Forwarded message from [isrobert(a)IS.CITYU.EDU.HK (Robert Davison)] sent originally on Fri, 29 Oct 1999 18:31:52 +0800:
: This is a call for papers for the Globalisation and Culture track of the 8th
: European Conference on Information Systems.
: Track Description:
: Information and Communication Technologies are widely considered to be
: enablers of globalisation processes, that is processes which cut across
: national boundaries, integrating and connecting communities in new
: space-time combinations, and making the world in reality and in experience
: more interconnected. Globalisation processes involve increasingly more free
: trade and flow of finance, labour and commodities among countries;
: increasing significance of multinational corporations and cultural flows of
: signs, meanings and identities.
: This track is intended to explore the way information and communication
: technologies are involved in the complex globalisation process. There are
: both theoretical and practical issues that need to be addressed. What role
: will information technologies play in the globalisation trends?
: Globalisation is not a homogeneous process. Local culture mediates the
: globalisation processes. The role of information and communication
: technologies in such a complex process, where the local is intertwined with
: the global and cultural aspects are combined with technical rationality are
: not well understood.
: What kind of information systems are deployed to support organisations in
: the emerging new 'global' economy, and what approaches are appropriate for
: their development? The research and practice of information systems often
: assume that 'best practice' in the application of new technologies is
: transferable across organisational and national boundaries. Moreover,
: information and communication technology is expected to lead organisations
: to adopt new and more effective structires and practices according to
: 'global' standards. Yet, research which examined the use of information
: technologies in specific contexts has shown that organisational actors are
: not restricted to following the formally determined ways of acting that are
: inscribed in information technology systems, but they improvise in ways
: which are meaningful in their context.
: Submission Deadline: November 15th.
: Submission Details: see
: For further details on the track and its organisers, see:
: Robert Davison, Dept of Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong
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: If you do not find the answer contact gabe(a)
: ÿÿEnd of ISWorld List Footer ÿÿ
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [rchi(a)CSULB.EDU (robert chi)] sent originally on Thu, 28 Oct 1999 11:39:49 +0100:
: Journal of Electronic Commerce Research is a refereed quarterly
: publication with the focus on Electronic Commerce applications and
: theories. Please visit our web site for
: submission guidelines.
: JECR is also looking for reviewers in Electronic Commerce related areas.
: Please sign in at
: and choose "reviewer's list"
: Robert Chi, editor in chief
: Information Systems Department
: California State University-Long Beach
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [songiy(a)DREXEL.EDU (Il-Yeol Song)] sent originally on Wed, 27 Oct 1999 18:05:19 -0400:
: We apologize if you receive multiple times.
: ===================================================================
: CALL FOR Attendance
: DOLAP '99 Final Program
: ACM Second International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP
: November. 6, 1999
: Kansas City, MO
: In conjunction with ACM CIKM '99:
: Eight International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
: ===========================================================================
: ________________________________________________________
: 9:00-9:10 Opening
: Toby J. Teorey, Univ. of Michigan
: ________________________________________________________
: 9:10-10:00 Keynote Speech
: Nick Roussopoulos, Univ. of Maryland
: Data Warehousing: Don't tell me how fast your queries are.
: Tell me how fast your updates are.
: Several data warehouse products can do fast queries. Data clustering,
: bitmap indexes, and summary tables are tools providing reasonable query
: performance. However, the real issue is the speed of updates.
: How fast can they be? Can these tools handle updates at bulk rates?
: In this talk I will examine issues, requirements, and techniques for fast and
: bulk incremental updates. I will then describe the Cubetree Data Warehouse
: project at the University of Maryland, the research issues we focused, the
: Cubetree Storage Organization, the implemented system, and its benchmarked
: update rates in excess of 30GB per hour.
: Biography of Professor Roussopoulos
: Dr. Nick Roussopoulos is a Professor of the Computer Science Department and
: the Institute of Advanced Computer Studies at the University of Maryland.
: He is the head of the database systems group at the University of Maryland in
: College Park. He served on an Academy of Sciences subcommittee,
: the Space Science Board Committee on Data Management and Computation,
: (CODMAC), from 1985 until 1988. He was the General Chairman of the ACM
: International Conference on Data Management 1986. He was an elected trustee of
: the VLDB Endowment from 1990-1996. In 1997, he received the 10-year award for
: the most influential paper on Very Large Databases in 1987 for spatial search.
