a.. Semantic Web Technologies aiding Interdisciplinary Science
> Activities
> >
> > a.. Data quality, Pedigree and Provenance Issues
> >
> > a.. Scientific Workflows
> >
> > a.. Interoperability Issues in Scientific Grid Environments
> >
> > Guest Editors for the Special Issue
> > Naveen Ashish
> > USRA RIACS, NASA Ames Research Center
> > MS 269/3
> > Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000, USA
> > Phone: 1-650-604-2822
> > e-mail: ashish(a)email.arc.nasa.gov
> >
> > Carole Goble
> > Department of Computer Science
> > University of Manchester
> > Room 2.32 Kilburn Building
> > Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK
> > Phone: 44-161-275-6195
> > email: carole(a)cs.man.uk
> >
> >
> > Amit P. Sheth
> > Department of Computer Science
> > University of Georgia and Semagix Inc.
> > 415 Boyd GSRC
> > Athens, GA 30602, USA
> > Phone: 1-706-542-2310
> > email: amit(a)cs.uga.edu
> >
> >
> > Instructions for submitting manuscripts:
> > Manuscripts must be written in English and should include a cover
> with title, name and address (including e-mail address) of author(s),
> abstract, and a list of identifying keywords. Please indicate that you
> submitting to the special issue on semantic web and science data
> Manuscripts must be submitted via the JDL submissions website, which
> provides formatting information and style files.
> > Important Dates
> > December 1, 2003 Due date for submission of manuscripts
> > March 1, 2004 Notification of acceptance/rejection
> > May 1, 2004 Due date for final version
> > Sep 2004 Tentative date for publication of Special Issue
> >
> --
> To subscribe or unsubscribe yourself from dbworld, send a msg to
> majordomo(a)cs.wisc.edu with one of these lines: subscribe dbworld OR
> unsubscribe dbworld To find out more options send a msg with the line:
> help
> To post messages, go to URL
> www.cs.wisc.edu/dbworld
> --
> ----------------------
> >
> >
>Delivered-To: alias-security-contacts.cms2003(a)security.polito.it
>Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 15:57:56 +0200
>From: Antonio Lioy <lioy(a)polito.it>
>Organization: Politecnico di Torino
>User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.3)
>X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
>To: undisclosed-recipients:;
>Subject: CMS-2003: call for participation
>X-WU-uvscan-status: clean v4.2.40/v4287 popstar
>Dear colleague,
>we invite you to participate to the IFIP CMS-2003 (Communications and
>Multimedia Security) conference that will be held in Torino (Italy) on
>October 2-3, 2003.
>In addition to a qualified scientific program, the conference goes
>together with two side events:
>- a tutorial on Techniques for secure software development
>- a Microsoft-organized workshop on wireless technologies
>Please refer to the conference web site:
> http://security.polito.it/cms2003/
>for information about the scientific program, the tutorial, the MS event
>and for registration forms.
>Note that the deadline for discounted early registration is August 31.
>We are looking forward to meeting you in Torino.
>Best regards,
>Antonio Lioy (conference chairman)
>Daniele Mazzocchi (program chairman)
susanne guth
assistant professor
vienna university of economics and business administration
dept. of information systems
augasse 2-6, 1090 vienna
tel. +43 1 31336 4427 +fax. +43 1 31336 746
This message is intended only for the designated recipient and may contain
legally protected and confidential information. If you have received it in
error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the original or any
copies. Any other use of this e-mail is prohibited. The sender accepts no
liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message,
unless caused willfully by the sender.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP for K-CAP '03
Date: Wednesday 27 August 2003 03:54
From: John Gennari <gennari(a)u.washington.edu>
To: kaw(a)swi.psy.uva.nl, ml(a)ics.uci.edu, www-rdf-interest(a)w3.org, ai-medicine(a)smi.stanford.edu, irlist-editor(a)acm.org
Cc: Bruce Porter <porter(a)CS.UTEXAS.EDU>
Second International Conference on Knowledge Capture
October 23-25, 2003
Sanibel, Florida
Early registration deadline: Sept 15th!
