Von: Maria A. Wimmer [mailto:mw@ifs.uni-linz.ac.at]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 11. September 2002 17:12
Betreff: 2. e|Gov Day des Forum e-Government - Aufruf zu Beiträgen
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren!
In der Anlage übermittle ich Ihnen den Aufruf zu Beiträgen für den 2. e|Gov
day des Forums e|Government der OCG. Nähere Infos finden Sie auch auf der
Website egov.ocg.at. Für weitere Fragen stehe ich Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.
Bitte um Nachsicht, wenn Sie den Aufruf schon über die OCG Email-Liste
erhalten haben.Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Beiträge und hoffen, auch im
kommenden Jahr wieder einen interessanten e|Gov day anbieten zu können.Mit
freundlichen Grüßen Maria Wimmer(inhaltliche Koordination)
Maria A. Wimmer, Dr.techn.
Institute of Applied Computer Science at the University of Linz
Altenbergerstr. 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
Tel. +43 732 2468 9586, Fax +43 732 2468 9308
Email: mw(a)ifs.uni-linz.ac.at, URL: http://falcon.ifs.uni-linz.ac.at/
Member of the OCG Forum e|Gov.at ... http://egov.ocg.at/
Working on the EC project eGOV ... http://www.egov-project.org/
Organising the Workshops KMGov2003 and TAKMA2002 ...
Ihr Beitrag
sollte möglichst Schwerpunkte der folgenden Aspekte adressieren:
- Organisation
- e-Government Vorgehensmodell
- Prozessmodelle und e-Government Framework
- Portale und Bürgerdienste
- Verwaltungskooperation und Public-Private Partnerships
- Wissensmanagement im e-Government
- mobiles Government
- Recht
- rechtliche Fragestellungen bei der elektronischen Abwicklung behördlicher
- von der Ist-Situation zu künftigen verwaltungsrechtlichen
Rahmenbedingungen bei Kommunikations-
und Transaktionsdiensten im Bereich des e-Government
- verfassungsrechtliche Änderungen für die Möglichkeit von e-Government,
- Technik
- Authentische und sichere Kommunikation in offenen Netzen
- Ausstattung des Bürgers zum e-Government mit Fokus auf die Bürgerkarte
- Formate, Schnittstellen und Archivierung
- Portale für e-Government und Rechtsinformationssysteme
- Elektronischer Zahlungsverkehr in der Verwaltung
- Application Service Providing
- technische Ansätze für mobiles/wireless Government
- Best Practice
- auf nationaler bzw. internationaler Basis gut implementierte Projekte
- Stärken der Lösungen als Anregungen für weitere Projekte
- Benchmarking und Best Practice Indikatoren
- Konkrete Umsetzung von Konzepten aus Schwerpunkten der anderen
- Best-Practices in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz sowie in
potentiellen EU Beitrittskandidaten
- e-Democracy
- politische Partizipation
- e-Voting
- Gesellschaft
- Digital Divide und Social Inclusion
- Verwaltungsstrategien für e-Government
- Universal Access
Bitte schicken Sie ein zweiseitiges Abstract mit Titel, Autor(en),
Organisationszugehörigkeit sowie der
Kernaussage Ihres Beitrages bis zum 15. Oktober 2002 per Email an folgende
Koordinierungsstelle des e|Gov Days 2003:
Dr. Maria A. Wimmer,
Institut für Angewandte Informatik der JK Universität Linz,
A-4040 Linz, Altenbergerstr. 69,
Email: mw(a)ifs.uni-linz.ac.at,
Tel. 0732 / 2468 - 9586.
