Liebe ListenteilnehmerInnen,
auf der Mensch&Computer, 2002 (Schwerpunkt "Vom interaktiven Werkzeug zu
kooperativen Arbeits- und Lernwelten") vom 2. bis 5. September 2002 in
Hamburg wird es einen eDemocracy-Workshop geben, zu dem Papiere zu folgenden
und verwandten Themen willkommen sind:
* Verfahrens- und Prozessmodelle zur diskursiv-beratenden Demokratie
* Verantwortungsmanagement (commitment management, tracking)
* Integrierte Umgebungen für Online-Diskussionen über Dokumente wie z.B.
Gesetzestexte, (Partei)Programme, Vereinbarungen, Übereinkommen oder
* Einbettung / Anschlussfähigkeit von E-Partizipation in das
politisch-administrative System
* Probleme und Hindernisse innerhalb der Verwaltung
* Fragen zur Beteiligungsmotivation: Was sind die wichtigsten
Vorraussetzungen für eine aktive Beteiligung online? (Sozial-emotionale
* Computer-unterstützte Konfliktmittlung (Online-Mediation) und Strategien
der Online-Moderation
* Einbettung von E-Diskursen in den Diskursgegenstand, wie zum Beispiel
Stadtpläne, Karten oder Textdokumente
* Strukturierung und Visualisierung von Argumenten, Debatten und
Verhandlungen (discourse and process awareness)
* Online-Lobbying, Wahlkampf, Petitionen und Initiativen, Bildung von
Koalitionen (Coalition building)
* e-Voting
Nähere Infos zur Mensch&Computer:
Nährere Infos zum Workshop:
Beiträge bitte bis zum 1.July an
beste gruesse,
oliver maerker
NEUerscheinung Mitte 2002:
Oliver Märker, Matthias Trénel (Hg.): Online-Mediation. Neue Medien in der
Konfliktvermittlung - mit Beispielen aus Politik und Wirtschaft. Edition
Sigma, Berlin.
Oliver Märker
Mediation Systems
Fraunhofer-Institut Autonome Intelligente Systeme (AIS)
Schloss Birlinghoven, D-53754 Sankt Augustin
Fon: +49 (0) 2241 / 14 - 2420, Fax: - 20 72
email: oliver.maerker(a)
e-Gov mailinglist - e-Gov(a)
----- Original Message -----
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)>
To: <Susanne.Guth(a)>
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2002 2:00 AM
Subject: Call For Paper - IASTED AMS 2002
> IASTED International Conference on
> (AMS 2002)
> November 4-6, 2002
> Cambridge, Mass., USA
> Submissions due September 9, 2002
> Notification of acceptance September 23, 2002
> Registrations, payments, and final papers due October 14, 2002
> The International Association of Science and Technology for Development
> · Technical Committees on Modelling and Simulation, Computers, Networks,
Information Systems, Control, Robotics, Biomedical Engineering, and
> World Modelling and Simulation Forum
> This conference will act as an international forum for researchers and
practitioners interested in the applications and methodologies of Modelling
and Simulation. The main themes of the conference are indicated under Scope.
> AMS 2002 will be held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT).
> The main streams of the conference are:
> · Computers and Information Systems
> · Communications and Networks
> · Control and Identification
> · Robotics and Automation
> · Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
> · Economics and Management
> · Methodologies and Tools for Applications
> M.H. Hamza, Canada
> Initial submissions will be based upon extended abstracts (minimum 400
> Please submit your extended abstract via our website at:
> .
> All submissions should be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Postscript (.ps), or MS
Word (.doc) format. The IASTED Secretariat must receive your extended
abstracts latest by September 9, 2002.
> Please provide at least 3 key words to indicate the subject area of your
abstract. Please select a stream from the list of streams provided under
Scope as one of the keywords. Include a statement in your cover letter
confirming that, if the paper is accepted, one of the authors will attend
the conference to present it. Please designate a principal author and
provide the full names, affiliations, addresses, telephone and fax numbers,
and e-mail addresses of all authors.
> The abstracts will be reviewed by International Program Committee and the
authors will be notified via email by September 23, 2002. Registrations,
payments and final manuscripts are due no later than October 14, 2002.
Please send final manuscripts via e-mail to calgary(a) . The page
limit for final papers is six pages.
> Persons wishing to organize a special session should submit a proposal to
the IASTED Secretariat by September 9, 2002. Proposals should include a
minimum of five abstracts, a session title, a list of the topics covered,
and qualifications of the session organizer(s). Special session proposals
should be submitted online at the following address:
> .
> All final manuscripts will be reviewed for journal submission. Some
authors will be invited to submit extended versions of their paper for
publication in the International Journal of Modelling and Simulation. For
further information about journal submissions, please visit .
> For more information, or to be placed on our mailing list, please contact:
> IASTED Secretariat - AMS 2002
> #80, 4500 - 16th Avenue N.W.