See http://sern.ucalgary.ca/ksi/K-CAP/K-CAP2003/
Information in all forms is increasingly available, but using it
effectively requires a range of technologies for representing,
manipulating, and reasoning with information. These technologies
comprise Knowledge Capture, the extraction of useful knowledge from
vast and diverse sources of information. Driven by the demands for
knowledge-based applications, and the unprecedented availability of
information on the Internet, the study of knowledge capture has a
renewed importance.
K-CAP 2003 will provide a forum in which to bring together disparate
research communities whose members are interested in efficiently
capturing knowledge from a variety of sources and in creating
representations that can be useful for reasoning.
Conference Highlights:
- K-CAP 2003 will be co-located with the International Semantic Web
Conference (ISWC). For more on ISWC, see: iswc2003.semanticweb.org
- K-CAP 2003 will showcase 22 outstanding technical presentations.
For titles and authors, see: sern.ucalgary.ca/ksi/K-CAP/K-CAP2003
- K-CAP 2003 will include 5 workshops:
. Knowledge Markup and Semantic Annotation
. Knowledge Management and the Semantic Web
. Information Visualization in Knowledge Capture Technologies
. Distributed and Collaborative Knowledge Capture
. Capturing Knowledge from Domain Experts: Progress and Prospects
For workshop descriptions and organizers, see:
- K-CAP 2003 will include an invited talk by Dr. Paul Cohen
(UMass-Amherst): "How Robot Baby Learns Meaningful
Representations". For the talk's abstract, see:
- K-CAP 2003 will include coordinated presentations on three of the
largest and most exciting projects on Knowledge Capture:
. DARPA's Rapid Knowledge Formation project
. EPSRC's Advanced Knowledge Technologies project
. Vulcan Inc's Project Halo
- K-CAP 2003 will be held on beautiful Sanibel Island in
south Florida. For details, and to make reservations, see:
For more information on the K-CAP Conference series, see: www.k-cap.org
To register for the Conference, see: sern.ucalgary.ca/ksi/K-CAP/K-CAP2003
The deadline for early registration is September 15, 2003.
IMPORTANT: Please forward this note to anyone you know who might be
interested in attending. Thank you!
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IASTED Conference on WBE 2004 Call for Papers
Date: Monday 25 August 2003 22:06
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)iasted.org>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
The IASTED International Conference on
Web-based Education
(WBE 2004)
February 16 - 18, 2004
Innsbruck, Austria
Submissions due------------------------October 1, 2003
Notification of acceptance-------------November 1, 2003
Final manuscript due-------------------November 15, 2003
Registration and full payment----------December 1, 2003
The International Association of Science and Technology for Development
(IASTED) Technical Committee on Education
Dr. Vladimir Uskov - Bradley University, USA
This conference is an international forum for researchers and practitioners
interested in the advances in, and applications of, technology in web-based
education. It is an opportunity to present and observe the latest research,
results, and ideas in these areas. All papers submitted to this conference
will be peer reviewed by at least two members of the International Program
Committee. Acceptance will be based primarily on originality and
WBE 2004 will be held in conjunction with the IASTED International
Conferences on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 2004), Parallel
and Distributing Computing and Networks (PDCN 2004), Software Engineering
(SE 2004), Databases and Applications (DBA 2004), and Biomedical Engineering
(BioMed 2004).
Located on the banks of the Inn River, Innsbruck lies in a valley in the
Tirolean Alps. A medieval gem and Olympic city twice over, Innsbruck has
managed to retain its historical beauty while establishing itself as a
dynamic and versatile city center. In recognition of the cultural and
historical significance of its past, Innsbruck has worked to preserve the
artistic and historical treasures that continue to define this city. It
boasts a number of historical landmarks and artistic treasures, among them
the "Black Knights", the Court Palace, the Golden Roof, and Ambras Castle.
