---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: ACM Announces New Practitioner Magazine
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 12:23:01 -0500
From: queue(a)acm.org
To: neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Dear ACM Member,
Useful, practitioner-oriented information--more insights, more advice, more
tools, and more timely content to help practicing professionals in their
jobs: these are the threads we consistently find in feedback from members.
Responding to that demand was uppermost in both our minds when we first
became involved with the ACM. So we're particularly happy to tell you today
about the upcoming launch of Queue, ACM's new publication created
specifically for people in the business of developing software.
If you're like us, you're probably inundated with periodicals you never
read. We plan for Queue to be different. Instead of rehashing solutions to
problems and promulgating sometimes thinly disguised product descriptions,
Queue focuses on the challenges just ahead. Technology changes, new
capabilities emerge and standards evolve--all of which can significantly
change the assumptions we make and the environments in which software
operates. These changes also affect how system components interoperate.
Queue looks at the potentially problematic situations most likely to emerge
over the next 6 to 18 months as important new capabilities and technologies
are introduced--probing for insights that software engineers and developers
can use to understand the challenges and plan more intelligently for the
The March 2003 premier issue (which, as an ACM Member, you will receive with
our compliments) looks at the anticipated impact of Web Services, with
contributions from leading architects at Microsoft, IBM, BEA, Sun and
Akamai, who were asked to comment on the challenges inherent in:
Building web services
Achieving acceptable performance
Dealing with security
Integrating legacy applications
Maintaining open architectures You won't find glib and oversimplified
answers. Instead you'll see the critical thinking and candid commentary that
Queue encourages. But you needn't take our word for it. Take a look for
yourself now at: http://www.acmqueue.org. If you like what you see, please
forward this to your colleagues who, like you, may also be looking for just
this kind of information.
Maria M. Klawe
ACM President
Stephen R. Bourne
ACM Past President
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
>Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2003 21:37:45 +0200
>From: Simos retalis <retal(a)cs.ucy.ac.cy>
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.7 [en] (WinNT; I)
>X-Accept-Language: en
>To: Bernd Simon <bernd.simon(a)wu-wien.ac.at>, Vanna <vana(a)nh.gr>
>Subject: CFP: International Conference on Network Universities and
>Dear Bernd and Vana,
>We are organising a conference that might be of your interest. I have
>already mentioned this in Corsica and Juan had initially shown interest
>in parrticipating. However, you might want to come as well.
>Please feel free to distribute this mail to other colleagues of yours.
>Best regards,
> International Conference on Network Universities and
>Valencia (SPAIN), 8-9 May, 2003
> ********************************************
> Homepage: http://www.upv.es/menuconf
> ********************************************
>MENU (=Models for a European, Networked University for e-learning)
>project [http://www.hsh.no/menu] is organizing a dissemination
>conference related to ICT and learning, focusing particularly on the
>central issues of MENU: networked collaboration, quality assurance,
>organisational models, joint work on degree programmes etc.
>The European Commission in Brussels (e-learning programme) is paryially
>contributing to the funding of MENU conference.
>The topics and areas to be addressed include, but not limited to:
>* Organization of network universities
> Virtual universities and networked e-learning organizations.
> Institutional models.
> Business models for virtual distance learning.
>* Technology
> Collaborative tools.
> Virtual classrooms.
> Virtual laboratories.
>* E-learning
> Pedagogical aspects of e-learning.
> Quality assurance.
>Important Dates
> Electronic submission of full papers: January 31, 2003
> Notification of paper acceptance: March, 2003
> Camera-ready of accepted papers: April 2003
> Conference & workshops: May 8 and 9, 2003
>Submissions and Publication
>There will be three ways for the final presentation during the
>· Oral (English)
>· Poster (English or Spanish)
>· Virtual poster (English or Spanish)
>The author may suggest the paper to be presented as oral presentation,
>poster presentation or virtual poster presentation. Virtual poster are
>suggested for those who cannot attend the conference.
>Papers will be peer reviewed. All accepted papers will be published in
>the CD proceedings (with ISBN) of the conference. Please note that on
>each paper at least one author registration is required.
>· For oral presentations there will be overhead projector and computer
>projector avalaible; for the author will have 15' for presenting the
>paper and 5' for questions.
>· Poster size will be A0 portrait (84 cm wide by 118,8 cm high).
>· Virtual poster. HTML poster based presentation, published on
>conference web site. Power point synchronised with audio or video
>recommended. Maximum size 2 Mbyte.
