---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Net.ObjectDAys 2003 --- DEADLINE EXTENSION to MAY 23
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 13:47:17 +0200
From: NODE <node(a)transit-online.de>
To: v-cfp-em <v-cfp-em(a)transit-online.de>
***************** DEADLINE EXTENSION ***************
MAY 23, 2003
Best papers will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS)
Invited speakers (partial list):
James Odell, Paul C. Clements, Rudi Studer, ...
*************** Net.ObjectDays 2003 (NODe 2003) ************************
4th Annual International Conference on Object-Oriented and Internet
based Technologies, Concepts, and Applications for a Networked World
GPCE´03 ACM-Conf. Generative Programming, and Component Engineering
ICWS´03 International Conference on Web Service Approach
MATES´03 Conference on Multiagent System Technologies
W3C - Member-Meeting
Fair and Conference Centre Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany
September 22 - 25, 2003
Net.ObjectDays - Official Successor Conference to JavaDays, STJA, JIT
www.netobjectdays.org <http://www.netobjectdays.org> /
kongress(a)netobjectdays.org <mailto:kongress@netobjectdays.org>
DEADLINE Extension Call-for-Paper:
> MATES´03 Conference on Multiagent System Technologies: 2003-05-12
> Net.ObjectDays (Main Conference): 2003-05-23
> ICWS´03 International Conference on Web Service Approach: 2003-05-23
> GPCE´03 ACM-Conference
Generative Programming, and Component Engineering (closed)
Details: http://www.netobjectdays.org/node03/de/authors/cfp.html
Important Dates / Submission guidelines:
Submit your contribution in English, using a pdf or postscript-format.
Formatting instructions and templates for Word and TeX can be found at:
http://www.netobjectdays.org [Menu: For Authors]
May 23, 2003 Paper submission for the main conference
(5000-6000 words, app. 12-13 pages)
(June 20, 2003 Notification of acceptance)
(June 30, 2003 Camera-ready copies in electronic format)
March 28, 2003 Workshop proposals: (closed)
April 28, 2003 Tutorial suggestions (closed)
May 23, 2003 Panel suggestions
May 30, 2003 Industry papers:
June 22, 2003 Doctorial symposium (Young Researcher Workshops)
Details: http://www.netobjectdays.org/node03/de/Dates/index.html
- ---------------
Program Co-Chairs
Dieter Rombach
Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering
and University of Kaiserslautern, Dept. of Computer Science
Martin Verlage
Market Maker Software AG
The Main Conference
The Conference provides a forum for the presentation of mature research
results that fit the general theme "Objects, Components, Architectures,
Services and Applications for a Networked World". Special emphasis will
be given to the practical applicability and evaluation of reported
results. Research papers will be fully reviewed. In addition to the
technical program, the conference will include keynote talks by
internationally well-known experts and panel discussions.
This years NODe will cover five main topics:
- Object-oriented technologies and concepts
- Component-based approaches and Software Product Lines
- Agent technology , Database Systems, Exchange Formats,
Middleware and the Web
- Knowledge Management for the Internet
- Application and Challenges in E-Business and E-Government
Besides research papers, we strongly encourage submissions from industry
and public sector epresentatives engaged in E-Government projects.
Our special interest is in state-of-the-art applications under
industrial conditions and finished or on-going case studies. A full
review of these papers will be the rule. However, we also offer
industrial and public-sector participants the opportunity to indicate
that they want to present/publish without going through the full review
process. In this case, the NODe-PC will apply an application-oriented
quality and interest check to ensure high standards and provide an
opportunity to present/publish in specially marked sessions/sections of
the proceedings.
Conference languages are both German and English. However, we strongly
encourage submissions and talks in English to allow our international
guests to attend the presentations.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest focus on, but are not limited to,
the following themes:
* Object-Oriented Technologies and Concepts
- Programming Languages, (CASE) Tools and Environments
- OO-Programming Languages - Criticism and Extensions
- Software Development Concepts (UML; etc.)
- Strategies for ensuring Software Quality, e.g., testing and
- Security (Architectures/ Security Engineering)
- Virtual Machines and Processors, esp. Java
- (Object-oriented) Framework Technologies
- Agile Processes and Agile Modeling OO
- Generic Programming
* Component-based approaches and Software Product Lines
- Domain Engineering and Software Product Lines
- Business issues of Software Product Lines
- Software Reusability
- Architecture-centric development
- Integrated Systems Development in practice
- Components and their Applicability
- Software Patterns and Frameworks
- Modeling of Component-Based Systems (e.g., using UML)
- Aspect-Oriented Software Development
- Generative Programming
- Component Market Places
* Agent technology, Database Systems, Exchange Formats,
Middleware and the Web
- Distributed and Wireless Computing
- Mobility, communication and coordination of Agents
- Applications of Agent Technology, Agents in E-Commerce
- Web-Based Applications, WEB Services
- Middleware, especially EJB, CORBA, SOAP, .NET, Jini
- Agent Platforms, Agent Engineering
- Object Bases, XML Databases
- Query Languages for Object Bases and XML Databases
- XML-Schema Integration and Transformation
- XML-Based Software Technologies
- XML Security Concepts
- Exchange formats for catalogue data
* Knowledge Management for the Internet
- Knowledge Sharing and Filtering
- Distributed Information Retrieval on the Internet,
Web-based text mining
- Ontological Engineering
- Acquiring and using meta knowledge
- The Semantic Web
- Experience-based Web Engineering
* Applications and Challenges in E-Business and E-Government
- E-Procurement
- Citizen-Centric Portals
- Government-to-Business
- E-Participation, E-Democracy
- E-Collaboration
- Controlling success of E-Applications
- Testing of E-Applications
- Usability Engineering for E-Applications
- Privacy, Trust and Security issues
Since NODe is dedicated to the exchange of research ideas it will host
an exciting variety of high-level workshops. These workshops provide a
forum for highly focused meetings, dealing with the specific topics
and interests of the participants. Papers should be submitted directly
to the workshop of your choice. All submissions will be fully reviewed
by specialized workshop PCs. Accepted workshop-papers will be presented
in special tracks of the NODe main conference and will be published in
the official conference proceedings and on CD. Outstanding workshop
papers will be included in an extra best of proceedings that will be
published with a major publishing company.
