---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IASTED Conference on PDCN 2004 - Call for Papers
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 11:23:57 -0600
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)iasted.org>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
IASTED International Conference on
Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks
(PDCN 2004)
as part of the Twenty-Second IASTED International Multi-Conference on
February 17 - 19, 2004
Innsbruck, Austria
Submissions due------------------------------------October 1, 2003
Notification of acceptance-------------------------November 1, 2003
Final manuscripts due------------------------------November 15, 2003
Registration and full payments due---------------December 1, 2003
The International Association of Science and Technology for Development
(IASTED) Technical Committee on Parallel and Distributed Computing and
This conference is an international forum for researchers and practitioners
interested in the advances in, and applications of, parallel and distributed
computing and networks. It is an opportunity to present and observe the
latest research, results, and ideas in these areas. All papers submitted to
this conference will be peer reviewed by at least two members of the
International Program Committee. Acceptance will be based primarily on
originality and contribution.
PDCN 2004 will be held in conjunction with the IASTED International
Conferences on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 2004), Software
Engineering (SE 2004), Databases and Applications (DBA 2004), Web-based
Education (WBE 2004), and Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2004).
Located on the banks of the Inn River, Innsbruck lies in a valley in the
Tirolean Alps. A medieval gem and Olympic city twice over, Innsbruck has
managed to retain its historical beauty while establishing itself as a
dynamic and versatile city center. In recognition of the cultural and
historical significance of its past, Innsbruck has worked to preserve the
artistic and historical treasures that continue to define this city. It
boasts a number of historical landmarks and artistic treasures, among them
the "Black Knights", the Court Palace, the Golden Roof, and Ambras Castle.
While the history of this city holds great importance, Innsbruck also
features an abundance of first-class recreational facilities. With the Alps
at one's feet, there are numerous opportunities for hiking, skiing,
paragliding, and mountain biking, all amidst breathtaking physical
landscapes. With its mixture of historical, intellectual, and recreational
offerings, Innsbruck is a city that holds something for everyone. It is a
unique travel experience that should not be missed.
PDCN 2004 will be held at the world-famous Congress Innsbruck, located in the
heart of the city, near the historical quarter. This facility won the award
in 2000 for 'Best Conference Center in Europe'.
The topics to be covered include but are not limited to:
Parallel Computing Systems
Cluster Computing
High Performance Computing
Mobile Computing
Personal Computing
Heterogeneous Computing
Web Technologies
Interconnection Networks
Optical Networks
Broadband Networks
Wireless Networks
Computer Networks
IP and ATM Networks
Parallel Programming
Parallel Processing
Distributed Multimedia
Internet Tools
Queuing Systems
Resource Allocation
Modelling and Simulation
Distributed Real-time Systems
Distributed Databases
Distributed, Knowledge-based Systems
Data Mining
Data Warehousing
Operating Systems
Fault Tolerance
Performance Evaluation
Real-time and Embedded Systems
Memory and I/O Systems
M.A. Aboelaze - York University, Canada
S.S. Al-Khayatt - Sheffield Hallam University, UK
A.I. Al-Mojel - Ministry of Higher Education, Saudi Arabia
S. Aluru - Iowa State University, USA
H. Amano - Keio University, Japan
J.W. Baker - Kent State University, USA
P. Banerjee - Northwestern University, USA
F. Baude - INRIA, France
L. Bengtsson - Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
G. Bilardi - University of Padova, Italy
A. Bode - Munich Technical University, Germany
L. Boszormenyi - Klagenfurt University, Austria
H. Burkhart - University of Basel, Switzerland
R. Buyya - University of Melbourne, Australia
B.M. Chapman - University of Houston, USA
P. Chaudhuri - University of the West Indies at Cave Hill, Barbados
P.-J. Chuang - Tamkang University, Taiwan
M. Conti - National Research Council, Italy
T. Cortes - Catalunya Polytechnical University, Spain
D.M. Da Silva - IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA
V. De Florio - Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
F.K.H.A. Dehne - Carleton University, Canada
P. Dickman - University of Glasgow, UK
M.D. Dikaiakos - University of Cyprus, Cyprus
J. Dongarra - University of Tennessee, USA
C.C. Douglas - University of Kentucky and Yale University, USA
D.Z. Du - University of Minnesota, USA
A. Ferreira - INRIA, France
G. Fortino - University of Calabria, Italy
M. Franklin - University of Maryland, College Park, USA
R. Garg - IBM India Research Lab, India
G. Gao - University of Delaware, USA
M. Gerndt - Munich Technical University, Germany
V. Getov - University of Westminster, UK
A. Grama - Purdue University, USA
G. Gravvanis - Hellenic Open University, Greece
Q. Gu - Simon Fraser University, Canada
R. Gupta - University of Arizona, USA
S. Hariri - University of Arizona, USA
K. Hawick - Massey University, New Zealand
H. Hosseini - University of Wiscousin-Milwaukee, USA
C. Izu - University of Adelaide, Australia
H. Jin - Huazhong University of Science and Technology, PRC
B.S. Joshi - ITN Energy Systems Inc., USA
H.D. Karatza - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
H. Kasahara - Waseda University, Japan
G. Kayikkalthop - Oklahoma State University, USA
P.H. Kelly - Imperial College of London, UK
H. Kosch - Klagenfurt University, Austria
E.V. Krishnamurthy - Australian National University, Australia
D. Krizanc - Wesleyan University, USA
V.C. Leung - University of British Columbia, Canada
E. Levner - Holon Academic Institute of Technology, Israel
X.S. Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
R. Libeskind-Hadas - Harvey Mudd College, USA
O. Lysne - Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
K.D. Maier - University of Kent, UK
A. Mendelson - Intel, Israel
P. Mussi - INRIA, France
J.F. Myoupo - University of Picardie Jules Verne, France
J. Nabrzyski - Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Centre, Poland
W.E. Nagel - Dresden University of Technology, Germany
S. Olariu - Old Dominion University, USA
A.Y. Oruc - University of Maryland, USA
M. Ould-Khaoua - University of Glasgow, UK