While the history of this city holds great importance, Innsbruck also
features an abundance of first-class recreational facilities. With the Alps
at one's feet, there are numerous opportunities for hiking, skiing,
paragliding, and mountain biking, all amidst breathtaking physical
landscapes. With its mixture of historical, intellectual, and recreational
offerings, Innsbruck is a city that holds something for everyone. It is a
unique travel experience that should not be missed.
WBE 2004 will be held at the world-famous Congress Innsbruck, located in the
heart of the city, near the historical quarter. This facility won the award
in 2000 for 'Best Conference Center in Europe'.
Topics for this conference include, but are not limited to:
Web-based Education (WBE)
Web-based Training
Online Education and Training
E-learning and E-training
Innovative Teaching and Learning Technologies for Web-based Education
Multimedia Applications in Web-based Education
Communication Technology Applications in Web-based Education
Web-lecturing Technology
Virtual Reality Applications in Web-based Education
Scientific Web-based Laboratories and Virtual Labs
Software and Hardware Systems for Web-based Education
Authoring Systems for Web-based Education
Multi-agent Technology Applications in Web-based Education
Design and Development of Online Courseware
Reusable Learning Objects for Web-based Education
Educational Portals for Web-based Education
Virtual Universities and Colleges
Online Degree and Certificate Programs
Virtual Collaborative Learning
Quality Issues of Web-based Education
Testing and Assessment Issues of Web-based Education
Best Practices of Web-based Education
National Policies on Web-based Education
National Projects on Virtual Universities and Web-based Education
International Projects and International Collaboration on Web-based
Education Academia/Industry Collaboration on Web-based Training
Corporate Web-based Training
Web-based Methods and Tools in Traditional and Distance Education
Faculty Development on Web-based Education
Dot-com Educational Institutions and Their Impact on Traditional
Universities Funding Opportunities for Projects in Web-based Education
I. Aedo - Spain
M. Allegra - Italy
M. Ally - Canada
B. Aris - Malaysia
L. Aroyo - The Netherlands
J.P. Baggaley - Canada
M. Bunch - USA
H. Burkhart - Switzerland
V. Cano - UK
J. Cerny - Canada
M. Ciampi - Brazil
B. Collis - The Netherlands
C. Constantinides UK
A. Cristea - The Netherlands
C. da Rocha Brito - Brazil
A. D'Atri - Italy
D. Davcev FYROM
D. Dicheva - USA
A. El-Hajj - Lebanon
F. Flueckiger - Switzerland
P. Goodyear - UK
K. Goshi - Japan
A. Grabowska - Poland
H. Haga - Japan
H. Haugen Norway
K. Henke - Germany
B.G. Hudson - UK
A.D. Ivannikov - Russia
T.L. Leacock - Canada
C.-H. Lee Korea
M. Li - PRC
M. Lopez Fernandez - Spain
R. Mizoguchi - Japan
C. Montgomerie - Canada
G.D. Nag - India
D. Nichols - New Zealand
A. Ninck - Switzerland
N. Nocente - Canada
I. Norenkov - Russia
T. Okamoto - Japan
E. Regentova - USA
D. Rutkauskienë - Lithuania
G. Salter Australia
L.B. Sheremetov - Mexico
C. Sherwood - Australia
K.S. So - PRC
K. Stephanidis - Greece
M. Tahernezhadi USA
V.P. Tikhomirov - Russia
H.-D. Wuttke - Germany
Initial Paper
Submit your paper via our website at:
All submissions should be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Postscript (.ps), or MS
Word (.doc) format. The IASTED Secretariat must receive your paper by
October 1, 2003. Do not send hard copies of your paper. Receipt of paper
submission will be confirmed by e-mail.
Complete the online Paper Submission Form to designate a principal author, to
submit your initial paper, and to provide four key words to indicate the
subject area of your paper. One of the key words must be taken from the
list of topics provided under Scope. On the paper, provide the full names,
affiliations, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses of
all authors.
Initial paper submissions should be approximately six pages. Formatting
instructions are available at: http://www.iasted.org/formatting-initial.htm
Notification of acceptance will be sent via e-mail on November 1, 2003.