The conference will offer a full day of tutorials from renowned experts
in the fields. Tutorials will take place on the special tutorial day
(Monday, Sep. 22).
Young Researcher Workshop
NODe will continue to offer young researchers a forum to present to and
discuss their ideas with a highly interested audience and well-known
All papers will be published in the conference proceedings which will be
published by a well-known publishing company (probably by Springer in
LNCS) and on a conference CD.
Conference History and Guiding Principles
Ever-evolving and increasingly powerful information and communication
technologies have substantially changed the nature of global
relationships, sources of competitive advantage and opportunities for
economic and social development. The Internet, portable
computers/devices and wireless communication technologies have turned
the globe into an interconnected network of individuals, firms,
organizations, and governments communicating and interacting with each
other through a variety of channels.
Net.ObjectDays (NODe) is one of the main international conferences that
focus on object-oriented and internet-based technologies, concepts,
services, and applications. It is the integrative successor of the well
known JavaDays, STJA, and JIT conferences and is organized in this
format for the fourth time. It puts strong emphasis on the active
exchange of concepts and technologies between academia and industry.
Continuing in this tradition, this year's NODe will offer the
opportunity to meet and work with leaders from research and industry.
NODe 2003 especially focuses on topics such as object-oriented
(distributed) technologies, concepts and systems, component-based
approaches and software product lines, agent-related technologies,
knowledge management for the Internet, advanced database systems and
the Web, quality, security, and reliability issues for all kinds of
E-Business, specifically for E-Government and B2B E-Commerce, including
both the engineering and use of web-based applications. As systems ought
to be engineered well to be able to cope with the influx of the
above-mentioned technologies in a positive way, the integrative factor
of software architectures and component-driven technologies (especially
their demands with regards to structures (patterns and architectures)
and processes (enhanced life-cycles and workflows)) form additional
focuses of NODe 2003. However, as in the years before, NODe will be open
to questions and aspects of object-oriented and Internet-based
technology in general and invites submissions related to a wide variety
of topics in these areas.
- ---------------
Program Co-Chairs
Dieter Rombach
Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering
and University of Kaiserslautern, Dept. of Computer Science
Sauerwiesen 6
D-67661 Kaiserslautern
Phone: +49 (0) 6301 707 100
Fax: +49 (0) 6301 707 200
Martin Verlage
Market Maker Software AG
Karl-Marx-Str. 13
67655 Kaiserslautern
Phone: +49 (0) 631 36 49-0
Fax: +49 (0) 631 36 49-109
- ------------------
Organizing Committee
K. Czarnecki, University of Waterloo/Can.
T. Dittmar, Daedalos Consulting
B. Franczyk, University of Leipzig
R. Hofmann, Intershop Communications
F. Langhammer, Living Pages Research
B. Lenz, tranSIT Ilmenau
C. Müller-Schloer, University of Hannover
W. Kühnhauser, Techn. University of Ilmenau
R. Unland, University of Essen
M. Weber, University of Ulm
H.G. Weissenbach, Dripke.Wolf.Weissenbach
J. Westerhausen, STIFT Thüringen
Zum Austragen aus dieser Mailingliste:
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Call for Papers: EMCSR 2004
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 14:59:39 +0200
From: OeFAI Information Server <oefaiinf(a)ai.univie.ac.at>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
(apologies for multiple copies)
* *
* *
* ON *
* (EMCSR 2004) *
April 13 - 16, 2004
organized by the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies
in cooperation with
Dept.of Medical Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, Univ.of Vienna
International Federation for Systems Research
* * * * *
An electronic version of this CfP (and further information whenever it
becomes available) can be found at
* * * * *
The international support of the European Meetings on Cybernetics and
Systems Research held in Austria in 1972, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1980, 1982,
1984, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000 and 2002 (when 500
scientists from more than 40 countries from all continents, except the
Antarctica, met to present, hear and discuss 192 papers) encouraged the
Council of the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies (ÖSGK) to organize a
similar meeting in 2004 to keep pace with continued rapid developments in
related fields.
A Systems Science
G.J.Klir, USA
B Mathematical Methods in Cybernetics and Systems Theory
Y.Rav, France
C Cybernetics, Interaction and Conversation
R. Glanville, UK
D Designing and Systems and Their Ethics
W.Gasparski, Poland
E Biocybernetics and Mathematical Biology
L.M.Ricciardi, Italy
F Systems Science in Medicine
F.Tretter, Germany, G. Ossimitz, Austria, and G.Porenta, Austria
G Cultural Systems
M.Fischer, UK, and D.Read, USA
H Cognitive Rationality, Relativity and Clarity
P. Ballonoff, USA, I. Ezhkova, Belgium
I Management, Organizational Change and Innovation
M. Mulej, Slovenia
J Paradigm Changes Due to Component-Based System Development
G. Chroust, Austria, and C. Hoyer, Austria
K Soft Computing and Knowledge-Based Systems
C.Carlsson, Finland, and K.-P.Adlaßnig, Austria
L Artificial Neural Networks and Adaptive Systems
G.Dorffner, Austria
M AT2AI-4: From Agent Theory to Agent Implementation
J.P.Müller, Germany, and P.Petta, Austria
N ACE 2004: Agent Construction and Emotions
C.Pinto-Ferreira, Portugal, R.Ventura, Portugal,
and P.Petta, Austria
O Theory and Applications of Artificial Intelligence
V.Marik, Czech Republic, and E.Buchberger, Austria
P Computer Control and Robot Systems
A. Weinmann, Austria
Q Communication and Computers
A M.Tjoa, Austria
R History of Cybernetics, Information Technology
and Systems Research
F.Pichler, Austria
Submission Guidelines
Acceptance of contributions will be determined on the basis of Draft
Final Papers. Each paper must explain clearly
- what problem it is trying to address,
- what has been tried before and why it isn't good enough,
- some proof that your method is sound (or reference to it),
- how it will help others/apply to other problems,
- some results/proof it works.