M. Parashar - Rutgers University, USA
S. Peng - Hosei University, Japan
R.H. Perrott - Queen's University Belfast, UK
F. Petrini - Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
A. Pietracaprina - University of Padova, Italy
G. Pucci - University of Padova, Italy
C.P. Ravikumar - Texas Instruments India Ltd., India
A. Reinefeld - Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
M. Resch - University of Stuttgart, Germany
M. Rinard - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
R. Sakellariou - University of Manchester, UK
F.E. Sandnes - Olso University College, Norway
J. Sang - Cleveland State University, USA
C. Scheideler - John Hopkins University, USA
E. Schikuta - University of Vienna, Austria
A. Schiper - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland
B. Schnor - University of Potsdam, Germany
M. Schoettner - Ulm University, Germany
H. Schroder - RMIT University, Australia
A. Schuster - Technion, Israel
S.G. Sedukhin - University of Aizu, Japan
L. Sousa - INESC-ID, Portugal
P.K. Srimani - Clemson University, USA
I. Stojmenovic - University of Ottawa, Canada
E.D. Sturler - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
D. Talia - University of Calabria, Italy
G. Tan - National University of Singapore, Singapore
D. Taniar - Monash University, Australia
P. Todorova - FhG-FOKUS, Germany
P. Tsigas - Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
P. Tvrdik - Czech Technical University, Czech Republic
L.N. Vintan - Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania
D.W. Walker - Cardiff University, UK
X. Wang - Tsinghua University, PRC
J. Wasniewski - Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
R. Wismüller - Munich Technical University, Germany
B.E. Wolfinger - Hamburg University, Germany
J. Wu - Florida Atlantic University, USA
J. Xue - University of New South Wales, Australia
J. Zhang - University of Alabama, USA
Y. Zhang - Rutgers University, USA
A. Zomaya - University of Sydney, Australia
Initial Paper
Submit your paper via our website at:
All submissions should be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Postscript (.ps), or MS
Word (.doc) format. The IASTED Secretariat must receive your paper by
October 1, 2003. Do not send hard copies of your paper. Receipt of paper
submission will be confirmed by e-mail.
Please complete the online Paper Submission Form to designate a principal
author, to submit your initial paper, and to provide four key words to
indicate the subject area of your paper. One of the key words must be taken
from the list of topics provided under Scope. On the paper, please provide
the full names, affiliations, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and
e-mail addresses of all authors.
Initial paper submissions should be approximately six pages. Formatting
instructions are available at: http://www.iasted.org/formatting-initial.htm
Notification of acceptance will be sent via e-mail on November 1, 2003.
Final manuscripts are due by November 15, 2003. Registration and final
payment is due by December 1, 2003. Late registration fees or paper
submissions will result in the papers being excluded from the conference
Final Paper
Please send your final manuscript via e-mail to: finalpapers(a)iasted.org .
The subject line for the final manuscript submission must include the
six-digit paper number. The formatting instructions can be found on the web
at: http://www.iasted.org/formatting-final.htm and must be strictly
followed. The page limit for final papers is six pages (single-spaced,
double-column, 10 point Times New Roman font). Only one paper of up to six
pages is included in the regular registration fee. The additional page and
paper charge is USD $75.00 per page.
Proposals for half-day tutorials (three hours) should be submitted online by
October 1, 2003. Tutorials are to be submitted via the following website
address: http://iasted.org/conferences/2004/Innsbruck/tutorialsubmit-420.htm
A tutorial proposal should clearly indicate the topic, background knowledge
expected of the participants, objectives, time allocations for the major
course topics, and the qualifications of the instructor(s).
Persons wishing to organize a special session should submit a proposal via
e-mail to calgary(a)iasted.org by October 1, 2003. Proposals should include a
minimum of five papers, a session title, a list of the topics covered, and
the qualifications and brief biography of the session organizer(s). The name
of the session organizer will appear in the program and proceedings provided
five or more papers are presented. More information on special sessions is
available online at the following website address:
For more information, or to be placed on our mailing list, please contact:
IASTED Secretariat - PDCN 2004
#80, 4500 - 16th Avenue N.W.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T3B 0M6
Tel: 403-288-1195
Fax: 403-247-6851
E-mail: calgary(a)iasted.org
Website: http://www.iasted.org
If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please email to
unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IASTED Conference on PDCN 2004 - Call for Papers
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 13:50:19 -0600
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)iasted.org>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
IASTED International Conference on
Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks
(PDCN 2004)
as part of the Twenty-Second IASTED International Multi-Conference on
February 17 - 19, 2004
Innsbruck, Austria
Submissions due------------------------------------October 1, 2003
Notification of acceptance-------------------------November 1, 2003
Final manuscripts due------------------------------November 15, 2003
Registration and full payments due---------------December 1, 2003
The International Association of Science and Technology for Development
(IASTED) Technical Committee on Parallel and Distributed Computing and
This conference is an international forum for researchers and practitioners
interested in the advances in, and applications of, parallel and distributed
computing and networks. It is an opportunity to present and observe the
latest research, results, and ideas in these areas. All papers submitted to
this conference will be peer reviewed by at least two members of the
International Program Committee. Acceptance will be based primarily on
originality and contribution.
PDCN 2004 will be held in conjunction with the IASTED International
Conferences on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 2004), Software
Engineering (SE 2004), Databases and Applications (DBA 2004), Web-based
Education (WBE 2004), and Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2004).