Final manuscripts are due by November 15, 2003. Registration and final
payment is due by December 1, 2003. Late registration fees or paper
submissions will result in the papers being excluded from the conference
Final Paper
Send your final manuscripts via e-mail to: finalpapers(a)iasted.org . The
subject line for the final manuscript submission must include the six-digit
paper number. The formatting instructions can be found on the web at:
http://www.iasted.org/formatting-final.htm and must be strictly followed.
The page limit for final papers is six pages (single-spaced, double-column,
10 point Times New Roman font). Only one paper of up to six pages is
included in the regular registration fee. The additional page and paper
charge is USD $75.00 per page.
Proposals for half-day tutorials (three hours) should be submitted online by
October 1, 2003. Tutorials are to be submitted via the following website
address: http://iasted.org/conferences/2004/Innsbruck/tutorialsubmit-416.htm
A tutorial proposal should clearly indicate the topic, background knowledge
expected of the participants, objectives, time allocations for the major
course topics, and the qualifications of the instructor(s).
Persons wishing to organize a special session should submit a proposal via
e-mail to calgary(a)iasted.org by October 1, 2003. Proposals should include a
minimum of five papers, a session title, a list of the topics covered, and
the qualifications and brief biography of the session organizer(s). The name
of the session organizer will appear in the program and proceedings provided
five or more papers are presented. More information on special sessions is
available online at the following website address:
For more information, or to be placed on our mailing list, please contact:
IASTED Secretariat - WBE 2004
#80, 4500 - 16th Avenue N.W.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T3B 0M6
Tel: 403-288-1195
Fax: 403-247-6851
E-mail: calgary(a)iasted.org
Website: http://www.iasted.org
If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please visit the following
link and click on the Unsubscribe button:
Or email to unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Liddy Nevile [mailto:Liddy.Nevile@motile.net]
Gesendet: Montag, 25. August 2003 10:34
An: dc-anz(a)dc-anz.org
Betreff: [dc-anz] WWW 2004 in New York
Excuse any cross posting - but please send this to all who may be
interested. As a Co-Chair, I'd especially like to encourage you to
think about proposals for the Web of Communities Track -
The Thirteenth International World Wide Web Conference
May 17-22, 2004 New York City, NY USA
Paper submission deadline: November 14, 2003
The WWW2004 conference will be held in Manhattan at the Sheraton Hotel.
technical program will include refereed paper presentations, alternate
presentations, plenary sessions, panels, and poster sessions. Tutorials
workshops will precede the main program, and a Developers Day, devoted
in-depth technical sessions designed specifically for Web developers,
Tutorial/workshop proposals deadline: October 15, 2003
Paper submission deadline: November 14, 2003
Panel proposals deadline: November 14, 2003
Poster submission starts: January 15, 2004
Poster submission deadline: February 7, 2004
Author notification (papers): January 31, 2004
Developers Day deadline: February 14, 2004
Final papers due: February 28, 2004
Author notification (posters): March 14, 2004
Industrial Practice track deadline: March 15, 2004
Conference:May 17-22, 2004
WWW2004 seeks original papers describing research in all areas of the
Papers should not have been published or be in submission at another
or journal. Topics include but are not limited to:
Browsers and User Interfaces
Data Mining
Electronic Commerce (potential papers should be submitted to the
Conference, which is co-located with WWW2004)
Mobility and Wireless Access
Performance and Reliability
Security and Privacy
Semantic Web
Web Engineering
Submissions should present original reports of substantive new
work. Papers should properly place the work within the field, cite
related work, and clearly indicate the innovative aspects of the work
and its contribution to the field. Papers will be peer-reviewed by at
least 3 reviewers from an International Program Committee. Accepted
papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by the
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), and will also be accessible
to the general public via http://www2004.org/. Authors are not
required to transfer copyright. Papers must be submitted
electronically in PDF format, and must be formatted using the ACM
proceedings format. Detailed formatting requirements will be available
on http://www2004.org/. The official language of the conference is
English. Inquiries can be sent to www2004-pc-chairs(a)cs.wpi.edu.