>Vicent M. Rodrigo
>Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
>Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicacion
>46022 Valencia (Spain)
>e-mail: menuconf(a)upv.es
>Conference Organization
>***** Scientific Committee *****
>Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
> Miguel Ferrando
> Vicent M. Rodrigo
> Patricio Montesinos
> Ferran Morant
> Alejandro Valero
> Mariano Baquero
> Hector Esteban
> Carlos Turro
>***** Program Committee *****
>Harald Haugen
>Thorleif Hjelnes
>Symeon Retalis
>Bodil Ask
>Arvid Staupe
>Demosthenes Stamatis
>Emmanuel Skordalakis
>Marco Temperini
>Miltos Petridis
>Pekka Kess
>Peter Karlsudd
>Paivi Jokela
>Miguel Ferrando
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Workshops at User Modeling'2003, Johnstown, PA
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2003 10:24:59 -0500
From: Peter Brusilovsky <peterb(a)mail.sis.pitt.edu>
To: um-announce(a)cs.usask.ca, ah(a)listserver.tue.nl
Cc: circle-announce(a)list.pitt.edu, ebb(a)mail.sis.pitt.edu, ai-faculty-and-friends(a)cs.cmu.edu, lti-faculty-all(a)cs.cmu.edu, hcii-faculty(a)cs.cmu.edu, cald-all(a)cs.cmu.edu
Held in Conjunction With UM 2003
9th International Conference on User Modeling
June 22 to June 26, 2003
University of Pittsburgh Conference Center
Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USA
UM 2003 will feature 7 promising workshops on current topics of user
modeling research. Each workshop is "question-oriented", focusing
contributions on several carefully selected questions that are to be
answered by the workshop. The answers to these questions will be
presented to a wider audience during a session of the main conference
and on the workshop's web site.
The Call for Participation for each workshop can be found on that
workshop's web page (see below).
Each workshop will be held on June 22 and/or 23.
For more general information, such as the conference program and
registration fees, please visit the UM 2003 conference website
Web page: http://wwwis.win.tue.nl/ah2003/
Organizers: Paul De Bra and Judy Kay
Deadline: March 1, 2003
Web page: http://aos2.di.uniba.it:8080/affect-um03/ws-um03.html
Organizers: Cristina Conati, Eva Hudlicka, and Christine Lisetti
Deadline: March 10, 2003
Web page: http://art.ph-freiburg.de/um2003/
Organizers: Stephan Weibelzahl and Alexandros Paramythis
Deadline: March 3, 2003
Web page: http://www.di.unito.it/~liliana/TV03/
Organizers: Liliana Ardissono and Mark Maybury
Deadline: March 2, 2003
Web page: http://www.ia.uned.es/~elena/um03-ws/
Organizers: Jesus G. Boticario, Elena Gaudioso, Mathias Bauer, and Gal
Kaminka Deadline: March 3, 2003
Web page: http://www.cs.rutgers.edu/mlirum/mlirum-2003/
Organizers: Sofus A. Macskassy, Ross Wilkinson, Ayse Goker, and Mathias
Bauer Deadline: March 1, 2003
Web page: http://www.di.uniba.it/~ubium03/
Organizers: Keith Cheverst, Nadja de Carolis, and Antonio Krueger
Deadline: March 3, 2003
Peter Brusilovsky <peterb(a)mail.sis.pitt.edu>
Department of Information Science and Telecommunications
School of Information Sciences
University of Pittsburgh
135 North Bellefield Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Phone: 412 624 9404
Fax: 412 624 2788
WWW: http://www2.sis.pitt.edu/~peterb
Visit the Web page of:
User Modeling'2003 conference http://www2.sis.pitt.edu/~um2003/
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CfP: International Workshop on Mobile Computing, IMC 2003
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 14:44:28 -0500
From: Peter Brusilovsky <peterb(a)mail.sis.pitt.edu>
To: ebb(a)mail.sis.pitt.edu, Adilah Nisman <m4hsuri(a)time.net.my>, Amnonarbel <amnon(a)canaan.co.il>, Antonio Braz <cstore(a)vetorialnet.com.br>, "CATAI-Prof.Dr.Ferrer-Roca" <catai(a)teide.net>, CHEN Liang <lchen(a)alfin.mine.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp>, Claude Ghaoui <C.Ghaoui(a)livjm.ac.uk>, DAOUDI ABDELKRIM <daoudi_abdelkrim(a)hotmail.com>, David Schwartz <dschwar(a)mail.biu.ac.il>, "Di Silvestro Alessandra;Hypermedia adattativi modali" <disilves(a)pmair1.elet.polimi.it>, Djamel Fezzani <fezzani(a)inrs-telecom.uquebec.ca>, "Dr. Craig Kaplan" <73424.2052(a)compuserve.com>, Frankie <fkiecarrero(a)wanadoo.es>, "Gamper Johann (P)" <JGamper(a)unibz.it>, Gil Regev <giliregev(a)yahoo.com>, Haido Samaras <hsamara(a)uom.gr>, haiyan xu <hyxu(a)mail.ustc.edu.cn>, Henrry <koala.shu(a)msa.hinet.net>, Isabela Gasparini <isagasp(a)sercomtel.com.br>, Jat Hothi <jathothi(a)hotmail.com>, jspark <jspark(a)microframe.co.kr>, "K. Koidl" <koidl(a)rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de>, "Kim.Do-Wan" <KIM(a)alf4.ngate.uni-regensburg.de>, Lynn Thomas <lyn!