Wichtige Termine:
Deadline für die Einreichung von Abstracts: 15. Oktober 2002
Information über die Annahme/Ablehnung: 15. November 2002
Einreichung des Vollbeitrages: 10. Januar 2003
Die Beiträge werden von der OCG im Tagungsband zum e|Gov Day herausgegeben.
werden Ihnen mit der Information über die Annahme Ihres Beitrages
Weitere Informationen zum e|Gov Day 2003 finden Sie unter
----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Maria A. Wimmer [mailto:mw@ifs.uni-linz.ac.at]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 11. September 2002 17:12
Betreff: 2. e|Gov Day des Forum e-Government - Aufruf zu Beiträgen
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren!
In der Anlage übermittle ich Ihnen den Aufruf zu Beiträgen für den 2. e|Gov
day des Forums e|Government der OCG. Nähere Infos finden Sie auch auf der
Website egov.ocg.at. Für weitere Fragen stehe ich Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.
Bitte um Nachsicht, wenn Sie den Aufruf schon über die OCG Email-Liste
erhalten haben.Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Beiträge und hoffen, auch im
kommenden Jahr wieder einen interessanten e|Gov day anbieten zu können.Mit
freundlichen Grüßen Maria Wimmer(inhaltliche Koordination)
Maria A. Wimmer, Dr.techn.
Institute of Applied Computer Science at the University of Linz
Altenbergerstr. 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
Tel. +43 732 2468 9586, Fax +43 732 2468 9308
Email: mw(a)ifs.uni-linz.ac.at, URL: http://falcon.ifs.uni-linz.ac.at/
Member of the OCG Forum e|Gov.at ... http://egov.ocg.at/
Working on the EC project eGOV ... http://www.egov-project.org/
Organising the Workshops KMGov2003 and TAKMA2002 ...
Get the Austrian e-Gov-Mailinglist!
Subscribe at http://lists.wu-wien.ac.at/mailman/listinfo/e-gov
Robert Krimmer (robert.krimmer(a)wu-wien.ac.at)
~ Projektassistent e-Voting.at
~ Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien
Institut fuer Informationsverarbeitung und -wirtschaft
Abteilung Produktionsmanagement
Pappenheimgasse 35/5
A-1200 Wien, Austria
~ mobile: +43 664 2055990, fax: +43 1 31336 90 5622, icq: 3444497
~ web: http://www.e-Voting.at coming soon, http://www.robert.krimmer.at
>Approved-By: jdprice(a)GENESIS.COE.UH.EDU
>X-Sender: announce(a)aace.org
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 4.3.2
>Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2002 18:04:33 -0400
>Reply-To: AACE Announcements <announce(a)AACE.ORG>
>Sender: Educational Technology & E-Learning <EDUCTECH(a)LISTSERV.UH.EDU>
>From: AACE Announcements <announce(a)AACE.ORG>
>Subject: ED-MEDIA 2003 Call (Honolulu, Hawaii)
> >> Call for Participation Deadline: December 19th <<
> http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/call.htm
> ED-MEDIA 2003
> World Conference on Educational Multimedia,
> Hypermedia & Telecommunications
> June 23-28, 2003 * Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
> (Sheraton Waikiki Beach Resort)
> ** Submissions Due: Dec. 19, 2002 **
> Hosted by University of Hawaii
> Organized by
>Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
> www.aace.org
>** What are your colleagues saying about ED-MEDIA conferences? **
> http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/testimonials.htm
> >> CONTENTS & LINKS (details below) <<
>1. Call for Papers and Submission & Presenter Guidelines, Deadline Dec. 19th:
>2. Color Poster: http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/edmed03poster.pdf
>3. Major Topics: www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/topics.htm
>4. Presentation Categories: http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/categories.htm
>5. Corporate Showcases & Demonstrations:
>6. Proceedings & Paper Awards: http://www.aace.org/pubs
>7. For Budgeting Purposes: http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/rates.htm
>8. Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii: http://www.aace.org/conf/Cities/Honolulu
>9. Deadlines: http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/deadlines.htm
>ED-MEDIA 2003--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia &
>Telecommunications is an international conference, sponsored by the
>Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). This
>annual conference serves as a multi-disciplinary forum for the discussion
>and exchange of information on the research, development, and applications
>on all topics related to multimedia, hypermedia and
>telecommunications/distance education.