Alternate tracks include a combination of peer-reviewed papers and
presentations. Topics include:
Web of Communities
Web Services
Industrial Practice
W3C Track (latest news and views from the World Wide Web Consortium)
papers only
Inquiries can be sent to www2004-pc-chairs(a)cs.wpi.edu.
Marc Najork, Microsoft Research
Craig Wills, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Posters provide a forum for late-breaking research, and facilitate
feedback in an informal setting. Posters are peer-reviewed. Formatting
and publication details will be available on http://www2004.org/.
The poster area provides an opportunity for researchers and
practitioners to present and demonstrate their recent Web-related
research, and to obtain feedback from their peers in an informal
setting. It gives conference attendees a way to learn about innovative
works in progress in a timely and informal manner.
A program of tutorials will cover topics of current interest to Web
development, services, operation, use, and evaluation. These half and
sessions will be led by internationally recognized experts and
instructors using prepared content.
Workshops provide an opportunity for researchers, designers, leaders,
practitioners to explore current Web R&D issues through a more focused
in-depth manner than is possible in a traditional conference session.
Participants typically present position statements and hold in-depth
discussions with their peers within the workshop setting.
Developers Day (D-Day) will be devoted to the interests of Web
developers, and
will offer in-depth discussions of technologies and tools at the
forefront of
the Web. This day-long program will consist of several parallel streams
on specific content areas. D-Day sessions are designed to be timely and
Vice Chair: Corin Anderson, Google, USA
Deputy Vice Chair: Prashant Shenoy, University of Massachusetts, USA
Browsers and UI:
Vice Chair: Andreas Paepcke, Stanford University, USA
Deputy Vice Chair: Bay-Wei Chang, Google, USA
Data Mining:
Vice Chair: Krishna Bharat, Google, USA
Deputy Vice Chair: Ramakrishnan Srikant, IBM Almaden, USA
Electronic Commerce:
WWW2004 Liason to EC2004 Conference: David Pennock, Overture Services,
WWW2004 Liason to EC2004 Conference: Mark Manasse, Microsoft Research,
Mobility and Wireless Access:
Vice Chair: Yoelle Maarek, IBM Haifa, Israel
Deputy Vice Chair: Jason Nieh, Columbia University, USA
Performance and Reliability:
Vice Chair: Mike Dahlin, University of Texas Austin, USA
Deputy Vice Chair: Steve Gribble, University of Washington, USA
Vice Chair: Prabhakar Raghavan, Verity, USA
Deputy Vice Chair: Jon Kleinberg, Cornell University, USA
Security and Privacy:
Vice Chair: Brian LaMacchia, Microsoft Research, USA
Deputy Vice Chair: Patrick McDaniel, AT&T Research, USA
Semantic Web:
Vice Chair: Peter Patel-Schneider, Bell Labs, USA
Deputy Vice Chair: Steffen Staab, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Web Engineering:
Vice Chair: Daniel Schwabe, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de
Deputy Vice Chair: Martin Gaedke, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Co-Chair: Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Co-Chair: Wolfgang Nejdl, University of Hannover, Germany
Web of Communities:
Co-Chair: David De Roure, University of Southampton, UK
Co-Chair: Liddy Nevile, La Trobe University, Australia
Industrial Practice:
Chair: Raymie Stata, University of California Santa Cruz, USA
Deputy Chair: William Cook, University of Texas Austin, USA
Web Services:
Chair: Francisco (Paco) Curbera, IBM Research, USA
Deputy Chair: Mike Papazoglou, Tilburg University, Netherlands
Chair: Marie-Claire Forgue, W3C, France
Chair: Lloyd Rutledge, CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Deputy Chair: Mary Ellen Zurko, IBM, USA
Arun Iyengar, IBM Research, USA
Bebo White, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, USA
Chair: Irwin King, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Deputy Chair: Weisong Shi, Wayne State University, USA
Stuart Feldman, IBM
Michael Uretsky, New York University
IW3C2 Liason to WWW2004
Vincent Shen, W3C
Arun Iyengar, IBM Research, USA
International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2)
New York University Center For Advanced Technology
IFIP Working Group 6.4 on Internet Applications Engineering
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
General questions about WWW2004 may be sent to info(a)www2004.org
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dc-anz-unsubscribe(a)dc-anz.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dc-anz-help(a)dc-anz.org
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Call for Papers MKWI2004
Date: Monday 18 August 2003 14:03
From: "Prof. Dr. Heiner Müller-Merbach" <hmm(a)bior.de>
To: <mkwi04-list(a)sozwi.uni-kl.de>
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
im Rahmen der Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2004 (MKWI2004) am 9./11.