ner(a)nb.sympatico.ca>, "m.c. schraefel" <mc(a)cs.toronto.edu>, "Mohamed M. Khatib" <m.kh(a)link.com.eg>, "Neil W. Van Dyke" <nwv(a)media.mit.edu>, Nelis Franken <igor(a)global.co.za>, "Pedro M. Hontangas" <pedro.m.hontangas(a)uv.es>, Rafael Morales Gamboa <rmorales(a)iie.org.mx>, Riccardo Ortale <ortale(a)si.deis.unical.it>, Robert Farrell <robfarr(a)us.ibm.com>, Rolf Zajonc <zajonc(a)physik.hu-berlin.de>, Samir <sam(a)manner44.freeserve.co.uk>, sariya binsaleh <sariyab(a)hotmail.com>, Sejin Chung <chungs(a)state.mi.us>, "Sherry Y. Chen" <Sherry.Chen(a)brunel.ac.uk>, Susanne van Mulken <mulken(a)ai-gate.cs.uni-sb.de>, Talha Khan <talha_khan25(a)hotmail.com>, "Tomas A. Perez Fernandez" <jippefet(a)si.ehu.es>, Vagelis Mennis <v.mennis(a)aegean.gr>, Vangelis Triantafillou <vtrianta(a)csd.auth.gr>, Zhou Xuehai <xhzhou(a)ustc.edu.cn>, Alan Hoshor <alanhos(a)microsoft.com>, alenka.kavcic(a)fri.uni-lj.si, Anastasia Adila <m4hsuri(a)yahoo.com>, elisabeth.andre(a)dfki.de, Elisabeth Andre <andre(a)informatik.uni-augsburg.de>, ANDRE !
<CX2V(a)MUSICA.MCGILL.CA>, Andre Koehorst <Koehorst(a)EDUC.UNIMAAS.NL>, Angel Garcia Crespo <acrespo(a)ia.uc3m.es>, anna.stefani(a)infotn.it, Arouna WOUKEU <warouna(a)yahoo.co.uk>, AShapiro(a)UMassD.Edu, Bart Verhoeven <Bart.Verhoeven(a)cs.kuleuven.ac.be>, Boaz Mermelshtein <boazme(a)oumail.openu.ac.il>, Bob Young <ryoung(a)SciComp.com>, boecker(a)darmstadt.gmd.de (Dr. Heinz Dieter Boecker), Brigitte Trousse <Brigitte.Trousse(a)sophia.inria.fr>, Carlo Strapparava <strappa(a)irst.itc.it>, cckathy(a)sunset.backbone.olemiss.edu (Kathy Gates), Charles Nicholas <nicholas(a)cs.umbc.edu>, Christian Süß <suess(a)fmi.uni-passau.de>, Christoph von Uthmann <ischut(a)wi.uni-muenster.de>, Chuck Amburn <chuck(a)oir.ucf.edu>, Clara Ines Pena de Carrillo <clarenes(a)silver.udg.es>, Claude Ghaoui <C.Ghaoui(a)livjm.ac.uk>, Claudia Engel <cengel(a)cesga.es>, coelho(a)comp.ita.cta.br, Cord.Hockemeyer(a)kfunigraz.ac.at (Cord Hockemeyer), Cornelia Seeberg <Cornelia.Seeberg(a)KOM.tu-darmstadt.de>, cstaff(a)cs.um.edu.mt (Christopher Staff), d.mu!
llier(a)lmu.ac.uk, damien(a)cometway.com, daniel(a)passage.com (Daniel Chang), Daryl McCullough <daryl(a)cogentex.com>, David Brown <dcb(a)sequoia.WPI.EDU>, David Bueno Vallejo <bueno(a)lcc.uma.es>, Paul De Bra <debra(a)win.tue.nl>, Fiorella de Rosis <fide(a)flashnet.it>, dlamas(a)telepac.pt (David Ribeiro Lamas), dlamas(a)ufp.pt, Don.Raikes(a)pni.com, dparra(a)cutipay.inf.uach.cl, dubrau(a)inf.tu-dresden.de, dufresne(a)iro.umontreal.ca (Aude Dufresne), duncanm(a)annec.co.uk, dunja(a)cs.cmu.edu, "Eklund, John" <JohnE(a)testingcentre.com>, Eric Schwarzkopf <schwarzk(a)dfki.de>, Erica Melis <melis(a)ags.uni-sb.de>, Fabio Paterno <fabio.paterno(a)cnuce.cnr.it>, Fahri Yetim <fahri.yetim(a)njit.edu>, Fiorella de Rosis <fide(a)mbox1.flashnet.it>, Florina Almenárez <florina(a)it.uc3m.es>, Franca Garzotto <garzotto(a)elet.polimi.it>, Francisco Saiz <francisco.saiz(a)ii.uam.es>, Fresta Giuseppe <Giuseppe.Fresta(a)cnuce.cnr.it>, Fulantelli <fulantelli(a)itdf.pa.cnr.it>, G.Fresta(a)cnuce.cnr.it, gandolla(a)sirius.nucleo.inpe.br, Gary Katzenst!