> Calgary, Alberta
> Canada T3B 0M6
> Tel: 403-288-1195
> Fax: 403-247-6851
> E-mail: calgary(a)
> Web Site:
> =============================================================
> If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please email to
unsubscribe(a), from your email account
>X-Authentication-Warning: Host
>[] claimed to be
>X-Sender: masoud(a)
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 4.3.2
>Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 00:13:21 +1000
>To: "CIMCA'2003 Secretariat":;, nobots(a);,
> noda(a), noeske(a),
> noghisa(a), nonaka(a),
> noortwijk(a), nooshin(a),
> norbert.glaser(a), norbert.waidelich(a), norcio(a),
> noriko(a), norio(a),
> norlaily.yaacob(a), norm(a),
> norman(a), norqvist(a),
> nory(a),
> nöth(a),
> nougaret(a);, novakl(a), novaku(a),
> novakv(a), novakv(a);,
> novotny(a), novotny(a),
> nowicki(a), nowr(a),
> nozha.boujemaa(a), nr(a);,
> nrm(a), nrs(a),
> nsaravan(a);, nsaravan(a), nspeciale(a),
> nsteele(a), nsteele(a),
> ntienjem(a), nui(a),
> nulek(a), numao(a), nvm(a),
> nygard(a), nyz(a), oana(a),
> oba(a), obrazova(a), obs(a),
> ocaprani(a), ocastillo(a),
> ocastillo(a), ocastillo(a)mail.tij.celjxmx,
> ocastillo(a), ocordon(a),
> ocordon(a), octavc(a), oddi(a),
> oddi(a), odsby(a),
> oefai-distribution(a);, oertel(a),
> oertelh(a), office(a),
> oft(a), ogarcia(a),
> ogawa(a), ogawara(a),
> ohguro(a), ohkawa(a),
> ohkawa(a), ohkura(a),
> ohler(a), ohmori(a),
> ohnishi(a), oidemari(a),
> ojima(a), oka(a),
> okawa(a), okazaki(a),
> okh(a), okuma(a),
> olah(a), olanyk(a),
> olav.egeland(a), olavb(a),
> oldehoeft(a), oldham(a),
> oldham(a), oleary(a), oleby(a),
> oleg(a), oleg_zaikin(a),
> olga(a), olive(a),
> oliver.wauschkuhn(a), olivetti(a);
>From: CIMCA <cimca(a)>
>Subject: Special Session on E-BUSINESS & THE INTELLIGENT WEB
> Special session on
> at
> 2003 International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web
> Technologies and Internet Commerce
> in Conjunction with
> 2003 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for
> Modelling, Control and Automation
>Intelligent web applications will have a large impact on the way
>e-business is conducted
>in the future. Intelligent web applications is currently aimed mostly at
>supporting intelligent
>Information retrieval, information-management and data mining over the web.
>The goal of this special session is to bring together researchers and
>practitioners of the e-business and intelligent web applications together to
>present and discuss the latest applications in these fields.
>The topics of the special session are:
>Intelligent web applications
>Information retrieval
>Knowledge Discovery
>Web data mining
>intelligent search engines
>E-business and agents
>Multiagent Information Gathering
>Multi-agents systems for e-business
>Agent-based Supply Chains
>Information Agents and Electronic Commerce
>Agent-Based Marketplaces
>Agents application for online-Auctions
>E-Management and E-Control with Agents
>E-Trade and E-Marketplace with Agents
>E-Payment and E-Banking with Agents
>Financial & Investment Agent-Based Applications
>Paper Submission
>Papers will be selected based on their originality, significance,
>correctness, and clarity of presentation. Extended draft papers (4 pages
>or more) should be submitted to the following e-mail or postal address:
>E-mail submission of draft papers: cimca(a)
>Postal Submission of draft papers:
>IAWTIC'2003 Secretariat
>School of Computing, University of Canberra
>Canberra, 2614, Australia
>Important Dates
>20 September 2002 Submission of draft papers
>28 October 2002 Notification of acceptance
>22 November 2002 Deadline for camera-ready copies of accepted papers
>12-14 February 2003 Conference (special sessions)
Dipl.-Wirt.Inform. SUSANNE GUTH
Universitätsassistentin an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Abteilung für
Wirtschaftsinformatik - NEUE MEDIEN, susi(a), +43 1 31336-4427
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Call for Submission of 2003 World Wireless Congress (3Gwireless'2003)
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 12:17:59 -0700
From: "3Gwireless'2003" <europe(a)>
[Sorry for multiple copies of this message. Thanks for your support in
promotion of education, research, development and business of emerging
wireless communications]
Dear Fellow Wireless Colleagues:
2002 World Wireless Congress (WWC02) - the official framework of
3Gwireless'2002 has been extremely successful and productive. To
continue this great effort and expect much more authoritative in the
next year, the 2003 World Wireless Congress (WWC03) will be a very big
bang in helping set the standard of performance, innovation and quality
of emerging wireless communications focusing on 3G and 4G mobile
technologies and business.
WWC'03 will continue to be the best global platform of industry-driven,
academia-enriched, development-oriented and business-targeted, and
demand very high standard of technical leadership as well as
professional excellence.
The Call-for-Submission (including technical papers, tutorials, industry
forums, panels, etc) is available now at the congress website. The
submission will be very busy in the coming months, and the space is very
limited. Please act ASAP to submit your leadership and innovation as per
the guidelines listed in the web.
The website of 2003 World Wireless Congress (3Gwireless'2003) is at: or
The very successful story of 2002 World Wireless Congress
(3Gwireless'2002) is at:
This congress at news can be found at:…
For sponsorship or exhibition opportunities, please contact
For technical leadership issues, please contact the chair at:
Thank you for your time in advance.
With best wishes!
Office of
2003 World Wireless Congress or
[This is only one-time educational message. Thanks for your support.]
------ Forwarded message -------
From: "Kinshuk" <kinshuk(a)>
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 08:37:33 +1200 (NZST)
Dear colleague
International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2002)
3-6 December 2002
Auckland, New Zealand
** Call for Panel/Workshop Papers is now open **
If you are interested in participating any of the following Panels
or workshops, please contact appropriate contact person. Further
details about these are available on the conference website.
1. New Ways of Learning: Are we Ready for it?
(Madhumita Bhattacharya -> mitab(a)
W1: Effective Facilitation of Virtual Dialogues: Tested Strategies and
(Maureen Brown -> myoder(a)
W2: Towards an understanding of the use of digital images in teaching
and learning
(Grainne Conole -> g.c.conole(a)
W3: The Changing Face of HE in the 21st Century: Critical Success
Factors (CSFs)
for Implementing eLearning
(Maggie McPherson -> m.a.mcpherson(a)
W4: Concepts and Ontologies in Web-based Educational Systems
(Darina Dicheva dichevad(a)
W5: A Study on Understanding Support System Applicable to Online
Distance Learning
in Foreign Languages
(CHEN Yuan -> t00a1742(a)
Associate Professor Kinshuk kinshuk(a)
Program Co-Chair, Intl.Conf.on Computers in Edu.(ICCE2002)
Information Systems Dept., Massey Univ., Private Bag 11-222,
Palmerston North, New Zealand
Tel: +64 6 3505799 ext. 2090 Fax: +64 6 3505725
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IASTED CCN 2002 - Call for Papers
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 18:43:25 -0600
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)>
To: <gustaf.neumann(a)>
IASTED International Conference on
(CCN 2002)
Submissions due---------------------------------------------August 15, 2002
Notification of acceptance----------------------------------September 10,
2002 Registration, full payment, and final papers due---------October 1,
November 4-6, 2002
Cambridge, Mass., USA
The International Association of Science and Technology for Development
(IASTED) · Technical Committee on Computers
· Technical Committee on Networks
· Technical Committee on Telecommunications
· Technical Committee on the Web, Internet and Multimedia
This conference is an international forum for researchers and practitioners
interested in the advances and applications of computers and communications
networks including wireless and mobile communications. It is an opportunity
to present and observe the latest research, results, and ideas in these
areas. CCN 2002 will be held in conjunction with the IASTED International
Conference on "Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2002)"
and "Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2002)".
CCN 2002 will be held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the world's most prestigious
The relevant topics for this conference include, but are not limited to the
· Computer Networks
· IP Networks
· ATM Networks
· Optical Transmission
· WDM Systems
· Data Networks
· Local Area Networks
· High speed Internet
· Wireless Networks
· Wireless LAN
· Adhoc Networks
· Broadband Networks
· Access Networks
· 3G and 4G Networks
· Mobile Communications
· Multimedia Communications
· Communication Systems
· CDMA Systems
· OFDM Technology
· Communication Protocols
· Multicast Switching
· Handoff and Routing
· Resource Management
· Mobility Management
· Network Management
· Network Interfaces
· Network Performance
· Network Security
· Congestion Control
· Quality of Service Issues
· Applications
A. Agarwal - Northwestern University, USA
K.C. Almeroth - University of California, USA
M.-S. Alouini - University of Minnesota, USA
Z. Arnavut - State University of New York, USA
A.H. Banihashemi - Carleton University, Canada
I. Barbancho-Perez - University of Malaga, Spain
J. A. Barria - Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, UK
C.W. Baum - Clemson University, USA
U.B. Ceipidor - La Sapienza University, Italy
R. Boutaba - University of Waterloo, Canada
D.S. Budimir - University of Westminster, UK
J.B. Carruthers - Boston University, USA
E. Casilari - University of Malaga, Spain
S. Chalasani - University of Wisconsin, USA
Y.-S. Chen - National Taipei University, ROC
D. Cui - Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, USA
K. David - University of Kassel, Germany
L. Deneire - IMEC, Belgium
R.N. Dobrescu - "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Romania
A. Eskicioglu - Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, USA
M.M. Freire - University of Beira Interior, Portugal
A. Garcia-Armada - Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain
R.H.M. Hafez - Carleton University, Canada
H.J. Helgert - George Washington University, USA
J. Jang - Dongeui University, South Korea
J. Jordan - National Research Council, Canada
A.K. Khandani - University of Waterloo, Canada
D.M. Klymyshyn - University of Saskatchewan, Canada
C.S. Lee - Southern Methodist University, USA
T. Le-Ngoc - McGill University, Canada
C. Lu - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
C.-S. Lu - Academia Sinica, Taiwan
S.D. Morgera - Florida Atlantic University, USA
S. Naik - University of Waterloo, Canada
J.J. Neto - Polytechnic University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
L. Nguyen - University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
M. Roccetti - University of Bologna, Italy
S. Safavi-Naeini, University of Waterloo, Canada
J. Sang - Cleveland State University, USA
S. Shen - University of Waterloo, Canada
H. Sotobayashi - Basic & Advanced Research Division, Japan
E.K. Stefanakos - University of South Florida, USA
J.C. Vardaxoglou - Loughborough University, United Kingdom
J.-H. Wen - National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
M.E. Woodward - University of Bradford, United Kingdom
D.F. Yuan - University of Michigan, USA
Z.-L. Zhang - University of Minnesota, USA
L.-J. Zhang - IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
W. Zhuang - University of Waterloo, Canada
Submit your paper via our web site at: .
Files larger than 2MB must be submitted to our FTP site at
(user name: actaftp; password: journals). If you submit a paper to our FTP
site, please send a notification e-mail with your complete contact
information and file name to calgary(a) All submissions should be
in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Postscript (.ps), or MS Word (.doc) format. The
IASTED Secretariat must receive your paper by August 15, 2002. Do not send
hard copies of your paper.
Please provide four key words to indicate the subject area of your paper. One
of the key words must be taken from the list of topics provided under Scope.
Include a statement in your cover letter confirming that, if the paper is
accepted, one of the authors will attend the conference to present it.
Please designate a principal author and provide the full names,
affiliations, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses of
all authors.
Notification of acceptance will be sent via e-mail on September 10, 2002.
Registration payments and final manuscripts are due no later than October 1,
2002. Please send final manuscripts via e-mail or FTP site using the same
procedure as described above. The page limit for final papers is six pages.
Proposals for half-day tutorials (three hours) should be submitted online by
August 15, 2002. Tutorials are to be submitted online via our following web
site address: A
tutorial proposal should clearly indicate the topic, background knowledge
expected of the participants, objectives, time allocations for the major
course topics, and the qualifications of the instructor(s).
Persons wishing to organize a special session should submit a proposal to the
IASTED Secretariat by August 15, 2002. Proposals should include a minimum of
six papers, a session title, a list of the topics covered, and
qualifications of the session organizer(s). The name of the session
organizer will appear in the program and proceedings provided six papers are
presented. Special sessions proposals should be submitted online at the
following hyperlink address:
For more information, or to be placed on our mailing list, please contact:
IASTED Secretariat - PDCS 2002
#80, 4500 - 16th Avenue N.W.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T3B 0M6
Tel: 403-288-1195
Fax: 403-247-6851
E-mail: calgary(a)
Web Site:
If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please email to
unsubscribe(a), from your email
>Workshop held in conjunction with the ECAI 2002 conference
>Machine Learning and Natural Language
>Processing for Ontology Engineering
>Lyon (France), July 22-23 2002
>Registration is open on-line on the ECAI Web site
>Participants to the workshop are invited to send a one page motivation
>abstract to OLT2002(a)
>This abstract will present some of their research related to the WS
>topics and propose questions to be
>Workshop PROGRAM
>MONDAY July 22nd
>Invited speaker
>Bruno Bachimont (INA and UTC, France)
> >From texts to conceptual structures: the gaps between texts, semantic
>descriptions and conceptual structures
>SESSION 1, terminology and ontology
>How far Association Rules and Statistical Indices help Structure
>Hacène Cherfi, Yannick Toussaint, LORIA (Nancy, France)
>Terminology Extraction from Text to Build an Ontology in Surgical
>Intensive Care
>Sophie Le Moigno, Jean Charlet, Didier Bourigault, Patrice Degoulet,
>Marie-Christine Jaulent, AP-HP et INSERM (Paris, France) et ERSS
>(Toulouse, France)
>TUESDAY July, 23rd
>invited speaker
>SESSION 2, learning semantic classes
>Mapping Syntactic Dependencies onto Semantic Relations
>Pablo Gamallo, Marco Gonzalez, Alexandre Agustini, Gabriel Lopes, Vera
>S. de Lima, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) and PUCRS (Brazil)
>A Galois Lattice based Approach to Lexical Inheritance Hierarchy
>Caroline Sporleder, Univ. Edinburgh (U.K.)
>Ontology and Lexicon Evolution by Text Understanding
>Udo Hahn, Kornél G. Marko, TKE (Freiburg, Germany)
>SESSION 3, learning semantic relations from patterns
>Automatic Acquisition of Hyponyms and Meronyms from Question Corpora,
>Häkan Sundblad, Dept. of Computer Science (Linköping, Sweden)
>Information Extraction and Ontology Learning Guided by Web Directory
>Martin Kavalec, Vojtèch Svàtek, DIKE, University of Economics (Prague,
>Czech Republic)
>SESSION 4, ontology enrichment and evolution
>Combining Disambiguation Techniques to Enrich an Ontology
>Mark Stevenson, Reuters Ltd. (London, U.K.)
>A Differential Approach for Knowledge Management
>Bernard Rothenburger, IRIT (Toulouse, France)
>MLnet community list
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: 6th Intl. Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2002 12:08:57 +0100
From: "Kansai 2002" <kansai2002(a)>
To: "Alexandra Coimeiro" <alexcoi(a)>
KANSAI'2002 -
6th Intl. Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation
KANSAI, JAPAN, 12-15 August, 2002
1. Policy: Emerging Issues in Science and Technology Government Policy and
the Management of Knowledge Socioeconomic Development and the Geography of
Innovation Shared Prosperity and Sustainability; Social, Environmental, and
Ethical Issues Intellectual Property Policy in the Digital Economy
Information and Telecommunication Policies
2. Development: Global Perspectives on Technology and Economic Growth
Entrepreneurship in the Global Economy Technology Transfer: Regional,
National, and Global Perspectives Knowledge for Economic Development
Mergers and Acquisitions: Fostering Global Knowledge Partnerships Regional
Clusters and Development
3. Managing Technology Companies: From Start-ups to Multi-Nationals
Technology Acquisition and Transfer: Innovation and global competitiveness
Technology and Competitiveness for SMEs Fostering Intrapreneurship in Large
Companies Education and Training Talent for the Knowledge Society
4. Learning Society: Tools, Methods and Institutions Regional and Global
Systems of Knowledge Creation and Diffusion The University in the Knowledge
Society Knowledge Transfer, Application, and Diffusion Public Versus
Private Resource Allocation and Incentives Metrics for Knowledge
5. Networking and partnerships for development Maintenance of knowledge
Previous Conferences:
Info: ictpi2002(a)
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: ISLAT Conference LawTech 2002 - 1 Month Submission Reminder
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 17:05:29 -0600
From: "ISLAT- Upcoming Conferences" <info(a)>
To: <Gustaf.Neumann(a)>
ISLAT International Conference on
Law and Technology
(LawTech 2002)
November 6-8, 2002
Cambridge, USA
Submissions due---------------------------------------July 1, 2002
Notification of acceptance----------------------------August 1, 2002
Registration, full payment, and final papers due------September 1, 2002
The International Society of Law and Technology (ISLAT)
LawTech 2002 will be held at the Cambridge Marriott in Massachusetts,
adjacent to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the
world's most prestigious universities. Located across the Charles River
from Boston, Cambridge offers an exciting multicultural setting as well as
two of the world's premier educational institutions. Founded in 1630 as the
first seat of government for the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Cambridge has
developed into an international community merging history, education, arts,
and culture within its lively neighborhoods. Attractions include Harvard
Square, Beacon Hill, and the Faneuil Hall Marketplace. The heavy industries
of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries have been replaced by
technology-based enterprises, including electronics, self-developing film
and cameras, software, and biotechnology research.
This conference is an international forum for lawyers and engineers
interested in understanding the latest developments and implications of
technology in the field of law. It is an opportunity to exchange ideas and
information related to the intersection of these two areas. The conference
will address both the legal ramifications of new technology and how
technology advances the field of law. All papers submitted to this
conference will be peer reviewed by at least two members of the
International Program Committee. Acceptance will be based primarily on
originality and contribution.