Located on the banks of the Inn River, Innsbruck lies in a valley in the
Tirolean Alps. A medieval gem and Olympic city twice over, Innsbruck has
managed to retain its historical beauty while establishing itself as a
dynamic and versatile city center. In recognition of the cultural and
historical significance of its past, Innsbruck has worked to preserve the
artistic and historical treasures that continue to define this city. It
boasts a number of historical landmarks and artistic treasures, among them
the "Black Knights", the Court Palace, the Golden Roof, and Ambras Castle.
While the history of this city holds great importance, Innsbruck also
features an abundance of first-class recreational facilities. With the Alps
at one's feet, there are numerous opportunities for hiking, skiing,
paragliding, and mountain biking, all amidst breathtaking physical
landscapes. With its mixture of historical, intellectual, and recreational
offerings, Innsbruck is a city that holds something for everyone. It is a
unique travel experience that should not be missed.
PDCN 2004 will be held at the world-famous Congress Innsbruck, located in the
heart of the city, near the historical quarter. This facility won the award
in 2000 for 'Best Conference Center in Europe'.
The topics to be covered include but are not limited to:
Parallel Computing Systems
Cluster Computing
High Performance Computing
Mobile Computing
Personal Computing
Heterogeneous Computing
Web Technologies
Interconnection Networks
Optical Networks
Broadband Networks
Wireless Networks
Computer Networks
IP and ATM Networks
Parallel Programming
Parallel Processing
Distributed Multimedia
Internet Tools
Queuing Systems
Resource Allocation
Modelling and Simulation
Distributed Real-time Systems
Distributed Databases
Distributed, Knowledge-based Systems
Data Mining
Data Warehousing
Operating Systems
Fault Tolerance
Performance Evaluation
Real-time and Embedded Systems
Memory and I/O Systems
M.A. Aboelaze - York University, Canada
S.S. Al-Khayatt - Sheffield Hallam University, UK
A.I. Al-Mojel - Ministry of Higher Education, Saudi Arabia
S. Aluru - Iowa State University, USA
H. Amano - Keio University, Japan
J.W. Baker - Kent State University, USA
P. Banerjee - Northwestern University, USA
F. Baude - INRIA, France
L. Bengtsson - Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
G. Bilardi - University of Padova, Italy
A. Bode - Munich Technical University, Germany
L. Boszormenyi - Klagenfurt University, Austria
H. Burkhart - University of Basel, Switzerland
R. Buyya - University of Melbourne, Australia
B.M. Chapman - University of Houston, USA
P. Chaudhuri - University of the West Indies at Cave Hill, Barbados
P.-J. Chuang - Tamkang University, Taiwan
M. Conti - National Research Council, Italy
T. Cortes - Catalunya Polytechnical University, Spain
D.M. Da Silva - IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA
V. De Florio - Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
F.K.H.A. Dehne - Carleton University, Canada
P. Dickman - University of Glasgow, UK
M.D. Dikaiakos - University of Cyprus, Cyprus
J. Dongarra - University of Tennessee, USA
C.C. Douglas - University of Kentucky and Yale University, USA
D.Z. Du - University of Minnesota, USA
A. Ferreira - INRIA, France
G. Fortino - University of Calabria, Italy
M. Franklin - University of Maryland, College Park, USA
R. Garg - IBM India Research Lab, India
G. Gao - University of Delaware, USA
M. Gerndt - Munich Technical University, Germany
V. Getov - University of Westminster, UK
A. Grama - Purdue University, USA
G. Gravvanis - Hellenic Open University, Greece
Q. Gu - Simon Fraser University, Canada
R. Gupta - University of Arizona, USA
S. Hariri - University of Arizona, USA
K. Hawick - Massey University, New Zealand
H. Hosseini - University of Wiscousin-Milwaukee, USA
C. Izu - University of Adelaide, Australia
H. Jin - Huazhong University of Science and Technology, PRC
B.S. Joshi - ITN Energy Systems Inc., USA
H.D. Karatza - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
H. Kasahara - Waseda University, Japan
G. Kayikkalthop - Oklahoma State University, USA
P.H. Kelly - Imperial College of London, UK
H. Kosch - Klagenfurt University, Austria
E.V. Krishnamurthy - Australian National University, Australia
D. Krizanc - Wesleyan University, USA
V.C. Leung - University of British Columbia, Canada
E. Levner - Holon Academic Institute of Technology, Israel
X.S. Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
R. Libeskind-Hadas - Harvey Mudd College, USA
O. Lysne - Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
K.D. Maier - University of Kent, UK
A. Mendelson - Intel, Israel
P. Mussi - INRIA, France
J.F. Myoupo - University of Picardie Jules Verne, France
J. Nabrzyski - Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Centre, Poland
W.E. Nagel - Dresden University of Technology, Germany
S. Olariu - Old Dominion University, USA
A.Y. Oruc - University of Maryland, USA
M. Ould-Khaoua - University of Glasgow, UK
M. Parashar - Rutgers University, USA
S. Peng - Hosei University, Japan
R.H. Perrott - Queen's University Belfast, UK
F. Petrini - Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
A. Pietracaprina - University of Padova, Italy
G. Pucci - University of Padova, Italy
C.P. Ravikumar - Texas Instruments India Ltd., India
A. Reinefeld - Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
M. Resch - University of Stuttgart, Germany
M. Rinard - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
R. Sakellariou - University of Manchester, UK
F.E. Sandnes - Olso University College, Norway
J. Sang - Cleveland State University, USA
C. Scheideler - John Hopkins University, USA
E. Schikuta - University of Vienna, Austria
A. Schiper - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland
B. Schnor - University of Potsdam, Germany
M. Schoettner - Ulm University, Germany
H. Schroder - RMIT University, Australia
A. Schuster - Technion, Israel
S.G. Sedukhin - University of Aizu, Japan
L. Sousa - INESC-ID, Portugal
P.K. Srimani - Clemson University, USA
I. Stojmenovic - University of Ottawa, Canada
E.D. Sturler - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
D. Talia - University of Calabria, Italy
G. Tan - National University of Singapore, Singapore
D. Taniar - Monash University, Australia
P. Todorova - FhG-FOKUS, Germany
P. Tsigas - Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
P. Tvrdik - Czech Technical University, Czech Republic
L.N. Vintan - Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania
D.W. Walker - Cardiff University, UK
X. Wang - Tsinghua University, PRC
J. Wasniewski - Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
R. Wismüller - Munich Technical University, Germany
B.E. Wolfinger - Hamburg University, Germany
J. Wu - Florida Atlantic University, USA
J. Xue - University of New South Wales, Australia
J. Zhang - University of Alabama, USA
Y. Zhang - Rutgers University, USA
A. Zomaya - University of Sydney, Australia
Initial Paper
Submit your paper via our website at:
All submissions should be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Postscript (.ps), or MS
Word (.doc) format. The IASTED Secretariat must receive your paper by
October 1, 2003. Do not send hard copies of your paper. Receipt of paper
submission will be confirmed by e-mail.