>ED-MEDIA, the premiere international conference in the field, spans all
>disciplines and levels of education and attracts more than 1,000 attendees
>from over 60 countries. We invite you to attend ED-MEDIA 2003 and submit
>proposals for presentations.
>All presentation proposals are peer reviewed and selected by three
>reviewers on the
>respected international Program Committee for inclusion in the
>conference program, proceedings book, and CD-ROM proceedings.
>For Call for Presentations, connect to:
>All authors MUST follow the submission guidelines and complete the Web
>form at:
>For Presentation and AV Guidelines, see:
>* Keynote Speakers
>* Invited Panels/Speakers
>* Papers
>* Interactive Sessions (NEW)
>* Video Festival (NEW)
>* Demonstrations/Posters
>* Corporate Showcases & Demonstrations
>* Tutorials/Workshops
>* Roundtables
>* SIGs (Special Interest Discussions)
>Available to Print & Distribute (PDF to print; 200kb)
>The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to, the following
>major topics as they relate to the educational and developmental aspects of
>multimedia/hypermedia and telecommunications:
>Special Strand for 2003: ** Universal Web Accessibility **
> - Emerging Technologies & Accessibility
> - Infrastructure, Technology & Techniques
> - International Challenges
> - New Roles for Teachers/Learners
> - Other: Research, Library Issues, etc.
> - Policy and Law
> - Site Management Considerations
>1. Infrastructure: (in the large)
> - Architectures for Educational Technology Systems
> - Design of Distance Learning Systems
> - Distributed Learning Environments
> - Methodologies for system design
> - Multimedia/Hypermedia Systems
> - WWW-based course-support systems
>2. Tools & Content-oriented Applications:
> - Agents
> - Authoring tools
> - Evaluation of impact
> - Interactive Learning Environments
> - Groupware tools
> - Multimedia/Hypermedia Applications
> - Research perspectives
> - Virtual Reality
> - WWW-based course sites
> - WWW-based learning resources
> - WWW-based tools
>3. New Roles of the Instructor & Learner:
> - Constructivist perspectives
> - Cooperative/collaborative learning
> - Implementation experiences
> - Improving Classroom Teaching
> - Instructor networking
> - Instructor training and support
> - Pedagogical Issues
> - Teaching/Learning Strategies
>4. Human-computer Interaction (HCI/CHI):
> - Computer-Mediated Communication
> - Design principles
> - Usability/user studies
> - User interface design
>5. Cases & Projects:
> - Country-Specific Developments
> - Exemplary projects
> - Institution-specific cases
> - Virtual universities
>The Technical Program includes a wide range of interesting and useful
>designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information.
>Companies have the opportunity to demonstrate and discuss their educational
>technology products and services in through Corporate Showcases and
>Accepted papers will be published by AACE in the Proceedings Book and on
>Proceedings in this series serve as major resources in the multimedia/
>hypermedia/telecommunications community, reflecting the current state of
>the art in the discipline. In addition, the Proceedings also are
>internationally distributed through and archived in the AACE Digital
>Library, http://www.aace.org/DL
>Selected papers may be invited for publication in may be invited for
>publication in AACE's respected journals especially in the
>- Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH),
>- International Journal on E-Learning (IJEJ), or
>- Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR).
>All presented papers will be considered for Best Paper Awards within
>several categories.
>Award winning papers may be invited for publication in the AACE journals.
>The conference registration fee for all presenters and participants will be
>approximately $395 U.S. (AACE members), $450 U.S. (non-members).
>Registration includes proceedings on CD, receptions, and all sessions
>except tutorials. The conference dinner will be an extra fee.