März 2004 in Essen organisiere ich die Teilkonferenz zum Thema
Organisationale Intelligenz.
Einen Call for Papers sende ich als Anlage. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn unser
Thema für Sie von Interesse wäre und Sie einen Vortrag anmeldeten.
Bitte geben Sie diese Einladung auch weiter an potenziell interessierte
Kollegen und Mitarbeiter, die ebenfalls als aktive (oder passive)
Teilnehmer, d.h. als Referenten bzw. Zuhörer, willkommen sind.
Gern sende ich Ihnen weitere Information, falls Sie Fragen haben sollten.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Heiner Müller-Merbach
Prof. Dr. Heiner Müller-Merbach
Betriebsinformatik und Operations Research
Universität Kaiserslautern
Postfach 30 49
Erwin-Schrödinger-Straße, Geb. 42-418
D-67653 Kaiserslautern
Work: +49-631-205-2982
Fax: +49-631-205-3381
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
The Program Committee of the 2nd International ILIAS Conference
in Cologne (October 1 and 2, 2003) invites papers concerning the
following categories:
* Practical experiences
* Technical development
* e-learning standards
Contributed papers should be submitted by e-mail in the form of
extended abstracts of two to four pages including a short abstract
(50-100 words) by Friday, August 15, 2003. Submissions will be
reviewed by the program committee, and notification of acceptance
will be given by Friday, August 29. The abstracts will be placed on
the conference web site before the meeting.
For more information please see the conference web site or contact
the conference team: ilias-conference(a)uni-koeln.de
Best regards,
Matthias Kunkel
ILIAS open source
Projektmanagement @ Universitaet zu Koeln
Fon: 0221-940.25.65 * Fax: 0221-940.25.67
Project Management @ University of Cologne
Phone: +49.221.940.25.65 * Fax: +49.221.940.25.67
Forum: http://www.ilias.uni-koeln.de/iosbb
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Meet you at the:
2nd International ILIAS Conference
October 01 and 02, 2003 in Cologne
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
>From: "Kinshuk" <kinshuk(a)inspire.net.nz>
>Subject: Second IEEE Workshop on Wireless & Mobile Technologies in Education
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1158
>Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 21:17:08 +1200 (NZST)
>X-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-new at inspire.net.nz
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>id h7A9If80060506
>Dear colleague
>The deadline for paper submission for the "Second IEEE International Workshop
>On Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education" (WMTE) is fast approaching.
> Second IEEE International Workshop on
>Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education (WMTE)
> March 23-25, 2004
> National Central University, JungLi, Taiwan
> http://lttf.ieee.org/wmte2003/
>Submissions due: September 15, 2003
>Notification of acceptance: October 31, 2003
>Final articles due: December 1, 2003
>Workshop: March 23-25, 2004
>Proceedings to be published by IEEE Computer Society Press.
>For further details, please check the website:
>Assoc. Prof. Kinshuk kinshuk(a)inspire.net.nz
>Chair, IEEE Learning Technology Task Force http://lttf.ieee.org/
>Information Systems Dept., Massey Univ., Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston
>North, New Zealand
>Tel: +64 6 3505799 ext. 2090 Fax: +64 6
>3505725 http://infosys.massey.ac.nz/~kinshuk