Draft Final Papers must not exceed 10 single-spaced A4 pages (maximum
43 lines, max. line length 160 mm, 12 point), in English. They have to
contain the final text to be submitted, including graphs and pictures.
However, these need not be of reproducible quality.
They must carry the title, author(s) name(s), and affiliation (incl.
e-mail address, if possible) in this order, and must include an
Please specify the symposium in which you would like to present your
paper. Each scientist shall submit only one paper. Please send four
hard copies of the Draft Final Paper to the Conference Secretariat (not to
symposia chairpersons!) Electronic or fax submissions cannot be
Deadline for submission
October 24, 2003
Submissions received after the deadline cannot be considered.
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
Authors will be notified about acceptance or rejection no later than
December 12, 2003. Successful authors will be provided by the
conference secretariat at the same time with the instructions for the
preparation of the final paper, which will also be available via ftp and
World-Wide Web.
Final Papers
The final paper will be limited to a maximum of 6 pages (10-point,
double column). Camera-ready copies of the final paper will
be due at the conference secretariat by January 30, 2004. Acceptance
of the final paper will be based on compliance with the reviewers'
It is understood that each accepted paper is presented personally at
the Meeting by one of its authors.
Conference Fee
EUR 230,-- if received before January 31, 2004
EUR 280,-- if received later
EUR 330,-- if paid at the conference desk
The Conference Fee includes participation in the Sixteenth European
Meeting, attendance at the official reception, coffee during breaks, and
the volumes of the proceedings available at the Meeting. Please send
cheque, or transfer the amount (free of charges for beneficiary) to the
account no. 0026-34400/00 of the Austrian Society for Cybernetic
Studies at Bank Austria Creditanstalt, Vienna (bank routing number: 12000,
IBAN: AT11 1100 0002 6344 0000). Please state your name clearly.
Hotel Accommodation
will be handled by
Friedrichstraße 7
A-1010 Vienna
phone +43-1-58800-514
fax +43-1-58800-520.
Reservation forms will be sent to all those registering for the
The International Federation for Systems Research is willing to
provide a limited number of scholarships covering the registration fee for
the conference for colleagues from weak currency countries. Applications
should be sent to the Conference Secretariat ***before*** October 24, 2003
under all circumstances.
The conference organizers can accept no liability for personal
injuries, or for loss or damage to property belonging to conference
participants, either during or as a result of the conference.
Please check the validity of your personal insurance.
Chairman of the Meeting
Robert Trappl, President
Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies
I. Ghobrial-Willmann and U. Schulz
Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies
A-1010 Vienna 1, Freyung 6/6 (Austria)
Phone: +43-1-5336112-60
Fax: +43-1-4277-9631
E-mail: sec(a)oefai.at
Programme Committee
K.-P. Adlaßnig (Austria) M. Mulej (Slovenia)
P. Ballonoff (USA) J. P. Müller (Germany)
B. A. Banathy (USA) G. Ossimitz (Austria)
E. Buchberger (Austria) P. Petta (Austria)
C. Carlsson (Finland) F. Pichler (Austria)
G. Chroust (Austria) C. Pinto-Ferreira (Portugal)
G. Dorffner (Austria) G. Porenta (Austria)
I. Ezhkova (Belgium) Y. Rav (France)
M. Fischer (UK) D. Read (USA)
W. Gasparski (Poland) L. M. Ricciardi (Italy)
R. Glanville (UK) N. Rozsenich (Austria)
W. Horn (Austria) A M. Tjoa (Austria)
C. Hoyer (Austria) R. Trappl (Austria)
G. J. Klir (USA) F. Tretter (Germany)
O. Ladanyi (Austria) S. A. Umpleby (USA)
V. Marik (Czech Republic) R. Ventura (Portugal)
A. Weinmann (Austria)
Organizing Committee
E. Buchberger J. Matiasek
G. Chroust P. Petta
I. Ghobrial-Willmann U. Schulz
C. Holzbaur R. Trappl
W. Horn H. Trost
Electronic registration is possible via
or by sending an e-mail to
containing the following data:
o I plan to attend the Meeting and to submit a paper
to Session .....
o I plan to attend the Meeting, but I will not submit a paper.
o I will not be at the Meeting but am interested to receive
information about the Proceedings.
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Last Reminder: E-Learn 2003 Call (Phoenix, Arizona) due April 30
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2003 10:56:28 -0400
From: AACE Announcements <announce(a)AACE.ORG>
>> Call for Participation Deadline: April 30th <<
* Please forward to a colleague *
E-Learn 2003
World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate,
Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education
November 7-11, 2003 * Phoenix, Arizona
** Submission Deadline: April 30, 2003 **
Organized by
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Co-sponsored by
International Journal on E-Learning
** What are your colleagues saying about E-Learn conferences? **
Available to Print & Distribute (PDF to print; 200kb)
>> CONTENTS & LINKS (details below) <<
1. Submission Information, Deadline April 30th:
Call for Presentations: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/call.htm
Submission Guide: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/submitguide.htm
Presenter Guide: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/PresenterLounge
2. Major Topics: www.aace.org/conf/elearn/topics.htm
3. Presentation Categories: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/categories.htm
4. Corporate Showcases & Demonstrations:
5. Proceedings & Paper Awards: http://www.aace.org/pubs
7. For Budgeting Purposes: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/rates.htm
7. Phoenix, Arizona: Valley of the
Sun: http://www.aace.org/conf/Cities/Phoenix
8. Deadlines: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/deadlines.htm
E-Learn 2003 -- World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government,
Healthcare, & Higher Education is an international, annual conference which
serves as a multi-disciplinary forum for the exchange of information on
research, development, and applications of all topics related to e-Learning
in these four sectors.
