H�� 4.1: say "Languages in Switzerland: German, Italian, French, Romansh" say "Languages in Belgium: German, French, Dutch" say"" Switzerland=.bag~of("German","Italian","French","Romansh") Belgium=.bag~of("German","French","Dutch") call out Switzerland~UNION(Belgium), "Union" say"" call out Switzerland~INTERSECTION(Belgium), "Intersection" say"" call out Switzerland~XOR(Belgium), "XOR" say"" call out Switzerland~Difference(Belgium), "Difference1" say"" call out Belgium~Difference(Switzerland), "Difference2" parse pull f ::ROUTINE out use arg country,operation .output~charout(operation": ") do i over country .output~charout("<"i"> ") end H�� 4.2: say "Hello, what's your name?" parse pull name say "and how old are you?" parse pull age say "What is your favorite color?" parse pull color word = .OLEObject~new("Word.Application") doc = word~documents~add word~visible = .TRUE Word~selection~typetext("Hello, my name is" name "and I am" age "years old. And by the way my favourite color is" color".") say "Do you want to add something?" parse pull add Word~selection~typetext(add) say "press any key to exit" parse pull a