Please complete the online Paper Submission Form to designate a principal
author, to submit your initial paper, and to provide four key words to
indicate the subject area of your paper. One of the key words must be taken
from the list of topics provided under Scope. On the paper, please provide
the full names, affiliations, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and
e-mail addresses of all authors.
Initial paper submissions should be approximately six pages. Formatting
instructions are available at: http://www.iasted.org/formatting-initial.htm
Notification of acceptance will be sent via e-mail on November 1, 2003.
Final manuscripts are due by November 15, 2003. Registration and final
payment is due by December 1, 2003. Late registration fees or paper
submissions will result in the papers being excluded from the conference
Final Paper
Please send your final manuscript via e-mail to: finalpapers(a)iasted.org .
The subject line for the final manuscript submission must include the
six-digit paper number. The formatting instructions can be found on the web
at: http://www.iasted.org/formatting-final.htm and must be strictly
followed. The page limit for final papers is six pages (single-spaced,
double-column, 10 point Times New Roman font). Only one paper of up to six
pages is included in the regular registration fee. The additional page and
paper charge is USD $75.00 per page.
Proposals for half-day tutorials (three hours) should be submitted online by
October 1, 2003. Tutorials are to be submitted via the following website
address: http://iasted.org/conferences/2004/Innsbruck/tutorialsubmit-420.htm
A tutorial proposal should clearly indicate the topic, background knowledge
expected of the participants, objectives, time allocations for the major
course topics, and the qualifications of the instructor(s).
Persons wishing to organize a special session should submit a proposal via
e-mail to calgary(a)iasted.org by October 1, 2003. Proposals should include a
minimum of five papers, a session title, a list of the topics covered, and
the qualifications and brief biography of the session organizer(s). The name
of the session organizer will appear in the program and proceedings provided
five or more papers are presented. More information on special sessions is
available online at the following website address:
For more information, or to be placed on our mailing list, please contact:
IASTED Secretariat - PDCN 2004
#80, 4500 - 16th Avenue N.W.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T3B 0M6
Tel: 403-288-1195
Fax: 403-247-6851
E-mail: calgary(a)iasted.org
Website: http://www.iasted.org
If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please email to
unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
>x-esmtp: 0 0 1
>From: "ICEIS Secretariat" <secretariat(a)iceis.org>
>To: "Susanne Guth" <susanne.guth(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
>Subject: Invitation to submit a paper to the 6th ICEIS conference
>Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 12:19:58 +0100
>X-WU-uvscan-status: clean v4.2.40/v4280 charon
>Dear Susanne Guth,
>Since your research interests seem to be in an area related to Information
>Systems, we are
>sending you an invitation to submit a paper to a conference that is being
>organized in this
>area: the International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
>ICEIS-2004 will be held in Porto (Portugal) next year, on April 14-17. The
>deadline for paper
>submission is October 15th. We have provided a web-based submission
>procedure, which is an
>easy and user-friendly way to submit your paper.
>Please check further details at the conference web site
>(http://www.iceis.org) to see whether
>any of the tracks of ICEIS-2004 interests you. In there you will also find
>information about
>ICEIS satellite workshops that may interest you. Information about dates
>and main topic areas
>is provided below.
>All the accepted papers will be published in the proceedings, under an
>ISBN. Furthermore, we
>will have the best papers of the conference published in a book, by Kluwer
>Publishers. We are also negotiating with some IS journals to publish
>extended versions of
>selected ICEIS-2004 papers.
>Looking forward to receiving a paper submission from you, next October.
>Don't hesitate
>contacting me should you have any questions.
>Best regards,
>Vitor Pedrosa
>(Conference Secretariat)
>P.S.: Please accept our apologies if this information is not of your
>interest. In that case
>please reply with "remove" in the message subject.
>ICEIS web site: http://www.iceis.org
>Important dates: Full Paper Submission: 15th October 2003
> Author Notification: 15th December 2003
> Workshops Submission: 15th December 2003
> Final Camera-Ready Submission and Registration: 15th
> January 2004
>Main topic areas:
> Databases and Information Systems Integration
> Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
> Information Systems Analysis and Specification
> Software Agents and Internet Computing
> Human-Computer Interaction
> Pattern Recognition in Information Systems (PRIS-2004)
> New Developments in Digital Libraries (NDDL-2004)
> Wireless Information Systems (WIS-2004)
> Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems (VVEIS-2004)
> Software Audit and Metrics (SAM-2004)
> Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science (NLUCS-2004)
> Business Information Technology Ethics (BITE-2004)
> Ubiquitous Computing (IWUC-2004)
> Security In Information Systems (WOSIS-2004)
>We also would like to recommend your attention for the "Organizational
>Engineering" special
>track of SAC-2004, which is being organized by our friends from INESC and
>that may be of
>interest for you. Additional details are available at the OE track home
>page at
>http://ceo.inesc.pt/sac2004/ and at the ACM SAC 2004 conference home page at
susanne guth
assistant professor
vienna university of economics and business administration
dept. of information systems
augasse 2-6, 1090 vienna
tel. +43 1 31336 4427 +fax. +43 1 31336 746
This message is intended only for the designated recipient and may contain
legally protected and confidential information. If you have received it in
error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the original or any
copies. Any other use of this e-mail is prohibited. The sender accepts no
liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message,
unless caused willfully by the sender.