E-Learn Is Unique:
E-Learn is an innovative collaboration between the top public and private
academic researchers, developers, education and business professionals, and
end users from the Corporate, Healthcare, Government, and Higher Education
All presentation proposals are reviewed and selected by a respected,
international Executive Advisory Board
(http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/exec.htm) and Program Committee, based on
merit and the perceived value for attendees.
E-Learn, the premiere international, non-commercial conference in the
field, spans all
disciplines and levels of education and attracts more than 1,000 attendees
from over 60 countries. We invite you to attend E-Learn 2003 and submit
proposals for presentations.
All presentation proposals are peer reviewed and selected by three
reviewers on the respected international Program Committee for inclusion in
the conference program, proceedings book, and CD-ROM proceedings.
* Keynote Speakers
* Invited Panels/Speakers
* Papers
* Interactive Sessions (NEW)
* Video Festival (NEW)
* Demonstrations/Posters
* Corporate Showcases & Demonstrations
* Tutorials/Workshops
* Roundtables
* SIGs (Special Interest Discussions)
For Call for Presentations, connect to:
All authors MUST follow the submission guidelines and complete the Web form
at: http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn/submitguide.htm
For Presentation and AV Guidelines, see:
The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to, the following
topics as they relate to the e-Learning and the technologies supporting
1. Application Domains:
General & Cross-Domain
Health Care
Higher Education
Informal Learning (Museums, Communities, Homes)
Military Training
Professional Associations & Non-Profits
2. Major Topics relating to or technologically supporting E-Learning:
Content Development
Implementation Examples and Issues
Instructional Design
Policy Issues
Social and Cultural Issues
Standards and Interoperability
Tools and Systems
3. Specific Topic Examples:
Asynchronous Learning
Authoring Tools
Building E-Learning Architectures
Collaborative Learning
Community Building
Courseware Development
Customer Training
Developing an Organizational e-Learning Strategy
Developing, Integrating, and Delivering E-Learning Solutions
Digital Libraries for E-Learning
Distance Learning
Electronic Publishing Tools for E-Learning
Evaluation/Performance Measurement & Assessment
Good Practice Concepts & Examples
Human-Computer Interaction
Industry-University Partnering
Infrastructure of E-Learning Environments
Innovative Curriculum in E-Learning
Instructional Design for E-Learning
Intelligent E-Learning Technology
Interactive E-Learning Systems
Knowledge Management in E-Learning
Learning & Content Management Systems
Management of Learning Resources
Marketing/Promoting Learning Activities
Multimedia-based E-Learning Systems
Organizational E-Learning Strategies
Pedagogical & Issues
Policy and Law
Quality Management and Assessment in E-Learning
Research Perspectives for E-Learning
Societal Issues, Including Legal, Standards, & International Issues
Virtual Universities, Classrooms, and Laboratories
The Technical Program includes a wide range of interesting and useful
activities designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information.
Companies have the opportunity to demonstrate and discuss their educational
technology products and services in through Corporate Showcases and
Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings book, abstracts book,
and CD-ROM. These publications will serve as major sources of information
for the e-Learning community, indicating the current state of the art, new
trends and new opportunities.
In addition, the Proceedings also are internationally distributed through
and archived in the AACE Digital Library, http://www.aace.org/DL
Selected papers may be invited for publication in AACE's respected journals
especially in the
- International Journal on E-Learning (IJEJ),
- Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH), or
- Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR).
All presented papers will be considered for Best Paper Awards within
several categories.
The conference registration fee for all presenters and participants will be
approximately $395 U.S. (AACE members), $450 U.S. (non-members).
Registration includes proceedings on CD, receptions, and all sessions
except tutorials. The conference dinner will be an extra fee.
Almost all conference sessions will be held at the Hyatt Regency Phoenix
Hotel located near
the many area attractions. Special discount hotel and United Airline rates
been obtained for E-Learn 2003 participants.
PHOENIX, ARIZONA: Valley of the Sun
Phoenix has it all: Attractions, nightlife, performing arts, sightseeing,
outdoor activities, dining, shopping, and more!
Explore Phoenix online at: http://www.phoenixcvb.com
Submissions Due: April 30, 2003
Authors Notified: May 28, 2003
Proceedings File Due: September 15, 2003
Early Registration: September 25, 2003
Conference: Nov. 7-11, 2003
To be added to the mailing list for this conference, link
to http://www.aace.org/info.htm
If you have a question about E-Learn, please send an e-mail to
AACE Conference Services, conf(a)aace.org
Mailing address:
AACE, P.O. Box 3728, Norfolk, VA 23514 USA
To Unsubscribe from this listserv, send "unsubscribe eductech"
to listserv(a)listserv.uh.edu; to Subscribe, send "subscribe eductech
your_name" to the same address.
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
>To: susanne.guth(a)wu-wien.ac.at
>From: "Gabriele Kotsis" <gabriele.kotsis(a)jku.ac.at>
>Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2003 23:11:55
>Subject: Reminder: mascots 2003 deadline approaching
>X-WU-uvscan-status: clean v4.2.40/v4259 charon
>Dear Susanne,
>this is to kindly remind you that the deadlien for
>submissions to mascopts 2003 is may 4, 2003.
>you can submit your paper via
>further info about mascots 2003 can be found in the attached
>call for papers and on the web
>I also appreaciate your help in distributing this call for
>papers to all of your collegues who might be interested
>in mascots.