ein <mngary(a)ust.hk>, garzotto(a)elet.polimi.it, gd1(a)mail.inf.tu-dresden.de (Gunter Dubrau), Gene Golovchinsky <gene(a)pal.xerox.com>, "Juan E. Gilbert" <gilbert(a)eng.auburn.edu>, gloria teo <teo(a)gmd.de>, grb(a)psyc.nott.ac.uk, Gustaf Neumann <neumann(a)nestroy.wi-inf.uni-essen.de>, Nicola Henze <henze(a)kbs.uni-hannover.de>, hester21(a)hotmail.com, hockemey(a)BPSLG51.kfunigraz.ac.at (Cord Hockemeyer), Hubertus.Hohl(a)mchp.siemens.de, Kristina Höök <kia(a)sics.se>, IKSAL Sebastien <sebastien.iksal(a)enst-bretagne.fr>, j.eklund(a)uts.edu.au (John Eklund), James Ohene-Djan <map01jo(a)gold.ac.uk>, Jana Trnková <jana(a)tk.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de>, Jean-Luc Guerin <Jean-Luc.Guerin(a)utc.fr>, jean-luc.guerin(a)u-picardie.fr (Jean-Luc Guérin ), jhaynes(a)i-a-i.com, jhothi(a)csc.com, Jim Mayfield <mayfield(a)cs.umbc.edu>, Julita Vassileva <jiv(a)cs.usask.ca>, jlguerin(a)hds.univ-compiegne.fr, jlguerin(a)hds.utc.fr, Johan Bollen <jbollen(a)lanl.gov>, jon(a)cogsci.ed.ac.uk, judy(a)cs.su.oz.au, jwantz(a)i-a-i.com, Késsia Nina <kessia!
@gmx.net>, kamba(a)ccm.cl.nec.co.jp, Karen Lemone <kal(a)cs.WPI.EDU>, kasihara(a)ai.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp, KC Clibbon <K.C.Clibbon(a)lut.ac.uk>, kedar(a)ils.nwu.edu, keller(a)ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov (Rich Keller), kentw(a)bellcore.com, kfg(a)cypress.mcsr.olemiss.edu, Klaus.Langer(a)lan.wiso.uni-erlangen.de, kmcelroy(a)central.murdoch.edu.au, Knapp Judith <Judith.Knapp(a)eurac.edu>, Alfred Kobsa <kobsa(a)ics.uci.edu>, KRAUS Jürgen <j.kraus(a)ged.rwth-aachen.de>, KW Pang <K.W.Pang(a)lboro.ac.uk>, Levi Justo Junior <levi.justo(a)comsat.com.br>, Lori Kettel <lak131(a)cs.usask.ca>, lthompso(a)glam.ac.uk, Lynda Hardman <Lynda.Hardman(a)cwi.nl>, Manolis Vozalis <mans(a)uom.gr>, Marcelo de Miranda Coelho <coelho(a)ita.cta.br>, Marco Carvalho <marco(a)cic.unb.br>, Marcus Specht <marcus.specht(a)fit.fraunhofer.de>, Maria Barra <marbar(a)almaden.ibm.com>, Maria Kropfberger <maria.k(a)xpoint.at>, Maria Milosavljevic <dm(a)dynamicmultimedia.com>, Mario Cannataro <cannataro(a)si.deis.unical.it>, mark mann <mmann(a)cooltutor.com>, mark@compsmart.!
com (Mark Mann), mas01jo(a)gold.ac.uk, Hermann Maurer <hmaurer(a)iicm.tu-graz.ac.at>, mb(a)ikaros.harvard.edu (Mark Bernstein), mgraves(a)dcs.qmw.ac.uk (Marianne Graves Petersen), Alessandro Micarelli <micarel(a)dia.uniroma3.it>, Michael Bieber <bieber(a)homer.njit.edu>, Michael Miller <mm(a)i-a-i.com>, Michael White <mike(a)cogentex.com>, Michiaki Katsumoto <katsu(a)yosemite.sb.cs.toyo.ac.jp>, miguel(a)aptix.com, mike(a)cogentex.com, mimi(a)netscape.com (Mimi Hui), Mizue KAYAMA <kayama(a)ai.is.uec.ac.jp>, mm(a)i-a-i.com, mmann(a)microageokc.com, mohit goel <goelmohitin(a)yahoo.co.in>, mohitg(a)cse.iitkgp.ernet.in, Mona LAROUSSI <mona.laroussi(a)planet.tn>, Monza Lui <monzalui(a)pitt.edu>, Johanna Moore <jmoore(a)cogsci.ed.ac.uk>, mulken(a)dfki.uni-sb.de (Susanne van Mulken), Myriam Lancha Rojas <mlancha(a)iris.uc3m.es>, nadja de carolis <decarolis(a)di.uniba.it>, neide(a)rio.cos.ufrj.br (Neide Santos), Wolfgang Nejdl <nejdl(a)kbs.uni-hannover.de>, Nico.Jacobs(a)cs.kuleuven.ac.be, Nicolas.Delestre(a)insa-rouen.fr, Nora Koch <ko!