: And in 1999, the best paper award for the work on data warehousing. He is a
: member of the editorial board of the International Journals on Information
: Systems, Decision Support Systems, and Intelligent Cooperative Information
: Systems (IJICIS).
: 10:00-10:15 Break
: ________________________________________________________
: 10:15-12:00 Session 1: Data Warehousing Design
: Session Chair: Il-Yeol Song, Drexel University
: starER: A conceptual Model for Data Warehouse Design
: Nectaria Tryfona, Frank Busborg, and Jens G. Borch Christiansen
: Event-Entry-Relationship Modeling in Data Warehouse Environments
: Lars Bækgaard
: Deriving Initial Data Warehouse Structures from the Conceptual Data Model
: of
: the Underlying Operational Information Systems
: Dipl.-Wirtsch.Inf.Michael Bohnlein and Dipl-Inf Achim Uldrich-von Ende
: Dealing with Slow -evolving Fact; A Case Study on Inventory Data Warehousing
: Chung-Min Chen , Munir cochinwala and Elsa Yueh
: 12:00-1:30 Lunch
: ________________________________________________________________
: 1:30-2:15 Panel: Future Directions in Data Warehousing and OLAP
: Panel Chair: Erik Thomsen, Dimensional Systems
: ________________________________________________________________
: 2:15-2:30 break
: ________________________________________________________________
: 2:30-3:30: Session 2 - 2 Parallel Sessions
: ________________________________________________________________
: ________________________________________________________________
: 2:30-3:30 Session 2-A: Materialized Views
: Session Chair: Toby J. Teorey, University of Michigan
: The MRE Wrapper Approach : Enabling Incremental View Maintenance of Data
: Warehouses Defined ON Multi-Relation Information Sources
: Lingli Ding, Xin Zhang and Elke A. Rundensteiner
: Progressive View Materialization Algorithm
: Hidetoshi Uchiyama, Kanda Runapongsa and Toby J. Teorey
: Design and Selection of Materialized Views in a Data Warehousing
: Environment:
: A case study
: Gorettiv K.Y Chan, Qing Li and Ling Feng
: ________________________________________________________________
: 2:30-3:30 Session 2-B: OLAP
: Session Chair: Nick Roussopoulos, University of Maryland
: Detecting Patterns and OLAP operations in the GOLD model
: Juan Trujillo, Manuel Palomar and Jaime Gomez
: Characterization of Hierarchies and Some Operators in OLAP environment
: M. Rafanelli and E. Pourabbass
: Updating OLAP Dimensions
: Carlos A. Hurtado, Alberto Mendelzon and Alejandro A. Vaisman
: 3:30-3:45 break
: ________________________________________________
: 3:45-4:45: Session 3 - 2 Parallel Sessions
: ________________________________________________
: ___________________________________________________________________
: 3:45-4:45 Session 3-A: Multidimensional Databases and Aggregation
: Session Chair: Steven Tolkin, Fidelity Investments
: Dynamic Load Balancing Strategy for Parallel Datacube Computation
: Seigo Muto and Mararu Kitsuregawa
: Accessing Data Cubes along Complex dimensions
: Yuping Yang and Mukesh Singhal
: Aggregation Everywhere: Data Reduction and Transformation in the Phoenix
: Data
: Warehouse
: Steven Tolkin
: ____________________________________________________________
: 3:45-4:45 Session 5: Queries in Data Warehouses
: Session Chair: Lars Baekgaard, the Aarhus School of Business
: Query Driven Knowledge discovery in multidimensional data
: Jean-Francois Boulicaut, Patrick Marcel and Christophe Rigotti
: A cache Filtering Optimization for Queries to Massive Datasets on Tertiary
: Storage
: Koen Holtman, Peter van der Stok and Ian Willers
: ________________________________________________________________
: The end of DOLAP99
: For more information:
: --------------------------------------------------------
: Il-Yeol Song, Ph.D.
: Associate Professor
: College of Information Science and Technology
: Drexel University
: Philadelphia, PA 19104
: Phone: (215) 895-2489 Fax: (215) 895-2494
: Email: song(a)
: Home Page:
: ---------------------------------------------------------
: ===== Start of ISWorld List Footer =====
: Moving? Want to subscribe/unsubscribe? Find an old posting?
