README Custom Autostart FEATURES Custom Autostart allows the user to open virtually every program, folder, document, etc. available. Users can choose from a preset of frequently used apps such as Spotify, MS Office or Firefox. Additionally it is also possible to start programs via command line commands. BEFORE USE To open some programs it can be necessary to change the respective file path. All file paths are the standard file paths used by the respective programs. Therfore, only the user in the Spotify file path and in the startSpot script has to be changed (from nicn6 to your username). Due to security restrictions when sending VB scripts via email, the startSpot script is a .txt file. To use the script, please rename startSpot.txt to startSpot.vbs. FIRST USE Custom Autostart will guide you through all the steps needed. First, you will be asked if you want to enable the advanced mode. It can be enabled by typing y and pressing ENTER or disabled by typing n and pressing ENTER. This choice is permanent for the execution of the program. If you restart the program, you will be asked again, if advanced mode should be enabled. Next, you will be asked which programs should be opened. 10 quickstart options are available which can be started by typing the respctive number (1-10) and pressing ENTER. These quickstart options contain 3 sets of often used programs and 7 standalone programs. These 7 programs are Internet Explorer, Firefox, Notepad, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Spotify. Additional programs can be started by using the command line. After a program has been opened, Custom Autostart will ask you if you want to open another program or if you want to exit by typing q and pressing ENTER. ADVANCED MODE Advanced mode allows the user to customized their programs upon start. 2 programs use this feature, Internet Explorer and Spotify. The advanced option for the Internet Explorer allows resizing the windows as well as opening webpages from a predifined set or by typing the URL. The advanced mode for Spotify enables a script which automatically goes to the next song in your queue and plays that song. Additionally, the playlist page is opened. The displayed playlist can be changed by changing the link in the startSpot script. OPEN VIA COMMAND LINE By typing in explorer the file explorer will open. The command "Google Chrome.lnk" "" starts a Google Chrome tab and automatically opens, if there is a shortcut for Chrome in the same directory as the customAutostart file. Be aware, that some commands will only work if the program which should be opened or its shortcut is in the same directory as the customAutostart file.