ch(a)fast.de>, Nora Koch <kochn(a)informatik.uni-muenchen.de>, Nuria <nmedina(a)ugr.es>, Nykänen Ossi <onykane(a)butler.cc.tut.fi>, O.Signore(a)cnuce.cnr.it, Jon Oberlander <jon(a)cogsci.ed.ac.uk>, J.Oberlander(a)ed.ac.uk, Ossi Nykanen <osanny(a)math.jyu.fi>, Pablo Díaz Luque <pablo(a)eumed.net>, Paul Maglio <pmaglio(a)almaden.ibm.com>, Paul Martin <Paul.Martin(a)MCS.VUW.AC.NZ>, pedrod(a)cs.washington.edu, Leonid Pesin <leonid.pesin(a)fit.fraunhofer.de>, Peter Innocent <pri(a)dmu.ac.uk>, Denise Pilar da Silva <deniserps(a)directvinternet.com>, pmaglio(a)almaden.ibm.com, prog prog <progp(a)yahoo.com>, R.Bartoli(a)cnuce.cnr.it, raad(a)larrun.iutbayonne.univ-pau.fr, Riccardo Mazza <riccardo.mazza(a)lu.unisi.ch>, Riccardo Rizzo <rrizzo(a)mail.sis.pitt.edu>, Riccardo Rizzo <bradipo(a)yahoo.it>, Riccardo Rizzo <rizzo(a)itdf.pa.cnr.it>, Rizzo <rizzo(a)itdf.pa.cnr.it>, Rosario Urzua <murzua(a)campus.gda.itesm.mx>, Ruel Ellis <rellis(a)eng.uwi.tt>, Sandra de Albuquerque Siebra <sas(a)di.ufpe.br>, sciarro(a)inf.uniroma3.it, serge Garlatti !
<serge.garlatti(a)enst-bretagne.fr>, shai_l(a)cet.ac.il (Shai Litvak), shavlik(a)cs.wisc.edu, sheilan(a)cogs.susx.ac.uk, Simon.Taylor3(a)student.shu.ac.uk (Simon Taylor3), Barry Smyth <barry.smyth(a)ucd.ie>, smyuan(a)tiger.cis.nctu.edu.tw (smyuan), Stefani Anna 2809EC <astefani(a)student.gelso.unitn.it>, Dan Suthers <suthers(a)hawaii.edu>, Tanja Mitrovic <tanja(a)cosc.canterbury.ac.nz>, text(a)demand.xs4all.nl, Thomas Slattery <tslttery(a)tcd.ie>, Tim Philip <philip(a)cs.usask.ca>, tmoone10(a)caledonian.ac.uk, Ivan Tomek <ivan.tomek(a)acadiau.ca>, Trude Heift <heift(a)sfu.ca>, "Tudhope D S (Comp)" <dstudhop(a)glam.ac.uk>, Vittorio Scarano <vitsca(a)dia.unisa.it>, weber(a)cogpsy.uni-trier.de, Yacine Lafifi <ylafifi(a)yahoo.fr>, Yoshitaka Shibata <shibata(a)yosemite.sb.cs.toyo.ac.jp>, Massimo Zancanaro <zancana(a)irst.itc.it>, Romain Zeiliger <zeiliger(a)gate.cnrs.fr>
Call for Papers I M C w o r k s h o p 2003
June 17-18, 2003, Rostock, Germany
After IMC'96, IMC'98 and IMC'2000 being held in Rostock during February
1996, November 1998 and November 2000, the IMC workshop 2003
"Assistance, Mobility, Applications" will be the fourth workshop spanning
the gap between Interactive Graphics, Intelligent Assistance, and system
technologies for Mobile Computing.
Important Dates
- Mar. 07, 2003: Submission Deadline
- May, 02, 2003: Notification of Acceptance
- May, 23, 2003: Final Version Due
- Jun. 17./ 18, 2003: IMC workshop in Rostock, Germany
We cordially invite you to submit a paper to this workshop.
Topics of interest for the IMC workshop include, but are not limited to:
- Location and situation aware information systems
- Adaptive assistance architectures for heterogeneous, dynamic, and
resource-limited system infrastructures and information appliances.
- Modeling concepts for situation and task-dependent assistive support
(workflow approaches, cognitive task models).
- Environment sensing technologies, situation and location dependent
- User interface strategies and visualization concepts for personal
assistance based on heterogeneous and mobile infrastructures.
- Multimodal interfaces for personal and mobile assistants.
- Imaging, visualization, and presentation in distributed and mobile
environments; integrated use of alternative presentation media.
- Data and object models for mobile and ubiquitous information systems and
- Data management for mobile, interactive graphics and multimedia
applications; transaction, security, and replication concepts.
Applications & Experiences
- Interactive mobile assistants for industrial, business, and private use:
case studies, design concepts, experiences.
Please feel free to distribute the CfP to interested colleagues.
Also, please accept our sincere apologies if you receive multiple copies
of this information.
Thank you very much.
