---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Call for submission RSEEM 2002 - reminder of deadline May 31
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 16:12:52 +0200
From: Uwe Leimstoll <uwe.leimstoll(a)fhbb.ch>
To: Gustaf.Neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
This is a reminder that submissions for RSEEM are expected until May 31.
Call for Submissions
Ninth Research Symposium on
Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM 2002)
21-23 September 2002, Basel, Switzerland
Focus Topics:
A Research Agenda for E-Markets
The Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM) is an annual
event destined to provide a forum for researchers to present and discuss
their current and ongoing work. In order to stimulate a lively discussion
the number of participants will be limited to approx. 30 people. In the
past, RSEEM has always attracted a small community of junior and senior
Suggested areas for submissions are (but should not be limited to):
- market mechanisms (portals, market players, ...)
- integration of product catalogues
- e-procurement (cases, solution providers, e.g. Ariba,
CommerceOne, ...)
- formats and standards (XML, BizTalk, ...)
- ERP buy-side integration
Important Dates
Submission of paper proposals (< 1000 words)
May 31, 2002
Notification of acceptance
July 1, 2002
Submission of full or work-in-progress papers
August 30, 2002
Research symposium
September 21-23, 2002
Orbit/Comdex Europe (optional)
September 24-27, 2002
Submission instructions
All paper submissions to RSEEM 2002 must be in English, and should
represent the original work of the authors.
The first submission (paper proposal, deadline May 31) should not exceed
1000 words (excluding references). Contact information of the
corresponding authors has to be included. Acceptance will be based on
relevance, originality, and suitability for discussion. Based on the
decision of the programme committee, submissions of full papers (based on
the RSEEM style sheet) are required before August 30. Papers accepted for
presentation will be included in the proceedings.
There are no rigid guidelines regarding paper size for the final research
papers. We ask you to submit between 4 and 12 pages.
Detailed submission instructions
Best regards
Stefan Klein
University of Muenster, Germany
All submissions and questions should be addressed to Uwe Leimstoll
University of Applied Sciences Basel (FHBB)
Institute for Business Economics (IAB)
Competence Center E-Business
Peter Merian-Str. 86
P.O. Box, 4002 Basel
Phone +41 61 279 1790
Fax +41 61 279 1798
>From: Auer Michael <m.auer(a)fh-kaernten.ac.at>
>To: icl(a)icl-workshop.org
>X-Sender: auer(a)
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.1
>Date: Sat, 25 May 2002 13:45:49 +0200
>Subject: ICL2002, 2nd Call for Papers
>Sender: owner-icl(a)icl-workshop.org
>ICL2002 Second Call for Papers <http://www.icl-workshop.org/>www.icl-workshop.org
>25.-27. September 2002, Villach/Austria
><mailto:Majordomo@icl-workshop.org%3Fbody=subscribe%20icl>Sign in to the ICL Mailinglist
>Scope of the workshop
>This interdisciplinary workshop aims to focus on the exchange of relevant trends and research results as well as the presentation of practical experiences gained while developing and testing elements of interactive computer aided learning. Therefore pilot projects, applications and products will also be welcome.
>This workshop will be organized by the Carinthia Tech Institute (School of Electronics), Villach/Austria in cooperation with:
> * <http://www.eden.bme.hu/>European Distance Education Network (EDEN)
> * <http://www.uni-klu.ac.at/groups/mk/weiteres/igip/index.htm>International Society for Engineering Education
> * <http://www.acm.org>Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) - Austrian Chapter
> * <http://www.irb.uni-hannover.de/%7Eaps/fg>GI/ITG-Fachgruppe APS+PC
> * <http://www.ocg.at>OCG - AK Multimedia und Telematik
> * <http://www.uibk.ac.at/index-en.html>University of Innsbruck, <http://www.uibk.ac.at/c/c4/c433/en/index.html>Institute of Organization and Learning
>Keynote speaker
><http://learning.media.mit.edu/group.html>David Cavallo, MIT Media Lab
>"The Future of Learning"
><http://www.to.utwente.nl/user/ism/kommers/personal.htm>Piet Kommers, University of Twente
>"Imagination and the Expression of Learning Experience"
>Marco Marsella, European Commission, DG Information Society
>"Technology Enhanced Learning in Europe: State and Future Reseach"
><http://www.cti.gr/engl_v/research/sectors/personnel_netsec.php3?id=485>Michael Paraskevas, Computer Technology Institute Patras
>"Policies for Content Filtering in Educational Networks"
>Topics of interest
> * Web based learning (WBL)
> * Computer based learning (CBL)
> * Computer aided language learning (CALL)
> * Telelearning / Teleteaching / Teletutoring
> * Life long learning
> * Education and Internet / Intranet
> * Tools for interactive learning and teaching
> * Authoring tools
> * Methods of content adaption
> * Standards and style-guides
> * Remote and virtual laboratories
> * Multimedia applications and virtual reality
> * Pedagogical and psychological issues
> * Evaluation and outcomes assessment
> * New learning models and applications
> * Cost-effectiveness in open and distance learning
> * Real world experiences
> * Pilot projects / Products / Applications
>Special track
>"School and IT" (in German)
>See the additional <http://www.icl-workshop.org/cfp_sc.htm>Call for Papers .
>Types of sessions
> * Paper sessions: 20 minutes presentation followed by a panel discussion.
> * Interactive demonstrations: 15 minutes demonstration (online demonstrations or lectures from a remote location are very welcome).
> * Poster sessions
> * We further contemplate a performance of a virtual session. If you would like to present your paper this way, please let us know.
>Other opportunities to participate:
> * Run a tutorial. Tutorials are about three hours long and do not require written papers. Proposals should clearly indicate the topic, background knowledge expected of the participants, objectives, and the qualifications of the instructor.
> * Organize a thematic session. Proposals should include a minimum of three papers, a session title, a list of the topics covered, and qualifications of the session organizer. The name of the session organizer will appear in the program and proceedings.
> * Exhibit at ICL2002 products and developments of telelearning technology.
>The proceedings will be published on CD in cooperation with the Kassel University Press
>(own ISBN number).
>Some authors will be invited to submit extended versions of their paper for publication in a special issue of the <http://www1.nks.no/eurodl/index.html>"European Journal of Open and Distance Learning" (EURODL) .
>Special issue editor: <mailto:udoru@unitbv.ro>Doru Ursutiu (University Brasov)
>Workshop chair
><mailto:M.Auer@ACM.org>M. Auer (Carinthia Tech Institute)
>Program committee
>P. Baumgartner (University of Innsbruck)
>C. Bouras (University of Patras)
>C. Cap (University of Rostock)
>T. Dietinger (TU Graz)
>S. Friedrich (TU Dresden)
>M. Hitz (University of Klagenfurt)
>A. James (University of Klagenfurt)
>B. Kerr (National University of Morocco)
>M. Kravcik (GMD St. Augustin)
>A. Melezinek (IGIP, University of Klagenfurt)
>A. Pester (Carinthia Tech Institute, Villach)
>R. Rizzo ( Italian National Research Council)
>M. Schanz (VDE, Frankfurt/Main)
>W. Scharl (Technikum Vienna)
>H. Schauer (University of Zurich)
>T. Schmidt (FHTW Berlin)
>A. Szucs (EDEN, TU Budapest)
>L. van Wyk (Potchefstroom University, South Africa)
>Special track chair
><mailto:Peter.Baumgartner@uibk.ac.at>P. Baumgartner (University of Innsbruck)
>Publications and tutorial chair
><mailto:U.Auer@cti.ac.at>U. Auer (Carinthia Tech Institute)
>Organizing committee chair
><mailto:info@icl-workshop.org>M. Wallner
>Conference language
>Submission of papers
>The abstracts should be submitted using the <http://www.icl-workshop.org/subm.htm>On-line Abstract Submission Form .
>If unable to submit the abstract electronically, please contact the Chair.
>Proposals for demonstrations, tutorials and the exhibition also may be submitted in a short form
>(email to: <mailto:M.Auer@ACM.org>M.Auer(a)ACM.org ).
>Important dates
>03 June 2002: Submission of abstracts
>10 June 2002: Proposals for tutorials, demos, exhibition
>24 June 2002: Notification of acceptance
>23 August 2002: Camera-ready due
>25-27 September 2002: Workshop ICL2002
>For more information contact
><mailto:%20info@icl-workshop.org>mailto: info(a)icl-workshop.org
>phone: +43-4242-90500-2115
>General information
>The workshop will be held at the <http://www.cti.ac.at>Carinthia Tech Institute in Villach. <http://www.tiscover.com/1Root/Kontinent/6/Staat/7/Bundesland/17/Ort/788/Hom…>Villach is located in the southern part of Austria near Italy and Slovenia and can easily be reached by aircraft (Klagenfurt, Ljubljana, Salzburg), by train (EC) and highway (Autobahn).
>The sponsors of the <http://www.icl-workshop.org/>ICL workshop:
><http://www.villach.at/>City of Villach
><http://www.advis.de/>adVIS GmbH, Dresden
><http://www.time4you.de/>time4you<http://www.time4you.de/> GmbH, Karlsruhe
><http://www.me2c.org/>[micro]electronic cluster
><http://www.infineon.com/austria>Infineon technologies
>Subject: Call for submission RSEEM 2002 - reminder of deadline May 31
>To: rseem2002(a)IAB.FHBB.CH
>Cc: Stefan Klein <klein(a)wi.uni-muenster.de>
>X-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 5.0.9a January 7, 2002
>From: Uwe Leimstoll <uwe.leimstoll(a)fhbb.ch>
>Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 12:32:18 +0200
>X-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on genius/fhbb/ch(Release 5.0.8 |June 18, 2001) at 23.05.2002
> 12:33:13
>This is a reminder that submissions for RSEEM are expected until May 31.
> Call for Submissions
> Ninth Research Symposium on
> Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM 2002)
> 21-23 September 2002, Basel, Switzerland
> Focus Topics:
> A Research Agenda for E-Markets
> and
> E-Procurement
> The Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM) is an annual
> event destined to provide a forum for researchers to present and discuss
> their current and ongoing work. In order to stimulate a lively discussion
> the number of participants will be limited to approx. 30 people. In the
> past, RSEEM has always attracted a small community of junior and senior
> researchers.
> Suggested areas for submissions are (but should not be limited to):
> - market mechanisms (portals, market players, ...)
> - integration of product catalogues
> - e-procurement (cases, solution providers, e.g. Ariba,
> CommerceOne, ...)
> - formats and standards (XML, BizTalk, ...)
> - ERP buy-side integration
> Important Dates
>| Submission of paper | May 31, 2002 |
>| proposals (< 1000 words) | |
>| Notification of acceptance | July 1, 2002 |
>| Submission of full or | August 30, |
>| work-in-progress papers | 2002 |
>| Research symposium | September |
>| | 21-23, 2002 |
>| Orbit/Comdex Europe | September |
>| (optional) | 24-27, 2002 |
> Submission instructions
> All paper submissions to RSEEM 2002 must be in English, and should
> represent the original work of the authors.
> The first submission (paper proposal, deadline May 31) should not exceed
> 1000 words (excluding references). Contact information of the
> corresponding authors has to be included. Acceptance will be based on
> relevance, originality, and suitability for discussion. Based on the
> decision of the programme committee, submissions of full papers (based on
> the RSEEM style sheet) are required before August 30. Papers accepted for
> presentation will be included in the proceedings.
> There are no rigid guidelines regarding paper size for the final research
> papers. We ask you to submit between 4 and 12 pages.
> Detailed submission instructions
> http://e-business.fhbb.ch/events/rseem.nsf/pages/cfp
> Best regards
> Stefan Klein
> University of Muenster, Germany
> ____________________________________
> Contact
> All submissions and questions should be addressed to Uwe Leimstoll
> (mailto:rseem@e-business.fhbb.ch)
> University of Applied Sciences Basel (FHBB)
> Institute for Business Economics (IAB)
> Competence Center E-Business
> Peter Merian-Str. 86
> P.O. Box, 4002 Basel
> Switzerland
> Phone +41 61 279 1790
> Fax +41 61 279 1798
> mailto:rseem@e-business.fhbb.ch
> http://e-business.fhbb.ch/
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: ISWC2002: 2nd call for participation (program, support)
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 20:19:12 +0200
From: Jerome.Euzenat(a)inrialpes.fr (Jerome Euzenat)
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
* apologies for multiple reception (this is expected to be the last posting)
Updated items are:
- program is available on site
- student support program from AAAI
- call for late breaking session now closed.
1st International Semantic Web Conference
June 9-12th, 2002
Baia Chia, Sardinia, Italia
supported in part by the OntoWeb network
in cooperation with the DARPA DAML Program
ISWC will be a major international forum at which research on all
aspects of the Semantic Web is presented. ISWC 2002 follows on from
the success of the first Semantic Web Working Symposium (SWWS), which
was held in Stanford in July, 2001. ISWC 2002 will take place on the
beautiful Mediteranian island of Sardinia, Italy, 9th-12th June,
2002, immediately preceding the OntoWeb workshop. It will begin by a
tutorial day on Sunday 9th.
Registration is now open for ISWC and related events, see the web page:
ISWC 2002 has gathered submissions related to all aspects of the
Semantic Web. Both technical and survey/overview papers were
solicited, as well as descriptions of working Semantic Web systems,
position statements and reports on work in progress. The selected
papers (list available on the web site) will make an exiting
technical program.
The detailled technical program is available on the site.
Four general interest and technical tutorials are available to attend
just before ISWC:
- Ontologies: Representation, Engineering, Learning and Applications
- Description Logics for Conceptual Design, Information Access, and
Ontology Integration: Research Trends
- Semantic web services
- Jena Tutorial
The Ontoweb workshop will take place immediately after ISWC. Ontoweb
features the RuleML workshop. Program and registration pages are
See: http://www.ontoweb.org/workshops/ontoweb3/
and http://tmitwww.tm.tue.nl/staff/gwagner/RuleML-BR-SW.html
Accomodation and registration are handled by Consulta Umbria
reachable from the web site http://iswc.semanticweb.org
Piazza Italia, 9
06121 Perugia (Italia)
Tel +39.0755720608
Fax +39.0755721913
You should contact, them for special requests.
Do not contact directly the hotel which cannot process registration
and booking.
Some support is available for student travel thanks to a grant from
AAAI. Applicants must be full time students at the time they attend
ISWC. Priority will be given to authors of accepted papers and
posters. The amount of the awards will depend on the number of
applications, but will be at least $500 each. Applications should be
made to the ISWC PC Chair iswc2002(a)cs.man.ac.uk as follows:
Name and affiliation:
Accepted paper (title):
Accepted poster (title):
General Chair
James Hendler
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742, USA
Program Chair
Ian Horrocks
Department of Computer Science
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL, ENGLAND UK
Organisation chair
Michele Missikoff
Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica - CNR
Viale Manzoni, 30
00185 Roma - Italy
Tutorial Chair
Asunción Gómez-Pérez
Late-breaking poster Chair
Raphael Malyankar
Local coordination
Nicoletta Dessí
Sponsor Chairs
Deborah McGuinness
Ying Ding
Metadata Chair
Steffen Staab
Finances and Web
Jérôme Euzenat
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Submission Deadline Extended - IKS 2002
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 19:04:56 -0600
From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" <Info(a)IASTED.com>
To: <Gustaf.Neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
Submissions Deadline Extended to June 15
Submit your papers online at:
WELCOME to the IKS2002, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands.
The International Information and Knowledge Sharing Conference 2002 (IKS2002)
will be held in November 2002, in the beautiful island of St. Thomas, in
the U.S. Virgin Islands. St. Thomas is the perfect spot to relax and discuss
about information and knowledge sharing issues. The IKS2002 Conference will
take place November 18-20, 2002, at the Marriott Frenchman Reef Hotel in
St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. Numerous activities will be offered such as
sailing, snorkeling, scuba diving, hiking in the National Park on St. John,
exploring undersea national park in a submarine, shopping and more. The IKS
2002 Conference will highlight advances in the research and development of
models and tools that integrate computation and telecommunication. It will
also focus on networking that facilitates the exchange, interoperability,
collaboration, management, retrieval, discovery, and sharing of information
and knowledge in a broad range of disciplines. Mark your calendars now
(November 18-20, 2002) and make plans to attend; more program information
and registration materials are available at
http://www.iasted.com/conferences/2002/vi/iks.htm Best Regards,
Marc Boumedine
IKS 2002
Conference Chair
Marc Boumedine
University of the Virgin Islands
Voice: (340) 693 1255
Fax: (340) 693 1245
E-mail: mboumed(a)uvi.edu
If you want to unsubscribe from the email list, please email to
unsubscribe(a)iasted.com, from your email account
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: USENIX Annual Tech: Register by May 17 and SAVE! (53545)
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 18:47:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: annual-tech-enotify(a)usenix.org
To: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Learn cutting-edge technologies from master practitioners at the
USENIX Annual Technical Conference and Tutorial Program, June 10 -
12, 2002 in Monterey, CA.
Register by May 17 and SAVE up to $400!
Practical and immediately useful, USENIX TUTORIALS offer an
opportunity for learning that you can't afford to miss. This year's
program offers innovative techniques in system administration,
networking, security, cryptography, BSD, Perl, Sendmail, Solaris,
UNIX, and Linux.
Select from 24 intensive tutorials taught by industry gurus including:
FreeBSD Kernerl Internels, taught by Kirk McKusick
Inside the Linux Kernel, taught by Ted Ts'o
*NEW* Building Secure Software, taught by Gary McGraw
*NEW* Linux and Unix Administration, taught by Trent Hein, Ned McClain
& Evi Nemeth
Advanced Solaris Administration, taught by James Mauro and Richard McDougall
Practical Wireless IP, taught by Phil Cox and Brad Johnson
*NEW* Building Honey Pots, taught by Marcus Ranum
*NEW* Cisco's Security Features, taught by John Stewart
In addition to our tutorial program, the Technical Conference
sessions offer you the opportunity to learn from a mix of systems
researchers and developers including:
Eric Allman, Sendmail, Inc.
Steve Bellovin, AT&T Labs - Research
Alan Davidson, Center for Democracy and Technology
Bruce Schneier, Counterpane Internet Security
And don't miss your chance to learn from the gurus of Open Source
computing at our celebrated FREENIX Track. Learn innovative
applications of freely redistributable systems, such as FreeBSD,
NetBSD, and Linux, as well as tools and software libraries which can
help you build, analyze, and improve your own software projects.
The USENIX Annual Technical Conference and Tutorial program will help
you to make more informed choices and better respond to the
challenges of the immediate future and beyond.
If there is only one conference to attend, make it USENIX Annual Tech 2002.
ACT NOW! Early registration ends May 17!
The 2002 USENIX Annual Technical Conference is sponsored
by USENIX, The Advanced Computing Systems Association.
If you do NOT want to receive email announcements from the
USENIX Association, please reply to this message, and you
will not receive future email notices.