>Subject: IASTED Conference on CIIT 2003 - Deadline Aug.1, 2003
>Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 17:42:38 -0600
>Thread-Topic: IASTED Conference on CIIT 2003 - Deadline Aug.1, 2003
>Thread-Index: AcNVYe2lCOohF5wpRQK1eW6O2PlWEg==
>From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)iasted.org>
>To: <Bernd.Simon(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
>X-WU-uvscan-status: clean v4.2.40/v4280 popstar
>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by isis.wu-wien.ac.at
>id h6SNiH80037280
>Please note that the deadline for submitting papers to the IASTED
>International Conference on Communications, Internet, and Information
>Technology (CIIT 2003) is August 1, 2003
>Please submit your paper at:
>All information regarding this conference can be found on our websites at
>Please refer to these websites for formatting and submission requirements.
>If you have any questions about the conference, please feel free to
>contact us at calgary(a)iasted.com.
>IASTED Secretariat
>#80 4500 16th Ave NW
>Calgary, AB T3B 0M6
>If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please email to
>unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account (Bernd.Simon(a)wu-wien.ac.at).
>Subject: IASTED Conference on IKS - Deadline Reminder Aug 1, 2003
>Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 17:05:41 -0600
>Thread-Topic: IASTED Conference on IKS - Deadline Reminder Aug 1, 2003
>Thread-Index: AcNVXMRtU6WiAqggTXqAt8Bsjl9aeg==
>From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)iasted.org>
>To: <Bernd.Simon(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
>X-WU-uvscan-status: clean v4.2.40/v4280 popstar
>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by isis.wu-wien.ac.at
>id h6SN7K80046872
>Please note that the deadline for submitting papers to the IASTED
>International Conference on Information and Knowledge Sharing (IKS 2003)
>is August 1, 2003
>Please submit your paper at:
>All information regarding this conference can be found on our websites at
>Please refer to these websites for formatting and submission requirements.
>If you have any questions about the conference, please feel free to
>contact us at calgary(a)iasted.com.
>IASTED Secretariat
>#80 4500 16th Ave NW
>Calgary, AB T3B 0M6
>If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please email to
>unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account (Bernd.Simon(a)wu-wien.ac.at).
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IASTED Conference on CIIT 2003 - Deadline Aug.1, 2003
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 17:51:05 -0600
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)iasted.org>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
Please note that the deadline for submitting papers to the IASTED
International Conference on Communications, Internet, and Information
Technology (CIIT 2003) is August 1, 2003
Please submit your paper at:
All information regarding this conference can be found on our websites at
Please refer to these websites for formatting and submission requirements.
If you have any questions about the conference, please feel free to contact
us at calgary(a)iasted.com.
IASTED Secretariat
#80 4500 16th Ave NW
Calgary, AB T3B 0M6
If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please email to
unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IASTED Conference on IKS - Deadline Reminder Aug 1, 2003
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 17:12:35 -0600
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)iasted.org>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
Please note that the deadline for submitting papers to the IASTED
International Conference on Information and Knowledge Sharing (IKS 2003) is
August 1, 2003
Please submit your paper at:
All information regarding this conference can be found on our websites at
Please refer to these websites for formatting and submission requirements.
If you have any questions about the conference, please feel free to contact
us at calgary(a)iasted.com.
IASTED Secretariat
#80 4500 16th Ave NW
Calgary, AB T3B 0M6
If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please email to
unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [patterns-discussion] IEEE IRI' 03 -- Workshop on Software Stability: Timeless Architectures, Systems of Patterns, and Model-Based for Reuse
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 21:06:41 -0500 (CDT)
From: Mohamed Fayad <fayad(a)cse.unl.edu>
To: Undisclosed recipients: ;
Sorry for multiple copies..
IEEE IRI '03 First Workshop on
Software Stability: Timeless Architectures, Systems of Patterns, and
Model-Based for Reuse
http://www.engr.sjsu.edu/fayad/workshops/iri03, and
Call for Papers
The 2003 IEEE International Conference on
Information Reuse and Integration (IRI '03)
October 27-29, 2003, Las Vegas, NV, USA
Developing stable software can alleviate the tremendous projected cost
associated with future changes in the system. This workshop will examine
software stability with respect to six central themes: "How can we
engineer software systems that are timeless and stable overtime?," "What
are the approaches of making software systems stable over time?", "How can
we build software as a system of stable patterns?, "What are the stable
software patterns?", "How can we achieve an timeless, model based
architectures for reuse?", and What are the impact of software stability
on new technologies, such as aspect-oriented architecture and programming,
multi-agent technology, constraints-oriented software development,
component-based software development, application and enterprise
frameworks' developments, and others.
Papers are invited on both theoretical and practical aspects relevant to
software stability. Topics include (but are not restricted to):
- Theories of software stability
- Stable software architectures
- Model-based software reuse
- Impact of stability on reuse
- Case studies of the building stable software
- Stability patterns
- Extracting and reusing patterns from developed architectures
- Metrics for the stability of the constructed systems
- Impact of software stability on new technologies (such as
aspect-oriented architecture and programming, multi-agent technology,
constraints-oriented software development, component-based software
development, etc)
- Patterns compositions
Paper Format and Submission
People interested in participating in the workshop are requested to submit
a short position paper (3-5 pages) or regular workshop papers (limited to
8 pages, double space, including figures) representing views and
experience relevant to the discussed topic. The paper should be formatted
using the IEEE two-column template (provided at the conference webpage).