With best regards from Rostock,
Gerald Bieber, Fraunhofer-Institute for Computer Graphics, Rostock
Thomas Kirste, Darmstadt Technical University, Dept. Computer Science
& Fraunhofer-Institute for Computer Graphics Darmstadt
Conference Co-Chairs
IMC 2003 International Conference
Jun. 17./ 18, 2003, Rostock, Germany
Secretariat of the Organizing Committee:
email: workshop(a)imc-conference.org
Tel : +49 (0) 381 4024 125 , Fax: +49 (0) 381 4024 199
Call for Papers is now open : IMC 2003, www.imc-conference.org
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CfP Promoting Smart User-Centred Approaches in Innovative Teachin g & Learning
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 10:32:13 -0000
From: Ghaoui Claude <C.Ghaoui(a)livjm.ac.uk>
To: Clara Ines Pena de Carrillo <clarenes(a)silver.udg.es>, Claudia Engel <cengel(a)cesga.es>, coelho(a)comp.ita.cta.br, Cord.Hockemeyer(a)kfunigraz.ac.at, Cornelia Seeberg <Cornelia.Seeberg(a)KOM.tu-darmstadt.de>, cstaff(a)cs.um.edu.mt, d.mullier(a)lmu.ac.uk, damien(a)cometway.com, daniel(a)passage.com, Daryl McCullough <daryl(a)cogentex.com>, David Brown <dcb(a)sequoia.WPI.EDU>, David Bueno Vallejo <bueno(a)lcc.uma.es>, Paul De Bra <debra(a)win.tue.nl>, Fiorella de Rosis <fide(a)flashnet.it>, dlamas(a)telepac.pt, dlamas(a)ufp.pt, Don.Raikes(a)pni.com, dparra(a)cutipay.inf.uach.cl, dubrau(a)inf.tu-dresden.de, dufresne(a)iro.umontreal.ca, duncanm(a)annec.co.uk, dunja(a)cs.cmu.edu, "Eklund, John" <JohnE(a)testingcentre.com>, Eric Schwarzkopf <schwarzk(a)dfki.de>, Erica Melis <melis(a)ags.uni-sb.de>, Fabio Paterno <fabio.paterno(a)cnuce.cnr.it>, Fahri Yetim <fahri.yetim(a)njit.edu>, Fiorella de Rosis <fide(a)mbox1.flashnet.it>, Florina Almenárez <florina(a)it.uc3m.es>, Franca Garzotto <garzotto(a)elet.polimi.it>, Francisco Saiz <f!
rancisco.saiz(a)ii.uam.es>, Fresta Giuseppe <Giuseppe.Fresta(a)cnuce.cnr.it>, Fulantelli <fulantelli(a)itdf.pa.cnr.it>, G.Fresta(a)cnuce.cnr.it, gandolla(a)sirius.nucleo.inpe.br, Gary Katzenstein <mngary(a)ust.hk>, garzotto(a)elet.polimi.it, gd1(a)mail.inf.tu-dresden.de, Gene Golovchinsky <gene(a)pal.xerox.com>, "Juan E. Gilbert" <gilbert(a)eng.auburn.edu>, gloria teo <teo(a)gmd.de>, grb(a)psyc.nott.ac.uk, Gustaf Neumann <neumann(a)nestroy.wi-inf.uni-essen.de>, Nicola Henze <henze(a)kbs.uni-hannover.de>, hester21(a)hotmail.com, hockemey(a)BPSLG51.kfunigraz.ac.at, Hubertus.Hohl(a)mchp.siemens.de, Kristina Höök <kia(a)sics.se>, IKSAL Sebastien <sebastien.iksal(a)enst-bretagne.fr>, j.eklund(a)uts.edu.au, James Ohene-Djan <map01jo(a)gold.ac.uk>, Jana Trnková <jana(a)tk.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de>, Jean-Luc Guerin <Jean-Luc.Guerin(a)utc.fr>
Call for Papers: Invited Session on
Promoting Smart User-Centred Approaches in Innovative Teaching & Learning
Session Organiser & Chair: Dr Claude Ghaoui, UK
As part of the 7th International Conference on
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems
3, 4 & 5 September 2003, St Anne's College, University of Oxford, UK
Topic and Aim of the Session
Successful use of ICT in education depends on smart usable designs that do
not require expensive training, accommodate the needs of diverse users and
are low cost. Thus, there is an increasing pressure for adopting innovative
approaches to the design and delivery of education. This is partly due to
the increasing number of learners and the limited resources available to
meet such diversity in user needs, background, expectations, skills, ages,
abilities and cultural differences.
The advances in ICT have made it possible to reach out to a wider audience
around the globe. However, this is not always satisfactory. Introducing
successful innovation in T&L requires care in employing smart user-centred
approaches that are derived from HCI research & principles; this issue
remains a big challenge. Motivated by this challenge, the session aims to
emphasize the need to take a multi-disciplinary view on this issue, by
marrying solutions from HCI, AI, interactive multimedia technology and the
WWW to benefit innovative T&L.
Research papers, which address any questions/problems on this
topic/challenge, are welcome. Both theoretical papers and papers describing
practical experiences are welcome. Authors are strongly encouraged to
provide in-depth conclusions of their insights on weaknesses, strengths and
lessons learnt of issues they introduce.
Instructions for Authors
A brief intention must be sent by email to the Session Chair, including
author's details, title and a brief abstract. Only electronic copies of the
full paper in Microsoft Word or PDF forms are acceptable for review purposes
and must be sent by email to the Session Chair directly. However, you will
be required to send camera-ready hard copy of the final version of your
paper; electronic submission of final papers is not allowed. The full papers
will be blind-reviewed by at least two expert referees. Please note the
deadlines below are strict.
Authors must comply with the required paper format/style and maximum length,
which will be available on the Web Site
All papers must be presented by at least one of the authors, who must
register with payment for their papers to appear in the proceedings (see the
Conference Site).
The Conference Proceedings will be published by a major publisher.
Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for publication in
the KES Journal (International Journal of Knowledge-Based Intelligent
Engineering Systems, http://www.brighton.ac.uk/kes/journal/)
Important Dates
A brief intention to the Session Chair: by February 5, 2003
The full paper to the Session Chair: by February 28, 2003
Notification of acceptance: by March 17, 2003
Camera-ready hard copy of final paper to the Session Chair: by April 14,
(Notes from the Conference Office: The Session Chair must send final
camera-ready papers to reach the KES Secretariat by 1 May 2003 or they will
not appear in the proceedings. Papers that do not strictly comply with the
formatting style required will not be published in the proceedings).
Contact Details
Name of Session Organiser & Chair: Dr Claude Ghaoui
Address: School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Liverpool John
Moores University, Byrom Street, Liverpool L3 3AF, UK
Phone: 0151 231 2276
Fax: 0151-207-4594
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [RE03] Final CFP RE03
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 14:14:47 +0100
From: Roel Wieringa <roelw(a)cs.utwente.nl>
To: re03list(a)cs.utwente.nl
Cc: roelw <roelw(a)cs.utwente.nl>
We made every effort to remove duplicates from this mailing list.
We apologize for any multiple postings that may have remained.
11th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'03)
8th-12th September 2003, Monterey Bay, California U.S.A.
Paper abstract submissions (mandatory) 31st January 2003
Full paper submissions 7th February 2003
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
(Please forgive if you receive this CFP more than once)
* AGENT Technology for AUTONOMOUS Business PROCESSING *
An International Conference-Crossing Workshop at
The 2003 International MultiConference in Computer Science & Engineering
(a 15-Joint-Conference event)
June 23-26, 2003
Monte-Carlo Resort, LAS-VEGAS, USA
Automation can help us to carry out various activities in a low-cost,
fast, and effective way with minimal human involvement. AGENT technology
is one of the most promising tools to implement automation providing
AUTONOMOUS PROCESSING of information, knowledge, manufacturing data, and
business transactions in an automatic, flexible, and intelligent way.
The goal of this event is to gather ACADEMIC and INDUSTRIAL researchers
to exchange new ideas and experiences, to initialize new contacts toward
future cooperation or to strengthen existing collaborations. We hope to
create a dynamic forum and effective connections among academic and
industrial RESEARCHERS, USERS, and DEVELOPERS in this field.
This year, in Las Vegas, we plan to have the following tracks at the five
Track-A:" Internet Agents for Autonomous Processing "(at IC'03)
Track-B:" Distributed & Parallel Computing Techniques for Agents "
(at PDPTA'03)
Track-C:" Intelligent Agents for Autonomous Processing " (at IC-AI'03)
Track-D:" Agents for Autonomous Information and Knowledge Processing"
(at IKE'03)
Track-E:" Learning Agents for Autonomous Processing "(at MLMTA'03)
Track-Y: Panel Discussions (TBD)
We welcome papers on architectures, protocols, algorithms, design,
evaluation (performance, QoS, security), implementation techniques, and
applications for agent-based systems. For more details on topicts please
visit: http://cs.newpaltz.edu/~pham/ABA-03/
Accepted papers will be published in the corresponding CONFERENCE
PROCEEDINGs by CSREA Press (ISBN) in hard copy. In addition to that,
we also plan to have the revised versions of papers of ALL tracks
published in JOURNAL special issues or in a BOOK called
"Agents for Autonomous Business Processing".
In the past, selected papers from our 2002 workshop "Agents for Business
Automation" were extended and revised to be published as a special
issue of the ELSEVIER's International Journal on "E-commerce Research &
Applications", selected papers from our 2001 workshop "Agents for
E-business on the Internet" were extended and revised and are to be
published as a special issue of the KLUWER's International Journal on
"Electronic Commerce Research".
Papers will be accepted in the following categories:
+ RESEARCH Papers;
+ REPORT Papers for System/Software/Product descriptions, and analysis;
+ POSITION Papers for stating problems and issues
of Challenging Business Scenarios.
Accepted papers of ALL categories will be published in the CONFERENCE
PROCEEDINGs. The length of the Camera-Ready version of accepted papers is
limited to 7 or 4 pages.
February 17, 2003 (Monday): SUBMISSION OF DRAFT PAPERS !!!
March 20, 2003 (Thursday): Notification of acceptance
April 22, 2003 (Tuesday): Camera-Ready papers
For more information please visit: http://cs.newpaltz.edu/~pham/ABA-03/
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CfP: PhD-Symposium - XP 2003
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 14:49:53 +0100
From: Paul Gruenbacher <pg(a)sea.uni-linz.ac.at>
PhD Symposium at the 4th International Conference on eXtreme Programming and
Agile Processes in Software Engineering - XP2003
26-29 May, 2003, Genoa, Italy
The PhD symposium will provide a forum for doctoral students doing research
in the area of XP or other agile methodologies.
In the symposium students will present and discuss their research
objectives, methods, and (preliminary) results. The goal is to provide
mutual feedback and guidance in completing the dissertation and on future
research directions.
