v1 = .vegetables~new; v1~Name=Brokkoli; v1~taste="good"; v1~vitamins="a lot"; v2 = .vegetables~new; v2~Name=carrot; v2~taste="not so good"; v2~vitamins="a lot"; v3 = .fastFood~new; v3~Name=Burger; v3~taste="very good"; v3~vitamins="not so much"; v4 = .fastFood~new; v4~Name=Pizza; v4~taste="cheesy"; v4~vitamins="not so much"; SAY "The food I talk about is:" v1~Name ". It tastes" v1~Taste ". The food has" v1~vitamins "vitamins" "." SAY "The food I talk about is: "v2~Name ". It tastes" v2~Taste ". The food has" v2~vitamins "vitamins" "." SAY "The food I talk about is:" v3~Name ". It tastes" v3~Taste ". The food has" v3~vitamins "vitamins" "." SAY "The food I talk about is:" v4~Name ". It tastes" v4~Taste ". The food has" v4~vitamins "vitamins" "." v1~Details v2~Details v3~Details V4~Details ::CLASS Food ::METHOD init self~name = arg(1) ::METHOD Name ATTRIBUTE ::METHOD Taste ATTRIBUTE ::CLASS Vegetables SUBCLASS Food ::METHOD Details SAY self~name ": This food is healthy." ::METHOD vitamins ATTRIBUTE ::CLASS FastFood SUBCLASS Food ::METHOD Details SAY self~name ": That is not really healthy." ::METHOD vitamins ATTRIBUTE