The topics to be covered include, but are not limited to the following:
Privacy Law and Regulation
Privacy Law and Regulation
Government role vs. individual right to privacy
Anti-terrorism and Technology
European Union Data Protection Directive
Data Collection, Personal Records and Privacy
Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P)
Technologies of Privacy Invasion
Carnivore, Echelon, Cyber Crime Convention, CALEA
Security Technology
Intellectual Property Law
Patent Law
International IP Law
Madrid Protocol
Trademark Law
Global Trademark Protection
Domain Name Disputes
Digital Rights and Legislation
Digital Rights Management
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
Internet Law
Domain Names
Internet Monitoring
Web Bugs and Cookies
Linking and Framing
Outsourcing Agreements
Negotiating Application Service Provider Agreements (ASP)
International Cyberspace/Telecommunications Law
WIPO domain name dispute resolution
Advertising Regulations
Internet Taxation
Software Products and Law
Software Copyrights
Consumer Protection
Software Distribution
Software Licensing
Product Bundling
Software Quality
Software Liability
Software Economics
Antitrust Law and Software Companies
Electronic Commerce
Mobile Commerce (m-commerce)
Electronic Commerce (e-commerce)
Peer-to-Peer Technology (P2P)
International Business Transactions
Contracting in International Cyberspace
Technological Advancements and Law
Information Technology
Virtual Reality
Wireless Communications
Video Conferencing
Distance Education
Inductive Learning
Software Tools
Intelligent Software Agents
Data mining
Expert Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Knowledge Based Systems
Dr. Stephen Lesavich - McDonnell Boehen Hulbert & Berghoff, USA
M. Borella - Commworks, USA
P. Fawcett - Microsoft Corporation, USA
M. Grewal - Bowditch and Dewey, USA
J. Leonardi - Law Offices of Joseph Leonardi, USA
J. McHugh - CERT/CC(r) Carnegie Mellon University, USA
M.Arkfeld - US Courthouse, USA
L. Biukovic - University of British Columbia, Canada
K. Boehringer - Macquarie University, Australia
J. Breuker - University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
V. Chiappetta - Willamette University, USA
W.A. Coplin - Net Tech Inc., USA
G. Correa - Gait Lawyers and Consultants, Brazil
A. Daskalopulu - King's College London, UK
C. Davis - Davis & Co. (Solicitors) Limited, UK
M. Deturbide - Dalhousie University, Canada
S. Drakeford - IBM, Australia
J. Dumortier - Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
J. Edgell - Tite & Lewis, UK
B. Gall - Sherman & Howard LLC, USA
M. Gruen - Applied Legal Technologies Inc., USA
D. Johnston - Russel McVeagh, New Zealand
B.J. Kaufman - Nova Southeastern University, USA
A. Kemp - Litigation Management Technologies, USA
J.P. Kesan - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
J. Klosek - Goodwin Proctor, USA
R. Kodner - MicroLaw, USA
P. Krakaur - Internet Legal Services, USA
K. Laff - The PLUS Group - LLC, USA
J. Lambrick - RMIT University, Australia
D. Lange - Duke University, USA
J. Lawson - Netlawtools Inc. USA
S. Levine - Resolution Works, USA
M. Lewis - Tite & Lewis, UK
S.K. Liang - Ella Cheong & G. Mirandah, Singapore
J. Lipton - Nottingham University, UK
I. Lloyd - University of Strathclyde, UK
N.-L. W. Loon - National University of Singapore, Singapore
G. Luchetta - Holland & Hart, USA
F. MacMillan - Birkbeck College, UK
J. Michalowicz - DuPont, USA
D. Miller - inData Corporation, USA
P.G. Molina - Georgetown University Law Center, USA
A. Muntjewerff - University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A. Murray - London School of Economics, UK
S. Newcomb - Clayton Utz, Australia
E. Nissan - University of Greenwich, UK
N. Oliver - DLA, UK
J. Osborn - Andersen Consulting, Australia
M. Pendleton - Murdoch University, Australia
A. Pizzoferrato - University of Bologna, Italy
D. Quentel - Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI), USA
J. Reichman - Duke University, USA
R.S. Rosenberg - University of British Columbia, Canada
D. Rowland - University of Wales - Aberystwyth, UK
G. Sartor - The Queen's University of Belfast, UK
S. Saxer - Pepperdine University, USA
E. Schweighofer - University of Vienna, Austria
F. Sloan - FRS Associates - LLC, USA
G.J. Socha, Jr. - Halleland Lewis Nilan Sipkins & Johnson, USA
S.H. Solomon - DOAR Communications Inc. USA
J.W. Speros - Compuserve, USA
M.J. Taeymans - Hogeschool Ghent, Belgium
J. Tredennick - Holland & Hart, USA
R. Weber - Wiederkehr Forster, Switzerland
D. Whelan - American Bar Association, USA
R. Widdison - University of Durham, UK
R.H. Wilkes - Black , Cassels & Graydon Llp, Canada
R. Woellner - University of Western Sydney, Australia
R. Xalabarder - University Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
P. Ytterberg - West Group Dep. C-70, USA
A. Zariski - Murdoch University, Australia
I. Zeitler - Freehills, Australia
J. Zeleznikow - Latrobe University, Australia
Submit your paper via email to secretariat(a)
Files larger than 2MB must be submitted to the FTP site at
(user name: actaftp; password: Journals1). If you submit a paper to our FTP
site, please send a notification e-mail with your complete contact
information and file name to secretariat(a) All submissions should
be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Postscript (.ps), or MS Word (.doc) format. The
ISLAT Secretariat must receive your paper by July 1, 2002. Do not send hard
copies of your paper.
Please provide four key words to indicate the subject area of your paper. One
of the key words must be taken from the list of topics provided under Scope.
Include a statement in your cover letter confirming that, if the paper is
accepted, one of the authors will attend the conference to present it.
Please designate a principal author and provide the full names,
affiliations, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses of
all authors.
Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent via e-mail on August 1,
2002. Registration payments and final manuscripts are due by September 1,
2002. Late registration fees or paper submissions will result in the papers
being excluded from the conference proceedings. Please send final
manuscripts via e-mail or FTP site using the same procedure as described
above. The formatting instructions for final manuscripts can be found on the
Web and must be strictly followed. The page limit for final papers is six
pages. The additional page charge is USD $70.00 per page.
Persons wishing to organize a special session or panel discussion should
submit a proposal to the ISLAT Secretariat by July 1, 2002. Proposals should
include a minimum of six papers, a session title, a list of the topics
covered, and qualifications of the session organizer(s). The name of the
session organizer will appear in the program and proceedings provided six
papers are presented. Special sessions proposals should be submitted via
email to the following email address: secretariat(a)
Proposals for half-day tutorials (three hours) should be submitted directly
to the Conference Chair, Dr. Stephen Lesavich, by July 1, 2002. Please send
proposals to the following email address: lesavich(a) A tutorial
proposal should clearly indicate the topic, background knowledge expected of
the participants, objectives, time allocations for the major course topics,
and the qualifications of the instructor(s).
Persons wishing to organize a panel discussion should submit a proposal
directly to the Conference Chair, Dr. Stephen Lesavich, by July 1, 2002.
Please send proposals to the following email address: lesavich(a)
Proposals should include the topic(s) to be covered; the importance of and
interest in those topics; and the name, qualifications and contact
information of each panel speaker.
For more information, or to be placed on our mailing list, please contact:
ISLAT Secretariat
#380, 4500 - 16th Avenue NW
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T3B 0M6
Tel: 403-288-1195
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---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Final Call for Papers: ICONIP'02-SEAL'02-FSK'02
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 21:40:09 +1000
From: hepu(a)
To: neumann(a)
[Apologies if you receive this announcement more than once.]
[We have so far received about 600 submissions, not including
about 30 special sessions currently being organized.
Due to numerous requests, especially from participants
to some major conferences held in May 2002, we are pleased
to revise the submission deadline as below.]
9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing
4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution And Learning
International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery
November 18 - 22, 2002, Orchid Country Club, Singapore
Home Page:
Mirror Page:
*** (NEW!) Submission Deadline: June 30, 2002 ***
Organized by:
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Sponsored by:
Asia-Pacific Neural Network Assembly
SEAL & FSKD Steering Committees
Singapore Neuroscience Association
In Co-Operation with:
IEEE Neural Network Society
International Neural Network Society
European Neural Network Society
Supported by:
Lee Foundation
Singapore Exhibition & Convention Bureau
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
ICONIP'02, SEAL'02, and FSKD'02 will be jointly held in Orchid Country
Club, Singapore from November 18 to 22, 2002. The conferences will not
only feature the most up-to-date research results in natural and arti-
ficial neural systems, evolutionary computation, fuzzy systems, and
knowledge discovery, but also promote cross-fertilization over these
exciting and yet closely-related areas. Registration to any one of the
conferences will entitle a participant to the technical sessions and
the proceedings of all three conferences, as well as the conference
banquet, buffet lunches, and tours to two of the major attractions in
Singapore, i.e., Night Safari and Sentosa Resort Island. Many well-
known researchers will present keynote speeches, panel discussions,
invited lectures, and tutorials.
About Singapore
Located at one of the most important crossroads of the world,
Singapore is truly a place where East and West come together. Here you
will find Chinese, Indian, and Malay communities living together,
their long established cultures forming a unique backdrop to a clean
and modern garden city. English is spoken everywhere and is the common
business language of all. Few places on earth promise such a delight
for the palate, with gourmet cuisine from over 30 countries. Exotic
resorts in neighboring countries are only a short bus/ferry ride away.
Orchid Country Club (OCC)
The venue for this year's conferences is at one of Singapore's
premier country clubs, a 25-minute bus ride from the city. Away from
the hustle and bustle of downtown Singapore, the tranquil setting of
the resort is ideal for serious technical discussions with an
accommodating space and ambience for relaxation. Not to miss out on
the splendor of downtown Singapore, the organizer has also secured
good quality and affordable accommodation in the heart of the city
with pre-arranged transport to/from the OCC. For golf enthusiasts,
OCC is equipped with the largest computerized driving range in South
East Asia and boasts of a 27-hole golf course with facilities for
night golfing, ideal for relaxation after each day of technical
discussions. Visit the OCC website at
Night Safari and Sentosa Resort Island
It is said that a visit to Singapore is not complete without making
a trip to two of the Republic's famous attractions. The only one of
its kind in the world, the Night Safari provides a setting for
visitors to experience what it is like to observe animals in their
nocturnal habitat. The island of Sentosa offers some unique
attractions and a visit there will also provide a glimpse and
imagery of Singapore's past and present. Visits to these two
attractions will be included as recreation for the joint conference.
Topics of Interest
The joint conferences welcomes paper submissions from researchers,
practitioners, and students worldwide in but not limited to the
following areas.
ARTIFICIAL NEURAL MODELS - Learning algorithms, Neural modeling and
architectures, Neurodynamics
NATURAL NEURAL SYSTEMS - Neuroscience, Neurobiology, Neuro-
physiology, Brain imaging, Learning and memory
COGNITIVE SCIENCE - Perception, emotion, and cognition, Selective
attention, Vision and auditory models
HARDWARD IMPLEMENTATION - Artificial retina & cochlear chips
HYBRID SYSTEMS - Neuro-fuzzy systems, Evolutionary neural nets, etc
APPLICATIONS - Bioinformatics, Finance, Manufacturing, etc.
THEORY - Co-evolution, Coding methods, Collective behavior
METHODOLOGY - Evolution strategies, Genetic algorithms, Genetic
programming, Molecular and quantum computing, Evolvable
hardware, Multi-objective optimization, Ant colony, Artificial
EVOLUTIONARY LEARNING - Artificial life, Bayesian evolutionary
HYBRID SYSTEMS - Evolutionary neuro-fuzzy systems, Soft computing
APPLICATIONS - Scheduling, Operations research, Design, etc
THEORY AND FOUNDATIONS - Fuzzy theory and models, Uncertainty
management, Statistical & probabilistic data mining, Computing
with words, Rough sets, Intelligent agents
METHODS AND ALGORITHMS - Classification, Clustering, Information
retrieval & fusion, Data warehousing & OLAP, Fuzzy hardware,
Visualization, Decision trees, Data preprocessing
HYBRID SYSTEMS - Evolutionary neuro-fuzzy systems, Soft computing
APPLICATIONS - Control, Optimization, Natural language processing,
Forecasting, Human-computer interaction, etc.
Special Sessions
The conferences will feature special sessions on specialized topics
to encourage in-depth discussions. To propose a special session,
please follow the instructions on the conference web page.
Sponsorship / Exhibition
The conferences will offer product vendors a sponsorship package
and/or an opportunity to interact with conference participants.
Product demonstration and exhibition can also be arranged. For more
information, please visit the conference web page.
Keynote Speakers
Shun-ichi Amari, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan
David Fogel, Natural Selection, Inc., USA
Mitsuo Kawato, ATR, Japan
Xin Yao, The University of Birmingham, UK
Lotfi A. Zadeh, University of California, USA
Panel Discussions:
"Future Challenges in Soft Computing: Theory? Cmputational Paradigms?
Organized by Jacek M. Zurada
"Oh sure, my method is connectionist too. Who said it's not?"
Organized by Asim Roy
The registration fee for regular participants before August 15, 2002
is S$680 (approximately US$370 as at February 6, 2002), which includes
the proceedings, lunches, banquet, and tours.
Submission of Papers
Authors are invited to submit electronic files (postscript, pdf or
Word format) through the conference home page. Papers should be
double-column and use 10 pt Times Roman or similar fonts. The final
version of a paper should not exceed 5 pages in length. A selected
number of accepted papers will be expanded and revised for possible
inclusion in edited books and peer-reviewed journals, such as
"Soft Computing" and "Knowledge and Information Systems: An
International Journal" by Springer-Verlag.
Honorary Conference Chairs
Shun-ichi Amari, Japan
Hans-Paul Schwefel, Germany
Lotfi A. Zadeh, USA
International Advisory Board
Sung-Yang Bang, Korea
Meng Hwa Er, Singapore
David B. Fogel, USA
Toshio Fukuda, Japan
A. Galushkin, Russia
Tom Gedeon, Australia
Zhenya He, China
Mo Jamshidi, USA
Nikola Kasabov, New Zealand
Sun-Yuan Kung, USA
Tong Heng Lee, Singapore
Erkki Oja, Finland
Nikhil R. Pal, India
Enrique H. Ruspini,USA
Harcharan Singh, Singapore
Ah Chung Tsoi, Australia
Shiro Usui, Toyohashi, Japan
Lei Xu, China
Benjamin W. Wah, USA
Donald C. Wunsch II, USA
Xindong Wu, USA
Youshou Wu, China
Yixin Zhong, China
Jacek M. Zurada, USA
Alex C. Kot, Singapore
General Chair
Lipo Wang, Singapore
Program Co-Chairs
Kunihiko Fukushima, Japan
Soo-Young Lee, Korea
Jagath C. Rajapakse, Singapore
Takeshi Furuhashi, Japan
Jong-Hwan Kim, Korea
Kay Chen Tan, Singapore
Saman Halgamuge, Australia
Special Sessions:
Xin Yao, UK
Finance Chair
Charoensak Charayaphan, Singapore
Local Arrangement Chair
Meng Hiot Lim, Singapore
Proceedings Chair
Farook Sattar, Singapore
Publicity Co-Chairs
Hepu Deng, Australia
Chunru Wan, Singapore
Li Weigang, Brazil
Zili Zhang, Australia
Sponsorship/Exhibition Chair
Tong Seng Quah, Singapore
Tutorial Chair
P. N. Suganthan, Singapore
Support Team Leader
Sophia Kuo, Singapore
Conference Secretariat
FSKD'02-ICONIP'02-SEAL'02 Secretariat
Conference Management Center/CCE, NTU
Administration Annex Building #04-06
42 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639815
Phone: +65 6790 6372
Fax: +65 6793 0997
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