The title page should include a maximum 200-word abstract, five keywords,
full mailing address, e-mail address, phone number, fax number, and a
designated contact author. Papers will be selected depending on the
originality, quality and relevance for the workshop. Interesting papers
will be peer reviewed by 4 reviewers and selected by the organizers and
their authors will have the possibility to give a 20 minute presentation
of them at the workshop. To foster lively discussions, each author is
encouraged to present open questions and one or two main statements that
shall be discussed at the workshop. Submissions must be either MS-Word or
RTF formats (please, DO NOT compress files).
Depending on the number and spread of contributions, the scope may be
narrowed to ensure effective communication and information sharing.
Accepted position papers will be published in the workshop proceedings to
be distributed to the participants before the workshop, and made generally
available through WWW and FTP. A workshop report will be published in the
addendum proceedings of the conference.
Please note that workshop participants must register at least on that day
at UML conference. Early registration discount is available. We will have
an overhead projector, and a flipchart available.
For more information please check:
You may also contact the organizers.
Important Dates:
Submission deadline August 15, 2003
Acceptance notification September 1, 2003
Camera-ready paper due September 14, 2003
Workshop date: October 27 or 28, 2003
Chair and Point of Contact:
DR. MOHAMED E. FAYAD (primary contact)
Professor of Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering Dept., College of Engineering
San Jos State University
One Washington Square, San Jos, CA 95192-0180
Ph: (408) 924-7364, Fax: (408) 924-4153
E-mail: m.fayad(a)sjsu.edu, fayad(a)activeframeworks.com
Computer Science & Engineering Dept
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
115 Ferguson Hall, P.O. Box 880115, Lincoln, NE 68588-0115
Ph: (402) 472-3485 (office)
E-mail: hhamza(a)cse.unl.edu
MT Systems Co., 5419 Bent Tree Dr., Dallas, TX 75248
Ph1: 972-931-9470 (office), Ph2: 972-880-9369 (cell)
E-mail: cline(a)parashift.com
patterns-discussion mailing list
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Program published --- Net.ObjectDAys 2003 - 22.-25.09.2003 - Erfurt
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 12:31:56 +0200
From: NODE <node(a)transit-online.de>
To: v-cfp-em(a)transit-online.de
**************** PROGRAM HAS BEEN PUBLISHED ***************
We are glad to offer you a unique scientific program.
Stephen J. Mellor, James Odell, David Weiss
Olivier Danvy, Stefan Minert, Charles Petrie, Amit Sheth,
Rudi Studer, Peri Tarr
reviewed and accepted by several program committees
of following conferences
NODe ? Main Conference - 4th Annual International Conference
on Object-Oriented and Internet based Technologies, Concepts,
and Applications for a Networked World
GPCE?03 ACM-Conf. Generative Programming, and Component Engineering
ICWS?03 International Conference on Web Service Approach
MATES?03 Conference on Multiagent System Technologies
W3C-Member Meeting of
German-Austrian W3C-Office
************** EXHIBITION / SPONSORING *****************
Present your department or your company at Net.ObjectDays 2003!
Support this non-commercial conference: Your commitment helps
to keep conference fees low and thus fosters communication
between research, industry and university students.
Contact: sponsor(a)netobjectdays.org / exhibitor(a)netobjectdays.org
Tel.: +49 (0)3677 845 106
************** ORGANIZATIONAL INFORMATION ***************
Use the Online Registration including Electronical Program Selection
DEADLINE Early Bird Registration: August, 17th
Pre-registered participants: Use your Registration-Number (see
confirmation of pre-registration) to choose your preferential
program parts at
There are special offers of hotels at
Keynote, Invited, and Tutorial Speakers please contact the congress
kongress(a)netobjectdays.org / Tel.: ++49 (0)3677 845100
Fair and Conference Centre Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany
September 22 - 25, 2003
Net.ObjectDays - Official Successor Conference to JavaDays, STJA, JIT
www.netobjectdays.org / kongress(a)netobjectdays.org
Net.ObjectDays - Official Successor Conference to JavaDays, STJA, JIT
Fair and Conference Centre Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany
September 22 - 25, 2003
hosted Conferences in 2003:
-GPCE?03 ACM-Conference Generative Programming, and Component Engineering
-ICWS?03 International Conference on Web Service Approach
-MATES?03 Conference on Multiagent System Technologies
www.netobjectdays.org / kongress(a)netobjectdays.org
The Main Conference
The Conference provides a forum for the presentation of mature research
results that fit the general theme "Objects, Components, Architectures,
Services and Applications for a Networked World". Special emphasis will
be given to the practical applicability and evaluation of reported
results. Research papers will be fully reviewed. In addition to the
technical program, the conference will include keynote talks by
internationally well-known experts and panel discussions.
This years NODe will cover five main topics:
- Object-oriented technologies and concepts
- Component-based approaches and Software Product Lines
- Agent technology , Database Systems, Exchange Formats,
Middleware and the Web
- Knowledge Management for the Internet
- Application and Challenges in E-Business and E-Government
Besides research papers, we strongly encourage submissions from industry
and public sector epresentatives engaged in E-Government projects.
Our special interest is in state-of-the-art applications under
industrial conditions and finished or on-going case studies. A full
review of these papers will be the rule. However, we also offer
industrial and public-sector participants the opportunity to indicate
that they want to present/publish without going through the full review
process. In this case, the NODe-PC will apply an application-oriented
quality and interest check to ensure high standards and provide an
opportunity to present/publish in specially marked sessions/sections of
the proceedings.
Conference languages are both German and English. However, we strongly
encourage submissions and talks in English to allow our international
guests to attend the presentations.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest focus on, but are not limited to,
the following themes:
* Object-Oriented Technologies and Concepts
- Programming Languages, (CASE) Tools and Environments
- OO-Programming Languages - Criticism and Extensions
- Software Development Concepts (UML; etc.)