>Almost all conference sessions will be held at the Sheraton Waikiki Beach
>Hotel (http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/hotel.htm) located near all the
>downtown attractions. Special discount hotel and United Airline rates have
>been obtained for ED-MEDIA 2003 participants.
>The exciting island of O'ahu, Hawaii, the home of Honolulu and Waikiki is
>the site of ED-MEDIA 2003.
>Whether your idea of fun is soaking up the sun on a pristine, white sand
>beach or nightclubbing in Waikiki, hiking the trails or sampling some of
>the fantastic Hawaiian Regional Cuisine, we know that you're going to enjoy
>yourself on O'ahu.
>Over 125 miles of beaches surround two magnificent mountain ranges
>punctuated with a vibrant city, colorful little communities and highlighted
>by dozens of the most scenic spots on earth. Far and away the most diverse
>of the Hawaiian Islands, there's something here for everyone. No other
>American city could offer you the opportunity to surf the world's biggest
>waves, snorkel a lagoon, hike into a dormant volcano, golf at a dozen
>championship courses, and catch the sunset from a five-star restaurant. All
>within an hour's drive of your hotel room.
>The island is a study in contrasts: green forests and glorious beaches;
>fresh, clean bays, rolling hills, dramatic cliffs and sweeping vistas
>counterpoised with the life of a vibrant city. From the hustle and bustle
>of Chinatown to the rolling surf of O'ahu's spectacular North Shore, get
>ready for an adventure.
>For sheer variety of things to do, the Island of O'ahu is unparalleled.
>Outdoor activities range from the calm (a cool moonlight walk along Waikiki
>Beach), to the heart-stopping (hang-gliding off a thousand foot cliff in
>Waimanalo). All 103 sandy beach sites on O'ahu are open to the public, and
>nearly 600 of the state's top surfing spots are here, including Waimea Bay
>and the Banzai Pipeline, considered among the most challenging surf breaks
>in the world.
>Explore Hawaii online at: www.gohawaii.com * www.visit-oahu.com
>Submissions Due: December 19, 2002
>Authors Notified: February 24, 2003
>Proceedings File Due: May 6, 2003
>Early Registration: May 6, 2003
>Conference: June 23-28, 2003
>If you have a question about ED-MEDIA, please send an e-mail to
>AACE Conference Services, conf(a)aace.org
>Mailing address:
>P.O. Box 3728
>Norfolk, VA 23514 USA
>Phone: 757-623-7588
>To Unsubscribe from this listserv, send "unsubscribe eductech"
>to listserv(a)listserv.uh.edu; to Subscribe, send "subscribe eductech
>your_name" to the same address.
>Invitation and Call for Participation:
>International CIDOC CRM Symposium
>March 26 2003 2:00 - 6:00
>March 27 2003 9:00 - 5:00
>The CIDOC CRM Special Interest Group and the Smithsonian Institution invite you to a
>two-day International Symposium designed to bring together researchers and practitioners
>in information provision and exchange, be it within organizations or on the envisaged
>Semantic Web, in the area of scientific and cultural heritage, with the goal to present
>and discuss technical, organizational, and philosophical issues of effectively sharing
>knowledge among museums, libraries, and archives and integrating information within
>cultural institutions.
>The program will comprise invited talks, submitted papers, and panel discussions.
>Paper submissions are welcome on the following topics:
>- scalable knowledge sharing architectures for intra-organizational data;
>- scalable knowledge sharing architectures for the Internet;
>- key components for knowledge sharing: ontologies, contextual information,
> identification, persistence;
>- documentation practices enabling effective knowledge sharing;
>- metadata schemes for cross-domain searching;
>- success stories of knowledge sharing;
>- social, organizational, and technical factors;
>- the role of trust in knowledge sharing.
>A panel discussion will identify key directions for research and advocacy for the
>immediate future to bring us closer to shared and integrated knowledge in contemporary
>All contributions will be Web-published on the CIDOC CRM Web-site (http://cidoc.ics.forth.gr).