The PhD Symposium has the same scope as the main XP 2003 conference.
We encourage doctoral students to present their work at the symposium.
Students interested in participating should submit a paper describing their
doctoral work to the symposium chair. Only electronic submissions (PDF) will
be accepted. Abstracts should not be longer than 1 page in conference format
and should
- identify the research question the work is addressing,
- explain significant problems and current solutions,
- discuss the proposed approach, and
- present results achieved so far.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings. Please
prepare your experience or research paper according to the instructions to
authors provided here as PDF or RTF and submit them to the PhD Symposium
For further questions please contact the PhD Symposium Chair:
Paul Grünbacher
Johannes Kepler University Linz
E-Mail: gruenbacher(a)acm.org
Phone: +43 70 2468 8867
March 1, 2003: Submission deadline
March 15, 2003: Notification of acceptance
April 5, 2003: Camera-ready abstracts due
May 2003: PhD Symposium (date TBA)
Cheap accommodations are available for €12/night at the Youth Hostel in
Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf Neumann
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik
WU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
>From: Paul Gruenbacher <pg(a)sea.uni-linz.ac.at>
>Subject: CfP: PhD-Symposium - XP 2003
>Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 14:49:53 +0100
>X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by isis.wu-wien.ac.at
>id OAA39940
>PhD Symposium at the 4th International Conference on eXtreme Programming and
>Agile Processes in Software Engineering - XP2003
>26-29 May, 2003, Genoa, Italy
>The PhD symposium will provide a forum for doctoral students doing research
>in the area of XP or other agile methodologies.
>In the symposium students will present and discuss their research
>objectives, methods, and (preliminary) results. The goal is to provide
>mutual feedback and guidance in completing the dissertation and on future
>research directions.
>The PhD Symposium has the same scope as the main XP 2003 conference.
>We encourage doctoral students to present their work at the symposium.
>Students interested in participating should submit a paper describing their
>doctoral work to the symposium chair. Only electronic submissions (PDF) will
>be accepted. Abstracts should not be longer than 1 page in conference format
>and should
>- identify the research question the work is addressing,
>- explain significant problems and current solutions,
>- discuss the proposed approach, and
>- present results achieved so far.
>Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings. Please
>prepare your experience or research paper according to the instructions to
>authors provided here as PDF or RTF and submit them to the PhD Symposium
>For further questions please contact the PhD Symposium Chair:
>Paul Grünbacher
>Johannes Kepler University Linz
>E-Mail: gruenbacher(a)acm.org
>Phone: +43 70 2468 8867
>March 1, 2003: Submission deadline
>March 15, 2003: Notification of acceptance
>April 5, 2003: Camera-ready abstracts due
>May 2003: PhD Symposium (date TBA)
>Cheap accommodations are available for 12/night at the Youth Hostel in
The Institute for Techology Assessment of the Austrian Academy of Siences is
holding the third Austrian Technology Assessment Conference on the 26th of
May 2003.
Topics Include:
- Privacy - a security risk?
- Renewable Energies - really a future option?
More information at http://www.oeaw.ac.at/ita/ta03/
Das Institut fuer Technikfolgenabschaetzung der Oesterreichischen Akademie
der Wissenschaften haelt die 3. Konferenz fuer Technikfolgenabschaetzung ab.
Bis 28. Februar koennen noch Beitraege eingereicht werden.
Mehr Informationen: http://www.oeaw.ac.at/ita/ta03/
TA'03 Wozu Experten?
Wissenschaftliche Expertise zwischen politischen Ansprüchen und öffentlicher
Dritte österr. TA-Konferenz, 26. Mai 2003, Wien
- Privatsphäre - ein Sicherheitsrisiko?
- Erneuerbare Energien - wirklich eine Zukunftsoption?
- Embryonenforschung - ja oder nein oder doch lieber jein?
So unterschiedlich die Antworten der Politik auf Fragen dieser Art
ausfallen, der Weg zum Lösungsvorschlag ist meist derselbe: Man befragt
ExpertInnen - oder man versucht gar, die Entscheidung auf sie abzuschieben.
Die Folge ist eine Inflation von ExpertInnengremien, Gutachten und
Empfehlungen haben Hochkonjunktur.
Einreichfrist: 28. Februar 2003
Rückmeldung: 28. März 2003
Konferenztermin: 26. Mai 2003
Anfragen und Anmeldung richten Sie bitte an:
Dipl.-Soz. Alexander Bogner
Strohgasse 45/5
1030 Wien
Tel: (01) 51581 6595
Fax: (01) 7109883
E-mail: Alexander.Bogner(a)oeaw.ac.at
Mag. Robert Krimmer (robert.krimmer(a)wu-wien.ac.at)
~ Projektassistent e-Voting.at
~ Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien
Institut fuer Informationsverarbeitung und -wirtschaft
Abteilung Produktionsmanagement
Pappenheimgasse 35/5
A-1200 Wien, Austria
~ phone: +43 1 31336 5622, fax: +43 1 31336 90 5622
~ web: http://www.e-Voting.at, http://www.robert.krimmer.at
e-Gov mailinglist - e-Gov(a)wu-wien.ac.at