- Strategies for ensuring Software Quality, e.g., testing and
- Security (Architectures/ Security Engineering)
- Virtual Machines and Processors, esp. Java
- (Object-oriented) Framework Technologies
- Agile Processes and Agile Modeling OO
- Generic Programming
* Component-based approaches and Software Product Lines
- Domain Engineering and Software Product Lines
- Business issues of Software Product Lines
- Software Reusability
- Architecture-centric development
- Integrated Systems Development in practice
- Components and their Applicability
- Software Patterns and Frameworks
- Modeling of Component-Based Systems (e.g., using UML)
- Aspect-Oriented Software Development
- Generative Programming
- Component Market Places
* Agent technology, Database Systems, Exchange Formats,
Middleware and the Web
- Distributed and Wireless Computing
- Mobility, communication and coordination of Agents
- Applications of Agent Technology, Agents in E-Commerce
- Web-Based Applications, WEB Services
- Middleware, especially EJB, CORBA, SOAP, .NET, Jini
- Agent Platforms, Agent Engineering
- Object Bases, XML Databases
- Query Languages for Object Bases and XML Databases
- XML-Schema Integration and Transformation
- XML-Based Software Technologies
- XML Security Concepts
- Exchange formats for catalogue data
* Knowledge Management for the Internet
- Knowledge Sharing and Filtering
- Distributed Information Retrieval on the Internet,
Web-based text mining
- Ontological Engineering
- Acquiring and using meta knowledge
- The Semantic Web
- Experience-based Web Engineering
* Applications and Challenges in E-Business and E-Government
- E-Procurement
- Citizen-Centric Portals
- Government-to-Business
- E-Participation, E-Democracy
- E-Collaboration
- Controlling success of E-Applications
- Testing of E-Applications
- Usability Engineering for E-Applications
- Privacy, Trust and Security issues
Since NODe is dedicated to the exchange of research ideas it will host
an exciting variety of high-level workshops. These workshops provide a
forum for highly focused meetings, dealing with the specific topics
and interests of the participants. Papers should be submitted directly
to the workshop of your choice. All submissions will be fully reviewed
by specialized workshop PCs. Accepted workshop-papers will be presented
in special tracks of the NODe main conference and will be published in
the official conference proceedings and on CD. Outstanding workshop
papers will be included in an extra best of proceedings that will be
published with a major publishing company.
The conference will offer a full day of tutorials from renowned experts
in the fields. Tutorials will take place on the special tutorial day
(Monday, Sep. 22).
Young Researcher Workshop
NODe will continue to offer young researchers a forum to present to and
discuss their ideas with a highly interested audience and well-known
All papers will be published in the conference proceedings which will be
published by a well-known publishing company (probably by Springer in
LNCS) and on a conference CD.
Conference History and Guiding Principles
Ever-evolving and increasingly powerful information and communication
technologies have substantially changed the nature of global
relationships, sources of competitive advantage and opportunities for
economic and social development. The Internet, portable
computers/devices and wireless communication technologies have turned
the globe into an interconnected network of individuals, firms,
organizations, and governments communicating and interacting with each
other through a variety of channels.
Net.ObjectDays (NODe) is one of the main international conferences that
focus on object-oriented and internet-based technologies, concepts,
services, and applications. It is the integrative successor of the well
known JavaDays, STJA, and JIT conferences and is organized in this
format for the fourth time. It puts strong emphasis on the active
exchange of concepts and technologies between academia and industry.
Continuing in this tradition, this year's NODe will offer the
opportunity to meet and work with leaders from research and industry.
NODe 2003 especially focuses on topics such as object-oriented
(distributed) technologies, concepts and systems, component-based
approaches and software product lines, agent-related technologies,
knowledge management for the Internet, advanced database systems and
the Web, quality, security, and reliability issues for all kinds of
E-Business, specifically for E-Government and B2B E-Commerce, including
both the engineering and use of web-based applications. As systems ought
to be engineered well to be able to cope with the influx of the
above-mentioned technologies in a positive way, the integrative factor
of software architectures and component-driven technologies (especially
their demands with regards to structures (patterns and architectures)
and processes (enhanced life-cycles and workflows)) form additional
focuses of NODe 2003. However, as in the years before, NODe will be open
to questions and aspects of object-oriented and Internet-based
technology in general and invites submissions related to a wide variety
of topics in these areas.
Program Co-Chairs
Dieter Rombach
Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering
and University of Kaiserslautern, Dept. of Computer Science
Sauerwiesen 6
D-67661 Kaiserslautern
Phone: +49 (0) 6301 707 100
Fax: +49 (0) 6301 707 200
Martin Verlage
Market Maker Software AG
Karl-Marx-Str. 13
67655 Kaiserslautern
Phone: +49 (0) 631 36 49-0
Fax: +49 (0) 631 36 49-109
Organizing Committee
K. Czarnecki, University of Waterloo/Can.
T. Dittmar, Daedalos Consulting
B. Franczyk, University of Leipzig
R. Hofmann, Intershop Communications
F. Langhammer, Living Pages Research
B. Lenz, tranSIT Ilmenau
C. Müller-Schloer, University of Hannover
W. Kühnhauser, Techn. University of Ilmenau
R. Unland, University of Essen
M. Weber, University of Ulm
H.G. Weissenbach, Dripke.Wolf.Weissenbach
J. Westerhausen, STIFT Thüringen
Zum Austragen aus dieser Mailingliste:
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP - VIKE 2003 extended deadline
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 17:38:01 -0700
From: "Neil Ernst" <nernst(a)uvic.ca>
To: <nernst(a)uvic.ca>
[Apologies for cross-postings]
****************** DEADLINE EXTENDED
***************** FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS **********************
1st Workshop on
Visualizing Information in Knowledge Engineering (VIKE 03)
at the
2nd International Conference on Knowledge Capture (KCAP)
25-26 October 2003, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA
Workshop URL: http://www.cs.uvic.ca/~nernst/vike/
* Deadline for paper submissions: 0700 UTC July 31st, 2003 (extended)
* Notification of acceptance: August 29th, 2003
* Camera ready deadline: September 16th, 2003
* Workshop: October 25-26th, 2003
The goal of this workshop is to explore cognitive issues in knowledge
engineering processes and tools, and to examine where techniques from
the field of information visualization might help with these issues.
Knowledge engineering is often a complex area for end-user and engineer
alike. We anticipate the workshop will be of interest to several groups:
* professionals interested in improving knowledge capture
technology, particularly in the areas of tool adoption and usability;
* developers of information visualization solutions to knowledge
engineering domains;
* people with interests in the area of cognitive support for complex
For example, a researcher who has created a knowledge sketching tool
will be interested to discover how this tool may be combined with
information visualization techniques in order to improve the usability
and utility of the tool for the end-user.
Knowledge engineering is seeing more and more interest from communities
outside AI, computer science, and logic, particularly due to emerging
Semantic Web technologies. To better support the various processes
involved in knowledge engineering, techniques from the field of
information visualization can be very helpful. Information visualization
techniques provide a means to make discoveries, make decisions, and
provide explanations about data, in a way which leverages innate human
spatial reasoning abilities. For example, humans can interpret
information represented as complex pictures much more easily than they
can lines of text. The workshop will be concerned with, but not
necessarily limited to, the following topics:
* Visual support for knowledge engineering processes
* Visual query creation
* Knowledge discovery through interactive exploration
* Information Visualization and the Semantic Web
* Scalability of visual representations of complex data
This will be a full-day workshop that combines interactivity with formal
presentations. We will begin with introductory remarks (and possibly a
yet to be determined keynote speaker or tutorial), followed by
presentations by accepted speakers. These talks will be organized into
distinct themes based on submissions. There will be plenty of
opportunity for discussion after each presentation and at breaks.
Workshop Committee
Margaret-Anne Storey, Assistant Professor, U. Victoria, Canada
Dr. Storey's main research interests involve understanding how people
solve complex tasks, and designing technologies to facilitate navigating
and understanding large information spaces. With her students, she is
working on a variety of projects within the areas of software
engineering, human-computer interaction, information visualization,
social informatics and knowledge management. Dr. Storey is part of the
program committee for Infovis 2003 and Softvis 2003, as well as general
chair of VisSoft 2003.
Vladimir Geroimenko, Senior Lecturer, U. Plymouth, England
Dr. Geroimenko's main research interests concern knowledge
representation and the Semantic Web; in particular, he is interested in
how information visualization might aid in delivering and designing
intelligent systems. Some other interests include visual interaction
with semantic web ontologies and interactive multimedia interfaces for
XML applications. He is the also the organizer for the Third
International Symposium on Visualisation of the Semantic Web, at the
IEEE International Conference on Information Visualisation - IV2003, in
London, July 2003.
Timothy Lethbridge, Associate Professor, U. Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Lethbridge is interested in knowledge-based reverse engineering,
user interface design, and knowledge engineering, particularly user
interfaces to allow the browsing of knowledge bases. He developed the
CODE4 knowledge management system and is the pedagogy co-chair of
IEEE/ACM Computing Curriculum / Software Engineering (CCSE), the
international effort to standardize software engineering curricula.
Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Post-doctoral Researcher, Vrije Universiteit,
Dr. Stuckenschmidt works in the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
group at the VU, and is interested in ontologies and the Semantic web,
including approximate terminological reasoning, ontologies and
distributed systems, and knowledge management. He is organizer of the
IJCAI-03 Workshop on Ontologies and Distributed Systems and on the
program committee for the Semantic Web Track at WWW'03. His group
developed the Spectacle knowledge visualization tool.
Jennifer Golbeck, Ph.D. Candidate, Research Assistant, U. Maryland,
Ms. Golbeck is interested in complex systems and intelligent agents. She
is currently studying the graph properties of complex systems models,
particularly social networks, and their applications on the semantic
web. As part of her work with the Maryland Information and Network
Dynamics lab (MIND lab) she has co-authored a paper on the visualization
of semantic metadata and ontologies. She is the author of the
DAML-to-OWL ontology conversion tool.
Neil Ernst, M. Sc. Candidate, U. Victoria, Canada
Margaret-Anne Storey, Assistant Professor, U. Victoria, Canada
We invite short discussion papers, limited to 4-6 pages, which describe
ongoing work or new ideas within the scope of the workshop. Papers may
also be in the form of a position statement, indicating a writer's
particular opinion on a subject related to the workshop.
Thought-provoking papers are always welcome!
Submission procedure: Please email submissions, in PDF format only, to
nernst(at)cs.uvic.ca (note: spam protected) by midnight Pacific Daylight
Time July 30th 2003 (0700 UTC July 31st, 2003).
Submission format: Please use this Word template or the LaTex style
sheet file (.sty) (an example .tex file). This template is based on the
official ACM templates for proceedings. In concordance with requirements
of the ACM digital library, please include categories and subject
descriptors that best describe your submission. The hierarchy of
descriptors can be found here (for example, some submissions may fall
under the category "I.2.4: Knowledge Representation Formalisms and
Methods".) You may include optional keywords. Note that reviewer
assignments will be based on the contents of the abstract, as well as
these descriptors and keywords. Accepted papers will be published as
part of the KCAP 2003 workshops.
Related Work
* International Symposium of Visualisation of the Semantic Web,
* Jambalaya ontology visualization tool: http://shrimp.cs.uvic.ca
* Touchgraph tab for Protege-2000:
* Ozone - Zoomable ontology navigator:
* Spectacle - Ontology information browser:
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien