---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CfP 2nd Conf. Communication Networks and Services Research (CNSR 2004) , Fredericton, N.B., Canada May 19-21, 2004
Date: Friday 31 October 2003 21:57
From: Rainer Unland <unlandr(a)informatik.uni-essen.de>
To: chat(a)fipa.org, www-rdf-interest(a)w3.org, www-rdf-logic(a)w3.org, ontology(a)fipa.org, discussion(a)agentcities.org, fg-db(a)informatik.uni-rostock.de, agentcities(a)fipa.org, WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, wkwi(a)seda.sowi.uni-bamberg.de, ontoweb-list(a)www1-c703.uibk.ac.at, seweb-list(a)www1-c703.uibk.ac.at, fgcscw(a)uni-koblenz.de, sw-ergo(a)gui-design.de, announce(a)aosd.net, ecoop-info(a)ecoop.org, seworld(a)cs.colorado.edu, yxy(a)vnet.ibm.com, seworld(a)cs.colorado.edu, oo(a)gooal.net, isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org, dbworld(a)cs.wisc.edu, announce(a)sigart.acm.org, dai-list(a)ece.sc.edu, ml(a)ics.uci.edu, agents(a)cs.umbc.edu, vki-list(a)dfki.de
2nd Annual Conference on
Communication Networks and Services Research (CNSR 2004)
Fredericton, N.B., Canada May 19-21, 2004
Invited Speakers:
1. Professor Lotfi A. Zadeh: Director
Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC),
University of California.
2. Dr. Mark Cummings: Special Advisor to the CEO, RFCO Inc. He was the
CEO and founder of enVia
3. Dr. Bill St. Arnaud: Senior Director Advanced Networks for CANARIE
Inc., Canada's Advanced Internet Development Organization.
Following the great success of CNSR2003 held in Moncton,NB, Canada in
2003 (http://www.cnsr.info/Events/CNSR2003/events.php), The second CNSR
project Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services
Research (CNSR 2004) will provide a forum that showcases current
research in Communication Networks and Services. The conference features
research paper presentations and invited speakers. Researchers and
practitioners will have the opportunity to present their research as
well as cross-fertilize ideas on communication networks and services
research among themselves. CNSR2004, sponsored as a joint venture by the
University of New Brunswick (UNB), Dalhousie University, Universit de
Moncton (UdeM) and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency's (ACOA)
Atlantic Innovation Fund (AIF), will be held in Fredericton, New
Brunswick, Canada, May 19 to 21, 2004.
Topics of Interest
Papers presenting original research in the field of communication
networks and services research are invited. The topics and areas to be
addressed include, but not limited to:
Communication Systems
Communication Hardware
Analysis tools for Communication Systems
Antenna Systems
Digital Broadcast Technologies
Mobil Communication Systems
Knowledge Networks and managements Applications
Architectures for combined Voice and Data Sources
Algorithms and Protocol Design and analysis
Emerging Communication Technologies
Web Information Retrieval
Web Information management
Adaptive Web Systems
Web Services
Emerging Web Technologies
Papers outside these specified areas are also welcome. The only
requirements are that the papers describe current original work in the
field of communication networks and services research, either theoretical
or applied, that has not been published elsewhere. More information about
CNSR 2004, including details of local arrangements, are available from the
conference web site (http://www.cnsr.info/Events/CNSR2004/events.php).
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: Dec 15,2003
Notification of Acceptance: Feb 16, 2004
Final Manuscript Due: Mar 15, 2004
Pre-registration: May 8, 2004
Conference in Fredericton: May 19-21, 2004
Paper Format:
Authors should submit a full paper, not exceeding 8 single-spaced pages
on letter-size paper, using reasonable margins and at least 9-point
font. The document should start with the title of the paper, each
author's name, affiliation, and e-mail address, followed by a
one-paragraph summary of the results to be presented. To facilitate a
blind review process, please omit author information for initial
Poster Format:
Poster presentations offer researchers an opportunity to present
late-breaking results, significant work in progress, or research that is
best communicated in an interactive or graphical format.
Paper or Poster Submission:
Authors are required to submit their paper or poster in electronic
format, as an Adobe postscript display format (PDF) file. The paper or
poster (by electronic submission) MUST be received by Dec 15, 2003. This
is a FIRM deadline.
Further details of the expected poster format and submission process are
located http://www.cnsr.info/Events/CNSR2004/papers.php
Paper or Poster Submission Deadline: Dec 15, 2003
Simultaneous Submissions:
Any papers or posters that have been previously published in another
conference proceedings or journal (or which are scheduled for
publication prior to May 19, 2004) will not be considered for
acceptance at CNSR 2004.
Authors will be sent notification of acceptance or rejection of their
paper or poster by e-mail on or before Feb 16, 2004. Deadline for
Accepted Papers and Posters: A camera-ready copy of each accepted paper
or poster is required by Mar 15, 2004.
Best Student Paper Award:
A prize of $300 will be given to the student author(s) of the best
student authored paper (or split between more than one paper if there is
a tie). A paper is eligible if the work presented in the paper is
primarily the work of a student (or students) who are full-time students
at the time of submission. Eligibility for this award is indicated
during the paper submission process. The paper must be presented by a
student (or students) to be eligible for the award. The program
committee's decision will be final with respect to best paper selection.
Invited Speakers:
1. Professor Lotfi A. Zadeh: Director
Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC), University of California.
2. Dr. Mark Cummings: Special Advisor to the CEO, RFCO Inc. He was the
and founder of enVia
3. Dr. Bill St. Arnaud: Senior Director Advanced Networks for CANARIE
Inc., Canada's Advanced Internet Development Organization.
Conference Chair:
Glayn Lewis, CNSR Project Manager
Room ITC-323,
Information Technology Centre
Faculty of Computer Science
University of New Brunswick
Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3
E-mail: glayn(a)unb.ca
Program Chair:
Ali A. Ghorbani
Faculty of Computer Science
University of New Brunswick
Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3
E-mail: cnsr2004(a)unb.ca
Program Committee Members:
Jalal Almhana Universite de Moncton
Michel Barbeau Carleton University
Zhizhang (David) Chen Dalhousie University
John Dedourek University of New Brunswick
Michel Fattouche U. of Toronto & Cell-Loc Inc.
Mohsen Guizani University of West Florida
Jerry Hayes Concordia University
Malcolm Heywood Dalhousie University
Larry Hughes Dalhousie University
Jacek Ilow Dalhousie University
Amir K. Khandani University of Waterloo
Evangelos Kranakis CarletonUniversity
Bernd Kurz University of New Brunswick
Teng Joon Lim University of Toronto
Robert McGorman Nortel Networks
Evangelos Milios Dalhousie University
Sagar Naik University of Waterloo
Bradford G. Nickerson University of New Brunswick
Loanis Nikolaidis University of Alberta
Brent Peterson University of New Brunswick
Stephen Marsh, NRC, Ottawa
Mihaela Ulieru University of Calgary
Xuemin Shen University of Waterloo
Ivan Stojmenovic University of Ottawa
Chintha Tellambura University of Alberta
Shahrokh Valaee Universityof Toronto
Chi-Hsiang Yeh Queen's University
Nur Zincir-Heywood Dalhousie University
University of New Brunswick
Universit de Moncton
Dalhousie University
Atlantic Canada Opportunties Agency
*** Prof. Dr. Rainer Unland
University of Duisburg-Essen
Institute for Computer Science and Business Information Systems (ICB)
Practical Computer Science, especially Data
Management Systems and Knowledge Representation
Schuetzenbahn 70
45117 Essen, Germany
Tel.: (+49) 201-183 3421
Fax: (+49) 201-183 4460
email: UnlandR(a)informatik.uni-essen.de
WWW: http://www.cs.uni-essen.de/dawis/
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Call for Papers - 3rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences
Date: Friday 31 October 2003 18:37
From: "Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences" <social(a)hicsocial.org>
To: "Hawaii International Conferences" <social(a)hicsocial.org>
Call for Papers/Abstracts/Submissions
3rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences
June 16 - 19, 2004
Sheraton Waikiki Hotel, Honolulu Hawaii, USA
Submission Deadline: January 27, 2004
Sponsored by:
East West Council for Education
Center of Asian Pacific Studies of Peking University
Web address: http://www.hicsocial.org
Email address: social(a)hicsocial.org
The 3rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences will be
held from June 16 (Wednesday) to June 19 (Saturday), 2004 at the Sheraton
Waikiki Hotel in Honolulu, Hawaii. The conference will provide many
opportunities for academicians and professionals from the social sciences
fields to interact with members inside and outside their own particular
disciplines. Cross-disciplinary submissions with other fields are welcome.
Topic Areas (All Areas of Social Sciences are Invited):
*Area Studies (African, American, Asian, European, Hispanic, Islamic,
Jewish, Middle Eastern, Russian, Women's and all other cultural and ethnic
*Ethnic Studies/International Studies
*International Relations
*Political Science
*Public Administration
*Urban and Regional Planning
*Womens studies
*Other Areas of Social Science
*Cross-disciplinary areas of the above related to each other or other areas.
The Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences encourages the
following types of papers/abstracts/submissions for any of the listed areas:
Research Papers - Completed papers.
Abstracts - Abstracts of completed or proposed research.
Student Papers - Research by students.
Work-in-Progress Reports or Proposals for future projects.
Reports on issues related to teaching.
For more information about submissions see:
Format of Presentations:
-Paper sessions will have three to four papers presented in each 90 minute
session, giving each presenter 20 30 minutes.
-Workshop presentations will be given a full 90 minute session.
-Panel sessions will provide an opportunity for three or more presenters to
speak in a more open and conversational setting with conference attendees.
Submissions for these 90 minute sessions should include the name,
department, affiliation, and email address of each panelist in addition to a
description of the presentation and the title page.
-Poster sessions will last 90 minutes and consist of a large number of
presenters. Poster sessions allow attendees to speak with the presenters on
a one-to-one basis.
Submitting a Proposal:
1. Create a title page for your submission. The title page should include:
a. title of the submission
b. topic area of the submission (chooses from above list)
c. presentation format (choose from above list)
d. name(s) of the author(s)
e. department(s) and affiliation(s)
f. mailing address(es)
g. e-mail address(es)
h. phone number(s)
i. fax number(s)
j. corresponding author if different than lead author
2. Email your abstract and/or paper, along with a title page, to
social(a)hicsocial.org receipt of submissions will be acknowledged via email
within 48 hours.
If you do not wish to email your submission, you may send it via regular
mail or fax to:
Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences
P.O. Box 75023
Honolulu, HI, 96836, USA
808-947-2420 (Fax)
***If submitting via regular mail, please supply two copies of your
There is a limit of two contributed submissions per lead author.
3. Submissions will only be published in the conference proceedings if at
least one of the authors registers and attends the conference. More
information will be provided upon acceptance.
4. If you wish to be a session chair, please e-mail your request to
social(a)hicsocial.org and indicate the topic area in which you are
interested. Registration for the conference is required to be a session
To be removed from this list, please reply to this e-mail with the word
"Remove" in the subject heading.
Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences
P.O. Box 75023
Honolulu, HI 96836 USA
Telephone: (808) 946-9932
Fax: (808) 947-2420
E-mail: social(a)hicsocial.org
Website: www.hicsocial.org
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IASTED Control Newsletter - Oct. 2003
Date: Friday 31 October 2003 00:09
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)iasted.org>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
IASTED International Newsletter on Control
October 30, 2003
The 6th IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications - CA 2004
March 1-3, 2004, Marina del Rey, CA, USA
**Tutorial Announcement**
Dr. Ioan-Doré Landau, Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble (CNRS/INPG),
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer
For more information visit our website at
Important Deadlines:
Submissions Due: Dec. 1, 2003
Notification of Acceptance: Jan. 3, 2004
Registration Deadline: Feb. 1, 2004
To submit a paper, tutorial or special session or for registration
information visit our website at
To view the members of the International Program Committee for this
conference, please visit our website at
The submission deadline for the 23rd IASTED International Conference on
Modelling, Identification, and Control - MIC 2004 has been extended to
Nov.10, 2003. MIC 2004 is being held Feb. 23-25, 2004 in Grindelwald,
Switzerland. Delegates without papers are also welcome to register until
Dec. 15, 2003. http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2004/switzerland/mic.htm
To view the members of the International Program Committee for this
conference, please visit our website at
Past conference proceedings in the area of control are available for purchase
from ACTA Press - http://www.actapress.com/proceedings/proceedings.htm
The Journal of Control and Intelligent Systems - First published in 1972,
this journal covers all aspects of control theory and its applications.
Apart from conventional control, the journal publishes papers in the field
of intelligent control and soft computing; particularly, intelligent
systems, fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms, evolutionary
computing, and probabilistic techniques. It also includes book reviews,
conference notices, calls for papers, and announcements of new publications.
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Clarence W. de Silva
Frequency: 3 issues per year
2003 Rate: US$205.00
Postage & Handling: US$20.00
ISSN: 1480-1752 (201)
For more information, to be removed from our mailing list, or to join one of
the following mail groups: Power, Telecommunication, Modelling and
Simulation, Bio-Medicine, Signal and Image Processing, Artificial
Intelligence, Business, Software Engineering, Education, Databases and
Knowledge Engineering, Internet and Applications, Parallel and Distributed
Computing, please contact: IASTED
#80, 4500 - 16th Avenue N.W.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T3B 0M6
Tel: 403-288-1195
Fax: 403-247-6851
E-mail: calgary(a)iasted.org
Web site: http://www.iasted.org
To unsubscribe from the email list, please visit the following link and click
on the Unsubscribe button:
Or email to unsubscribe(a)iasted.org, from your email account
(gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at) and copy and paste the following lines into
the body of the email:
Control Newsletter
Unsubscribe gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IASTED Internet and Applications Newsletter - Oct. 2003
Date: Thursday 30 October 2003 15:29
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)iasted.org>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
IASTED International Newsletter on Internet and Applications
October 29, 2003
The 8th IASTED International Conference on Internet & Multimedia Systems and
Applications - IMSA 2004 August 16-18, 2004, Kauai, Hawaii, USA
Important Deadlines:
Submissions Due: Feb. 15, 2004
Notification of Acceptance: Apr. 15, 2004
Registration Deadline: June 1, 2004
To submit a paper, tutorial or special session or for registration
information, visit our website at
To view the International Program Committee for this conference, please visit
CNIS 2003 is being held in New York, USA from Dec. 8-10, 2003. Delegates
(attendees only) are welcome to register before Nov. 14, 2003.
**Special Session**
Dr. Mariemma I. Yagüe - University of Malaga, Spain
"Architectures and Languages for Digital Rights Management and Access
Control" http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2003/NewYork/cnis-specsess1.htm
Mark your calendars! The International Conference on Communications, Internet
and Information Technology - CIIT 2004 and the International Conference on
Computer Science and Technology - CST 2004 will be held Nov. 22-24, 2004 in
St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, USA.
Past conference proceedings in the area of internet are available for
purchase from ACTA Press -
The International Journal of Computers and Applications - First published in
1979, this journal covers all aspects of contemporary computers and their
applications including technology, hardware and software systems, networking
and communications, multimedia systems and the Internet as well as
microcomputer applications such as engineering, science, business,
management, robotics, medicine, manufacturing and the humanities. It also
includes book reviews, conference notices, call for papers and new
publications. Co-Editor-in-Chiefs: Dr. L. Monticone and Dr. J. Wu
Frequency: 4 issues per year
2003 Rate: US$270.00
Postage & Handling: US$25.00
ISSN: 1206-212X (202)
For more information, to be removed from our mailing list, or to join one of
the following mail groups: Power, Telecommunication, Control, Modelling and
Simulation, Bio-Medicine, Signal and Image Processing, Artificial
Intelligence, Business, Software Engineering, Education, Databases and
Knowledge Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Computing, please contact:
#80, 4500 - 16th Avenue N.W.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T3B 0M6
Tel: 403-288-1195
Fax: 403-247-6851
E-mail: calgary(a)iasted.org
Web site: http://www.iasted.org
If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please visit the following
link and click on the Unsubscribe button:
Or email to unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account
(gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at) and copy and paste the following lines into
the body of the email:
Internet and Applications Newsletter
Unsubscribe gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: 2nd Call for Submissions: Techniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce (TaMoCO); March 9.-11.2004
Date: Wednesday 29 October 2003 13:12
From: Rainer Unland <unlandr(a)informatik.uni-essen.de>
To: chat(a)fipa.org, www-rdf-interest(a)w3.org, www-rdf-logic(a)w3.org, ontology(a)fipa.org, discussion(a)agentcities.org, fg-db(a)informatik.uni-rostock.de, agentcities(a)fipa.org, WI(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, wkwi(a)seda.sowi.uni-bamberg.de, ontoweb-list(a)www1-c703.uibk.ac.at, seweb-list(a)www1-c703.uibk.ac.at, fgcscw(a)uni-koblenz.de, sw-ergo(a)gui-design.de, announce(a)aosd.net, ecoop-info(a)ecoop.org, phdoos(a)ecoop.org, seworld(a)cs.colorado.edu, yxy(a)vnet.ibm.com, seworld(a)cs.colorado.edu, rymz(a)earthlink.net, oo(a)gooal.net, isworld(a)lyris.isworld.org, dbworld(a)cs.wisc.edu, announce(a)sigart.acm.org
Cc: WI MailingList <wi(a)aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>, DAI-List <dai-list(a)ece.sc.edu>, ML-List <ml(a)ics.uci.edu>, UMBC AgentsList <agents(a)cs.umbc.edu>, VKI-List <vki-list(a)dfki.de>
Techniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce (TaMoCO)
as part of MKWI 2004 (multi-conference business information systems)
March, 9. – 11. 2004, Essen, Germany
16th of November 2003 Submission of papers
8th of December 2003 Notice of Acceptance
8th of January 2004 Submission of final papers
Electronic business in general and mobile commerce in particular offers
a new road map for a business corporation to gain strategic competitive
advantages through up to date information and technology management. For
mobile workers it offers a new avenue for a new knowledge based economy,
building upon the advanced hardware and software technologies.
We plan to publish the proceedings with a well known publishing company.
Moreover, authors of the best papers will be invited to submit an
extended version of the paper for a special issue in a well known journal.
Organizing Committee
Cherif Branki, University of Paisley , Scotland (UK)
Rainer Unland, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Gerhard Wanner, University of Stuttgart , Germany
*** Prof. Dr. Rainer Unland
University of Duisburg-Essen
Institute for Computer Science and Business Information Systems (ICB)
Practical Computer Science, especially Data
Management Systems and Knowledge Representation
Schuetzenbahn 70
45117 Essen, Germany
Tel.: (+49) 201-183 3421
Fax: (+49) 201-183 4460
email: UnlandR(a)informatik.uni-essen.de
WWW: http://www.cs.uni-essen.de/dawis/
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: final call for papers - pervasive 2004
Date: Wednesday 29 October 2003 08:57
From: Gabriele Kotsis <gabriele.kotsis(a)jku.ac.at>
To: pro-it(a)ocg.at
[our apologies for multiple copies of this announcement]
* *
* Final Call for Papers *
* *
* P E R V A S I V E 2004 *
* 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Computing *
* *
* ! Papers & Tech-Notes Submission Deadline: November 7, 2003 ! *
* *
* Linz / Vienna, Austria *
* April 19-23, 2004 *
* *
* http://www.pervasive2004.org *
* *
* Description
A vast manifold of tiny, embedded and autonomous computing and
communication systems have started to create and populate a
pervasive and ubiquitous computing landscape, characterized by the
autonomy of their programmed behavior, the dynamics and context-
awareness of services and applications they offer, the ad-hoc
interoperability of services and the different modes of user
interaction upon those services. This is mostly due to technological
progress like the maturing of wireless networking, exciting new
information processing possibilities induced by novel microprocessor
technologies, low power storage systems, smart material, and motor-,
controller-, sensor- and actuator technologies. A future computing
scenario is envisioned in which almost every object in our everyday
environment will be equipped with embedded processors, wireless
communication facilities and embedded software to perceive, perform
and control a multitude of tasks and functions. Since many of these
objects are already able to communicate and interact with global
networks and with each other, the vision of context-aware "smart
appliances" and "smart spaces" has already become a reality. Service
provision is based on the ability of being aware of the presence of
other objects or users, and systems can be designed in order to be
sensitive, adaptive and responsive to their needs, habits and even
emotions. With pervasive computing technology embodied into real
world objects like furniture, clothing, crafts, rooms, etc., those
artefacts also become the interface to "invisible" services and
allow to mediate between the physical and digital (or virtual) world
via natural interaction - away from desktop displays and keyboards.
Novel interface concepts for situated interaction give rise for
bringing the interaction with computers "back to the real world".
All these observations pose serious challenges to the conceptual
architectures of computing, and the related engineering disciplines
in computer science. PERVASIVE 2004, the Second International
Conference on Pervasive Computing, provides a premier venue to bring
together researchers and practitioners working in all foundational
and applied research areas of pervasive and ubiquitous computing. It
will include presentations, workshops, tutorials and multimedia
demonstrations on subjects like:
* Focus
Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Architectures
Sensors and Actuators / Computational Perception
"Smart" Appliances / Ambient Intelligence
New Technologies / New Materials / Small Artefacts
Displays / Vision / Mixed Reality Systems
Spontaneous / Wireless / Mobile Communication
Networked Embedded Systems
Context Awareness / Autonomous Computing
Coordination Models and Systems
Middleware and Software Frameworks
Interaction Models / Interaction Design
User Interfaces (e.g. Situative/Tangible/Attentive)
Emerging Industrial / Business Scenarios
Social / Privacy / Security Issues
* Submissions
Submissions to PERVASIVE 2004 are welcome in the categories Regular
Papers and Tech-Notes, Doctoral Colloquium, Videos, and Tutorials
and Workshops.
* Regular Papers and Tech-Notes
Regular papers should present original, highly innovative,
prospective and forward-looking research in one or more of the
categories given above. Just like regular papers, tech-notes should
present directing research, but in very focused and compact format.
Tech-notes are not understood as short papers condensed into less
page space, but are intended to present pointed results at a high
level of technicality. Submissions in this category will be handled
electronically and must be in PDF or PostScript file format. Regular
papers must not exceed 18 pages (or approx. 10000 words, including
text, figures and references), tech-notes must not exceed 5 pages
(or approx. 2500 words) formatted single column, single-spaced in
Springer LNCS style available at
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. Accepted regular
papers and tech-notes will be published in the conference
proceedings. PERVASIVE 2004 will adopt a double-blind process for
regular paper and tech-note review, where the identities of the
authors are withheld from the reviewers and vice versa. Authors'
names and their affiliations must not be revealed or mentioned
anywhere in the paper or in the PDF or postscript file. Submitted
papers and tech-notes must be original, unpublished work and not
currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers
not following these guidelines will not be considered for the review
process. To submit a paper or tech-note, please refer to the paper
submission link (available from October 1st, 2003) at the conference
website. Questions about the papers and tech-notes submission
process should be directed to the Program Committee Chair
(A. Ferscha, Univ. Linz) at progchair(a)pervasive2004.org.
* Doctoral Colloquium
The PERVASIVE 2004 doctoral colloquium, to be held right before the
main conference during April 19-20 in Linz, Austria, invites PhD
students and candidates to present, discuss and defend their
work-in-progress or preliminary results in an international, agile
and renowned audience of junior and senior researchers and
developers in the pervasive computing field. Thesis position papers
(5 pages or approx. 2500 words) are solicited relating a problem
statement, methodological approach, potential for innovation and
expected contribution to the international pervasive computing
literature. Accepted submissions will be presented during the
colloquium and will be included in the PERVASIVE 2004 adjunct
proceedings. The PERVASIVE 2004 Doctoral Colloquium Certificate,
signed by the international colloquium committee will be handed to
the successful presenters. Further information can be obtained from
the conference website or the Doctoral Colloquium Chair (G. Kotsis,
Univ. Linz) at doctoral(a)pervasive2004.org.
* Videos
Submissions are invited to present novel pervasive computing
systems, devices or just designs, or demonstrate innovative styles
of interaction or usability of those systems - in a lively format:
as a video. Video clips should be no longer than 8 minutes and be
accompanied by a 4 page (or approx. 2000 words) written summary. The
author(s) of a video are expected to present a brief introduction at
the conference, while all full videos will be presented during the
PERVASIVE 2004 Video Night - a special event at a historic place in
Vienna. Video papers will be published in the PERVASIVE 2004 adjunct
proceedings, all video clips will be presented in the PERVASIVE 2004
Video DVD. Further information can be obtained from the conference
website or the Video Chair (H. Hörtner, Ars Electronica Center) at
* Tutorials and Workshops
PERVASIVE 2004 tutorials will provide the dissemination of advanced
concepts, technologies and skills to the participants. Tutorial
submissions should focus on seminal and pioneering topics of
pervasive computing or cover an outstanding new branch of pervasive
computing research. Workshop sessions will provide inspiring and
influencing discussion on pervasive computing topics. Each workshop
aims at the sharing and consolidation of new research ideas and
fosters future co-operations. Workshop proposals may be related to
any topic of pervasive computing. Further information can be
obtained from the conference website, the Tutorials Chair
(tutorials(a)pervasive2004.org) or the Workshops Chair
(workshops(a)pervasive2004.org) respectively.
* Conference Chairs
General Chair
Friedemann Mattern (ETH Zurich, CH)
Program Committee Chair
Alois Ferscha (Univ. Linz, A)
Publicity Co-chairs
Karin Anna Hummel (Univ. Vienna, A)
Rene Mayrhofer (Univ. Linz, A)
* Program Committee
Gregory Abowd (GA Tech, USA)
Michael Beigl (Univ. Karlsruhe, D)
Mark Billinghurst (Univ. Washington, USA)
David De Roure (Univ. Southampton, UK)
Anind K. Dey (Intel Research, USA)
Elgar Fleisch (Univ. St. Gallen, CH)
Hans Werner Gellersen (Lancaster Univ., UK)
Lars Erik Holmquist (Viktoria Institute, S)
Horst Hoertner (Ars Electronica Center, A)
Tim Kindberg (HP Labs, USA)
Gerd Kortuem (Lancaster Univ., UK)
Gabriele Kotsis (Univ. Linz, A)
Antonio Krueger (Saarland Univ., D)
Marc Langheinrich (ETH Zurich, CH)
Max Muehlhaeuser (TU Darmstadt, D)
Joe Paradiso (MIT Media Lab, USA)
Tom Pfeifer (GMD-FOKUS, D)
Jun Rekimoto (Sony, JP)
Thomas Rist (DFKI, D)
Tom Rodden (Nottingham University, UK)
Anthony Savidis (ICS Forth, GR)
Bernt Schiele (ETH Zurich, CH)
Dieter Schmalstieg (TU Wien, A)
Albrecht Schmidt (Univ. Munich, D)
Vincent Stanford (NIST, USA)
Thad Starner (Georgia Tech., USA)
Adam Wolisz (TU Berlin, D)
Franco Zambonelli (Univ. Modena & R.E., I)
Albert Zomaya (Univ. of Sydney, AU)
* Important Dates
Papers & Tech-Notes
Submission (firm!) November 7, 2003
Notification of Acceptance December 20, 2003
Camera Ready Copy February 9, 2004
Submissions December 1, 2003
Notification of Acceptance December 8, 2003
Workshop calls online (by the organizers) December 15, 2003
Submissions January 19, 2004
Notification of Acceptance February 16, 2004
Final Versions March 15, 2004
Doctoral Colloquium
Submissions (firm!) January 12, 2004
Nomination of Speakers February 9, 2004
Conference Events
Pre-conference Events (in Vienna) April 20, 2004
PERVASIVE 2004 Doctoral Colloquium (in Linz) April 19-20, 2004
Main Conference (in Vienna) April 21-23, 2004
* Additional Information
For updated information about PERVASIVE 2004 please visit
www.pervasive2004.org or send email to info(a)pervasive2004.org.
(For your planning: Note that CHI2004 will be held in Vienna,
Austria, April 24-29, 2004 - right after PERVASIVE 2004.)
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IASTED Telecommunication Newsletter - October
Date: Friday 24 October 2003 22:39
From: "IASTED" <Calgary(a)iasted.org>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
IASTED International Newsletter on Telecommunication
September 24, 2003
1. 2nd IASTED Int'l Conference on Communications and Computer Networks
CCN 2004
November 8 - 11, 2004
MIT Cambridge, USA
Important Deadlines:
Submissions due: June 15, 2004
Notification of acceptance: Aug 01, 2004
Final manuscript due: Sept 15, 2004
Registration and full payment: Sept 15, 2004
For more information visit
1. 4th IASTED International Multi-Conference on Wireless and Optical
Communications WOC 2004
July 8 - 10, 2004
Banff, AB, Canada
** Technical Co-Sponsor**
IEEE Vehicular Technology Society.
Important Deadlines:
Submissions Due: Feb. 15, 2004
Notification of Acceptance: Mar. 15, 2004
Registration Deadline: May 1, 2004
This multi-conference consists of the following three conferences:
1.1 IASTED Int'l Conference on Communication Systems and Applications - CSA
To view the Call for Papers and the International Program Committee, visit
our website at http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2004/banff/c422.htm
1.2 IASTED Int'l Conference on Wireless Networks and Emerging Technologies -
WNET 2004
To view the Call for Papers and the International Program Committee, visit
our website at http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2004/banff/c424.htm
1.3 IASTED Int'l Conference on Optical Communication Systems and Networks -
OCSN 2004
To view the Call for Papers and the International Program Committee, visit
our website at http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2004/banff/c423.htm
2. IASTED Int'l Conference on Antennas, Radar, and Wave Propagation - ARP
**Plenary Speaker Announcement**
Dr. Kai Chang, Texas A&M University, USA
For more information, visit our website at
Important Deadlines:
Submissions Due: Feb. 15, 2004
Notification of Acceptance: Mar. 15, 2004
Registration Deadline: May 1, 2004
To view the Call for Papers and the International Program Committee, visit
our website at http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2004/banff/c425.htm
IASTED welcomes Dr. M.F. Iskander - University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA and
Dr. L. Shafai - University of Manitoba, Canada as two of our distinguished
IPC members for this conference.
3. 8th IASTED International Conference on Internet & Multimedia Systems and
Applications IMSA 2004
August 16-18, 2004
Kauai, Hawaii, USA
Important Deadlines:
Submissions Due: Feb. 15, 2004
Notification of Acceptance: Apr. 15, 2004
Registration Deadline: May 15, 2004
To view the Call for Papers and the International Program Committee, visit
our website at http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2004/hawaii/c427.htm
Past conference proceedings in the area of telecommunication are available
for purchase from ACTA Press -
Mark your calendars! The IASTED International Conference on Computer and
Communication Networks - CCN 2004 will be held Nov. 8-11, 2004 at MIT in
Cambridge. The 3rd IASTED International Conference on Communications,
Internet and Information Technology - CIIT 2004 will be held Nov. 22-24,
2004 in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, USA. Watch our website www.iasted.org
for details.
For more information or to join one of the following mail groups: Power,
Control, Modelling and Simulation, Bio-Medicine, Signal and Image
Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Business, Software Engineering,
Education, Databases and Knowledge Engineering, Internet and Applications,
Parallel and Distributed Computing, please contact: IASTED
#80, 4500 - 16th Avenue N.W.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T3B 0M6
Tel: 403-288-1195
Fax: 403-247-6851
E-mail: calgary(a)iasted.org
Web site: http://www.iasted.org
To unsubscribe from the email list, please visit the following link and click
on the Unsubscribe button:
Or email to unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account
(gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at) and copy and paste the following lines into
the body of the email:
Telecommunication Newsletter
Unsubscribe gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP: 18 Int'l Conferences in CS & CE in 2004; June 21-24, Nevada, USA
Date: Sunday 26 October 2003 16:12
From: Hamid Arabnia <hra(a)cs.uga.edu>
To: www-rdf-interest(a)w3.org
The 2004 International Multiconference in Computer Science
and Computer Engineering
(18 Joint Int'l Conferences)
Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
June 21-24, 2004
Dear Colleagues:
You are invited to submit a draft paper (see instructions below)
and/or a proposal to organize a technical session/workshop.
All accepted papers will be published in the respective
conference proceedings. The names of technical session/workshop
organizers/chairs will appear on the cover of the
proceedings/books as Associate Editors. Any help in distributing
this announcement would be most appreciated.
The 2004 International Multiconference in Computer Science
and Computer Engineering is composed of the following 18
conferences - each event is the premier conference for
presentation of advances in their respective subjects.
All conferences will be held simultaneously (same location
and dates: June 21-24, 2004, Las Vegas, USA):
1. The 2004 International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'04)
2. The 2004 International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (IC-AI'04)
3. The 2004 International Conference on Imaging Science,
Systems, and Technology (CISST'04)
4. The 2004 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation
and Visualization Methods (MSV'04)
5. The 2004 International Conference on Software Engineering
Research and Practice (SERP'04)
6. The 2004 International Conference on Information and
Knowledge Engineering (IKE'04)
7. The 2004 International Conference on Embedded Systems and
Applications (ESA'04)
8. The 2004 International Conference on Internet Computing
9. The 2004 International Conference on Wireless Networks
10. The 2004 International Symposium on Web Services and
Applications (ISWS'04)
11. The 2004 International Workshop on Wearable Computers
12. The 2004 International Conference on Security and
Management (SAM'04)
13. The 2004 International Conference on Mathematics and
Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological
Sciences (METMBS'04)
14. The 2004 International Conference on Machine Learning;
Models, Technologies and Applications (MLMTA'04)
15. The 2004 International Conference on Communications
in Computing (CIC'04)
16. The 2004 International Conference on VLSI (VLSI'04)
17. The 2004 International Conference on Engineering of
Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA'04)
18. The 2004 International Conference on Algorithmic
Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS'04)
(a link to each conference's URL can be found at
- currently under construction.)
Please regard this announcement as General Guidelines.
You are requested to send your submission to the
Multiconference chair whose address appears below (The
chair may be forwarding the papers to respective
conference chairs/committees).
H. R. Arabnia, PhD
General Chair, The 2004 International Multiconference in
Computer Science and Computer Engineering (IMCSE2004)
The University of Georgia
Department of Computer Science
415 Graduate Studies Research Center
Athens, Georgia 30602-7404, U.S.A.
Tel: (706) 542-3480
Fax: (706) 542-2966
E-mail: hra(a)cs.uga.edu
The International Multiconference in Computer Science
and Computer Engineering is a major annual international
research event. It assembles a spectrum of affiliated
research conferences, workshops, and symposiums into a
coordinated research meeting held in a common place at
a common time. This model facilitates communication among
researchers in different fields of computer science and
computer engineering. The last Multiconference attracted
over 1,650 computer science and Engineering researchers
from 78 countries. It is anticipated that The 2004 Int'l
Multiconference will attract about 2000 participants.
The 2004 event is composed of 18 (planned) major
conferences - attendees will have full access to all 18
conferences' sessions & tracks.
Each conference will have its own proceedings. All
conference proceedings/books are considered for inclusion
in major database indexes that are designed to provide
easy access to the current literature of the sciences
(database examples: ISI Thomson Scientific, IEE INSPEC,
DBLP, ...).
Prospective authors are invited to submit three copies
of their draft paper (about 5 pages - single space,
font size of 10 to 12) to H. R. Arabnia by the due
date (who may be forwarding the papers to respective
conference chairs/committees). E-mail submissions in
MS document or PDF formats are preferable (Fax submissions
are also acceptable.)
The length of the Camera-Ready papers (if accepted) will
be limited to 7 (IEEE style) pages. Papers must not have
been previously published or currently submitted for
publication elsewhere. The first page of the draft paper
should include: title of the paper, name, affiliation,
postal address, E-mail address, telephone number, &
Fax number for each author. The first page should also
include the name of the author who will be presenting
the paper (if accepted) & a maximum of 5 keywords.
Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance,
clarity, and soundness. Each paper will be refereed by
two researchers in the topical area. The Camera-Ready
papers will be reviewed by one person.
The conference proceedings will be published by CSREA
Press (ISBN) in hardcopy. The proceedings will be
available at the conference. Some accepted papers will
also be considered for journal publication (soon after
the conference). All conference proceedings published
by CSREA Press are considered for inclusion in major
database indexes that are designed to provide easy
access to the current literature of the sciences
(database examples: ISI Thomson Scientific, IEE INSPEC,
DBLP, ...).
A number of university faculty members and their staff
in cooperation with the Monte Carlo Resort (Conference
Division) will be organizing the conference.
Technical co-sponsors include: World Academy of
Science (non-profit organization - pending); Computer
Science Research, Education, & Applications Press
(CSREA: USA Federal EIN # 58-2171953); together with
research centers, international associations,
international research groups, and developers of
high-performance machines and systems. The complete
list of co-sponsors will be available at a later time.
(Previous conferences' sponsors included: CSREA,
the National Supercomputing Center for Energy and the
Environment - DOE, The International Association for
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, The
International Technology Institute (ITI), The Java
High Performance Computing research group, World
Scientific and Engineering Society, Sundance Digital
Signal Processing Inc., Convex, Hewlett-Packard Inc.,
a number of publishers of books and journals, chapters
of computer associations from various countries, ...)
The conferences will be held in the Monte Carlo Resort
hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (with any overflows at other
near-by hotels). The Monte Carlo Resort is a mega hotel
with excellent conference facilities & over 3,000 rooms.
The hotel is minutes from the airport with 24-hour
shuttle service to & from the airport. This hotel has
many recreational attractions, including: waterfalls,
spa, pools & kiddie pools, sunning decks, Easy River
water ride, wave pool with cascades, lighted tennis
courts, health spa (with workout equipment, whirlpool,
sauna, ...), arcade virtual reality game rooms, nightly
shows, snack bars, a number of restaurants, shopping area,
bars, ... Many of these attractions are open 24 hours a
day & most are suitable for families & children. The
negotiated room rate for conference attendees is very
reasonable. The hotel is within walking distance from
most other attractions (major shopping areas, recreational
destinations, fine dining & night clubs, free street
shows, ...).
Feb. 16, 2004: Draft papers (about 5 pages) due
March 22, 2004: Notification of acceptance
April 21, 2004: Camera-Ready papers & Prereg. due
June 21-24, 2004: 2004 Int'l Multiconference in CS & CE
Proposals to organize technical sessions should be submitted
as soon as possible.
Each technical session will have at least 6 paper
presentations (from different authors). The session
chairs will be responsible for all aspects of their
sessions; including, soliciting papers, reviewing,
selecting, ... The names of session chairs will
appear as Associate Editors in the conference
proceedings. After the conference, some sessions will
be considered for publication in appropriate journals as
Special Issues with the session proposer as the Guest
Editor of the journal.
Proposals to organize technical sessions should include
the following information: name and address (+ E-mail)
of proposer, title of session, a 100-word description of
the topic of the session, and a short description on
how the session will be advertised (in most cases,
session proposers solicit papers from colleagues and
researchers whose work is known to the session proposer).
Mail your proposal to H. R. Arabnia (address is given
above); E-mail submissions are preferred.
The Program Committee includes members of chapters
of World Academy of Science (chapters: supercomputing;
scientific computing; artificial intelligence; imaging
science; databases; simulation; software engineering;
embedded systems; internet and web technologies;
communications; computer security; and bioinformatics.)
The Program Committee for individual conferences is
currently being formed. Those interested in joining
the Program Committee should email H. R. Arabnia
(hra(a)cs.uga.edu) the following information:
Name, affiliation and position, complete mailing address,
email address, tel/fax numbers, a short biography
together with research interests and the name of the
conference offering to help with.
An exhibition is being planned. Interested parties
should contact H. R. Arabnia (hra(a)cs.uga.edu). All
exhibitors will be considered to be the co-sponsors of
the conference.
of topics that appear below should be regarded as a
partial list):
(Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing
Techniques and Applications)
O Parallel/Distributed applications:
Numerical computations, neural networks and fuzzy
logic, medicine, remote sensing, bioinformatics, ...
O Parallel/Distributed architectures:
Clusters, network topologies, supercomputers, shared
memory, distributed memory, dedicated systems, ...
O Building block processors
O Networks and Interconnection networks:
Scalable networks, reconfigurable networks, routing
issues, network protocols, Optical interconnects, ...
O Reliability and fault-tolerance
O Performance analysis, evaluation, prediction, ...
O Real-time and embedded systems
O Parallel/Distributed algorithms
O Mobile computation and communication
O Object Oriented Technology and related issues
O Multimedia Communications, Systems, and Applications
O Software tools and environments for parallel and
distributed platforms: Operating systems, compilers,
languages, debuggers, ...
