Sehr geehrter Professor Flatscher,
morgen um 13:00 hätte die Gruppe 2 Zeit.
Testprogramm Methode mit createCirlce: rexx C:\Users\User\Downloads\TestAutoCad_02.rex Zeichnung1.dwg round 0: plain Rexx values space: an OLEObject title: round 0: plain Rexx values centerPoint[1]: 0 radius: 5.2 condition: SYNTAX message: Object "an OLEObject" does not understand message "CREATECIRCLE". :-(
round 1a) decArrCenterPoint_a -> space: an OLEObject title: round 1a) decArrCenterPoint_a -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: Object "an OLEObject" does not understand message "CREATECIRCLE". :-(
round 1b) decArrCenterPoint_b -> space: an OLEObject title: round 1b) decArrCenterPoint_b -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: Object "an OLEObject" does not understand message "CREATECIRCLE". :-(
round 1c) decArrCenterPointDec0_a -> space: an OLEObject title: round 1c) decArrCenterPointDec0_a -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: Object "an OLEObject" does not understand message "CREATECIRCLE". :-(
round 1d) decArrCenterPointDec0_b -> space: an OLEObject title: round 1d) decArrCenterPointDec0_b -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: Object "an OLEObject" does not understand message "CREATECIRCLE". :-(
round 2a) decArrCenterPoint_a -> space: an OLEObject title: round 2a) decArrCenterPoint_a -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: Object "an OLEObject" does not understand message "CREATECIRCLE". :-(
round 2b) decArrCenterPoint_b -> space: an OLEObject title: round 2b) decArrCenterPoint_b -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: Object "an OLEObject" does not understand message "CREATECIRCLE". :-(
round 2c) decArrCenterPointDec0_a -> space: an OLEObject title: round 2c) decArrCenterPointDec0_a -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: Object "an OLEObject" does not understand message "CREATECIRCLE". :-(
round 2d) decArrCenterPointDec0_b -> space: an OLEObject title: round 2d) decArrCenterPointDec0_b -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: Object "an OLEObject" does not understand message "CREATECIRCLE". :-(
Process finished with exit code 0
Methode mit AddCircle: rexx C:\Users\User\Downloads\TestAutoCad_02.rex Zeichnung1.dwg round 0: plain Rexx values space: an OLEObject title: round 0: plain Rexx values centerPoint[1]: 0 radius: 5.2 condition: SYNTAX message: OLE exception: Code: 80070057 Source: unavailable Description: unavailable. :-(
round 1a) decArrCenterPoint_a -> space: an OLEObject title: round 1a) decArrCenterPoint_a -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: OLE exception: Code: 80070057 Source: unavailable Description: unavailable. :-(
round 1b) decArrCenterPoint_b -> space: an OLEObject title: round 1b) decArrCenterPoint_b -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: OLE exception: Code: 80070057 Source: unavailable Description: unavailable. :-(
round 1c) decArrCenterPointDec0_a -> space: an OLEObject title: round 1c) decArrCenterPointDec0_a -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: OLE exception: Code: 80070057 Source: unavailable Description: unavailable. :-(
round 1d) decArrCenterPointDec0_b -> space: an OLEObject title: round 1d) decArrCenterPointDec0_b -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: OLE exception: Code: 80070057 Source: unavailable Description: unavailable. :-(
round 2a) decArrCenterPoint_a -> space: an OLEObject title: round 2a) decArrCenterPoint_a -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: OLE exception: Code: 80070057 Source: unavailable Description: unavailable. :-(
round 2b) decArrCenterPoint_b -> space: an OLEObject title: round 2b) decArrCenterPoint_b -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: OLE exception: Code: 80070057 Source: unavailable Description: unavailable. :-(
round 2c) decArrCenterPointDec0_a -> space: an OLEObject title: round 2c) decArrCenterPointDec0_a -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: OLE exception: Code: 80070057 Source: unavailable Description: unavailable. :-(
round 2d) decArrCenterPointDec0_b -> space: an OLEObject title: round 2d) decArrCenterPointDec0_b -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: OLE exception: Code: 80070057 Source: unavailable Description: unavailable. :-(
Process finished with exit code 0
Liebe Gruppe 2, liebe Studierenden,
die Gruppe 2 hatte ja noch AutoCAD offen und es zum Laufen gebracht. Nachdem ich kein AutoCAD installiert habe, ist es notwendig, das Programm live zu zeigen, was heute (Montag) um 13:00 geschehen wird.
Dafür verwende ich das freie "", das ad-hoc-Videokonferenzen über Webbrowser, Smartphones oder Pads erlaubt, hier der URL dafür:
Man benötigt also keine proprietären, überwachten Videokonferenzen wie MS-Teams, sondern kann dies mit open-source-Software gleichermaßen realisieren. Dies ist vielleicht insofern auch für Sie selbst interessant, als Sie ad hoc Studierendengruppen jederzeit bilden können, aber auch im Familien- oder Freundeskreis Videokonferenzen ad hoc halten können.
Also, wer mag, kann gerne sich um 13:00 dazugesellen!
@Hanifl: vielen Dank für das Ausführen des Testprogrammes. Ich habe es zum Anlass genommen, noch einmal Ihren Code anzusehen, mit dem Sie darin einen Kreis erzeugen. Entsprechend der Dokumentation auf sollte die Methode nicht "createCircle", sondern stattdessen "addCircle" lauten.
Das beigefügte Testprogramm verwendet daher dieses Mal "addCircle". Bitte lassen Sie es bei sich laufen und schicken mir die Ausgabe zu!
Mit freundlichem Gruß
Rony G. Flatscher
On 01.05.2022 23:11, Hanifl, Lukas wrote:
Sehr geehrter Professor Flatscher,
morgen um 13:00 hätte die Gruppe 2 Zeit.
Testprogramm Methode mit createCirlce: rexx C:\Users\User\Downloads\TestAutoCad_02.rex Zeichnung1.dwg round 0: plain Rexx values space: an OLEObject title: round 0: plain Rexx values centerPoint[1]: 0 radius: 5.2 condition: SYNTAX message: Object "an OLEObject" does not understand message "CREATECIRCLE". :-(
round 1a) decArrCenterPoint_a -> space: an OLEObject title: round 1a) decArrCenterPoint_a -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: Object "an OLEObject" does not understand message "CREATECIRCLE". :-(
round 1b) decArrCenterPoint_b -> space: an OLEObject title: round 1b) decArrCenterPoint_b -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: Object "an OLEObject" does not understand message "CREATECIRCLE". :-(
round 1c) decArrCenterPointDec0_a -> space: an OLEObject title: round 1c) decArrCenterPointDec0_a -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: Object "an OLEObject" does not understand message "CREATECIRCLE". :-(
round 1d) decArrCenterPointDec0_b -> space: an OLEObject title: round 1d) decArrCenterPointDec0_b -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: Object "an OLEObject" does not understand message "CREATECIRCLE". :-(
round 2a) decArrCenterPoint_a -> space: an OLEObject title: round 2a) decArrCenterPoint_a -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: Object "an OLEObject" does not understand message "CREATECIRCLE". :-(
round 2b) decArrCenterPoint_b -> space: an OLEObject title: round 2b) decArrCenterPoint_b -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: Object "an OLEObject" does not understand message "CREATECIRCLE". :-(
round 2c) decArrCenterPointDec0_a -> space: an OLEObject title: round 2c) decArrCenterPointDec0_a -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: Object "an OLEObject" does not understand message "CREATECIRCLE". :-(
round 2d) decArrCenterPointDec0_b -> space: an OLEObject title: round 2d) decArrCenterPointDec0_b -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: Object "an OLEObject" does not understand message "CREATECIRCLE". :-(
Process finished with exit code 0
Methode mit AddCircle: rexx C:\Users\User\Downloads\TestAutoCad_02.rex Zeichnung1.dwg round 0: plain Rexx values space: an OLEObject title: round 0: plain Rexx values centerPoint[1]: 0 radius: 5.2 condition: SYNTAX message: OLE exception: Code: 80070057 Source: unavailable Description: unavailable. :-(
round 1a) decArrCenterPoint_a -> space: an OLEObject title: round 1a) decArrCenterPoint_a -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: OLE exception: Code: 80070057 Source: unavailable Description: unavailable. :-(
round 1b) decArrCenterPoint_b -> space: an OLEObject title: round 1b) decArrCenterPoint_b -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: OLE exception: Code: 80070057 Source: unavailable Description: unavailable. :-(
round 1c) decArrCenterPointDec0_a -> space: an OLEObject title: round 1c) decArrCenterPointDec0_a -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: OLE exception: Code: 80070057 Source: unavailable Description: unavailable. :-(
round 1d) decArrCenterPointDec0_b -> space: an OLEObject title: round 1d) decArrCenterPointDec0_b -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: OLE exception: Code: 80070057 Source: unavailable Description: unavailable. :-(
round 2a) decArrCenterPoint_a -> space: an OLEObject title: round 2a) decArrCenterPoint_a -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: OLE exception: Code: 80070057 Source: unavailable Description: unavailable. :-(
round 2b) decArrCenterPoint_b -> space: an OLEObject title: round 2b) decArrCenterPoint_b -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: OLE exception: Code: 80070057 Source: unavailable Description: unavailable. :-(
round 2c) decArrCenterPointDec0_a -> space: an OLEObject title: round 2c) decArrCenterPointDec0_a -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: OLE exception: Code: 80070057 Source: unavailable Description: unavailable. :-(
round 2d) decArrCenterPointDec0_b -> space: an OLEObject title: round 2d) decArrCenterPointDec0_b -> centerPoint: an OLEVariant radius: an OLEVariant condition: SYNTAX message: OLE exception: Code: 80070057 Source: unavailable Description: unavailable. :-(
Process finished with exit code 0