>I am looking forward to receiving your submission,
>Gabriele Kotsis
>mascots 2003 PC chair
> Univ. Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kotsis
>Tel: +43 732 2468 9238 Telecooperation Department
>Fax: +43 732 2468 9829 Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz
>email: gabriele.kotsis(a)jku.ac.at Altenberger Strasse 69
>http://www.tk.uni-linz.ac.at A-4040 Linz, Austria
> The 11th IEEE/ACM* International Symposium on
> Modeling, Analysis and Simulation
> of Computer and Telecommunication Systems
> 12 - 15 October 2003, Orlando (FL)
> http://www.tk.uni-linz.ac.at/mascots2003
> Venue: Orlando Airport Marriott
> 7499 Augusta National Drive
> Orlando, FL 32822
> * IEEE/ACM- Approval Pending
> The scope of the symposium includes, but is not limited to:
>[-] Computer Architecture Modeling and Simulation
>[-] Parallel and Distributed Systems
>[-] Real-Time and Multimedia Systems
>[-] Internetworking Protocol and Performance
>[-] Wireless and Mobile Networking and Computing
>[-] Broadband and Telecommunication Networks and Software
>[-] Network Traffic Studies
>[-] Web-Based Systems
>[-] Application areas such as databases
>[-] Analysis Techniques and Formal Methods
>[-] Benchmarking and Measurement Techniques
>[-] Capacity Planning
>[-] Performance Analysis and Validation Techniques
>[-] Workload Characterization and Generation
>[-] Discrete Event Simulation methodology and Tools
>[-] Middleware Performance (Object Oriented, Parallel Simulation etc.)
> Authors are encouraged to submit both theoretical and practical
> results of significance which have not been published elsewhere.
> The proceedings will be published by IEEE.
> Authors are encouraged to submit papers describing tools suitable
> for on-line demonstration. The tools papers will undergo a regular
> review process and will be published in the conference proceedings
> in a dedicated tools section. Separate sessions are planned where
> these tools will be demonstrated on-line. Projection systems
> capable for projecting from laptop screens and videotapes will be
> available. The authors are required to bring any additional
> equipment necessary for demonstration.Questions regarding tools
> track should be directed to the Tools Chair.
> Submissions can be submitted online via
> http://www.tk.uni-linz.ac.at/mascots2003
> or can be sent directly to Jane Hilston <jeh(a)inf.ed.ac.uk>
> by the deadline May 30, 2003.
> Papers must not exceed 20 double-spaced pages with a minimum of
> 10-point font and must include an abstract, keywords, authors
> contact information (providing both postal and email addresses).
> Papers must be unpublished original work and must not be submitted
> for publication elsewhere. Authors are strongly encouraged to
> submit their papers in electronic form
> (preferably PDF or PostScript) using
> http://www.tk.uni-linz.ac.at/mascots2003/cm/REG-paper/
> Those unable to use electronic means should mail five (5) complete
> copies of the paper to Prof. Gabriele Kotsis by May 4, 2003.
> All regular papers will appear in the conference proceedings
> published by IEEE. Tool papers will also appear in the
> proceedings in a separate section.
> In order to guarantee publication it is necessary
> that the paper is formatted in coherence with the guidelines,
> received in time (July, precise date to be announced), and that at
> least one of the authors has registered for the conference.
> Selected papers presented MASCOTS 2003 will be published in a special
> issue of the Performance Evaluation journal published by Elsevier.
> Based on suggestions from the programme committee, the program
> chair will invite selected authors to submit an extended version
> of their conference paper for possible publication in the journal.
> Those papers will again be reviewed with the help of the programme
> committee after the conference.
> Proposals for half-day workshops are solicited on
> timely topics related to the above areas. The workshop proposal
> must include a description of topics presented
> and biographies of potential presenters. Send workshop
> proposals directly to the Workshops Chair, Ramon Puigjaner
> <putxi(a)uib.es> by the deadline May 4, 2003.
> Proposals for tutorials, running for 2 to 3 hours, are solicited on
> timely topics related to the above areas. The tutorial proposal
> must include description and length of the tutorial, breakdown of
> topics, and biographies of the presenters. Send tutorial proposals
> directly to the Tutorials Chair Mariacarla Calzarossa <mcc.unipv.it>
> by the deadline May 4, 2003.
> General Chair
> Erol Gelenbe
> University of Central Florida
> erol(a)cs.ucf.edu
> Program Chair
> Gabriele Kotsis
> Telecooperation Department
> Johannes Kepler University Linz
> Altenberger Strasse 69
> A-4040 Linz, Austria
> Phone: +43 732 2468 9238
> Fax: +43 732 2468 9829
> gabriele.kotsis(a)jku.ac.at
> Workshops Chair
> Ramon Puigjaner
> Univerity of the Baleares (Spain)
> putxi(a)uib.es
> Tools Chair
> Jane Hillston
> University of Edinburgh
> Scotland, UK
> jeh(a)inf.ed.ac.uk
> Tutorials Chair
> Mariacarla Calzarossa
> University of Pavia
> Italy
> mcc(a)unipv.it
> Finance Chair
> David Finkel
> Computer Science Department
> Worcester Polytechnic Institute
> 100 Institute Road
> Worcester, MA 01609, USA
> Phone: (508) 831-5416
> Fax: (508) 831-5776
> dfinkel(a)wpi.edu
> Publicity Co-Chairs
> Khaled Hussain and Ricardo Lent
> University of Central Florida
> {khaled,rlent}(a)cs.ucf.edu
> Local Arrangements Chair
> Amy Wedel
> Division of Continuing Education
> University of Central Florida
> 407-882-0241
> awedel(a)mail.ucf.edu
>Program Committee
>Dharma P. Agrawal, University of Cincinnatti, USA
>Khalid Al-Begain, Bradford University, UK
>Mostafa Bassiouni, University of Central Florida, USA
>Monique Becker, INT, France
>Luciano Bononi, University of Bologna, Italy
>Azzeddine Boukerche, University of North Texas, USA
>Gregor v. Bochman, University of Ottawa, Canada
>Mariacarla Calzarossa, University of Pavia, Italy
>Sajal K. Das, Univ. of Texas at Arlington, USA
>Samir Das, SUNY at Stony Brook, USA
>Alois Ferscha, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria
>David Finkel, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
>Jean Michel Fourneau, University of Versailles, France
>Ratan Guha, University of Central Florida, USA
>Mohsen Guizani, University of Michigan, USA
>Guenter Haring, University of Vienna, Austria
>Peter Harrison, Imperial College, UK
>Hossam Hossanein, Queens University, Canada
>Sungbum Hong, University of North Texas, USA
>Alain Jean-Marie, LIRMM, France
>Helen Karatza, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
>Darrell Long, UC Santa Cruz, USA
>Shikharesh Majumdar, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
>Raymond Marie, IRISA, France
>Dan Marinescu, University of Central Florida, USA
>Daniel A. Menasce, George Mason University, USA
>David Nicol, Dartmouth College, USA
>Mohamed Ould-Khaoua, University of Glasgow, UK
>Nihal Pekergin, University of Versailles St-Quentin, France
>Ramon Puigjaner, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain
>William H. Sanders, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, USA
>Mirela Sechi M. A. Notare, Barddal University, SC, Brazil
>Krishna Sivalingam, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
>S V Raghavan, IIT Madras, India
>Gerardo Rubino, IRISA, France
>J. Bosco M. Sobral, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
>Satish K. Tripathi, University of California, Riverside, USA
>Kishor S. Trivedi, Duke University, USA
>Carl Tropper, McGill University, Canada
>Salvatore Tucci, University of Rome II, Italy
>Stephen J. Turner, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
>Carey Williamson, University of Calgary, Canada
>Murray Woodside, Carleton University, Canada
>Zhiguang Xu, University of Central Florida, USA
>Jason Lin Yi-Bing, National Chiao-Tung Univ. Taiwan
>Albert Y. Zomaya, The University of Western Australia
Call for Papers
10th Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM 2003)
A Research Agenda for E-Markets
E-Marketplaces – Between Market and Cooperation
The Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM) is an annual
event destined to provide a forum for researchers to present and discuss
their current and ongoing work. In order to stimulate a lively discussion
the number of participants will be limited to approx. 30 people. In the
past, RSEEM has always attracted a small community of junior and senior
We call for papers for the theme of RSEEM
A Research Agenda for Emerging Electronic Markets
and the focus topic of RSEEM 2003
E-Marketplaces – Between Market and Cooperation
RSEEM is a forum to discuss current or ongoing research on electronic
markets. We call in particular for research papers that give an outlook on
the future of E-Markets and E-Societies and that contribute to a research
agenda on electronic markets (future projects, visions, ideas, prospects).
One idea of the symposium is to coordinate the emerging research of the
participants on electronic markets.
The focus theme of RSEEM 2003 is "E-Marketplaces – between Market and
Cooperation". E-markets stimulate competition through, e.g., auctions and
low transaction costs. They also enable novel models of information sharing
and the re-organization of value chains through new cooperation models.
Electronic markets stipulate new designs for the “game” of creating economic
value. E.g., in e-procurement, a new relation buyer-seller is defined as the
electronic product catalogs move from the sell-side to the buy-side. More
challenges in e-markets are the integration of product catalogs and existing
IT-infrastructures as, e.g., ERP systems as well as standards,
standardization and design models and methods.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Cooperation models (Value webs, virtual communities ….)
- Market mechanisms (Auctions, portals, ...)
- Business models in e-markets (Cases, solution providers, ...)
- System integration (ERP, buy-side integration
- Formats and standards (XML, BizTalk, ...)
Program committee:
Bob O`Keefe, University of Surrey, UK
Stefan Klein, University College Dublin, IE (Chair)
Ulrike Lechner, University of Bremen, D (Local Organizer, CoChair)
Ron Lee, Florida International University, USA
Uwe Leimstoll, University of Applied Sciences Basel, CH
Beat F. Schmid, University of St. Gallen, CH
Mareike Schoop, University of Münster, D
Petra Schubert, University of Applied Sciences Basel, CH
Rita Walczuch, University of Maastricht, NL
Important Dates
Submission of paper proposals (< 1000 words)
May 23, 2003
Notification of acceptance
June 15, 2003
Submission of full or work-in-progress papers
August 15, 2003
Research symposium
September 13-15, 2003
Submission instructions
All paper submissions to RSEEM 2003 must be in English, and should represent
the original work of the authors.
The first submission (paper proposal, deadline May 23) should not exceed
1000 words (excluding references). Contact information of the corresponding
authors has to be included. Acceptance will be based on relevance,
originality, and suitability for discussion. Based on the decision of the
program committee, submissions of full papers (based on the RSEEM style
sheet) are required before August 15. Papers accepted for presentation will
be included in the proceedings.
There are no rigid guidelines regarding paper length for the final research
papers. We suggest the final papers to have between 5 and 15 pages.
All submissions and questions should be addressed to
Ulrike Lechner (lechner(a)informatik.uni-bremen.de)
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lechner
University of Bremen, Fachbereich 03 für Mathematik und Informatik
PO 33 04 40
28334 Bremen
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: ISWC 2003 Industrial Track - DEADLINE EXTENSION
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2003 08:16:00 -0700
From: Christoph Bussler <chris.bussler(a)oracle.com>
To: michael.f.uschold(a)boeing.com, dallemang(a)acm.org, azwegers(a)baan.nl, andersen(a)ontologyworks.com, john.nj.davies(a)bt.com, David_Trastour(a)hp.com, Angele(a)Ontoprise.DE, biovista(a)ath.forthnet.gr, alain.leger(a)francetelecom.com, biovista(a)ath.forthnet.gr
Dear colleague,
the deadline for the below call for ISWC 2003 industrial contributions
has been extended to May 31st, 2003.
Looking forward to your submission and best regards,
Christoph Bussler
2nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2003)
Sanibel Island, Florida, USA
20-23 October 2003
The vision of the Semantic Web is to make web data machine
processable, and rests on the premise that to do so we need
to accommodate, somehow, the semantics of these data. Many
technologies and methodologies are being developed within
Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Software Engineering and
Information Systems that can contribute towards the
realization of this vision. Among those are languages for
semantic annotation of Web documents, ontologies,
technologies and methodologies for building multi-agent
systems, semantic interoperation of programs that have been
developed totally independently, technologies and
methodologies for describing, searching and composing Web
Services, and more.
ISWC2003 welcomes the submission of original industrial papers
dealing with all aspects of the Semantic Web, particularly
those relating to the subject areas indicated by the topics
below. We encourage papers relating to industrial efforts and
experiences with Semantic Web projects. These papers will be
presented in the Industrial Track.
The industrial track of the conference encourages
submissions covering innovative commercial implementations
of semantic web technology, novel applications of semantic
web technology, and experience in applying research advances
to practical situations. Such papers should describe
innovative implementations, new approaches to fundamental
challenges (such as large scale ontologies or semantic
complexity), or other major technical improvements to the
state-of-the-practice. Industrial / application / experience
submissions may be either full papers whose technical
density is comparable to research submissions or extended
Discouraged are papers or abstracts that are marketing
oriented or are pure product descriptions or specifications.
The goal of the industrial track is to demonstrate the
application of research results in software products as well
as state real world requirements from practical applications
that might encourage further research into specific domains
of semantic web technology.
Conference Topics Of Interest and Area Keywords
Suggested topics include:
* Languages, Tools and Methodologies for Semantic Annotations of Web
* Ontologies (creation, merging, linking and reconciliation)
* Large Scale Knowledge Management
* Data Semantics
* Database Technologies for the Semantic Web
* Knowledge Portals
* Tools and Methodologies for Multi-Agent Software Systems
* Semantic Brokering
* Semantic Interoperability
* Semantic Web Mining
* Semantic Web Services (service description, discovery, invocation,
* Semantic Web Inference Schemes
* Semantic Web Trust, Privacy, Security and Intellectual Property Rights
* Semantic Web for e-Business and e-Learning
* Searching and Querying
* User Interfaces
* Visualization and modelling
Dean Allemang (TopQuadrant, USA)
Bill Andersen (OntologyWorks, USA)
Jürgen Angele (Ontoprise, Germany)
John Davies (British Telecom, UK)
Alain Leger (France Telecom, France)
Andreas Persidis (Biovista, Greece)
Satish Thatte (Microsoft, USA)
David Trastour (Hewlett-Packard, UK)
Michael Uschold (The Boeing Company, USA)
Arian Zwegers (Baan, Netherlands)
Important Dates
NEW: May 31, 2003 Paper submission
June 15, 2003 Acceptance Notification
July 15, 2003 Camera-Ready Papers due
Please note that the deadline for paper submission is
strict: no extensions will be allowed.
Submission Details
* Paper submission and reviewing for ISWC2003 will be electronic, via
the conference WWW site:
* The only formats allowed for submission are PostScript or
PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format). These are widely
supported and well-known standards: papers will not be
accepted in any other format (e.g., MS Word) because of
compatibility problems between software versions,
machines, and nationalities. See the conference WWW site
for information about how to convert other formats (e.g.,
MS Word) to PDF/PostScript.
* Note that the electronic submission site is likely to be
very busy around the paper submission deadline. You are
strongly urged to submit your abstract and your paper as
far in advance of the deadline as possible.
* Submitted papers must be formatted in the style of the
Springer publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer
* Papers must be no longer than 8 pages, including figures
and references, when formatted using the style files
provided. Overlength papers will be rejected.
* ISWC2003 will not accept any paper which, at the time of
submission, is under review for or has already been
published or accepted for publication in a journal or
another conference.
* PLEASE monitor http://iswc2003.semanticweb.org for further
submission details or changes.
About the Conference Venue
The conference will be held at the Sundial Resort on Sanibel
Island: http://www.sundialresort.com/
General Chair: Dieter Fensel (Free University of Amsterdam,
The Netherlands)
Program Chair: Katia Sycara (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Program Co-Chair: John Mylopoulos (University of Toronto, Canada)
Tutorial Chair: Asun Gomez-Perez (Polytechnic University of Madrid,
Workshops Chairs: Sheila McIlraith (Stanford University,
USA) and Dimitris Plexousakis (University of Crete, Greece)
Industrial Track Chair: Christoph Bussler (Oracle, USA)
Poster Chair: Raphael Malyankar (Arizona State University, USA)
Finance Chair: Jerome Euzenat (INRIA, Rhone-Alpes, France)
Publicity Chair: Mike Dean (BBN, USA)
Local Arrangements Chair: Jeff Bradshaw (University of West
Florida, USA)
Sponsor Chairs: Ying Ding (Free University of Amsterdam, The
Netherlands) and Massimo Paolucci (Carnegie Mellon
University, USA)
Demonstration Chair: Jeff Heflin (Lehigh University, USA)
Registration Chair: Atanas Kiryakov (Sirma AI, Ltd, Bulgaria)
Christoph Bussler
Oracle Corporation
500 Oracle Parkway
Redwood Shores, CA 94065, USA
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
>From: "Ulrike Lechner" <lechner(a)informatik.uni-bremen.de>
>To: "Karl Heinz Kautz" <karl.kautz(a)cbs.dk>, <susanne.guth(a)wu-wien.ac.at>,
> <kochm(a)in.tum.de>, <robert.krimmer(a)wu-wien.ac.at>,
> <petra.schubert(a)fhbb.ch>
>Subject: RSEEM 2003
>Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2003 13:37:17 +0200
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1106
>X-WU-uvscan-status: clean v4.2.40/v4259 charon
>wie geht es Euch?
>Im Herbst habe ich die Freude die RSEEM 2003 in Bremen zu organisieren. Ich
>bin mir nicht ganz sicher, ob das eine Alternative zu Big Island und dem
>Disneyland dort ist. Ich versuche aber mein möglichstes und ich kann einen
>Abstecher ins Universum in Bremen anbieten.
>Die RSEEM ist traditionell ein sehr gutes Forum für Forschungsvorhaben bzw.
>aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten und zu dem Zeitpunkt sollten ja auch die Papiere
>für die HICSS schon in trockenen Tüchern sein ,.) Im Anhang erhaltet Ihr auf
>alle Fälle den CfP für die Konferenz. Ich würde mich freuen!
>Viele Grüsse aus Bremen,
>Call for Papers
>10th Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM 2003)
>A Research Agenda for E-Markets
>E-Marketplaces Between Market and Cooperation
>The Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM) is an annual
>event destined to provide a forum for researchers to present and discuss
>their current and ongoing work. In order to stimulate a lively discussion
>the number of participants will be limited to approx. 30 people. In the
>past, RSEEM has always attracted a small community of junior and senior
>We call for papers for the theme of RSEEM
>A Research Agenda for Emerging Electronic Markets
>and the focus topic of RSEEM 2003
>E-Marketplaces Between Market and Cooperation
>RSEEM is a forum to discuss current or ongoing research on electronic
>markets. We call in particular for research papers that give an outlook on
>the future of E-Markets and E-Societies and that contribute to a research
>agenda on electronic markets (future projects, visions, ideas, prospects).
>One idea of the symposium is to coordinate the emerging research of the
>participants on electronic markets.
>The focus theme of RSEEM 2003 is "E-Marketplaces between Market and
>Cooperation". E-markets stimulate competition through, e.g., auctions and
>low transaction costs. They also enable novel models of information sharing
>and the re-organization of value chains through new cooperation models.
>Electronic markets stipulate new designs for the game of creating economic
>value. E.g., in e-procurement, a new relation buyer-seller is defined as the
>electronic product catalogs move from the sell-side to the buy-side. More
>challenges in e-markets are the integration of product catalogs and existing
>IT-infrastructures as, e.g., ERP systems as well as standards,
>standardization and design models and methods.
>Topics include but are not limited to:
>- Cooperation models (Value webs, virtual communities .)
>- Market mechanisms (Auctions, portals, ...)
>- Business models in e-markets (Cases, solution providers, ...)
>- System integration (ERP, buy-side integration
>- Formats and standards (XML, BizTalk, ...)
>Program committee:
>Bob O`Keefe, University of Surrey, UK
>Stefan Klein, University College Dublin, IE (Chair)
>Ulrike Lechner, University of Bremen, D (Local Organizer, CoChair)
>Ron Lee, Florida International University, USA
>Uwe Leimstoll, University of Applied Sciences Basel, CH
>Beat F. Schmid, University of St. Gallen, CH
>Mareike Schoop, University of Münster, D
>Petra Schubert, University of Applied Sciences Basel, CH
>Rita Walczuch, University of Maastricht, NL
>Important Dates
> Submission of paper proposals (< 1000 words)
> May 23, 2003
> Notification of acceptance
> June 15, 2003
> Submission of full or work-in-progress papers
> August 15, 2003
> Research symposium
> September 13-15, 2003
>Submission instructions
>All paper submissions to RSEEM 2003 must be in English, and should represent
>the original work of the authors.
>The first submission (paper proposal, deadline May 23) should not exceed
>1000 words (excluding references). Contact information of the corresponding
>authors has to be included. Acceptance will be based on relevance,
>originality, and suitability for discussion. Based on the decision of the
>program committee, submissions of full papers (based on the RSEEM style
>sheet) are required before August 15. Papers accepted for presentation will
>be included in the proceedings.
>There are no rigid guidelines regarding paper length for the final research
>papers. We suggest the final papers to have between 5 and 15 pages.
>All submissions and questions should be addressed to
>Ulrike Lechner (lechner(a)informatik.uni-bremen.de)
>Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lechner
>University of Bremen, Fachbereich 03 für Mathematik und Informatik
>PO 33 04 40
>28334 Bremen
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IASTED CSN 2003 - Submission Deadline 1 Week Reminder
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 16:50:25 -0600
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)iasted.org>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
Please note that the deadline for submitting papers to the IASTED
International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (CSN 2003) is
May 1, 2003.
Please submit your paper at:
All information regarding this conference can be found on our website at
Please refer to this website for formatting and submission requirements.
If you have any questions about the conference, please feel free to contact
us at calgary(a)iasted.com.
IASTED Secretariat
#80 4500 16th Ave NW
Calgary, AB T3B 0M6
If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please email to
unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IASTED IMSA 2003 - Submission Deadline Extended
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 15:47:08 -0600
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)iasted.org>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
Please note that the deadline for submitting papers to the IASTED
International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications
(IMSA 2003) has been extended to May 1, 2003.
Please submit your paper at:
All information regarding this conference can be found on our websites at
Please refer to these websites for formatting and submission requirements.
If you have any questions about the conference, please feel free to contact
us at calgary(a)iasted.com.
IASTED Secretariat
#80 4500 16th Ave NW
Calgary, AB T3B 0M6
If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please email to
unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
>Subject: IASTED IMSA 2003 - Submission Deadline Extended
>Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 15:52:31 -0600
>Thread-Topic: IASTED IMSA 2003 - Submission Deadline Extended
>Thread-Index: AcMKq86rCVMJyHmYQyanixs6ea+Lxw==
>From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)iasted.org>
>To: <Susanne.Guth(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
>X-WU-uvscan-status: clean v4.2.40/v4259 popstar
>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by isis.wu-wien.ac.at
>id h3OLsSTn060802
>Please note that the deadline for submitting papers to the IASTED
>International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and
>Applications (IMSA 2003) has been extended to May 1, 2003.
>Please submit your paper at:
>All information regarding this conference can be found on our websites at
>Please refer to these websites for formatting and submission requirements.
>If you have any questions about the conference, please feel free to
>contact us at calgary(a)iasted.com.
>IASTED Secretariat
>#80 4500 16th Ave NW
>Calgary, AB T3B 0M6
>If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please email to
>unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account (Susanne.Guth(a)wu-wien.ac.at).