O High-performance computing in Computational Science
O Petri Nets: theory, analysis, tools and applications
O Web-based simulation and computing
O Education: parallel and distributed processing in
computer science curriculum
O Trends in supercomputing technology
O Applications
(Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
O Intelligent Information Systems
O Intelligent Software Engineering
O Intelligent Agents
O Intelligent Networks
O Intelligent Databases
O Evolutionary Algorithms
O Data mining
O Reasoning Strategies
O Automated Problem Solving
O Distributed AI Algorithms and Techniques
O Distributed AI Systems and Architectures
O Expert Systems + Fuzzy Logic
O Genetic Algorithms
O Heuristic Searching
O Knowledge Acquisition, Discovery and Representation
O Knowledge-Intensive Problem Solving Techniques
O Languages and Programming Techniques for AI
O Software Tools for AI
O Natural Language Processing
O Neural Networks and Applications
O Multisource Information Fusion: Theory and Applications
O Multisource-Multisensor Data and Information Fusion
O Learning and Adaptive Sensor Fusion
O Integration of AI with other Technologies
O Social Impact of AI
O Applications (including: Computer Vision, Signal
Processing, Military, Surveillance, Robotics, Medicine,
Pattern Recognition, Face Recognition, Finger Print
Recognition, Finance and Marketing, Stock Market,
Education, Emerging Applications, ...)
(Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology)
O Image generation, acquisition, and processing
O Image display techniques
O Image data structures and databases
O Convergence of imaging media (video and computer)
O Virtual reality and Haptic technology
O Image compression, coding, and encryption
O Multimedia / Applications
O Tools for multimedia production and services
O Digital imaging for film and television
O Visualization + scene and object modeling
O Knowledge acquisition
O Visual inspection
O Document image understanding
O Image algebra
O Optical image processing systems
O Mathematical morphology
O Architecture of imaging and vision systems
O Neural network techniques and fuzzy logic
O Performance analysis and evaluation
O Software tools and environments for imaging
O Animation
O Geometric modeling and Fractals
O CAD/CAM systems
O Rendering techniques
O Applications including: medicine, robotic, GIS,
remote sensing, industrial inspection (using machine
vision), nondestructive evaluation (or NDE), ...
O Multi-resolution and multi-spectral image processing
O Image sequence processing
O Indexing and Retrieval of Images (image databases)
O Information fusion
O Other aspects and applications relating to imaging science
(Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization
O Simulation languages
O Internet, web and security visualization
O Modeling and simulation for computer engineering
O Modeling and simulation for education and training
O Real-time modeling and simulation
O Modeling methodologies
O Specification issues for modeling and simulation
O Visual interactive simulation and modeling
O Visualization tools and systems for simulation and modeling
O Java-based modelers
O Scalability issues
O Numerical Methods used in simulation and modeling
O Finite and boundary element techniques
O Process simulation/modeling
O Device simulation/modeling
O Circuit simulation/modeling
O Multi-level modeling
O Prototyping and simulation
O Biomedical visualization and applications
O Databases and visualization
O Information and scientific visualization
O Interaction paradigms and human factors
O Parallel and distributed simulation
O Discrete and numeric simulation
O Virtual reality and simulation
O Perceptual issues in visualization and modeling
O Tools and applications
O Virtual environments and data visualization
O Object-oriented simulation
O Knowledge-based simulation
O Simulation of machine architectures
O Simulation of wireless systems
O Simulation of semiconductors and microelectronics
O Simulation and modeling with applications in biotechnology
O Simulation and modeling with applications in Nanotechnology
(Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice)
O Software architectures
O Object-Oriented technology
O Measurement, metrics and analysis
O Survivable systems
O Requirements engineering
O Reverse engineering
O Software domain modeling
O Software process modeling
O Workflow - Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
O Project management issues
O Distributed and parallel systems
O Legal issues and standards
O Configuration management (issues and tools)
O Automated software specification
O Automated software design and synthesis
O Theoretic approaches (formal methods, graph, ...)
O Domain modeling and meta-modeling
O Evolution and maintenance
O Knowledge acquisition
O Reflection and metadata methodologies
O AI approaches to Software Engineering
O Automated software engineering
O Component-based engineering
O Interoperability
O Intelligent CASE tools
O Multimedia in software engineering
O Hypermedia
O Software reuse
O Verification, validation and quality assurance
O Performance critical systems
O Engineering practices
O Programming languages
O Program understanding issues
O Education (software engineering curriculum design)
O Software engineering versus Systems engineering
O Software documentation
O Technology adoption
O Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
O Architecture tradeoff analysis
O Novel software tools and environments
(Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering)
O Knowledge and Information Management Techniques
O Knowledge Delivery Methods
O Knowledge Life Cycle
O Knowledge and Information Extraction and
Discovery Techniques
O Knowledge Classification Tools
O Data Warehousing and Data Security
O Data Mining Techniques
O Database Engineering and Systems
O Data and Knowledge Processing
O Databanks - issues, methods, and standards
O Dataweb Models and Systems
O Data Fusion + Data/Information/Knowledge Models
O Information Retrieval Systems
O Information Reliability and Security
O Information and Knowledge Structures
O Information Quality (Quality Metrics)
O Large-Scale Information Processing Methods
O Intelligent Knowledge-Based Systems
O Re-usability of Software/Knowledge/Information
O Aspect-Oriented Programming
O Formal and Visual Specification Languages
O Decision Support and Expert Systems
O Applications (e-Commerce, Multimedia, Business, Banking, ...)
O Managing Copyright Laws
O E-Libraries (Digital Libraries) + Electronic Publishing
O Digital Typography
O Agent-Based Techniques and Systems (Mobile Agents)
O Image Processing (Knowledge Extraction)
O Workflow Management
O Large-Scale Information Processing Methods
O Content Management
O Privacy Issues
O Interoperability Issues
O Transaction Systems
O Object-Oriented Modeling and Systems
O Case-Based Reasoning
(Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications)
O Embedded Hardware Support
System-on-a-chip, DSPs, hardware specification,
synthesis, modeling, simulation, power-aware,
verifiable systems, performance modeling, ...
O Embedded Software
Compilers, assemblers and cross assemblers,
virtual machines, scheduling, concurrent software
for SoCs, ...
O Embedded System Architecture
Heterogeneous multiprocessors, reconfigurable
platforms, communication, protocols, network-on-chip,
embedded microcontrollers, ...
O Hardware/Software Co-design
Methodologies, test and debug strategies,
specification and modeling, design representation, ...
O Real-time Systems
All real-time related aspects such as software,
distributed real-time systems, real-time kernels, ...
O Testing Techniques
design-for-test, test synthesis, built-in self-test,
embedded test, ...
O Application-specific Processors and Devices
Network processors, real-time processor, application
specific hardware accelerators, low power
embedded processors, bio/fluidic processors, ...
O Industrial Practices and Benchmark Suites
emerging technologies, interchange format, tools,
copyrights, maintenance,
O Embedded Computing Education
O Emerging New Topics
New challenges for next generation embedded computing
systems, arising from new technologies
(e.g., nanotechnology), new applications (e.g., pervasive
or ubiquitous computing, embedded internet tools), ...
(Conference on Internet Computing)
O Internet Security
O Internet Applications and Appliances
O Performance Evaluation of the Internet
O Resource Management and Location
O Design and Analysis of Internet Protocols
O Web based computing
O Network Management
O Network Architectures
O Network Computing
O Network Operating Systems
O Quality of Service
O Wide Area Consistency
O Electronic Commerce
O The WWW and Intranets
O Metacomputing
O Grid based Computing and Tools
O Languages for Distributed Programming
O Cooperative Applications
O Tele-Medical and other applications
O Internet Telephony
O Mobile Computing
O Educational Applications
O Digital Libraries/Digital Image Collections
O Web Interfaces to Databases
O User-interface/Multimedia/Video/Audio/User Interaction
O Markup Languages/HTML/XML/VRML
O Java Applications on Internet
O Alternative Web lifestyles, role-playing, chat, ...
O Caching Algorithms for the Internet
O Traffic Models & Statistics
O Server Space/Web Server Performance
O Web Monitoring
O Web Documents Management
O Web Site Design and Coordination
O Other aspects & applications relating to internet computing
(Conference on Wireless Networks)
O Mobile wireless QoS, radio resource management
O Mobile wireless Internet, IPv6
O Heterogeneous wireless networks, radio access networks
O W-CDMA, cdma2000, TD-SCDMA, ...
O MIMO, adaptive antenna
O Software-defined radio, reconfigurable radio networks
O Wireless security
O Wireless applications, mobile e-commerce, multimedia
O Satellite-based systems
O Broadcast networks
O High altitude platform
O GPS, location-based service
O Mobile agents
O Wireless & mobile applications
O Multiple access
O Routing, multicasting, ...
O Resource management, wireless QoS
O Mobile Internet
O Transport-layer issues
O Wireless security
O Wireless network architectures
O Mobile computing
O Modeling, simulation, ...
O Ad hoc networks, sensor networks, ...
O 4G, 3.5G, 3G, ... wireless systems
O Personal area networks, body wireless networks, Bluetooth
O Wireless sensor networks
O Coding & modulation
O Multi-user detection
O Power management & control, low-power protocols
O OFDM, ...
O Wireless IP networks, interworking
O Wireless multimedia, QoS adaptation
O WAP, mobile e-commerce
O Location-based service, GPS
O Distributed algorithms for wireless networks
(Symposium on Web Services and Applications)
O Web service technologies and research directions:
- Enhancements to the basic Web services platform
- Grid Computing
- Advanced Web service technologies including security,
workflow/process management, transactions, mobile
and wireless, portals, services management,
quality-of-service (QoS)
- Novel Web service architectures
- Development and modeling frameworks for Web
service applications
- Composite Web services, enabling technologies and
support infrastructure
- Data structures and models
O Best practices for developing enterprise-class Web
services and applications:
- Design patterns
- Architecting for customization, maintenance,
and management
- Architecting for easy integration or service
- Fault-tolerant architectures
- Service mediation systems and architectures
O Case studies of Web service development and deployment:
- E-Commerce applications using Web services
- Business-to-Business (B2B) applications using Web
- Mobile and wireless applications using Web services
- Utility and on-demand computing using Web services
- Government applications using Web services
- Applications of Web services in developing countries
(Workshop on Wearable Computers)
O Wearable computing for people with disabilities.
O Applications of wearable computers
(medical, consumer, industrial, military, ...)
O On-body networks
O Next generation of wearable computers
O Wireless network technology used by wearable computers
O New Gadgets
O Handheld computers vs wearable computers
O Operating systems issues
O Wearable system design
O Energy / Power management (batteries)
O Software architectures for wearable computers
O Ergonomic issues
O Wearable computers and virtual reality
O Human interface systems and issues (I/O devices)
O Social ramifications
O Wearable computing and AI
O Smart clothes
O Design of wearability (study on the comfort of
wearable computers, ...)
O Heat dissipation issues
O Wearable displays
O Tasks for which wearable computers can be used
O User evaluations
O System architectures
O Advanced textile circuitry
O Keyless "keyboards"
(Conference on Security and Management)
O Security Protocols
O Mobility Management
O Security Algorithms
O Location Management
O QoS Management
O Key Management Techniques
O Security in E-commerce and M-commerce
O Security Policies
O Resource Management
O Mobile Network Security
O Channel Management
O Encryption
O Security in Mobile IPv4/IPv6
O Firewall
O IDS (Intrusion Detection System)
O Digital contents copyright protection techniques
O Watermarking
O Secure OS
O Honeypot
O Virus Issues (Detection, Prevention, ...)
O Tracing Techniques in Internet
O Active Networks
O Security in CDN (Contents Distribution Networks)
O Hacking Techniques and Related Issues
O Security in GRID
O Biological Security Technologies
O Surveillance Technologies
O High-Tech Systems at Airports
O Face Recognition Systems
O Signature Recognition Systems
O Network Management
O System Management
O Network Security Management
O Management in Network Equipments
O SAN (Storage Area Networks) Management
O GRID Middleware
O GRID Applications
O GRID Networks
O Security for Protocol Management
O Management Protocol (SNMP, CMIP, ...)
(Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques
in Medicine and Biological Sciences)
O Bioinformatics: This includes informatics
techniques in genomics (e.g. gene sequencing, gene
pattern discovery, gene pattern-function studies,
and other genomics related studies), proteomics, ...
O Cheminformatics: All informatics techniques applied
to biochemical and chemical processes and analyses.
O Data mining in medicine and biological sciences.
O Pattern recognition in medicine and biological sciences.
O Signal processing in medicine and biological sciences
(e.g. biomedical signal processing, ...)
O Image processing in medicine and biological sciences
(e.g. biomedical image processing, biomedical
imaging, ...)
O Medical decision-making.
O Medical Physics.
O Biomedical Engineering.
O Biomedical Electronics.
O Biosignal interpretation.
O Any application of computers in Medicine and biological
sciences (protein structure-function analysis, drug and
protein design, molecular modeling and simulation, ...)
O Application of information technology in biomedicine
(e.g. medical database management, information retrieval
and use of computers in hospitals.)
O Application of Computational Intelligence (artificial
neural networks, fuzzy logic, and evolutionary computing)
in medicine and biological sciences.
O Medical and bio-computing.
O High-performance computing as applied to natural and
medical sciences.
O Computer-based medical systems (automation in
medicine, ...)
O Recent history (1990-2004) of Mathematics and engineering
techniques in medicine and biological sciences, and what
to expect during the next decade; New horizons.
Review articles.)
O Other aspects and applications relating to technological
advancements in medicine and biological sciences.
(Conference on Machine Learning; Models, Technologies
and Applications)
O Artificial Neural Networks and Learning
O Fuzzy Logic + Fusion and Learning
O Information Retrieval and Data Mining
O Inductive Learning and Applications
O Knowledge Representation and Management
O Knowledge Acquisition and Discovery Techniques
O Evolutionary Algorithms and Bayesian-Based Methodologies
O Reinforcement Learning Methods
O Grammatical Inference
O Learning Models
O Multi-Agent Learning
O Cognitive Modeling
O Hybrid Techniques + Hierarchical Learning Models
O Collaborative Filtering
O Case-Based Reasoning
O Semantic Indexing
O Natural Language Processing
O Machine Translation
O Markov Decision Processes (including Semi-Markov DM)
O ODE Methods and Machine Learning
O Multi-Criteria Reinforcement Learning
O Temporal Abstractions
O Relational Learning Models
O Computational Needs of Learning Models
O Formal Learning Methods
O Graph-Based Learning
O Theory Refinement Methodologies
O Probabilistic Reasoning
O Decision Trees
O Learning Based on Adaptive Techniques
O Learning Topological Maps
O Verification Models
O Mobile Robotics
O Learning in Planning
O Query Learning and Active Learning
O Memory-Based Learning
O Instance-Based Learning and Self-Adaptation Techniques
O Requirements Models
O Transformation-Based Learning
O Simulated Annealing and Learning
O Life-Long Learning and Learning by Examples
O Q-Learning
O Predictive Learning Models
O Text Categorization and Classification
O Machine Learning Applications (Medicine, Games, Biology,
Industrial Applications, Robotics, Security, ...)
(Conference on Communications in Computing)
O High Performance Applications
O Distributed Systems and Advanced Applications
(e.g. multimedia, cooperative systems)
O Grid computing
O Scalable and Interoperable Systems and Associated
O Software Systems (e.g. operating system support,
middleware, ...)
O Architecture (e.g. VLSI, SIMD, MIMD, vector,
systolic, reconfigurable, ...)
O Interconnection networks (e.g. bus-based, optical)
O ATM based networks
O Communications (e.g. routing, wireless, mobile)
O Visualization (e.g. scientific visualization,
debugging and load balancing tools)
O Photonics and Optical Computing
O Performance Issues (e.g. benchmarks, performance
measurement, evaluation and prediction)
O Modeling and Simulation of High Performance Systems
O Advanced Compilation Techniques (e.g. parallelizing
O Programming Languages for Parallel and other High
Performance Computing
O Parallel/Distributed/Vector Algorithms
O Reliability and Fault Tolerance
O Embedded and Real Time Systems
O Digital Signal Processing
O Neural Computing, Genetic Algorithms
O Issues in High Performance Computing
(e.g. evolving paradigms, ...)
O Internet & web based processing, E-commerce,
telecommunication network, cluster-based computing
(Conference on VLSI)
O Quantum Computing
O Nanoelectronics
O Molecular and Biological Computing
O Circuits and Systems
O Novel Design and Methodologies
O System-on-a-Chip: Design and Methodology
O Low Power VLSI System Design
O Complexity Issues
O Simulation Tools
O Algorithm Design Approaches (AI, Genetic, ...)
O High-Level Design Methodologies
O ASIC Design and Architectures
O Reconfigurable Systems Design
O Novel Devices and Circuits
O Emerging Trends
O High-Performance Circuits
O Reusable Architectures
O Test and Verification
O Synthesis
O Mixed-Signal Design and Analysis
O Electrical/Packaging Designs and Co-Designs
O FPGA-based Design
O Applications (all applications will be considered)
(Conference on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems
and Algorithms)
O Theory, Mapping and Parallelization:
Theoretical models of computing in space-time and
adaptive computing + Mapping algorithms into hardware
and synthesis of regular arrays + Parallelization and
(space-time) partitioning of algorithms + System
architectures using configurable computing platform +
Newly developed algorithms for efficient
implementation on reconfigurable systems.
O Software, CAD and Operating Systems:
CAD, specification, partitioning and verification +
High-level synthesis, hardware compilation,
hardware/software codesign, developing correct
circuits + High and low-level languages and compilers,
design environments, Java-based environments +
Operating systems and run-time reconfiguring,
intelligent libraries + IP-based and object oriented
models and mapping methods.
O Adaptive Hardware Architectures:
Adaptive and dynamically reconfigurable systems +
Reconfigurable processor architectures, fine and
coarse-grained processor arrays + Complex systems using
reconfigurable processors + Application-tailored
reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip + Low power systems on
reconfigurable platform.
O Applications:
Wireless communication systems:
- mobile communication systems, video-phone, software
radio, global positioning systems, ...
- Multimedia and virtual reality:
video imaging, teleconferencing, data compression,
image databases, computational geometry and computer
graphics, ...
- Space-based applications:
reconfigurable systems for remote processors, space
telescope systems, satellite networks, ...
tradeoffs between on-board and ground-based processing,
radiation effects mitigation, fault tolerance and
- Numeric processing:
floating point operations, fixed and floating point
tradeoffs, residue number systems, customizable
libraries, solving complex mathematical problems (linear
algebra, PDEs etc.), supercomputing experiences, ...
- Automotive industry:
vehicle guidance, lane and obstacle detection, object
recognition, traffic systems, navigation of robots, ...
- Security systems:
object recognition and tracking, cryptology, Internet
and security, ...
- Classical image and signal processing:
digital filters, edge and line detection, morphological
operators, motion and stereo estimation, discrete
transformations, linear algebra, radar systems, object
recognition, ...
(Conference on Algorithmic Mathematics and Computer Science)
O Computational Mathematics:
Combinatorics, Linear Algebra, Commutative Algebra,
Symbolic Computation, Computational Geometry,
Algebraic Number Theory, Computational Methods for
Summations, Computational Methods for Differential
Equations, ...
O Algorithms:
Symbolic, Algebraic, Geometric, Numeric, and
Theoretical Complexity; Applications of Symbolic and
Algebraic Algorithms in Engineering, Sciences, and
O Computer Science:
Practical Complexity of Algorithms, Automated Mathematical
Reasoning, Automated Differentiation, Theoretical and
Practical Problems in Symbolic Computation, Symbolic
Computation Systems, Computer-Aided Problem-Solving,
User Interfaces and Problem-Solving Environments,
O Mathematical Software Design and Implementation:
Software, Libraries, and Programming Languages,
Parallel and Distributed Mathematical Computations,
High Performance Mathematical Computations Using
Grid-Computing, Concrete Analysis, Benchmarking,
Code Generation, Mathematical Protocols, Internet
Accessible Mathematical Computation (IAMC)
O Applications
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [Prolearn] 2nd Call for Papers / WWW 2004 Education Track
Date: Tuesday 21 October 2003 21:43
From: Wolfgang Nejdl <nejdl(a)kbs.uni-hannover.de>
To: prolearn(a)learninglab.de
Dear all,
please find included the 2nd Call for Papers for the WWW 2004
Education Track. I think this is a great chance for showcasing and
discussing recent results and achievements of PROLEARN partners!
Best regards,
Wolfgang Nejdl
Thirteenth International World Wide Web Conference
May 2004, New York
The World Wide Web has caused a revolution in the way we teach and
learn. The technology enables us to provide interactive learning
material in new ways, to support learning collaboration and learning
communities, to provide personalized learning experience, and to
incorporate diverse re-usable learning objects into the local learning
experience. Furthermore it provides the possibility to create new
learning designs to make learning more flexible, adaptable, attractive
and accessible to learners.
To make these and other experiences possible, many educational and
training projects do not just bring new learning materials or designs
to the Web but also contribute quite a few Web-related methodologies
or technology. The WWW2004 Education Track is aimed at researchers who
wish to share innovative experiences and research results that are (at
least partially) domain independent and that can thus benefit other
teachers and learners who wish to get more out of the Web.
Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
- Web educational portal and learning management systems
- Authoring of Web-based learning material
- Architectures and designs for web-based learning delivery environments
- Identification, reuse and granularity issues of learning objects
- Business models for the exchange of learning objects
- Metadata specifications and standards for learning objects
- Integrating (Web-based) multimedia in educational applications
- Student modeling in open learning environments
- (On-line) adaptation to learner's knowledge, goals, interest and
learning style
- Learning technology specifications & standards for interoperability
- Web log mining applied to student performance data
- Intellectual property issues arising from the use of learning objects
- Agents in Web-based teaching and learning
- Social, cultural and multilingual issues in Web-based learning
- Case studies in the implementation and use of educational applications
in a Web-based environment
- Distributed and P2P-based learning repositories
- Integration of web-based learning with enterprise systems
- Empirical studies of web-based educational systems
- IR and text classification methods in open learning environments
- Collaboration and communities in web-based educational environments
- Data protection and privacy in Web-based education and training
Organization / Co-Chairs:
Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Wolfgang Nejdl, University of Hannover / L3S, Germany
Program Committee:
Helen Ashman, University of Nottingham, UK
Borka Blazic, JSI, Slovenia
Jacqueline Bourdeau, LICEF, Canada
Paul de Bra, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Ricardo Conejo, University of Malaga, Spain
Hugh Davis, University of Southampton, UK
Erik Duval, University of Leuven, Belgium
Monique Grandbastien, France
Maria Grigoriadou, University of Athens, Greece
Joerg Haake, FU Hagen, Germany
Marek Hatala, Simon Frazer, Canada
Judy Kay, University of Sydney, Australia
Alfred Kobsa, University of California at Irvine, USA
Janet Kolodner, Georgia Tech, USA
Rob Koper, Open University, Netherlands
Lisa Neal, EDS, USA
Thomas Ottmann, University of Freiburg, Germany
Melissa Lee Price, Staffordshire University, UK
Juan Quemada, UPM, Spain
Dan Rehak, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Jeremy Roschelle, SRI, USA
Vittorio Scarano, University of Salerno, Italy
Peter Scott, Knowledge Media Institute / Open University, UK
Ralf Steinmetz, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Rudi Studer, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Dan Suthers, University of Hawaii, USA
Vincent Wade, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Important dates:
Paper submission deadline: November 14, 2003
Notification of acceptance or rejection: January 31, 2004
Final versions due: February 28, 2004
Conference: May 17-22, 2004
More information:
ProLearn mailing list
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IASTED Conference on MS 2004 - Submission Deadline Extended
Date: Monday 20 October 2003 19:09
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)iasted.org>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
Please note that the deadline for submitting papers to the IASTED
International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (MS 2004) has been
extended to November 15, 2003.
Please submit your paper at:
All information regarding this conference can be found on our websites at
Please refer to these websites for formatting and submission requirements.
If you have any questions about the conference, please feel free to contact
us at calgary(a)iasted.com.
IASTED Secretariat
#80 4500 16th Ave NW
Calgary, AB T3B 0M6
If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please visit the following
link and click on the Unsubscribe button:
Or email to unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account
(gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at) and copy and paste the following lines into
the body of the email:
[MS 2004]
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Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien