Dear Colleagues,
for the third time, I-Know '03 - International Conference on Knowledge
Management - will be held in Graz next year. In 2002, over 200
participants came to our conference and we hope to be able to top this
number next year.
I would especially like to point you to a workshop that Dr. Andreas
Ausserhofer and myself will be organizing as part of I-Know '03:
"eLearning - Human Issues and Personalization". We invite contributions
from practitioners and researchers that deal with designing,
implementing, assessing and managing all sorts of educational measures
comprising applications of eLearning.
The deadline for a 4-page abstract will be 27 January 2003. The workshop
will be held on 02 July 2003. More information is available on the
Moreover, I would like to highlight that Graz will be the European
Cultural Capital in 2003 (, and we look forward to some
very special events!
I would be happy, if you were interested in participating. Please do
also forward this email to anyone else who might be interested.
Best regards and greetings from Graz,
Armin Ulbrich
----- Original Message -----
From: Heiner Stuckenschmidt
To: kaw(a) ; seweb-list(a) ; www-rdf-interest(a) ; ontoweb-list(a) ; ontology(a) ; www-rdf-logic(a)
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 12:37 PM
Subject: 1st Anouncement: IJCAI-03 Workshop on Ontologies and Distributed Systems
IJCAI-03 Workshop on Ontologies and Distributed Systems
August 9th, Acapulco Mexico
Important Dates and Deadlines
Deadline for the submission of papers: Month day, year. March 7th, 2003
Notification of acceptance/rejection: March 21st, 2003
Deadline for the receipt of camera-ready papers: May 23rd, 2003.
The main purpose of this workshop is two-fold:
1. identify and discuss these new challenges as well as ways
towards solutions in terms of stable infrastructure, advanced
methods and professional tools.
2. discuss unconventional new ideas to cope with the new
challenges that arise in distributed and weakly structured
The workshop should be seen as an opportunity for comparing and
discussing traditional and new methods for capturing, describing
and using semantics descriptions of certain domains and to try to
bridge gaps between the two where-ever necessary.
Fundamental Issues
One part of the workshop will be devoted to fundamental issues of
ontological research.As such it will not be devoted to a specific
application area, but will rather address more fundamental
questions. The topics of interests include but are not limited to
the ones listed below:
- Ontology and Infrastructure
- Methods and Algorithms
- Tools and Systems
Advanced Issues
The second part of the workshop is devoted to less well explored
topics that have come into focus recently as a response to the
new problems we face when trying to use ontologies in a
heterogeneous distributed environments. These environments
include the use of ontologies in peer-to-peer and multi-agent
systems as well as the semantic web. A couple of additional
questions arise with respect to these environments. The topics of
interest include but are not limited to:
- Ontology Evolution
- Ontology Coordination
- Ontologies + Agent Systems
Beyond contributions to the mentioned topics we strongly
encourage work that tries to bridge the gap between traditional
methods and techniques of building, and using ontologies and new
approaches that have been developed in response of new
Organizing Committee
Fausto Giunchiglia
Department of Information and Communication Technology University of Trento
38050 Povo di Trento, ITALY
Asuncion Gomez-Perez
Facultad de Informatica Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Campus de Montegancedo, sn Boadilla del Monte, 28660, Spain
Adam Pease
1810 Embarcadero Rd, Palo Alto, CA, 94303, USA
Heiner Stuckenschmidt (Chair)
Artificial Intelligence Department, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam, NL
York Sure
Institut AIFB Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
Steven Willmott
Languages and Systems Department Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona, Spain
Tentative Program Committee
Troels Andreasen
Paolo Bouquet
Joost Breuker
Stephen Cranefield
Ian Dickinson
Rose Dieng
Jerome Euzenat
Martin Frank
Fausto Giunchiglia
Asuncion Gomez-Perez
Nicola Guarino
Siegfried Handschuh
Frank van Harmelen
Vipul Kashyap
Michel Klein
Alexander Maedche
Eduardo Mena
Natasha Noy
Dan O'Leary
Borys Omelayenko
Adam Pease
Alun Preece
Guus Schreiber
Luciano Serafini
Steffen Staab
Heiner Stuckenschmidt
Gerd Stumme
York Sure
Valentina Tamma
Ingo Timm
Ubbo Visser
Steve Willmot
----- Original Message -----
From: "Teresa Pereira" <tpereira(a)>
To: "Www-Rdf-Interest" <www-rdf-interest(a)>
Cc: "Www-Rdf-Interest-Request" <www-rdf-interest-request(a)>
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 11:21 AM
Subject: FW: Elpub2003 - CFP
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Teresa Pereira []
> Sent: quinta-feira, 12 de Dezembro de 2002 9:54
> To: Www-Rdf-Interest-Request
> Cc: Www-Rdf-Interest
> Subject: FW: Elpub2003 - CFP
> Dear all,
> Sely Costa, the Elpub2003 Programme Committee chair asked me to post
> Elpub2003 CFP in the DC mailing list. Please apologize for
> cross-posting.
> Best regards,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: programmelpub(a) []
> Sent: sexta-feira, 1 de Novembro de 2002 18:48
> To: programmelpub(a)
> Subject: Elpub2003 - CFP
> Call for Papers - ELPUB 2003
> PUBLISHING, to be held in Guimarães, Portugal, 25 - 28
> June 2003
> This 7th conference will be hosted by the Department of
> Information Systems at the University of Minho, in
> Guimarães, (Northern Portugal), a beautiful XII century
> city that recently became part of world's cultural
> heritage.
> The 7th ELPUB attempts to keep the tradition of the six
> previous international (annual) conferences on
> electronic publishing, held in the United Kingdom (1997
> and 2001), Hungary (1998), Sweden (1999), Russia
> (2000), and the Czech Republic (2002) which is to bring
> together researchers, lecturers, developers,
> industrials, businessmen, entrepreneurs, managers,
> users and all those interested on issues regarding
> electronic publishing in the most different contexts.
> These include human, cultural, economic, social,
> technological, legal, commercial and any other relevant
> aspect that such an exciting theme encompasses.
> Elpub 2003 offers a variety of new activities, such as
> workshops, tutorials, panel debates etc. So, the
> conference will bring about opportunities for
> attendants to participate in a number of activities,
> including:
> - The communication of papers specially prepared and
> selected (peer reviewed) for the conference;
> - Three prominent invited speakers who will be
> presenting their keynotes on the three first days of
> the conference programme;
> - Several workshops and tutorials that aim to provide
> opportunity for attendants to update themselves in
> topics of high interest within this community of
> experts;
> - Plenary sessions that aim to summarise the main ideas
> presented and discussed during the presentation of the
> conference papers;
> - Panel debates on selected topics
> - And at last but not least, the presentation of
> posters. The conference welcomes authors on the
> following topics:
> New publishing models
> New services for the Web
> Services and products for academics, executives,
> governors, media communicators, etc.
> The Semantic Web
> Multimedia and multimodal Web
> Web for the TV
> New services for disabled people
> Metadata use and interoperability
> The communication cycle of electronic scholarly
> publications: production, distribution, acquisition and
> use
> Infocracy / infoexclusion
> Copyright on the web
> Security, privacy and other issues regarding
> information availability on the web
> Digital preservation, reliability, quality, etc.
> Digital libraries for different communities of users
> Distance learning; Education and training
> Global collaboration through the information
> infrastructure internationally available
> The use of XML and its related technologies
> Development and use of XML applications
> Development and use of codification mechanisms,
> technologies and tools for the metadata encoding
> process :MHP, RDF, etc.
> Content search, analysis and retrieval on the Web;
> Interoperability and scalability of Web publishing
> applications
> Electronic publishing for mobile devices
> Development and use of technologies for security,
> preservation and quality assurance of information
> sources and information access channels
> Technologies for the global information infrastructure
> Technologies for the integration of recommendations,
> standards, and standards proposals.
> Technologies for the publication process in different
> contexts
> DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACTS: January 15thth, 2003
> Abstracts submission include:
> Title of the paper;
> Authors' names;
> Authors' affiliation;
> Authors' full address (including phones, fax and email);
> Extended abstract in English - sent by email, using:
> text only format; no formatting; double space between
> paragraphs; Font type/size Arial 12 or similar; 1.200-
> 1.500 words length.
> Keywords in English
> Abstracts should be sent to: programmelpub(a)
> The programme committee will send notification of
> acceptance of submitted papers by February 28th, 2003.
> The deadline for Full Papers will be April, 30th, 2003.
> Speakers will be given 20 minutes for their
> presentation, plus 10 minutes at most for discussion.
> All Full Papers will be published in the conference
> proceedings.
> Posters are due to be brought by their authors at the
> conference time and only their abstracts will be
> published in the conference proceedings.
> Host: University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal.
> General Chair: João Álvaro de Carvalho, University of
> Minho, Portugal jac(a)
> Programme Chair: Sely M. S. Costa, University of
> Brasilia, Brazil selmar(a)
> Programme Committee:
> Amaral, Luís, University of Minho, Portugal
> Berto, Rosa M. V. S. - Technology Research Institute,
> Brazil
> Bonn, Maria - University of Michigan, USA
> Bräscher, Marisa - Brazilian Institute of Science and
> Technology Information, Brazil
> Carvalho, Ana Amélia A. - University of Minho, Portugal
> Cetto, Ana Maria - National Autonomous University of
> Mexico, Mexico
> Chan, Leslie - University of Toronto at Scarborough,
> Canada
> Costa, Sely M. S. - University of Brasilia, Brazil
> Delgado, Jaime - University Pompeu Fabra, Spain
> Diocaretz, Myriam - International Institute of
> Infonomics, Netherlands
> Engelen, Jan - Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
> Fox, Edward - Virginia Tech, USA
> Guimarães, Nuno M. - University of Lisbon, Portugal
> Henriques, Pedro Rangel - University of Minho, Portugal
> Iyengar, Arun - IBM Research, USA
> Jezek, Karel - University of West Bohemia in Pilsen,
> Czech Republic
> Juhola, Helene - VTT Information Technology, Finland
> Linde, Peter - Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
> Moreira, Ana Cristina - University of Brasilia, Brazil
> Okerson, Ann - Yale University, USA
> Russell, Jane - National Autonomous University of
> Mexico, Mexico
> Schwänzel, Roland - University of Osnabrück, Germany
> Smith, John W. T. - University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
> Targino, Maria das Graças - University of Piauí, Brazil
> For additional information, please contact the
> Programme Committee: programmelpub(a)
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: UN WSIS-IRFD Conference
Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2002 15:42:39 -0600
From: "Neville S. Arachchige Don" <neville(a)>
To: WFIS-Universities14 <neville(a)>
World Forum on Information Society
Call for Papers
Sessions on Information Technology and Information Society
International Research Foundation for Development, Inc., is organizing a
series of events for the United Nations World Summit on Information Society
to be held in Geneva 2003. We are currently soliciting papers for the first
event-a virtual conference-prior to the preparatory meeting, which will be
held in February 2003 in Geneva, Switzerland. Actual conference will take
place in December 2003 in Geneva, Switzerland. Please visit the IRFD
website for information and registration.
Submit abstract now.
Please circulate this message.
World Forum Secretariat
International Research Foundation for Development, Inc.
2830 South Holly Street
Cambridge, MN 55008
Tel: 763-689-2963; Fax: 763-689-0560
E-mail: neville(a) or info(a)
Wissenschaftliche Expertise zwischen politischen Ansprüchen und öffentlicher
Einreichfrist: 28. Februar 2003
Rückmeldung: 28. März 2003
Konferenztermin: 26. Mai 2003
Dritte österr. TA-Konferenz, 26. Mai 2003, Wien
Privatsphäre - ein Sicherheitsrisiko?
Erneuerbare Energien - wirklich eine Zukunftsoption?
Embryonenforschung - ja oder nein oder doch lieber jein?
So unterschiedlich die Antworten der Politik auf Fragen dieser Art
ausfallen, der Weg zum Lösungsvorschlag ist meist derselbe: Man befragt
ExpertInnen - oder man versucht gar, die Entscheidung auf sie abzuschieben.
Die Folge ist eine Inflation von ExpertInnengremien, Gutachten und
Empfehlungen haben Hochkonjunktur.
Aller modernen Wissenschaftsskepsis zum Trotz ist wissenschaftliche
Expertise also nach wie vor erste Wahl in der Politik, wenn es um riskante
und kontroverse Entscheidungen geht - wobei im Einzelfall Uneinigkeit
darüber bestehen mag, was überhaupt als relevante Expertise gelten soll. Die
Politik greift auf ExpertInnenwissen in vielfältiger Form zurück, nicht
zuletzt auf die 'institutionalisierte Expertise' der TA. In welcher Form
auch immer - der rasante Bedeutungszuwachs wissenschaftlicher
Politikberatung wirft Fragen nach deren Funktion, Autorität und Legitimation
In der öffentlichen Debatte sind Expertisen nicht zuletzt aufgrund ihrer
Widersprüche und Unsicherheiten zum Politikum geworden. Zuweilen als
Gegenbewegung zu einer drohenden 'Expertokratie' interpretiert, haben sich
Partizipationsansprüche und -verfahren neben der klassischen Beratung durch
Fachleute etabliert. BürgerInnenforen, Konsensuskonferenzen oder
Planungszellen sind Methoden, um bei kontroversen Themen auch dem Wissen und
den Einschätzungen von 'NormalbürgerInnen' (als 'ExpertInnen für den
jeweiligen Lebenszusammenhang') Raum zu geben. Auch wenn sie sich in einigen
Fragen - z.B. bei der Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung - einen festen Platz
erobert haben: Der politische Stellenwert von partizipativen Verfahren ist
oft unklar, ihre Geltung im Durch- und Gegeneinander der Expertisen
unbestimmt. Mit der Etablierung partizipativer Verfahren sind die Fragen
nach politischer Bedeutung, kognitiver Autorität und Legitimation nicht
hinfällig geworden.
Konkurrierende Erwartungen in Öffentlichkeit und Politik, die Geltungskrise
von Expertisen und die Manifestation bzw. Anerkennung von Nichtwissen
erfordern von der wissenschaftlichen Politikberatung ein hohes Maß an
Selbstreflexion. Für die TA erwächst daraus die Notwendigkeit wie auch die
Chance, ihre Ziele und Zukunftsperspektiven im Spannungsfeld von
Demokratisierungsgeboten und Professionalisierungszwängen neu auszuloten.
Das stellt diese Problematik in den Mittelpunkt seiner Jahrestagung 2003.
Zur Diskussion stehen sowohl die politische Funktion, die öffentliche
Reflexion als auch das professionelle Selbstverständnis wissenschaftlicher
Politikberatung, nicht zuletzt der TA. Aus dem Beziehungsgeflecht von
Politik, Öffentlichkeit und Wissenschaft ergeben sich grundlegende Fragen:
Was bedeuten Nichtwissen, Dissens zwischen den ExpertInnen und eine oft
skeptische Öffentlichkeit für die Rationalität politischer Entscheidungen?
Welche Konsequenzen resultieren daraus für die Funktion und Bedeutung der
Welche Öffentlichkeit kann woran partizipieren? In welchen Kontexten spielen
Beteiligungsmodelle eine Rolle und welche neuen Konflikte ergeben sich
Welche Faktoren machen Wissen zur Expertise? Wie gestaltet sich das
Verhältnis zwischen wissenschaftlicher Expertise und nichtwissenschaftlichen
Unter welchen Bedingungen werden Expertisen politisch wirksam? Und welche
Konsequenzen hat die Nähe zur Politik für die Wissenschaft selbst, nicht
zuletzt im Bild der Öffentlichkeit?
Call for papers
Das lädt ein, problemorientierte Kurzfassungen von Vorträgen zum Thema der
Tagung in der Länge von etwa 400 Wörtern bis zum 28. Februar 2003 per e-mail
an: Alexander.Bogner(a) einzureichen.
Ein oder zwei Arbeitssitzungen werden sich auch mit aktuellen Themen der TA
beschäftigen, die nicht in den engeren Bereich des Tagungsthemas fallen.
Auch dazu können Kurzfassungen eingereicht werden, sofern sie über neue
Forschungsergebnisse berichten.
Robert Krimmer (robert.krimmer(a)
~ Projektassistent
~ Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien
Institut fuer Informationsverarbeitung und -wirtschaft
Abteilung Produktionsmanagement
Pappenheimgasse 35/5
A-1200 Wien, Austria
~ phone: +43 1 31336 5622, fax: +43 1 31336 90 5622
~ web:
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: CFP 'JEFF-CODES', Las Vegas, June 23-26, 2003
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 14:30:04 +0100 (MET)
From: Axel Korthaus <korthaus(a)>
To: Gustaf.Neumann(a)
[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this announcement]
The 2003 International Multiconference in Computer Science & Engineering
Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
June 23 - 26, 2003
"Using the J2EE Platform for Efficient Component-Oriented
Development of Enterprise Systems (JEFF-CODES)"
The International Multiconference in Computer Science & Computer
Engineering is a major annual international research event. The last
Multiconference attracted over 1,550 Computer Science and Engineering
researchers from 72 countries. It is anticipated that The 2003 Int'l
Multiconference will attract about 2000 participants. The 2003 event is
composed of 14 (planned) major conferences - attendees will have full
access to all 14 conferences' sessions & tracks.
"Using the J2EE Platform for Efficient Component-Oriented Development
of Enterprise Systems (JEFF-CODES)" will be a technical session of
PDPTA'03 (The 2003 Int'l Conference on Parallel & Distributed
Processing Techniques and Applications) and/or SERP'03 (The 2003 Int'l
Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice), which are
two of the 14 conferences that will be held simultaneously in the
Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on June 23-26, 2003.
You are invited to submit a draft paper of about 5 pages (see below for
submission information; further details can be found at the session web
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
The development of distributed, component-based enterprise application
systems is a very complex task. These systems have to fulfill highly
volatile requirements, and they have to adapt quickly to the ever-
changing demands of markets, users, and evolving technology. Emerging
middleware platforms and technologies such as the Java 2 Platform,
Enterprise Edition (J2EE) technologyprovide standardized APIs and
component models that allow a clear separation of concerns with respect
to the technical and the business requirements of such systems. Thus,
they are able to facilitate the implementation of scalable, portable,
distributed business applications significantly and allow the smooth
integration of legacy systems and existing components from different
suppliers. The J2EE platform has been very successful in this context
recently and is quickly being adopted by the middleware community on a
broad scale.
However, in distributed, scalable, multi-user enterprise application
environments such as, for example, e-business software systems,
performance and efficiency are vital success factors for user
acceptance. These determinants can be optimized on at least two levels:
the application development level on the one hand, and the technical
specification and application server implementation level on the other
hand. The Java programming language is traditionally known for its
shortcomings with respect to performance, which is also true for the
J2EE platform leveraging Java to the enterprise context. The focus of
this technical session will be to produce research results for the
improvement of efficiency and performance of J2EE-based software
applications on these two levels of abstraction.
Therefore, the technical session will concentrate on questions of how
to create applications that take maximum advantage of existing J2EE
technologies such as Enterprise JavaBeans, Servlets, Java Server Pages
etc. on the one hand, and, on the other hand, will work out potential
enhancements, refinements, and improvements of the existing J2EE
specification and the implementation of J2EE-compliant application
Optimizing efficiency and performance of applications based on the
current J2EE specification requires a good understanding of both the
available APIs and sound architectural principles of high-quality
multi-tier application design, respectively. Providing design patterns,
strategies, best practices, and recommendations for the design and
implementation of performance-optimized applications could be an
adequate means to achieve this goal.
Optimizing efficiency and performance on the technical level requires
an in-depth analysis of possibilities for refining and/or extending
the current J2EE specification and the examination of approaches to
application server tuning and speed-up.
The goal of this technical session is to bring together researchers,
engineers, and practitioners to discuss the technical and technology-
related aspects of optimizing the efficiency and per-formance of J2EE-
based applications. It serves to provide a forum for the exchange of
research ideas and results in that area.
The special topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Solutions to performance problems of J2EE-based applications
- Recommendations, strategies, and best practices for designing
efficient J2EE-based web-enabled enterprise applications
- Patterns of performance-optimized software architectures based
on J2EE
- Design patterns, strategies, and best practices for designing
efficient reusable enter-prise components
- Iterative and evolutionary development processes focused on
efficiency and performance
- Component composition and interaction strategies for
application acceleration
- J2EE-based frameworks and application server add-ons for
performance optimization (e.g., load-balancing services, re-
routers etc.)
- Efficient use of web services with J2EE
- Efficient integration of legacy systems with J2EE
- Enhancing and refining the J2EE architecture
- Discussion of performance-critical elements of the J2EE
specification (e.g., remote vs. local interfaces, CMP vs. BMP
- Efficient application server implementation and tuning (e.g.,
bean pooling, load balancing etc.)
You are invited to submit a PDF-version of a draft paper (about 5
pages - single space, font size of 10 to 12) to the session organizer
A. Korthaus (korthaus(a) by the due date. The
length of the Camera-Ready papers (if accepted) will be limited to 7
(IEEE style) pages. Papers must not have been previously published or
currently submitted for publication elsewhere. The first page of the
draft paper should include: title of the paper, name, affiliation,
postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, and fax number for
each author. The first page should also include the name of the author
who will be presenting the paper (if accepted) and a maximum of 5
Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and
soundness. Each paper will be refereed by two researchers in the
topical area. The Camera-Ready papers will be reviewed by one person.
The conference proceedings will be published by CSREA Press (ISBN) in
hardcopy. It will be a multivolume set. The proceedings will be
available at the conference. Some accepted papers will also be
considered for journal publication (soon after the conference). In
addition to the hardcopy, it is also planned to publish the papers on
a CD. All conference proceedings published by CSREA Press are
considered for inclusion in major database indexes that are designed
to provide easy access to the current literature of the sciences
(database examples: ISI Thomson Scientific, IEE INSPEC, ...).
Dr. Axel Korthaus Prof. Dr. Martin Schader
University of Mannheim University of Mannheim
Department of Information Systems Department of Information Systems
Schloss Schloss
D-68131 Mannheim, Germany D-68131 Mannheim, Germany
Tel.: +49 621 181 1641 Tel.: +49 621 181 1641
Fax: +49 621 181 1643 Fax: +49 621 181 1643
Email: korthaus(a) Email: mscha(a)
A number of university faculty members and their staff in cooperation
with the Monte Carlo Resort (Conference Division, Las Vegas ), will be
organizing the conference. The conference will be sponsored by World
Academy of Sciences and co-sponsored by Computer Science Research,
Education, & Applications Press (CSREA: USA Federal EIN # 58-2171953)
together with research centers, international associations,
international research groups, and developers of high-performance
machines and systems. The complete list of sponsors and co-sponsors
will be available at a later time. (Previous conferences' sponsors
included: CSREA, the National Supercomputing Center for Energy and the
Environment - DOE, The International Association for Mathematics and
Computers in Simulation, The International Technology Institute (ITI),
The Java High Performance Computing research group, World Scientific
and Engineering Society, Sundance Digital Signal Processing Inc., the
Computer Vision Research and Applications Tech., ...)
The conference will be held in the Monte Carlo Resort hotel Las Vegas,
Nevada, USA (with any overflows at other near-by hotels). The Monte
Carlo Resort is a mega hotel with excellent conference facilities and
over 3,000 rooms. The hotel is minutes from the Las Vegas airport with
24-hour shuttle service to and from the airport. This hotel has many
vacation and recreational attractions, including: waterfalls, casino,
spa, pools & kiddie pools, sunning decks, Easy River water ride, wave
pool with cascades, lighted tennis courts, health spa (with work-out
equipment, whirlpool, sauna, ...), arcade virtual reality game rooms,
nightly shows, snack bars, a number of restaurants, shopping area,
bars, ... Many of these attractions are open 24 hours a day and most
are suitable for families and children. The hotel is within walking
distance from most other Las Vegas attractions (major shopping areas,
recreational destinations, fine dining and night clubs, free street
shows,...). For the benefit of our international colleagues: the state
of Nevada neighbors with the states of California, Oregon, Idaho,
Utah, and Arizona. Las Vegas is only a few driving hours away from
other major cities, including: Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, ...
Feb. 17, 2003 (Monday): Draft papers (about 5 pages) due
March 21, 2003 (Friday): Notification of acceptance
April 22, 2003 (Tuesday): Camera-Ready papers & Prereg. due
June 23-26, 2003: All 14 Int'l Conferences
All accepted papers are expected to be presented at the conference.
Please address any correspondence concerning the "JEFF-CODES" technical
session, such as paper submissions, questions, suggestions etc., to the
session organizer:
Dr. Axel Korthaus
University of Mannheim
Department of Information Systems
D-68131 Mannheim, Germany
Tel.: +49 621 181 1641
Fax: +49 621 181 1643
Email: korthaus(a)
Please address any general correspondence regarding The 2003 Int'l
Multiconference in CS & CE to the general chair:
H. R. Arabnia, Ph.D.
Chair, The 2003 Int'l Multiconference in CS & CE
The University of Georgia
Department of Computer Science
415 Graduate Studies Research Center
Athens, Georgia 30602-7404, U.S.A.
Tel: (706) 542-3480
Fax: (706) 542-2966
Email: hra(a)
For latest news please visit the JEFF-CODES web site at
The general homepage of The 2003 International Multiconference in
Computer Science & Engineering can be found at
Dr. Axel Korthaus
Research Assistant
University of Mannheim
Department of Information Systems
D-68131 Mannheim, Germany
Tel.: +49 621 181 1641
Fax: +49 621 181 1643
Email: korthaus(a)
>From: zmiklos(a)
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>Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 16:13:34 +0100
>----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von dexa_wbc <dexa_wbc(a)> -----
> Datum: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 15:13:36 +0100
> Von: dexa_wbc <dexa_wbc(a)>
>Antwort an: dexa_wbc <dexa_wbc(a)>
> Betreff: WBC'03 - Web Based Collaboration
> An: lumini(a), S.Lyons(a), A.Macintosh(a),
>annamadda(a), henrique(a), madrias(a),
>maibaum(a), maioli(a),
>amg(a), marciano(a), marik(a),
>anmartin(a), tak0517(a), amathuria(a),
>matousek(a), chiyako(a),
>fpmaturana(a), maurino(a), may(a)informatik.uni-
>, dcm(a), johnmcauley(a),
>thomas.menzel(a), meo(a), Z.Miklos(a),
>vesna.milijic(a), mine(a),
>dmishra(a), miya(a), mnatwar(a), Carl.E.Moe(a),
>mkmukesh(a), monnoyer(a), j.morison(a),
>Mikolaj.Morzy(a), amoulton(a),
>antoinette.moussalli(a), P.Mulholland(a),
>nadamoto(a), Ludwig.Nastansky(a), neumann(a)iw.uni-
>, marco.neumann(a), awkng(a)
> ** Apologies if you receive multiple copies **
> C A L L F O R P A P E R S
> Third International Workshop
> on
> Web Based Collaboration
> WBC'03
> September 1 - 5, 2003
> Prague (Czech Republic)
> In conjunction with the
> 14th International Conference on
> Database and Expert System Applications
> DEXA'03
>In the last few years, the applicability and functionality of systems for
>collaboration support has expanded, leading to their growing application in
>organizational, communication, and cooperation processes. This provides
>opportunities to study their technical, business and social impacts.