: See:
: If you do not find the answer contact gabe(a)
: ===== End of ISWorld List Footer =====
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [volker(a)] sent originally on Thu, 28 Oct 1999 09:08:53 +0200 (MET DST):
: A Special Issue of the Journal Cybernetics & Human Knowing, Vol. 6, No. 3,
: 1999 (
: GUEST-EDITORS: Darek M. Eriksson & Volker Wulf
: Christiane Floyd:
: Software Development Process: Some Reflections on its Cultural, Political
: and Ethical Aspects from a Constructivist Epistemology Point of View
: Katharina Just-Hahn and Thomas Herrmann:
: Step-by-Step: A method to support self-organised co-ordination within
: workflow management systems
: Michael Paetau:
: Can Virtual Enterprises build up an own Identity?
: Volker Wulf:
: Evolving Cooperation when Introducing Groupware: A Self-Organization
: Perspective
: Kurt Dauer Keller:
: Sociotechnics and the structuring of meaning: Beyond the idea of
: autopoietic social systems
: This special issue of Cybernetics & Human Knowing presents a selection of
: revised papers delivered at the workshop "Groupware for Self-Organizing
: Units" on the Fifth European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative
: Work (ECSCW'95). The theme in focus is the intersection of Self-Organizing
: Social Systems and Computer Supported Cooperative Work (SOSS & CSCW).
: SOSS is a particular conception of the social phenomena driven by the more
: recent developments in experimental epistemology, often associated with
: constructivism and the biological theory of living called autopoiesis.
: Their argument on the nature of human reality has shown an increasing
: impact on the understanding of the social, which differs in some aspects
: radically with the more established conceptions. The German sociologist N.
: Luhmann is probably the foremost ambassador of such a conception. The ideas
: of self-organising working units have been successfully implemented in
: industry, on more pragmatical grounds, for example in the Swedish car
: manufacturing company Volvo. One of the arguments for their use has been
: that participatory work-design promotes both democracy and the ability of
: adaptation to new and not forecasted conditions, which would therefore lead
: to an improved work-quality.
: On the other hand, the recent emergence of the intellectual domain
: associated with the label CSCW have been driven by the developments within
: the area of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). In a broad
: sense, the idea is that various ICT artefacts (groupware) are employed in
: order to support co-operation between individuals, groups, and
: organizations. Such tools allow treating aspects of working time and space,
: as well as the transformation of information, in ways that is not always
: possible to do without them. The introduction of these artefacts almost
: always questions the existing work processes.
: While the two domains of intellectual inquiry, SOSS and CSCW, are rather
: recent and still elaborating their respective foundations, their
: cross-fertilisation is in the very front-line of research. We cannot and do
: not want to provide any stable definition of this cross-fertilisation. We
: would just like to assure that the analysis and design of CSCW may take on
: a new dimension when conceived in terms SOSS, and the reverse. We are very
: glad to present for the readership of this journal some results of the
: emergence of this new and pertinent area of inquiry. This also shows the
: importance of the intellectual domain that the journal of Cybernetics &
: Human Knowing covers.
: The selected papers present a blend of theoretical analysis, empirical
: investigations and methodological contributions. The first paper of
: Christiane Floyd aims to contribute to epistemology of software system
: design founded in the constructivist epistemology. It discusses four main
: issues: the design process as an insight building process with choices made
: in the design about choices available in the use of a system; the concept
: of operational form aimed to clarify the interaction between software
: systems and human actions; the conception of methods as recourses in a
: situated and self-organising design process; and finally the inherent
: ethics of the design process.
: In the second paper, Kurt Keller provides a critical investigation of N.
: Luhmann's theory of social systems and argues that the theory has
: limitations in regard to its potentiality to guide the conception of CSCW;
: this because of its treatment of human meaning. Instead, he presents an
: alternative founded in the phenomenological tradition.
: The development of groupware has been fundamental for the emergence of the
: so-called virtual enterprises. In the third paper, Michael Paetau's
: empirically driven investigation asks whether such enterprises should be
: considered as a special form of social networks or if they may be seen as
: social organisations with its own identity. Among others, the study
: discusses the tension between an organisation's differentiation and
: integration, which seems to be particularly pertinent for the behaviour of
: virtual enterprises. The latter will come to a crossroad, the study shows
: where it must decide between maintaining its virtual character at the
: expense of losing its unity, or becoming a non-virtual organisation with
: its own unity and identity, however loosing the properties of a virtual
: organisation.
: In the fourth paper Katharina Just-Hahn and Thomas Herrman proposes a
: method for design and re-design of business processes. While
: self-organisation promotes autonomy of a human agent, workflow management
: systems can serve management as a means to control business processes. The
: proposed method called Step-by-Step aims to support self-design of business
: processes and therefore to overcome the mentioned tension between the
: autonomy of an employee and its control by the management. Further, this
: method, it is argued, makes it possible for a business organisation to
: adapt rapidly to the challenges that today's business organisations
: constantly meet.
: A transition from the more traditional conception of social
: organisations that builds on prescription of its behaviour towards a
: self-organisational conception which self-scribes its behaviour is issued
: in the fifth and final paper by Volker Wulf. A question of investigation is
: which role can CSCW play to initiate and promote such a transition. In
: order to find the answers, two case studies of CSCW-systems are interpreted
: with the theory of self-organising social systems. The result suggests that
: self-organization approach is more suitable for conception of social
: organisations then prescriptive approaches. The study also identifies some
: design guidelines and theoretical problems that need further studies.
: _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
: Dr. Volker Wulf
: Roemerstr. 164
: ProSEC - 53117 Bonn
: Research Group for HCI and CSCW Germany
: Institute for Computer Science III Tel.:49 - (0)228 - 734 - 276
: Fax :49 - (0)228 - 734 - 382
: University of Bonn
: _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [klusch(a) (Matthias Klusch)] sent originally on Wed, 27 Oct 1999 19:06:54 +0200:
: This message has been posted to multiple, different mailing lists.
: Please take our apologies if you receive this message more than once.
: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: ==================================================================
: Special Double Issue of the International Journal on
: Cooperative Information Systems
: Guest Editor:
: Matthias Klusch
: Deduction and Multi-Agent Systems Lab
: German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence Ltd., Germany
: ==================================================================
: ***************
: - Submission of Manuscripts: NOVEMBER 25, 1999
: - Notification of Acceptance: MARCH 30, 2000
: - Publication of Special Issue due to: Fall 2000
: **************
: This special double issue of the International Journal on Cooperative Information
: Systems is devoted to advances in theory and applications of intelligent
: information agents.
: Roughly speaking, an information agent is a computational software entity
: that has access to one or multiple, heterogeneous and geographically distributed
: information sources; it pro-actively searches for and maintains relevant
: information on behalf of users or other agents preferably in a just-in-time fashion.
: Such an agent is supposed to satisfy one or multiple of following requirements:
: * Information acquisition and management, i.e.,
: it may monitor, update, and provide transparent access to one or many different
: information sources, retrieve, extract, analyze and filter data (including semi-structured
: or even unstructured data).
: * Information synthesis and presentation, that is, it is able to integrate heterogeneous
: data and to provide unified (and multi-dimensional) views on data.
: * Intelligent user assistance by being able, for example to dynamically adapt
: to user preferences, any kind of changes in information and network environment.
: It may provide convenient individual interactive assistance for everyday business on
: the Internet such as a life-like character, recommend sources and future work steps, etc.
: In other words, the agent helps to manage and overcome the difficulties associated with
: information overload. In part, there are many approaches and implemented solutions available
: from advanced databases, knowledge-bases and distributed information systems technology to
: meet some of these demands. The effective and efficient access to information
: on the Internet and Web has become a critical research area.
: Information agents technology emerged as part of the more general intelligent software
: agent technology around seven years ago mainly as a response to the increasing challenges
: of the cyberspace from both, the technological and human user perspective.
: It is an inherently interdisciplinary technology encompassing approaches, methods and tools
: from different research disciplines such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Advanced Database
: and Knowledge Base Systems, Distributed Information Systems, Information Retrieval,
: Cognitive Sciences and Human Computer Interaction (HCI). Today, it can be seen as one of
: the key technologies for the actual and future Internet and worldwide Web.
: Topics are but not limited to:
: * Architectures of (Systems of) Information Agents
: General and specific architectures of information agents in different
: settings and environments.
: Approaches for communication and collaboration between (systems)
: of information agents. Service matchmaking and brokering.
: Inter-Agent Communication languages.
: * Advanced Database and Knowledge-Base Technology
: Interoperability in large-scaled, and uncertain information environments.
: Application of Techniques for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in
: open, distributed and dynamically changing environments.
: * Methods of Adaptation and Learning for Systems of Information Agents
: Methods for automated uncertain reasoning for information agents.
: Computation and action under uncertainty and limited resources.
: Performance and measurement of adaptation of single agent or multiagent
: systems in uncertain information environments.
: * Mobility and Issues of Security in the Internet
: Architectures, Environments and Languages for Mobile and Secure
: Information Agents and Servers.
: Secure agent execution and protection of data servers from malicious agents.
: Cooperating Information Agents in wearable computers, hand-held and/or
: satellite-based control devices.
: * Rational Information Agents and Electronic Commerce
: Agent-Based Marketplaces, Coalition Formation, Auctions, Negotiations.
: Economic models of cooperative problem solving among rational information
: agents in open information environments.
: Methods for prevention and detection of lying rational information agents.
: Electronic Commerce with incomplete and uncertain informations.
: Standards for privacy of communication, security, and jurisdiction for
: agent-mediated deals.
: * Human-Agent Interaction
: Synthetic Agents, believable avatars, and 3-D multimedia-based
: representation of user information spaces in the Internet.
: Models and Implementation of Advanced Interfaces for conversation and
: dialogue among Information Agents and Users.
: * Systems and Applications
: Systems and Applications of multiple collaborating Information Agents on
: the Internet.
: *************************
: The length of the contribution should not exceed 22 pages.
: For guidelines on manuscript preparation please check the relevant
: last 5 pages in any issue of the journal, and check the Web site of
: the International Journal on Cooperative Information Systems at:
: **********
: Manuscripts are to be submitted by (electronic) mail to the Guest
: Editor (see below).
: Authors may suggest the appropriate persons to review/referee their
: paper, however, the Editor need not necessarily take up the suggestion.
: Authors may request that their identity be kept unknown to the referee.
: Camera-ready manuscripts are to be prepared according to the instructions
: provided in any issue of the journal, preferably using LATEX or TEX.
: Please submit your manuscript by
: E-Mail (printable POSTSCRIPT - A4 format- AND the original text file) to
: klusch(a)
: Mail (5 Hard Copies) to
: Matthias Klusch
: Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
: 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany.
: --
: ___________________________________
: Dr. Matthias Klusch
: DFKI German AI Research Center Ltd.
: Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
: 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
: Phone: +49-681-302 5297
: Fax: +49-681-302 2235
: ___________________________________
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [femke(a) (Raamsdonk van F)] sent originally on Wed, 27 Oct 1999 17:19:29 +0200 (MET DST):
: *** apologies for multiple copies ***
: First International Conference on Computational Logic, CL2000
: Imperial College, London, UK
: 24th to 28th July, 2000
: 2nd call for papers
: CL2000 is the first conference in a major new series of annual
: international conferences bringing together the various communities
: of researchers who have a common interest in Computational Logic.
: CL2000 is collocating with the following conferences:
: DOOD2000: 6th Int'l Conference on Rules and Objects in Databases
: ILP2000: 10th Int'l Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming
: LOPSTR2000: 10th Int'l Workshop on Logic-based Program Synthesis
: and Transformation
: CL2000 will include seven streams covering various subfields of
: computational logic, each with its own separate Program Committee:
: - Database Systems (DOOD2000)
: - Program Development (LOPSTR2000)
: - Knowledge Representation and Non-monotonic Reasoning
: - Automated Deduction: Putting Theory into Practice
: - Constraints
: - Logic Programming: Theory and Extensions
: - Logic Programming: Implementations and Applications
: The last three streams effectively constitute the former ICLP
: conference series that will be now integrated into CL2000.
: ILP2000 will be collocating as a separate conference.
: Papers on all aspects of the theory, implementation, and
: application of Computational Logic are invited, where
: Computational Logic is to be understood broadly as the use of
: logic in Computer Science.
: Provisional deadlines:
: Papers must be submitted by 1 February, 2000
: Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by 1 May, 2000
: Camera-ready versions must be received by 1 June, 2000
: Further information is available at the conference web site:
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [00jNgupta(a)BSUVC.BSU.EDU (Jeet Gupta)] sent originally on Wed, 27 Oct 1999 07:47:03 -0500:
: --ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ_3908368ÿ.ALT
: Content-Type: text/plain; charsetÿs-ascii"
: Production Planning and Control: An International Journal
: Special Issue on
: Scheduling Theory and Applications
: The Production Planning and Control: An International Journal plans to
: publish a
: special issue on the subject of Scheduling Theory and Applications. Interest in
: the various approaches, tools, and techniques to solve scheduling problems
: (e.g., genetic algorithms, evolutionary heuristics, neural networks, heuristic
: programming, expert systems, optimizing techniques, and constraints-based
: reasoning and optimization) continues to grow. However, the majority of the
: existing literature is focused only on the issue of theory development without
: considering the specific needs of the practitioner. This special issue will
: focus on both the development of scheduling theory and the use of various tools
: and techniques to solve scheduling problems faced by the practitioner.
: Hopefully, the reader will be able to develop a better appreciation of these
: tools and techniques, their use in problem solving, and their relationship to
: methods and emerging philosophies in our discipline.
: This special issue will provide the advantage of grouping together high-quality
: papers in the area of scheduling theory and applications. The term scheduling
: is adapted in its most generic sense and includes the service as well
: manufacturing environments. Examples of the subject matter of the papers
: include, but are not limited to, the following:
: a) Recent developments in scheduling theory that can help practitioners,
: and their integration with other production planning and control, information
: technology, and management sciences tools and techniques.
: b) Development of appropriate solution techniques for scheduling problems
: either in service or manufacturing sectors such as the scheduling of jobs in a
: flow shop and staff scheduling problems in hospitals.
: c) Application papers (i.e., actual or potential applications of various
: scheduling techniques and approaches to problems of specific interest to the
: business and PPC community).
: d) Description and evaluation of software packages available to solve
: scheduling problems.
: All manuscripts will be promptly and carefully refereed. Authors should follow
: the Instructions to Authors for the Production Planning and Control: An
: International Journal (available from the editor) when preparing their
: manuscripts and should submit four copies, by no later than November 30, 1999,
: to the guest editor of this special issue listed below.
: Dr. Jatinder N.D. Gupta
: Department of Management
: Ball State University
: Muncie, Indiana 47306, U.S.A.
: Tel: (765)-285-5301
: e-mail: jgupta(a)
: Best regards,
: _________________________________________________________________
: Jeet Gupta, Professor 765-285-5301 (Off)
: Department of Management 765-747-9105 (Home)
: Ball State University 765-285-8024 (FAX)
: Muncie, IN 47306, USA
: jgupta(a)
: 00jngupta(a)
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [ludwig.nastansky(a)] sent originally on Wed, 27 Oct 1999 14:04:03 +0200 (MET DST):
: - Wir bitten um Verstaendnis, wenn eventuell Doppelsendungen erfolgen -
: An
: Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer
: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter im Hochschulbereich und
: in Forschungsinstituten
: Entscheidungsträger aus der Hochschulverwaltung
: Interessenten an innovativen online Lehr- und Lernformen
: ________________________________________________________
: E I N L A D U N G
: 2. Groupware Hochschultage '99 -
: Perspektiven und Praxis für die neue Kommunikationsform
: in Wissenschaft, Lehre und Wirtschaft
: 11. - 12. November 1999
: Paderborn, Heinz-Nixdorf Museumsforum
: Information und Anmeldung
: ________________________________________________________
: 2. Groupware Hochschultage bieten ein Forum für Bildungs - Einrichtungen
: Die 2. Groupware Hochschultage finden am 11. und 12. November 1999 im Heinz
: Nixdorf MuseumsForum in Paderborn statt. Zentrale Themen sind Groupware und
: Workgroup Computing. Die Veranstaltung bietet Bildungseinrichtungen ein Forum
: für den Austausch zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Veranstalter sind das Groupware
: Competence Center (GCC) der Universität Paderborn, in Kooperation mit Lotus
: Development.
: Groupware in Lehre und Forschung - bereits während der Ausbildung setzen viele
: Professoren und Studenten auf Programmsysteme, die eine Vielzahl von Netzwerken
: und Arbeitsplatzrechnern verbinden. Im Workgroup Computing erleichtern
: Software-Lösungen das gemeinsame Arbeiten in Dateien und ermöglichen die
: ortsunabhängige Kommunikation. Damit setzen sich die neuen Standards fÿ
: IT-Anwendungen in Unternehmen auch in modernen Hochschulen vermehrt durch, die
: Schnittmenge zwischen Hochschule und Wirtschaft wird größer: Der Einsatz von
: Groupware führt derzeit in weit über hundert Hochschul-Initiativen zu neuen
: Modellen der Lehre und Administration.
: Entscheider und Projektverantwortliche aus dem Bildungsbereich haben am 11. und
: 12. November 1999 auf den 2. Groupware Hochschultagen die Möglichkeit, den
: neuesten Stand technologischer Innovationen an Hochschulen kennenzulernen. In
: Paderborn werden Projekterfahrungen von Hochschulen aus Deutschland, der Schweiz
: und den Niederlanden im Mittelpunkt stehen. Die Teilnehmer erhalten
: repräsentative Einblicke in die verschiedenen Anwendungen und deren Effekte. Vor
: allem in drei Feldern bündelt sich der Nutzen für Forschung, Lehre und Praxis:
: * Die Organisation der Lehre als interaktive Wissensvermittlung
: Groupware-basierte Lehrmodelle schaffen eine Lernumgebung, die Studierende und
: Lehrkräfte über die IT-Plattform kommunikativ integriert - von der Anmeldung
: über die Vorlesungen und Semester-Organisation bis hin zu Publikationen im Web.
: Das funktioniert sowohl auf dem Campus, als auch im sogenannten Distance
: Learning, einer dezentralen Anwendung der Software für die Fernschulungen.
: * Groupware in Praxisprojekten mit der Wirtschaft
: Der Einsatz von Groupware bildet zudem die Basis für Praxisprojekte mit
: Unternehmen, in denen IT-Lösungen für konkrete Anwendungen erarbeitet werden
: können. Wisssensmanagement, E-Commerce und Web-basierte Kommunikations- und
: Fortbildungssysteme sind einige der Bereiche, in denen Hochschulen neue
: Standards für die Verwaltung und Verbreitung von Informationen praxisrelevant
: entwickeln.
: * Groupware in der Administration der Hochschulen
: Einige Hochschulen haben inzwischen ihre gesamte Kommunikations-Infrastruktur
: auf einer Groupware-Plattform aufgebaut. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Verteilung
: der Informationen über Diskussions-, Unterrichts- und Projektdatenbanken und die
: administrative Unterstützung der Lehrstühle.
: "Referenten aus der Wirtschaft werden einen weiteren Aspekt deutlich machen: die
: Relevanz von Groupware in einer Gesellschaft, in der Medien-Kompetenz zum
: Qualifikationskriterium geworden ist", sagt Professor Nastansky, Leiter des
: Groupware Competence Center in Paderborn, "und in der neue Kooperationsformen -
: gerade über das Web - den Standard setzen." Projektleiter von Daimler Chrysler
: und dem Verband Deutscher Rentenversicherungsträger (VDR) werden über ihre
: Erfahrungen beim Einsatz von Groupware-Kommunikationsplattformen auf Basis von
: Lotus Notes berichten.
: Am zweiten Tag können sich die Teilnehmer in Workshops durch Diskussion und
: Anwendungs-Demonstrationen ein Bild vom Informations- und Wissensmanagement
: machen.
: "Die Neuorganisation des Lernens ermöglicht es, Wissenschaft und Forschung als
: kooperativen Prozess zu gestalten und sich dabei neuer Medien zu bedienen",
: erklärt Andrea Nassler, Marketingleiterin von Lotus Development in Ismaning.
: "Die 2. Groupware-Hochschultage sind damit auch das Spiegelbild einer
: Gesellschaft, in der durch kontinuierlichen technologischen Wandel permanent
: neue Anforderungen an Kommunikation und damit an die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit
: gestellt werden."
: Die Teilnahme an den Groupware-Hochschultagen im Heinz Nixdorf Museums Forum ist
: kostenlos.
: ---------
: Anmeldung
: ---------
: Die Anmeldung ist elektronisch möglich auf der Website des GCC
: oder per Mail an
: GCC(a)
: Anmeldeschluss ist der 5. November 1999.
: Bei Fragen helfen die Mitarbeiter des GCC unter der Telefonummer 05251/68 05 00,
: 14:00 - 18:00, bzw. 05251/60-3368.
: Wir freuen uns über Ihre Teilnahme!
: Für das GCC-Team
: Prof. Dr. Ludwig Nastansky
: __________________________________________________________________________
: GCC - Groupware Competence Center
: University of Paderborn
: Warburger Straße 100
: D-33098 Paderborn, Germany
: __________________________________________________________________________
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [D.Waehner(a)] sent originally on Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:55:17 +0200 (MET DST):
: Liebe GI-Mitglieder
: die Messe Düsseldorf hat gemeinsam mit der secunet Security Networks AG die
: CQRE [Secure], das erste Weltforum für Risk Management und IT-Sicherheit ins
: Leben gerufen.
: Der erste Kongreßtag am 30. November 1999 steht unter dem Motto "Managing
: the e-business revolution - with the right amount of risk". Unter der
: Leitung von Paul Arlman, Generalsekretär der europäischen Börsenvereinigung,
: referieren namhafte Referenten wie Dr. Hagen Hultzsch, Vorstandsmitglied
: Deutsche Telekom AG, Karl-Heinz Streibich, Mitglied der Geschäftsführung
: debis Systemhaus, und Klaus-Dieter Scheuerle, Präsident der
: Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post. Ziel ist es, gemeinsam
: ein 10-Punkte-Programm zu entwickeln, daß Regeln und Standards für mehr
: Informationssicherheit festlegt.
: Der 2. und 3. Kongreßtag bietet IT-Leitern und Sicherheitsexperten die
: Möglichkeit zum Technologieaustausch. Mit Bruce Schneier von Counterpane
: (USA) und Helena Handschuh von Gemplus (Frankreich) konnten die besten und
: renommiertesten Experten gewonnen werden. Neben Technologiethemen runden
: Praxisberichte z. B. von der Deutschen Bank die Veranstaltung ab.
: Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie im Internet unter
: oder direkt von Frau Alexandra Beck unter Tel.-Nr. 0211/4560-8408.
: Hinsichtlich der Eintrittspreise gelten folgende Regelungen:
: * GI-Mitglieder, welche in der Industrie tätig sind, bekommen einen
: Preisnachlaß von 20% auf den normalen Eintrittspreis.
: * Mitarbeiter akademischer Einrichtungen bekommen die Tageskarte für
: den 2. und 3. Kongreßtag für DM 700,- (+Mwst.)
: * Studenten können ein von der secunet gesponsortes Ticket für DM
: 100,- (+Mwst.) erhalten, welches zum Besuch an allen drei Kongreßtagen
: berechtigt.
: Mit freundlichen Grüßen
: Dieter Wähner
: *************************************************************************
: Dr. Dieter Waehner
: secunet
: Security Networks AG Tel : +49 (0)271 48950 21
: Weidenauer Str.223-225 FAX : +49 (0)271 48950 50
: D-57076 Siegen
: > Http:
: *************************************************************************
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [femke(a)] sent originally on Wed, 27 Oct 1999 02:58:41 +0800 (GMT-8):
: *** apologies for multiple copies ***
: First International Conference on Computational Logic, CL2000
: Imperial College, London, UK
: 24th to 28th July, 2000
: 2nd call for papers
: CL2000 is the first conference in a major new series of annual
: international conferences bringing together the various communities
: of researchers who have a common interest in Computational Logic.
: CL2000 is collocating with the following conferences:
: DOOD2000: 6th Int'l Conference on Rules and Objects in Databases
: ILP2000: 10th Int'l Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming
: LOPSTR2000: 10th Int'l Workshop on Logic-based Program Synthesis
: and Transformation
: CL2000 will include seven streams covering various subfields of
: computational logic, each with its own separate Program Committee:
: - Database Systems (DOOD2000)
: - Program Development (LOPSTR2000)
: - Knowledge Representation and Non-monotonic Reasoning
: - Automated Deduction: Putting Theory into Practice
: - Constraints
: - Logic Programming: Theory and Extensions
: - Logic Programming: Implementations and Applications
: The last three streams effectively constitute the former ICLP
: conference series that will be now integrated into CL2000.
: ILP2000 will be collocating as a separate conference.
: Papers on all aspects of the theory, implementation, and
: application of Computational Logic are invited, where
: Computational Logic is to be understood broadly as the use of
: logic in Computer Science.
: Provisional deadlines:
: Papers must be submitted by 1 February, 2000
: Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by 1 May, 2000
: Camera-ready versions must be received by 1 June, 2000
: Further information is available at the conference web site:
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)