>Presentations may be 15 minutes or 30 minutes.
>The Program committee reserves the right to refuse submissions.
>Proposals, accompanied by an abstract of 100-300 words, and short cv, should be sent to
>Dr. Martin Doerr,
> by November 30, 2002.
>The Symposium will be held at the Smithsonian's International Center in Washington, D.C. A
>ttendance will be free and light refreshments will be provided. Participants are responsible
>for their own travel, accommodation, and meal costs.
>Apologies for cross-posting.
>Please distribute this announcement as appropriate.
>Martin Doerr
> Dr. Martin Doerr | Vox:+30(810)391625 |
> Principle Researcher | Fax:+30(810)391609 |
> Project Leader SIS | Email: martin(a)ics.forth.gr |
> |
> Information Systems Laboratory |
> Institute of Computer Science |
> Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) |
> |
> Vassilika Vouton,P.O.Box1385,GR71110 Heraklion,Crete,Greece |
> |
> Web-site: http://www.ics.forth.gr/isl |
Thomas Enzi Thomas.Enzi(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Research and Development, UNIVERSAL (http://www.ist-universal.org/)
Department of Information Systems, New Media
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
Abteilung für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Neue Medien
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, Austria http://nm.wu-wien.ac.at
Tel: (+43-1) 31 336 x4417, Fax: (+43-1) 31 336 x746
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: One Month Submission Reminder - AI 2003
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2002 12:20:33 -0600
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)IASTED.com>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
This is a reminder that the deadline for submitting papers to the IASTED
International Conference on Applied Informatics (AI 2003) is October 1,
The 21st IASTED International Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics (AI
2003) will be held February 10-13, 2003, in the charming city of Innsbruck,
Austria. The last year Applied Informatics Multi-Conference 2002 attracted
over 250 delegates from 43 countries.
All information regarding this conference can be found on our website at
AI 2003 Multi-conference will comprise of the following IASTED International
conferences: IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and
Applications (AIA'2003) IASTED International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN'2003) IASTED International
Conference on Software Engineering (SE'2003)
IASTED International Conference on Databases and Applications (DBA'2003)
If you have any questions about the conference, please feel free to contact
me at calgary(a)iasted.com.
Sharon Wu
Conference Planning Manager
#80 4500 16th Ave NW
Calgary, AB T3B 0M6
If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please email to
unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account
>Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2002 12:36:15 +0200
>From: Tomaz Klobucar <tomaz(a)e5.ijs.si>
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.75 [en] (Win95; U)
>X-Accept-Language: en
>Subject: Invitation to CMS'02
>Dear all,
>You are kindly invited to attend the IFIP Communications and Multimedia
>Security conference (CMS 2002) that will take place in Portoroz,
>Slovenia on September 26-27. Preliminary program is available below,
>more information at http://www.setcce.org/cms2002/. There will
>also be a pre-conference tutorial on IPsec and virtual private networks.
>Best regards,
>Tomaz Klobucar
>Institut "Jozef Stefan"
> The sixth IFIP
> Communications and Multimedia Security Conference
> (CMS 2002)
> Joint working conference IFIP TC6 and TC11
> September 26-27, 2002
> Portoroz, Slovenia
> http://www.setcce.org/cms2002/
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Call for posters still open (deadline September 5, 2002)! See
> http://www.setcce.org/cms2002/
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>CMS 2002 is the sixth IFIP working conference on Communications and
>Multimedia Security since 1995. State-of-the-art issues as well as
>practical experiences and new trends in the areas will be the topics
>of interest again, as proven by preceding conferences. Its two days
>program will feature a single track with 21 full papers. Pre-conference
>tutorial on virtual private networks will also be offered.
>Invited talks given by Dr. Steve Kent (BBN, chair of IETF PKIX WG),
>Prof. Antonio Lioy (Politecnico di Torino) and Corinna Schulze
>(European Commission) will provide an insight into the latest results
>and challenges of communications and multimedia security and further
>stimulate discussion among participants from industry and academia.
