/* AutoCAD VBA/LISP-Dokumentation for addCircle: */ say "1) plain Rexx array to 'VT_DECIMAL,VT_ARRAY' ..." say "p1_a: define Rexx array of Rexx '0' ..." p1 =.array~of(0,0,0) p1_a =.oleVariant~new(p1, "VT_DECIMAL,VT_ARRAY") -- explicit typing say "p1_a:" p1_a say say "2) Rexx array with three elements ov type VT_DECIMAL ..." dec0=.oleVariant~new(0,"VT_DECIMAL") -- 0 explicitly typed as a decimal say "p1_b: define 0 to be VT_DECIMAL:" dec0 "then create Rexx array with it" say "create Rexx array of 'dec0' ..." p1_b =.array~of(dec0, dec0, dec0) -- array with explicitly typed decimal values say "p1_b:" p1_b say say "3) Rexx array with three elements ov type VT_DECIMAL ..." say "p1_c: define p1_b to be of type VT_ARRAY" p1_c = .oleVariant~new(p1_b, "VT_ARRAY,VT_DECIMAL") -- explicit typing say "p1_c:" p1_b say -- original text p1 = .array ~of(0,0,0) radius = 5.2 myApp = .oleobject~new("AutoCAD.Application") call SysSleep 5 myApp~visible = .true myDwg = myApp~ActiveDocument say myDwg~name Space = myDwg~ModelSpace say space~name -- circle = space~addCircle(p1,radius) say "attempt # 1: addCircle(p1_a) ..." circle = space~addCircle(p1_a,radius) say "... o.k." say "attempt # 2: addCircle(p1_b) ..." circle = space~addCircle(p1_b,radius) say "... o.k." say "attempt # 3: addCircle(p1_c) ..." circle = space~addCircle(p1_c,radius) say "... o.k."