>Usually an integration of incoming technology with existing organizational
>practices is very challenging. The knowledge gained from such experiences is
>a valuable resource for all those who plan to develop software tools to
>support team interaction.
>At the same time we observe a growing influence of World-Wide Web. WWW - by
>now the most popular service over the Internet - evolves rapidly, from a
>simple, read-only data storage system, as it was a few years ago, to
>nowadays universal, distributed platform for information exchange. New
>Web-based applications with freely distributed data, end-users, servers, and
>clients, operating worldwide, are central topics of many research
>activities. Recently the WWW has also been perceived as an attractive base
>for a distributed computer system supporting cooperative work, since the
>Internet is the most flexible network with the architecture that could
>support group activities to maximum extent.
>In parallel to the WWW evolution we observe a growing impact of new
>technologies: agent systems, mobile computing, workflow, and ubiquitous
>computing. We can expect that these technologies will also exert a large
>influence on group/organizational structures and processes.
>All the aforementioned emerging new technologies are exciting in their own
>right, but their technological and organizational integration to support
>collaboration raises many interesting questions and is a challenging, new
>research agenda.
>WBC'2003 is a continuation of the previous successful workshops on Web Based
>Collaboration, organized in September 2001 in Munich, Germany
>(, and recently, in September 2002 in
>Aix-en-Provence, France (
>WBC'2003 attempts to integrate two themes of practice and research: the
>functional, organizational, and behavioral issues and the modeling or
>implementation issues associated with collaborative Web based work. WBC'2003
>brings together practitioners and researchers from different domains working
>on design, development, management, and deployment of Web-based systems
>supporting teamwork within organizations.
>Papers are solicited on the enabling information technologies with an
>emphasis on their relation to collaboration.
>The relevant topics may include the following (but not limited to):
>- Collaborative Systems: strategies of human cooperation over the Web,
>computer platforms and architectures in support of remote cooperation,
>mediators, wrappers, design and implementation issues of collaborative
>- Agent Technologies: agents supporting cooperation, agents for finding,
>collecting and collating data on the Web, brokering agents;
>- Interoperability Infrastructures: compositional software architectures in
>support of collaboration, combining distributed object management platforms
>with Web and Java for cooperative applications, middleware infrastructures,
>describing metadata on the Web, providing semantic interoperability through
>metadata, emerging interoperability standards;
>- Dataweb Technology and Database Infrastructure for collaboration: Web
>access to databases including Java Database Connectivity, database Web
>servers, Web interfaces to databases, database Web applications;
>- Workflow Systems: workflow architectures in support of collaboration
>processes, modeling of cooperation processes, truly distributed enactment
>services and interoperability of workflow engines, dynamic modification of
>running workflows;
>- Electronic Business: establishment of contacts, suppliers search and
>negotiation, contract negotiations, Business-to-Business and
>Business-to-Employee cooperation support, establishment and coordination of
>virtual enterprises, shared business processes.
>Paper Submission Deadline: February 28, 2003
>Notification of Acceptance: April 1, 2003
>Camera-ready Copy Due: May 1, 2003
>Authors are invited to submit original research contributions or
>experience reports in English. Papers should be double-spaced and no
>longer than 5000 words.
>Authors are strongly encouraged to submit papers via email as a
>PostScript, PDF or MS-Word file at:
>Detailed formatting instructions from IEEE can be found at:
>Alternatively, four hard-copies may be sent to:
>Prof. Waldemar Wieczerzycki
>Department of Information Technology
>The Poznan University of Economics
>Mansfelda 4
>60-854 Poznan
>phone: (48)(61) 848.05.49
>fax: (48)(61) 848.38.40
>e-mail: wiecz(a)
>Independently of the way of submission, Authors are requested to send
>a separate e-mail containing the following information: title, name
>of author(s), postal and electronic mail addresses, telephone number,
>fax number, 4-5 keywords and 100-word abstract.
>All accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society.
>Waldemar Wieczerzycki, The Poznan University of Economics, Poznan, Poland
>Jarogniew Rykowski, The Poznan University of Economics, Poznan, Poland
>Hamideh Afsarmanesh, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
>Prasun Dewan, The University of North Carolina, USA
>Opher Etzion, IBM Research Laboratory in Haifa, Israel
>Andreas Henrich, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Germany
>Genevieve Jomier, Paris-Dauphine University, Paris, France
>Winfried Lamersdorf, University of Hamburg, Germany
>Wang-Chien Lee, Penn State University, USA
>Ioana Manolescu, INRIA, France
>Maria E. Orlowska, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
>Miguel Mira da Silva, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
>Tatjana Welzer, University of Maribor, Slovenia
>Jianliang Xu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
>----- Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht -----
>Elena mailing list
Von: Verena Brezina []
Betreff: EGOV03, Prague, Sept. 2003
Dear Sirs,
attached you will find the Call for Papers EGOV03 - SECOND EGOV CONFERENCE
Prague, Czech Republic
September 1-5, 2003
Best regards,
Verena Brezina
More information on the Conference EGOV under
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [RE03] 2nd CFP 11th IEEE Int. Requirements Engineering Conf.
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2002 11:32:45 +0100
From: Roel Wieringa <roelw(a)>
To: re03list(a)
Cc: roelw <roelw(a)>
We made every effort to remove duplicates from this mailing list.
We apologize for any multiple postings that may have remained.
11th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'03)
8th-12th September 2003, Monterey Bay, California U.S.A.
Sponsored by TCSE - IEEE Computer Society
In cooperation with ACM Sigsoft - ACM
Requirements Engineering (RE) is the branch of systems engineering
concerned with managing desired properties and constraints of
software-intensive systems and with goals to be achieved in the
environment. It is concerned with these aspects from the problem
analysis stage to the implementation and maintenance stages of a
system. Additional variety is added because of differences in issues
that arise in different domains, ranging from public administration
software to workflow systems, groupware and embedded systems and
control software.
RE 03 will contain technical paper tracks and an industry
presentation track. Two kinds of technical papers can be submitted,
research papers and experience papers.
* Research papers must present an original research result in a clear
way. They must indicate the research method used as well as the
significance of the contribution to the field. Examples of research
methods used are case study research, empirical research,
experimental research and analytical research.
* Experience papers must present a significant experience in a clear
way. They must indicate the lessons learned from the
experience. Examples of experience papers are a success or failure
report about the transfer of known research results to industrial
practice, and a report about an industrial experience that is
generalizable to other contexts.
In addition to the technical papers, there will be industry
presentations. See the submission page at for more
on industry track submissions.
Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:
* Requirements elicitation techniques
* Requirements validation techniques
* Requirements management and traceability
* Requirements evolution
* Requirements, software architecture and business architecture
* Requirements prioritizing and negotiation
* Combination of formal and informal specification techniques
* Requirements for high-assurance systems
* Making formal techniques usable
* RE for mechatronics systems
* Specification of quality attributes
* Requirements metrics
* Tool support for RE
* Prototyping, animation and execution of requirements
* Requirements for business systems (workflow, groupware, e-commerce
* Requirements for web-based systems
* Requirements for ubiquitous computing
* Requirements for product families
* Requirements engineering case studies and experiences
* Cognitive, social and cultural factors in RE
* Requirements engineering education
Electronic submissions will be accepted at the RE'03 Paper submission
site. Authors without web access must make advance arrangements with
the Programme Chair at least one week before the deadline. Papers must
not exceed 10 pages in length, and must in the IEEE CS Press
Proceedings format (see Accepted papers
must be accompanied by a signed IEEE copyright release form. See the
submission page for information on how to submit technical papers
(research and experience), workshop proposals, panel and tutorial
proposals, doctoral workshop papers, posters, research demos and
industry track contributions. For any other queries, please contact
info(a) Revised and extended versions of a selection of the
best papers will appear, depending upon focus, in a special issue of
the Requirements Engineering Journal or IEEE Software.
Research papers will be evaluated on their originality, significance,
technical soundness of result, soundness of research method and
clarity of presentation. Special attention will be paid to the
validation of the results. Experience papers will be evaluated on the
novelty of the contribution, significance for practice, technical
soundness, and clarity of presentation. Special attention will be paid
to the (positive or negative) lessons learned.
For more information about RE03, please contact us at info(a)
Paper abstract submissions (mandatory) 31st January 2003
Full paper submissions 7th February 2003
Industry track submissions 1st March 2003
Notification sent to authors 11th April 2003
Workshop proposal submissions 29th March 2003
Tutorial proposal submissions 29th March 2003
Doctoral symposium submissions 29th March 2003
Poster submissions 26th April 2003
Research demo submissions 26th April 2003
Camera-ready papers received 13th June 2003
STEERING COMMITTEE CHAIR: Nancy Mead, Software Engineering
Institute, U.S.A.
GENERAL CHAIR: Carl K. Chang, Iowa State University, U.S.A.
PROGRAM CHAIR: Roel Wieringa, University of Twente, the Netherlands
DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM CHAIR: Mats Heimdahl, University of Minnesota,
POSTERS AND RESEARCH DEMO CHAIR: Didar Zowghi, University of
Technology, Australia
WORKSHOP CHAIR: Betty Cheng, Michigan State University, U.S.A.
TUTORIAL CHAIR: Stuart Faulk, Portland State University, U.S.A.
INDUSTRIAL TRACK CHAIR: Nader Kameli, Guidant, U.S.A.
Laboratories, U.S.A.
Roy Chardon, Cisco Systems, U.S.A.
Merlin Dorfman, Cisco Systems, U.S.A.
Brian Lawrence, Coyote Valley Software, U.S.A.
Gregory Scott, Cisco Systems, U.S.A.
Weider D. Yu, San Jose State University, U.S.A.
PUBLICATION CHAIR: Klaas Sikkel, University of Twente, the
TREASURER: Johnny Wong, Iowa State University, U.S.A.