>The conference will take place in Portoroz, the beautiful Mediterranean
>seaside resort in Slovenia (http://www.portoroz.si). See the CMS 2002
>conference Web site (http://www.setcce.org/cms2002/) for details.
>Thursday, September 26
>Keynote speech (9:15 - 10:00 a.m.)
> Biometrics & System Security
> Steve Kent (BBN).
>Session I: Digital Signatures (10:00 - 11:00 a.m.)
> Validation of long-term Signatures: About Revocation Checking of
> Certificates in the Context of longterm Signatures
> Karl Scheibelhofer (IAIK).
> Digital Signatures and Electronic Documents: A Cautionary Tale
> Sean Smith, Kunal Kain, R. Asokan (Dartmouth College).
>Session II: Communications Security (I) (11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.)
> Improving the functionality of SYN cookies
> André Ventura Zúquete (IST / INESC-ID Lisboa).
> A MAC-Layer Security Architecture for Cable Networks
> Tadauchi Masaharu (Telecommunications Advancement Organization
> of Japan);
> Ishii Tatsuei (Hitachi);
> Itoh Susumu (Science University of Tokyo).
> Towards Authentication Using Mobile Devices
> Edgar Weippl, W. Essmayr, F. Gruber, W. Stockner,
> T. Trenker (Software Competence Center Hagenberg).
>Session III: Communications Security (II) (2:30 - 4:00 p.m.)
> CORE: A Collaborative Reputation Mechanism to enforce node cooperation
> in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
> Pietro Michiardi, Refik Molva (Institut Eurecom).
> Enabling Adaptive and Secure Extranets
> Yves Roudier, Olivier Fouache, Pierre Vannel,
> Refik Molva (Institut Eurecom).
> Multiple Layer Encryption for Multicast Groups
> Alain Pannetrat, Refik Molva (Institut Eurecom).
>Session IV: Distributed System Security (4:30 - 6:00 p.m.)
> Access Control, Reverse Access Control and Replication Control in
> a World Wide Distributed System
> Bogdan Popescu (Vrije Universiteit);
> Chandana Gamage (Sri Lanka Army Headquarters);
> Andrew S. Tanenbaum (Vrije Universiteit).
> The CORAS approach for model-based risk management applied to
> e-commerce domain
> Dimitris Raptis (INTRACOM);
> Theo Dimitrakos (CLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory);
> Bjoern Axel Gran (Institute for Energy Technology);
> Ketil Stoelen (Sintef Telecom & Informatics).
> Towards Security Architecture for Future Active IP Networks
> Dusan Gabrijelcic, Arso Savanovic, Borka Jerman-Blazic
> (Institut "Jozef Stefan").
>Friday, September 27
>Keynote speeches (9:00 - 10:30 a.m.)
> Antonio Lioy (Politecnico di Torino).
> European Initiatives in the Area of Data Protection and Digital
> Rights Management
> Corina Schulze (European Commission).
>Session V: Cryptography (10:30 - 11:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.)
> Authentication of Transit Flows and k-Siblings One-time Signature
> Mohamed Al-Ibrahim (University of Wollongong);
> Josef Pieprzyk (Macquaire University).
> On the security of a structural proven signer ordering multisignature
> scheme
> Chris J. Mitchell, Namhyun Hur (Royal Holloway, University of
> London).
> Renewing Cryptographic Timestamps
> Sattam Al-Riyami, Chris J. Mitchell (Royal Holloway, University
> of London).
> Implementing Elliptic Curve Cryptography
> Wolfgang Bauer (IAIK).
>Session VI: Multimedia Security (2:30 - 4:00 p.m.)
> Combined fingerprinting Attacks against Digital Audio Watermarking:
> Methods, Results and Solutions
> Martin Steinebach (Fraunhofer IPSI);
> Jana Dittmann (HTWK Leipzig University of Applied Science);
> Eva Saar (T-Systems).
> Selective Encryption of Visual Data
> Martina Podesser (Carinthia Tech Institute);
> Andreas Uhl (Department of Scientific Computing, Salzburg
> University).
> Biometric Authentication - Security and Usability
> Václav Matyás, Zdenek Riha (Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk
> University Brno).
>Session VII: Applications (4:30 - 6:00 p.m.)
> Automatic Authentication using the Austrian Citizen Card
> Arno Hollosi, Udo Payer, Reinhard Posch (IAIK).
> An Open Interface Enabling Secure e-Government
> Arno Hollosi, Herbert Leitold, Reinhard Posch (IAIK).
> CADENUS Security Considerations
> Gasper Lavrencic, Aleksej Blazic (SETCCE);
> Borka Jerman-Blazic (Institut "Jozef Stefan").
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: 2 Week Submission Reminder - LawTech 2002
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 11:13:19 -0600
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)IASTED.com>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
This is a reminder that the deadline for submitting papers to the IASTED
International Law and Technology (LawTech 2002) is September 9, 2002.
LawTech 2002 will be held in Cambridge, USA. All information regarding this
conference can be found on our website at
http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2002/cambridge/lawtech.htm Please refer to
this website for formatting and submission requirements.
Please submit your abstract (minimum 300 words) via web site at:
http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2002/cambridge/submit-375.htm by September
9, 2002.
If you have any questions about the conference, please feel free to contact
me at calgary(a)iasted.com. We look forward to receiving your paper
Melissa Grainger
Conference Manager
#80 4500 16th Ave NW
Calgary, AB T3B 0M6
If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please email to
unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Invitation to SSGRR conferences in ITALY!
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 14:55:25 +0200
From: ssgrr2003w(a)rti7020.etf.bg.ac.yu
To: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
The SSGRR (Scuola Superiore G Reiss Romoli) Congress Center,
Telecom Italia Learning Services, L'Aquila (near Rome), ITALY
Respected Dr. Neumann
We are honored to invite you to submit and present your paper(s)
at the two SSGRR conferences specified below:
WINTER Conference 2003:
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Call for posters (CMS 2002 conference)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 16:44:49 +0200
From: Tomaz Klobucar <tomaz(a)e5.ijs.si>
To: tomaz(a)e5.ijs.si
The sixth IFIP
Communications and Multimedia Security Conference
(CMS 2002)
Joint working conference IFIP TC6 and TC11
September 26-27, 2002
Portoroz, Slovenia
The CMS 2002 is now accepting submissions of poster proposals. The
Poster display at the conference is an opportunity to meet and discuss
late-breaking results, ongoing research projects, and innovative
work-in-progress which may not yet be ready for a full paper.
Poster proposals must consist of a one-page abstract or summary of
the work, relevant for the conference, to be presented. All proposals
must be received no later than 5th of September 2002. Authors will be
notified until 10th of September. Abstracts of accepted proposals will
be copied and distributed to all CMS 2002 attendees. These abstracts
and summaries are also expected to be made available on the Web. Your
poster, which you will display at the conference, should not be sent to
the CMS organizers.
Authors of accepted submissions are expected to prepare a poster for
display at the conference. The poster should present the work mentioned
in the abstract or summary you submitted. The typical display area for
each poster is expected to be 80 cm (width) X 120 cm (height). You will
need to bring your poster with you and set it up for your poster
session. At least one author must register for the conference.
CMS 2002 registration information is available on the conference web
site, <http://www.setcce.org/cms2002/>.
Important deadlines:
Poster proposal submission September 5, 2002
Notification of acceptance September 10, 2002
Presentation at the Conference September 26-27, 2002
This Call for posters has been sent to several distribution
lists. We apologize if you receive multiple copies of it.