
Definitions from typelib: [iTunesLib] with the brief documentation: [iTunes 1.13 Type Library]

show 37 Method[s]
No. Name Documentation, Argument[s], Return Value
1 Authorize n/a
# 1: numElems in VT_I4
# 2: data in VT_PTR
# 3: names in VT_PTR
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
2 BackTrack Reposition to the beginning of the current track or go to the previous track if already at start of current track.
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
3 CheckVersion Returns true if this version of the iTunes type library is compatible with the specified version.
# 1: majorVersion in VT_I4
# 2: minorVersion in VT_I4
returns: VT_BOOL
4 ConvertFile Start converting the specified file path.
# 1: filePath in VT_BSTR
returns: VT_PTR
5 ConvertFile2 Start converting the specified file path.
# 1: filePath in VT_BSTR
returns: VT_PTR
6 ConvertFiles Start converting the specified array of file paths. filePaths can be of type VT_ARRAY|VT_VARIANT, where each entry is a VT_BSTR, or VT_ARRAY|VT_BSTR. You can also pass a JScript Array object.
# 1: filePaths in VT_PTR
returns: VT_PTR
7 ConvertFiles2 Start converting the specified array of file paths. filePaths can be of type VT_ARRAY|VT_VARIANT, where each entry is a VT_BSTR, or VT_ARRAY|VT_BSTR. You can also pass a JScript Array object.
# 1: filePaths in VT_PTR
returns: VT_PTR
8 ConvertTrack Start converting the specified track. iTrackToConvert is a VARIANT of type VT_DISPATCH that points to an IITTrack.
# 1: iTrackToConvert in VT_PTR
returns: VT_PTR
9 ConvertTrack2 Start converting the specified track. iTrackToConvert is a VARIANT of type VT_DISPATCH that points to an IITTrack.
# 1: iTrackToConvert in VT_PTR
returns: VT_PTR
10 ConvertTracks Start converting the specified tracks. iTracksToConvert is a VARIANT of type VT_DISPATCH that points to an IITTrackCollection.
# 1: iTracksToConvert in VT_PTR
returns: VT_PTR
11 ConvertTracks2 Start converting the specified tracks. iTracksToConvert is a VARIANT of type VT_DISPATCH that points to an IITTrackCollection.
# 1: iTracksToConvert in VT_PTR
returns: VT_PTR
12 CreateEQPreset Create a new EQ preset.
# 1: eqPresetName in VT_BSTR
returns: VT_PTR
13 CreateFolder Creates a new folder in the main library.
# 1: folderName in VT_BSTR
returns: VT_PTR
14 CreateFolderInSource Creates a new folder in an existing source.
# 1: folderName in VT_BSTR
# 2: iSource in VT_PTR
returns: VT_PTR
15 CreatePlaylist Creates a new playlist in the main library.
# 1: playlistName in VT_BSTR
returns: VT_PTR
16 CreatePlaylistInSource Creates a new playlist in an existing source.
# 1: playlistName in VT_BSTR
# 2: iSource in VT_PTR
returns: VT_PTR
17 FastForward Skip forward in a playing track.
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
18 GetITObjectByID Returns an IITObject corresponding to the specified IDs.
# 1: sourceID in VT_I4
# 2: playlistID in VT_I4
# 3: trackID in VT_I4
# 4: databaseID in VT_I4
returns: VT_PTR
19 GetITObjectPersistentIDs Returns the high and low 32 bits of the persistent ID of the specified IITObject.
# 1: iObject in VT_PTR
# 2: highID /out VT_PTR
# 3: lowID /out VT_PTR
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
20 GetPlayerButtonsState Retrieves the current state of the player buttons.
# 1: previousEnabled /out VT_PTR
# 2: playPauseStopState /out VT_PTR
# 3: nextEnabled /out VT_PTR
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
21 GotoMusicStoreHomePage Go to the iTunes Store home page.
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
22 NextTrack Advance to the next track in the current playlist.
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
23 OpenURL Open the specified iTunes Store or streaming audio URL.
# 1: URL in VT_BSTR
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
24 Pause Pause playback.
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
25 Play Play the currently targeted track.
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
26 PlayerButtonClicked Simulate click on a player control button.
# 1: playerButton in VT_USERDEFINED
# 2: playerButtonModifierKeys in VT_I4
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
27 PlayFile Play the specified file path, adding it to the library if not already present.
# 1: filePath in VT_BSTR
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
28 PlayPause Toggle the playing/paused state of the current track.
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
29 PreviousTrack Return to the previous track in the current playlist.
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
30 Quit Exits the iTunes application.
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
31 Resume Disable fast forward/rewind and resume playback, if playing.
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
32 Rewind Skip backwards in a playing track.
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
33 SetOptions n/a
# 1: options in VT_I4
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
34 Stop Stop playback.
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
35 SubscribeToPodcast Subscribe to the specified podcast feed URL.
# 1: URL in VT_BSTR
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
36 UpdateIPod Update the contents of the iPod.
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
37 UpdatePodcastFeeds Update all podcast feeds.
returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )

show 23 Read-only Properties
No. Name Documentation, Return Value
1 BrowserWindow Returns the main iTunes browser window.
returns: VT_PTR
2 CanSetShuffle True if the Shuffle property is writable for the specified playlist.
# 1: iPlaylist in VT_PTR
returns: VT_BOOL
3 CanSetSongRepeat True if the SongRepeat property is writable for the specified playlist.
# 1: iPlaylist in VT_PTR
returns: VT_BOOL
4 ConvertOperationStatus Returns an IITConvertOperationStatus object if there is currently a conversion in progress.
returns: VT_PTR
5 CurrentPlaylist Returns the playlist containing the currently targeted track.
returns: VT_PTR
6 CurrentStreamTitle The name of the current song in the playing stream (provided by streaming server).
returns: VT_BSTR
7 CurrentStreamURL The URL of the playing stream or streaming web site (provided by streaming server).
returns: VT_BSTR
8 CurrentTrack Returns the currently targeted track.
returns: VT_PTR
9 Encoders Returns a collection of encoders.
returns: VT_PTR
10 EQPresets Returns a collection of EQ presets.
returns: VT_PTR
11 EQWindow Returns the EQ window.
returns: VT_PTR
12 ITObjectPersistentIDHigh Returns the high 32 bits of the persistent ID of the specified IITObject.
# 1: iObject in VT_PTR
returns: VT_I4
13 ITObjectPersistentIDLow Returns the low 32 bits of the persistent ID of the specified IITObject.
# 1: iObject in VT_PTR
returns: VT_I4
14 LibraryPlaylist Returns the main library playlist in the main library source.
returns: VT_PTR
15 LibrarySource Returns the source that represents the main library.
returns: VT_PTR
16 LibraryXMLPath The full path to the current iTunes library XML file.
returns: VT_BSTR
17 PlayerState Returns the current player state.
18 SelectedTracks Returns a collection containing the currently selected track or tracks.
returns: VT_PTR
19 SoundVolumeControlEnabled True if the sound volume control is enabled.
returns: VT_BOOL
20 Sources Returns a collection of music sources (music library, CD, device, etc.).
returns: VT_PTR
21 Version Returns the version of the iTunes application.
returns: VT_BSTR
22 Visuals Returns a collection of visual plug-ins.
returns: VT_PTR
23 Windows Returns a collection of windows.
returns: VT_PTR

show 0 Write-only Properties

show 13 Read/Write Properties
No. Name Documentation, Argument[s], Return Value
1 AppCommandMessageProcessingEnabled True if iTunes will process APPCOMMAND Windows messages.
# 1: in VT_BOOL
needs/returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
2 CurrentEncoder Returns the currently selected encoder (AAC, MP3, AIFF, WAV, etc.).
# 1: in VT_PTR
needs/returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
3 CurrentEQPreset Returns the currently selected EQ preset.
# 1: in VT_PTR
needs/returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
4 CurrentVisual Returns the currently selected visual plug-in.
# 1: in VT_PTR
needs/returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
5 EQEnabled True if the equalizer is enabled.
# 1: in VT_BOOL
needs/returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
6 ForceToForegroundOnDialog True if iTunes will force itself to be the foreground application when it displays a dialog.
# 1: in VT_BOOL
needs/returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
7 FullScreenVisuals True if the visuals are displayed using the entire screen.
# 1: in VT_BOOL
needs/returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
8 Mute True if sound output is muted.
# 1: in VT_BOOL
needs/returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
9 PlayerPosition Returns the player's position within the currently playing track in seconds.
# 1: in VT_I4
needs/returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
10 PlayerPositionMS Returns the player's position within the currently playing track in milliseconds.
# 1: in VT_I4
needs/returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
11 SoundVolume Returns the sound output volume (0 = minimum, 100 = maximum).
# 1: in VT_I4
needs/returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
12 VisualsEnabled True if visuals are currently being displayed.
# 1: in VT_BOOL
needs/returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )
13 VisualSize Returns the size of the displayed visual.
needs/returns: VT_VOID ( no return value )

show 0 Methods with Unknown Invocation Type Properties

show 10 Event(s)
No. Name Documentation, Argument[s], Return Value
1 OnAboutToPromptUserToQuitEvent Fired when iTunes is about to prompt the user to quit.
2 OnCOMCallsDisabledEvent Fired when calls to the iTunes COM interface will be deferred.
# 1: reason in VT_USERDEFINED
3 OnCOMCallsEnabledEvent Fired when calls to the iTunes COM interface will no longer be deferred.
4 OnDatabaseChangedEvent Fired when a database change occurs.
# 1: deletedObjectIDs in VT_VARIANT
# 2: changedObjectIDs in VT_VARIANT
5 OnPlayerPlayEvent Fired when a track has started playing.
# 1: iTrack in VT_VARIANT
6 OnPlayerPlayingTrackChangedEvent Fired when information about the currently playing track has changed.
# 1: iTrack in VT_VARIANT
7 OnPlayerStopEvent Fired when a track has stopped playing.
# 1: iTrack in VT_VARIANT
8 OnQuittingEvent Fired when iTunes is about to quit.
9 OnSoundVolumeChangedEvent Fired when the sound output volume has changed.
# 1: newVolume in VT_I4
10 OnUserInterfaceEnabledEvent Fired when the iTunes user interface is no longer disabled.

show 96 Constant(s)

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