REGISTRATION CHAIR: Jane Cleland-Huang, Depaul University, U.S.A.
Asia and Pacific Rim: Mikio Aoyama, Nanzan University, Japan
Europe: Michael Goedicke, University of Essen, Germany
North America and the Middle East: Daniel Berry, University of Waterloo,
South America: Karin Breitman, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil
WEBMASTER: Jinchun Xia, Iowa State University, U.S.A.
Annie Antón, U.S.A.
Joanne Atlee, Canada
Dan Berry, Canada
Sjaak Brinkkemper, Netherlands
Betty Cheng, U.S.A
Al Davis, U.S.A.
Eric Dubois, Luxembourg
Steve Easterbrook, Canada
Christof Ebert, France
Steve Fickas, U.S.A.
Anthony Finkelstein, U.K.
Don Gause, U.S.A.
Carlo Ghezzi, Italy
Martin Glinz, Switzerland
Michael Goedicke, Germany
Sol Greenspan, U.S.A.
Anthony Hall, U.K.
Mats Heimdahl, U.S.A.
Constance Heitmeyer, U.S.A.
Peter In, U.S.A.
Michael Jackson, U.K.
Mathias Jarke, Germany
Marina Jirotka, U.K.
Nader Kameli, U.S.A.
Søren Lauesen, Denmark
Julio Leite, Brazil
Michel Lemoine, France
Pericles Loucopoulos, U.K.
Robyn Lutz, U.S.A.
Neil Maiden, U.K.,
John Mylopoulos, Canada
Bashar Nuseibeh, U.K.
Andreas Opdahl, Norway
Oscar Pastor, Spain
Klaus Pohl, Germany
Colin Potts, U.S.A.
Bjorn Regnell, Sweden
Bill Robinson, U.S.A.
Colette Rolland, France
Kevin Ryan, Ireland
Motoshi Saeki, Japan
Andy Schuerr, Germany
Jawed Siddiqi, U.K.
Arne Sølvberg, Norway
Ian Sommerville, U.K.
Alistair Sutcliffe, U.K.
Tetsuo Tamai, Japan
Eric Yu, Canada
Axel van Lamsweerde, Belgium
Didar Zowghi, Australia
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: SITE 2003--Final Call (Albuquerque, New Mexico): Due Dec. 6th
Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2002 20:45:10 -0500
From: AACE Announcements <announce(a)AACE.ORG>
Registration Form & Sessions Schedule Online Dec. 10th:
Keynote/Invited Speakers preview:
>> Final Call for Participation Deadline: Dec. 6th <<
SITE 2003
Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education
International Conference
March 24-29, 2003 * Albuquerque, New Mexico
Albuquerque Convention Center
Organized by
Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE)
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
SITE 2003 is the 14th annual conference of the Society for Information
Technology and Teacher Education. This society represents individual
teacher educators and affiliated organizations of teacher educators in all
disciplines, who are interested in the creation and dissemination of
knowledge about the use of information technology in teacher education and
faculty/staff development. SITE is a society of AACE.
SITE is the premiere international conference in this field and annually
attracts more than
1,000 leaders from over 50 countries. You are invited to participate in
this international forum which offers numerous opportunities to explore the
research, development, and applications
in technology and teacher education.
This Final Call for Participation is offered for those who were:
- unable to meet the first deadline for submissions (Oct. 22), or
- were not ready to present a finished paper or project, or
- have a work-in-progress topic to present, and
- do not yet have a proposal accepted for presentation.
All presentation proposals are peer-reviewed and selected by three
reviewers on the respected Program Committee for inclusion in the
conference program, Proceedings (book and CD-ROM formats) and
SITE/AACE Digital Library.
We invite you to attend the SITE Conference and submit proposals for:
> Brief Papers
> Interactive Sessions
> Roundtables
> Posters/Demonstrations
> Corporate Demonstrations & Showcases
These Final Call presentation categories have been quite popular in the
past for the efficient exchange of information about on-going research,
applications and projects.
Available to Print & Distribute (PDF to print; 200kb)
The Conference invites proposals from the introductory through advanced level
on all topics related to:
(1) the use of information technology in teacher education, and
(2) instruction about information technology in
* Preservice
* Inservice
* Graduate Teacher Education
* Faculty & Staff Development
Proposals which address the theory, research and applications as well as
describe innovative projects are encouraged.
> General Topics
> Content Area Topics
> PT3: Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers for Technology
PT3 sessions will enable presenters to demonstrate and discuss research,
development and applications in progress, to gain feedback and to establish
connections with those engaged in similar activities.
Final Call for Presentations:
Presentation Categories:
Keynote/Invited Speakers:
Submission Guidelines and Form:
Presentation and AV Guidelines:
Corporate Showcases & Demonstrations:
ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO: The Land of Enchantment!
Final Call Submissions: Dec. 6, 2002
Final Call Authors Notified: Dec. 15, 2002
Proceedings File Due: Jan. 10, 2003
Early Registration: Feb. 13, 2003
Hotel Reservation: Mar. 2, 2003
Conference: Mar. 24-29, 2003
If you have a question about this conference, please send an e-mail to AACE
Conference Services, conf(a)
Mailing address:
SITE/AACE, P.O. Box 3728, Norfolk, VA 23514 USA
Phone: 757-623-7588
To Unsubscribe from this listserv, send "unsubscribe eductech"
to listserv(a); to Subscribe, send "subscribe eductech
your_name" to the same address.