H�� 5.1: Explorer = .OLEObject~new("InternetExplorer.Application") Explorer~Navigate("https://vvz.wu.ac.at/cgi-bin/vvz.pl?C=L;I=4110;LV=3;L2=S;L3=S;U=H;S=22S;LANG=DE") call SysSleep 5 doc = Explorer~document body = doc~body textrange = body~CreateTextRange text = textrange~Text parse var text before ("LPIS") Zeitraum ("Abmeldung") Explorer~quit x = Zeitraum~strip() say "Anmeldezeitraum:" x say"Press enter to exit" parse pull a H�� 5.2: Explorer = .OLEObject~new("InternetExplorer.Application") Explorer~Navigate("https://orf.at/") call SysSleep 5 doc = Explorer~document body = doc~body textrange = body~CreateTextRange text = textrange~Text parse var text before ("Meldung") Artikel ("Teilen") Explorer~quit word = .OLEObject~new("Word.Application") doc = word~documents~add word~visible = .TRUE Word~selection~typetext("Letzte Meldung des Tages:" Artikel) say "press enter to exit" parse pull a